A Productive Meeting with Fellow Streamers and Tech Enthusiasts
The meeting was filled with discussions about various topics, including technology, streaming, and community interactions. One of the streamers mentioned that they had tried to reach out to Coolermaster, a tech company, but their communication process was unclear and took time. The streamer expressed frustration with the form-based email system used by Coolermaster, which made it difficult to coordinate with them.
Another topic of discussion was about tagging other streamers on social media platforms like Twitter. The streamer mentioned that they had tried to reach out to a company in England, but the process involved filling out a long form and waiting for a response. They expressed surprise when they received an email from someone claiming to be in contact with the original person they were trying to reach.
The conversation also touched on the topic of modding and thermal testing. The streamer mentioned that they had tried to build a custom PC but encountered issues with the cooling system, which led to a discussion about the importance of thermal testing. They expressed concerns that if a mod is shown to have high temperatures, it could discredit their channel and affect their reputation.
The meeting also included some lighthearted moments, such as when someone mentioned that they had tried to contact Coolermaster but didn't get a response. The streamer joked about trying to find a 1080p eye for an upcoming video, which led to a discussion about the importance of proper equipment and setup.
As the meeting came to a close, the streamers discussed their plans for future content and collaborations. They mentioned that they would be assembling some tech vendors soon and looked forward to working together on various projects. The streamer thanked everyone for their participation and invited them to join in on future video calls and meetings.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enthis is nice tune anyway what's up yeah I just have my voice on well let me get my camera I mean I get all the cameras on in some way - hi this is gonna be weird where's Danny yet Oh work II know it's like loading oh come on come on camera turn off camera turn on camera are using the DSLR no wait what you doing to me all right well who's missing Zach right yeah where's that yeah I called Zach I mean it should be able to jump in on this whatever exactly boy quick someone send it to him Morse code come on man yeah he's in here he's in the group yeah just like called ever he's online right now he was just talking just a few minutes ago yeah I'm not sure all right let me okay let me see this use the power Twitter all right Oh Danny yes it is totally fine if you record this yeah go for it I was like all right so it'll be like LAN LAN party stories it'll be like DC party stories yeah this is so cool like this disc or video call you really good I'm surprised yeah yeah yeah it is really good yeah I like that Skype oh no he's sticking to the plate stop all right I've not gotten response jack so Danny's still gone I was like ooh my room is looking really rough right now all right I mean can't can't do this space anymore in like a full fledge like soon whoops i studio please and you guys see that tweet I had about my motherboard shorting out yeah yeah so I like whipped out a another motherboard and then I just Jerry rigs like a whole test rig on top of the motherboard box on the same table so everything was really neat and organized when I was doing all my coolers testing today and now it's just it's completely destroyed the phone gone that's a mess of white wires Oh God I can't do it all right hope you guys don't mind oh wait you should be he just messaged in thing asking yeah we're in the call yeah we're here because he didn't accept it's like auto joining problems or yeah you should be able to join still I would think I don't know yeah it shouldn't it gives you the option the same way like oh here we go here him I think yeah adios I know there you go it go you guys up guys what's up there we go alright so welcome to tech ventures I was legit thinking about getting like buying a whole entire intro and everything awful like videohive or something like that with like the Avengers theme with tech vendors in the background and some time and yeah and I found like an Avengers like rendition of like the the theme song from both of Avengers movies so I was like okay this can work this could work always start with like the the fancy details first never start with like the actual core details ahead work from outside in so I guess since we all came here under under the initial idea of of coming in to bring a little bit more modding into the channels I think you know a good time frame for all of us would probably be you know I I don't know what everyone's schedule is so I'm just trying to figure that out so you know I think we have the budget set to around 150 bucks right not including the case that we decided to go with which I still haven't heard back from in when I think we should just a surprise it's not worth waiting it's not worth it yeah yeah and then god knows how long it'll take to like ship everything out and all that so yeah exactly something's companies like it'll take a long time to even get it to all of us yeah so we're good to do whenever you guys want to like I can I'll move my videos around for this so I'm good ASAP yeah we do good Zach well I think it's the m1k stolen sale the 101 all right let's check it out let's see 70 bucks crap no okay oh okay all right I think I saw a new egg first cuz knowing it also came down to the sale price so oh it did yeah Oh none of that tax well now I have tax in Washington which sucks for me so it would be oh yeah I know from new egg yeah new it's yeah so it's that black one with the red accent on it is this one going with yeah looks like you can't change the red you can only turn it off unless you put like some film in there okay that's fine yeah we can always figure aware that I mean you know we're not you might as well find something creative to do with the led maybe I don't know yeah yeah I'd be willing to bet it wouldn't be that hard to put like a separate LED strip there's something to change the color yeah alright yeah definitely and it's totally fine that's right now so we buy I get in place order right now yeah I'm gonna add it to cars let's do it so that we're locked in okay all right five left Yeah right and then there's gonna be a PC one shortage that we didn't air all gonna be blamed for it yeah probably all right there we go my RX 580 bro alright there's an open box deal first you know now yeah there's okay I'm ordering it right now find it for like 20 bucks after we inner deal hunter is coming out wait right before you add the card well what is this fantex eclipse is 58 bucks - I like a full-size ATX one yeah mmm I don't know I was never a fan of huge cases so the mid towers are using my go-to man hours a sweet spot yeah oh this is mid tower yeah the the fantex clubs but I like the one on one better anyways yeah she's going I think the one yeah and I kinda already bought it let's all buy it at once oh wait second thoughts exactly all right I got I ordered all right cool man all right sweet this is happening once yeah I'm super excited okay so Matt Matt Berman yeah you haven't chosen your hero yet right yeah I think I'm gonna do Green Lantern because if we were gonna do our own cases I'll just give you what my idea would have been I was gonna use the Cougar qbx and make it like Thor's hammer oh but now that we're doing all the same case I think I'm gonna do Green Lantern well you could still make it okay so Green Lantern yeah all right okay so you were talking about the the date I was asking for the end of May just because I have a couple of weekends where I'm not in town but I don't know what everyone else's schedule is like plus we gotta wait for the cases to get to us right and like end of May to have the full finished build or something like upload the video so and I yeah I guess so how are you how are you wanting to do it are we doing like our own videos and then having it judge at the end or like how are we doing this I think we need to have an announcement video first and I'm yeah I'm down with that yeah whoever's channel you know I'm down with it doesn't have to be my channels if that I came with that it yeah it doesn't matter to me which we want to all create like our own little announcements like just onto my your one page right or no no we don't want to announce who's build as who's right yeah because we're a giant moding thing mm-hmm right like I was thinking we could all just direct all of our viewers to like the page with all of our builds and explain to them like hey I can't tell you which build is mine is this after the builds have been done alright okay you would already have submitted our fill oh yeah yeah we should all definitely do a video for that but I think JT's talking about like setting a video right now you know as we are starting to mod to kind of give them a teaser like a month ahead oh I'm not opposed yeah yeah so I think a good structured we have like the announcement videos of people you know starts to prep the hype train you know get things loaded onto the hype train then we got to fuel it up and potentially create well you guys said you wanted to keep it anonymous but the way I was thinking about it was like potentially having like our process of building each one of our own modern rigs as a video of their own to upload to our channels but we don't show like the final reveal or anything like that where we could and then we have a video where it's like the decision and the collection and compliation excuse me of all the builds the format can change but that was my initial idea but so so it's because you wanted a separate build like building process video then just reveal right mm-hmm so what if we uploaded the that after the reveals we don't make sense that would work I mean that's just how I have been doing mine but if you guys want to do the build beforehand then we would lose the anonymity which I don't I'm down for whatever if you guys want to do like a voting thing or have like just some big channel judge it I mean personally I don't KIII me Naik Arab out cuz I'm competitive with that sort of thing and what nah but like at the same time like if it comes down to a voting thing it's whatever but yeah it doesn't matter 100% to me like because I know it could just go towards favoritism based on creator that they'll watch the most so it really doesn't matter but I don't know I mean that I'm personally not super against having it shown because I think the process of showing it would be a really interesting video from all the creators it could be like a really watchable thing for everyone so mm-hmm yeah and like I think like everybody likes these superheroes so like if anything they're gonna vote for their favorite superhero not us like I don't I don't think they're gonna vote honest truth of the Creator okay yeah I mean if we think about it like this like when there's mod competitions from Intel or cool master or whoever they always have the builders listed next to their project and then they always have the voting I mean people know who built the project but they I mean they still are well rat well aware of all the other builds as well to see which is their favorite so yeah soon we can kind of go through that regimen and I don't know I think that um I like the the the part I like uploading the process before doing the build review mm-hmm I don't really mind having like not staying anonymous I don't think that's a big issue going back to the building I also really like having the the viewers in the audience feel for it to you mm-hmm I think that will also eliminate the fact that we have to bring someone else on board and then they also have to make a video and kind of like the way things to write on so should in all of our channels should we show everyone's build or just show our belt like maybe that video before the voting we show all of them real quick that way all of our subscribers get to see all of the builds that they can vote for well yeah I was thinking that like you know we all have our own individual bills that go up on our channels that way we get a nice massive footprint of what's going on after the teaser video and then we have a video that shows the whole entire collection afterwards showing the other builds from everyone else and then telling them to vote it kind of follows the similar structure to mod Wars I mean not my boys no scrap here modulus oh that's our name mod wards I like okay so you're saying to have like collected video with everyone's final product in and that could come like after like a week after right it doesn't have to be right away after we are you know set ours to release right I would say that video goes like right before we open the Vodun mm-hmm oh yes where we'd open yeah yeah so they wouldn't know about voting until that video which we inside yeah yeah okay or unless we get someone else to hop on to want to vote for all all the PCs right I think that's also an option because I mean that makes it to where it's totally separate from all of our channels and it's just one video somewhere else but I mean I don't know if somebody big would do it I mean that would be an advantage I know they've done that kind of thing in the past yeah I guess who's the most known for modding like we had Brian before when we did budget bill showdown because you know he's kind of king of budget stuff but for modding we would want someone who is you know the channel incorporates that that's true is there is there like a big modding channel that I'm not aware about oh I mean I know they're cooling channels but not like massive modification are the modding Channel I know of is I think his name is joke cocoa studio but it's not like a big channel but he does mod like a lot of stuff they say but also now I'm telling all you guys about his channel so you love good thank you never brought Joe cocoa I'm pretty I know JP modified is one guy but you see I haven't heard a joke I don't find it yeah Jojo Coco open Oh Jojo Coco studio okay jaimé modified let me look at that one JP modified the see how big is he I think he's based in Asia he's he's like 91 K but he's I mean I could've sworn he's like worked with Ed or J before or they've at least talked to each other yeah Oh what is that bad pc the tumbler oh that's sick Wow mappy see the Joker oh yeah so he does a lot of like theme based builds we could approach him an option yeah but we can't we can also figure all that out within the next month as we're building so that's all secondary rewrite so we need a time frame for this first like teaser video yeah that's one person's making it right or one person's gonna it's gonna be one video mm-hmm okay yeah one video in one person Channel we can have six different clips in the same video I mean do we want to do like a script where we each break down one section of it and then it kind of spices together or just okay that'll keep the viewers interested so we're not like repeating the same thing over and over again that's slightly different that's cool yeah we knew that okay does anyone want to volunteer to edit it guys a minute all right just like you just don't like the raw video and audio files to me like alright guys okay does anyone want to I guess also write a kind of script that we're gonna be following because we're all gonna be talking like one fluid subject right and we gotta know when to cut it and get it to the next person right so I think if we both if we each divide our sections of what we want to discuss as far as the rules of the competition I think we can develop our scripts from there okay got a full list of rules and then split it up alright that sounds yeah like if we get a set list of rules down I'd be fine with writing up like a quick script and then everyone can look over and edit it how they yeah okay it'd be like 20 seconds long as a never be anything crazy the quick script okay and then you have the link to the Google Docs yeah let me get it see you guys right now that should be it Kofi's not also a personal link yeah why me yeah and he's private collection all right awesome okay so yeah I'm taking notes right now so get JD on Raw videos for the preview and they come up with listen to find rules that will split that per person okay so it and then and we can put on whoever's channel okay all right so whose channel wants to show the teaser who is the most probably us yeah I can move it yeah works for me okay it's right up your channel Sally - so BAM alright so what else so I guess you want to just go want to talk about the date then like the final date that we all need to have our the main video like our project completed which includes editing and you know all the filming and a roll b-roll stuff so you're thinking end of May I was thinking of May just because I'm gonna be missing a couple weekends and I take forever to edit that's fine that's fine with me cuz it's gonna have to be someone I have to like coordinate with Jackson all the time and I could only get weekends with him most of the time so Kay in the May works good that gives us enough time yeah I'm good with that too all right it's fine with me okay you want to just choose a day so that we can just have that definite locked in I'll put on the spreadsheet so he has like the right upload day like the upload a in times the last Sunday yeah so we could either have it as the 27th of May or June 3rd June 3rd yeah if we're wanting a Sunday but I'm down for whatever day I'm always down for the latest date possible just because showdown you guys have who did not participate we move the date a couple of times we did everyone be good with June 3rd yeah Jimmy perfect and I think that's closer to summer for like you know if for a lot of our audiences you my colleagues on the west coast yeah so then we'll just have more of an audience hopefully what time like or we're just gonna wait on that or you know like specific like there's a website you can go to that's actually yeah like you keep your traffic morning same so this final video we're all uploading the build process or is this like the final final video oh yeah there's gonna be the final one so the build process can the villa process be any time then like we're on schedule I wanna say yeah I think it could be any time would it be better if we all uploaded that the same day though the both of them the same day yep yeah both first so like an earlier date always upload the build process then a later date or June 3rd we all do the final more coordination but I mean if someone's subscribed to all of us they're gonna be littered with that in their sub box which would create alright okay so what what about even at the Friday before or Sunday before then because it still gives us plenty of time which my then I think we should have the build process done hopefully and you're just learning how much info are we giving away in that video I mean in the build process we're gonna have to give away like almost the whole thing main ideas so it's basically just us actually building it wait I think so I guess we could we could change it up where it's not like a build process but it's almost like a teaser trailer and maybe like just a bit of like the beginnings of the build and then in the final video you can put the rest of the build as well as go over all the features and you know your ideas oh yes to make the final video like the whole build process in the beginning could lose be like a teaser Trey's trailer for like the whole thing almost just do like little tidbits of like moments that happen mess up stuff like bad do owns like well as dramatic trailers with it or something old something like that that could be the Friday thing but then at the same time that kind of seems extra then if we're gonna have like the final minute you have all that I mean the Friday video could just be us like discussing our initial ideas and show us modding it but not show any of like the actual details like running I like that in the case or in any of the glamour shots or anything yeah I like that like I I would think the building process video would be closer to like a vlog and then the final video would be the polished product that should be standalone like if someone looked this up and they watched the final video they shouldn't have had to watch the previous one you know because I think that's hell a lot of it is gonna be found to like the finer ones gonna be the more popular one because of all the glamour shots and you know yeah yeah I agree okay um we should should we make a list of like what we should include though in the trailer like things we shouldn't I guess what we shouldn't include might be a little bit more helpful okay so yeah see a guideline for the teaser trailer so no glamour shots for sure so no no part selection you know I don't think part selection is gonna be a main thing in the videos anyways right because we're just gonna use whatever to get a system up and running yeah trial that's pretty much eight main PC okay so no part selection discussion so kind of vlog II like style wait when you say no part selection discussion do you mean like we can't talk about like the individual parts will be like modifying and stuff like that no I'm talking like you're not gonna go through saying oh this is you know the processor motherboard unless we do want to talk about there's there's no real disadvantage to saying that cuz we don't even really tremendous corpus chill okay so that's if you want to you can or if you don't want to yeah cuz I can see myself vlogging like every single step of the process and I don't want to have to hold out all the different parts mm-hmm okay so just no glamour shots and kind of alright Auggie X Dow anything else um wait where you're writing this so I can it's under the rules right now yeah okay now it's showing up okay oh it might be should we tell a really fresh okay Caesar trailer no glamour shots blog you like style so is it really teaser trailers a vlog oh it's a log that's a teaser for the teaser guys every heart oh okay partial process trailer I think we all get the idea I don't think it means yeah got it looks like something made a trailer it's just yeah sir vlog Yeah right yeah actually okay yeah I don't think anyone can like do this incorrectly and mess it up for everyone else so I think it's fine like we have the idea yeah right I guess we should really know down what we want in the final video the vinyl video is just going to be the compliation of all the builds together and then we're gonna be asking everyone to vote video or our personal break final videos oh okay so we're having a vlog a reveal video and then we'll have yeah that's what I was thinking were you playing the final video is just gonna be one like one channel like one video showing all of them or all those were I suppose being confuse cuz it's gonna get into like we're doing the two separate videos is always be best if we almost didn't like the whole vlog and blame or shot together then just had a final that's true that makes it easy three different ones okay so there's your one video on June 3rd then yes okay and then compilation video all right okay I just wrote it off to the side just so you kind of visualize it if I'm getting this right so so we'll have the one teaser on one channel yeah yes mix those two and then six times which we can delete so then six times and then one compilation so it's gonna look like that right now now if we're talking about getting rid of the salon process and just have everything in the reveal so it's just a complete video yeah just like one complete well put together video um and then like if any of us want to like post a really detailed vlog of like more of the detailed process of it you could always put that video out later after the fact that if you want one I've got some people want to do it before just showing the process beforehand did anyone want if you wanted to do like more like it's just like extra content I guess on it I'm assuming that's what you meant by that but can be can you release it before though the individual yeah okay I would think so yeah cuz would the individual well are we not really singing for his video are we doing one video cuz like the teaser is just going on well where's his channel yeah and then the individual video which I was thinking it should be like the build process and then the final reveal with glam shots because it seems that would flow really naturally and what idea instead of having a whole video just of a vlog linked together and then you're pretty much seeing the whole PC being put together during the long it's hard to not show what you're doing if you're doing like a time-lapse of something or whatever okay and then it's and then then the final video would literally just be glam shots if the whole thing compilation glam shots I mentioned like explaining how they're gonna vote what not okay okay how so how's that look so we'll take out the optional vlog video there's one teaser going on Ozzy's channel that's what I was yeah yes teaser @ / announcement okay da Zhi then six individual complete videos and then one compilation basically with all the glam shots and explaining them to go vote yes right okay good and the individual videos we can include so everything is like allowed in the individual videos oh yeah that's like explaining like the specific parts that we I don't need you that you want yeah everything's allowed bit if you are new benchmarks - right like if you're actually doing a build with it like would you guys be opposed to that I'm not gonna be doing that but if anyone was point of it just cuz we don't really care about okay I mean yeah sure of anyone's building a new PC from this cuz I'm just using recycled parts so I'm not gonna okay so it looks like we have the different videos all decided so when there's gonna be Vikram yeah the teaser I guess are we trying to aim for like a week from now as soon as possible right JD the the first teaser announcement yeah where we all kind of link up together and it goes on all right would that be like a week before just because if it's like a month and a half between people will forgot about it by this so it's a week before and they know all the videos are coming out next Sunday not X time and then if we do it at that point we can also give like little bits of b-roll of like cutting or painting or whatever to put in the teaser videos that's right yeah all right so it's 27th of May yeah anyone opposed to that well when would our individual ones be the third yeah third but then once the last one the last one will be like a week after or even we can do it like a couple of days after like on yeah I'm okay with doing the tenth but that would be my drop-dead date I'm busy after that oh yeah I think it's hot if it gets pushed back oh really then yeah the compilation like there's no work to be done on that way because you already have all the clips you can send that ahead of time it's just whoever's gonna upload it on that specific date from their channel okay yeah okay so do we want to do it exactly a week after or do we want to do it just a few days after all of our videos release it's kind of like just a few days in between the individual okay a final so sorry you guys think yeah find somebody to coordinate that with well that's if we decide to have someone to judge right if not then just do it whenever but either way it's far enough out where we can I think decide on a date now right so we'd probably have to do these videos long before the release date so we'd probably have that teaser announcement video probably done maybe a week ahead of the release date so that we'll have some sort of buffer time of making that vlog video and everything else I mean just because it's gonna be really close together you know to be able to do all that unless you guys don't have well you can start recording for the teaser video like in a week or two we just don't get that draft done with all the rules and then we can record it and get that done ahead of time I don't think we or and we can kind of actually sit on it and wait until people start getting building footage and we can just send it to the person to get it in there real quick but okay yeah because I think we'll start modding well before that day every single time I have a case that I got like two three months ago I had the review yeah okay so I was at the Q 300 P yeah yeah I've been sitting on the key 300 l actually for a while I just got the cue 300 L out of the storage to do something with it's been a couple months now yeah oh forget about that one okay so for the date on the announce or know the final video how about we do like do you guys like Wednesdays or Tuesday's better that's a few days after Sunday the third I usually do Wednesdays I mean I think hug dates pretty good yeah okay so did you see all right vampa g6 June 6 is the compliation video yes yes okay okay all right so we got the dates figured out I guess the only thing is to talk about rules now there are specifics of the modern era okay that's good okay so this is what we have so far and we can modify it so cost of tools aren't factored into the modding budget right sorry what's out an unintentional pun okay so cost of tools like and that just kind of includes everything is like Sol's and I guess like routers and drill bits and all that stuff it won't be adding to the cost okay that's I would does anyone oppose that don't know that's not against okay that's fun so I'm gonna greenlight it alright the box - oh yeah it's true what am i doing so it's a fill color this isn't Excel work on earnest okay so core core components are not factored into the modding budget but they should give an aesthetic advantage so let's talk about this cuz I don't know why everyone's planning on using yeah so I I wrote a note at the very bottom about this like if my theme is Batman I'm most likely gonna do all-black parts that is an aesthetic advantage but oh you're like I feel like that should be okay no I think that's okay I don't count that as anything when I say the NHL talk about like LEDs and RGB for the most part and yeah we may see heat sinks so but then that would have to be something we consider are we judging on the build as a whole or the case because if we're doing the parts with the black is it the case or is it the whole bill I thought I was thinking this whole time it's gonna be the whole bill I think it has to be the whole build without going too crazy on using the the parts like because then otherwise everyone we try to if we're doing mob wars and you're relying on some RG B's you're not gonna win at least in my opinion so I kind of think that we should be able to use our GBS I think it's it yeah I definitely you got Zach sorry I was because that will complement a bill but Margie B is never gonna be the centerpiece yeah I also think that the aesthetic advantage might be a little bit hard to moderate if we don't have a judge because if people are gonna be voting on it then and it's a little bit more difficult for us yeah oh don't like consider this there's always gonna be the kids who are like why are you pairing that i7 with a 78 yeah it's an RX 580 in there he took them they're gone take them all oh yeah all right yeah that's that's a good idea okay so so we should find someone to judge this then that's honestly the I mean that's the only way we can do it to have them follow those stipulations or we're just gonna have to just take it as it is and let the viewers decide and whatever comes out comes out can we trust the viewers coming I'm gonna do is in the final video where all of the PCs are shown just have no mention of what the parts are just so like people basically won't put as much interest into that like during our individual videos we can say what parts we have but during the final video where all the PCs are shown in one video just not mention the parts B's then it'll just they'll just be taking aesthetics into account because it'll be yeah for the most part you'll be able to tell older versus newer hardware or whatever but it won't be that easy to tell especially if we tell them just to focus on aesthetics versus parts yeah I feel like that should work yeah I mean we can do it that's it I thought I'll be fine yeah I mean it's it's up in the air to the eyes whose loans through the one day it's be entertaining anyway okay yeah it's just folding the fun is ilding yeah exactly I think that'll be better for them yeah I'm okay with that yeah let's just that's fine okay wait so do we need mod this at all or leave it or what do we gain out so we are allowing the use of different things okay and like the clothes like RGB or whatever yeah okay okay so we should probably say this then like I know we're not moderating the aesthetics but like if we just have like like if we're relying solely on the aesthetic let's say of a motherboard or rams take heat saying solely on that aesthetic there's no modification to it then that would be kind of like using the aesthetic advantage versus trying to make some sort of alteration to it and modifying it and using that rather than just relying on what it's what's factory made or what's stock I mean what do you guys think well I don't understand I'm not sure what you meant like he's saying getting over a motherboard versus getting a black motherboard and painting like red pieces on it or pudding like well well then I think modification to the hardware CEL shouldn't be a factor I don't know if that like should we actually because then then I don't know because then that's actually making the hardware inside it part of the factoring of the judging if we're modifying what's inside it mm-hmm if we're gonna do that then it's gonna be the build as a whole rather than just the case mod and then if that's the case then deciding on what hardware you get would still factor yeah because I was playing me unlike modifying like the the RAM heat sinks and the motherboard and every okay okay then that's good that's good then so I mean so we shouldn't have to worry then we don't have to worry about you know our GPS or anything like that if they do happen to come up yeah if we were gonna do that in the first place RGB yeah if we're really that in the first place in our he really doesn't matter cuz it's technically the same thing almost not really but still right so are they gonna be judging on the whole thing then if we go that route because that's always saying if we're doing that then it is judging the whole thing instead of just the case if we all want to find those other parts yeah cool so I guess to just be the build it will be the whole build done yeah so if you want to do RGB cables if you can figure how to do that oh we need to determine which parts count towards the modding budget then yeah so that's that was the hard part about that because it might use RGB RAM in there in motherboards and heat sinks and stuff that's not north of 150 or it'll eat up to 150 like crazy cost more or do custom power supply cables does that count yeah cause some power supply cables like RGB fans RGB strip should count into the budget because you're very affordable but it's like the price of all right not core components yeah I'm not I don't really care if you use any core components that are like RGB or whatever or special color I don't think that should be factored in okay so fans of strips and I think cables doing other kind of the psu but they're pretty custom like sleep cables I mean I don't know about you guys but like I don't think my any of my core components will have LEDs on them but your guys do that's fine mine is not going all fancy okay play the RGB advantage okay so I'm going to leave the line about the the difference cost between RGB and non right driver okay the intention was that was to get some way of quantifying RGB advantage right like an RGB rams for like twenty to thirty bucks more than normal so if you used it you can quantify that from the budget but we'll just delete that and RGB and four main components is just if you have it then you're lucky oh yeah one more thing about that are we gonna go with the price that we paid for the custom cables or like a new price I think the point of this is for the deal hunting right like if you like how you can mod it the cheapest obviously no free advantages so what do you got it for okay and I don't think we have to worry about us cheating like but we don't have to post like oh no yes like yeah like confirmation of the deal I think we can all just don't show us on one cent the prices think we all understand the market enough to know okay leave your own cables with shoelaces right that's that's the way to do it okay so also I guess this goes back to the video are we all planning on explaining how we use their budget and what we I mean we're not showing proof like receipts and stuff but do we want to all break down the budget and how we allocated it for this build in our videos yeah yeah yeah about how we spent the budget okay right so we can give people the idea of how to allocate their their budget if they decide to do some modification you know in case we draw some inspiration for them okay and maybe in the compliation video hmm we'll probably say like one or two sentences about each build and that could possibly include like the main parts that they modified unless if you guys were planning on just that compliation video just glamour shots and that's it oh you mean like to actually have the the mods listed out as we show the member shots not necessarily listed out but like hey this is Danny's build like he put money in here real quick and like that's it just to kind of highlight the key parts of okay how about we each record our own like 30 seconds snippet kind of overviewing and then pointing them towards our own personal videos if they want the full details right yeah just a highlight okay they might miss something if we're just doing a fan of your build and that highlight a few key points in here right if you like had one little area that was so painstakingly difficult for the minor detail you want to be able to say hey you know this was a lot of work yeah look at my video to see why this took so long yeah oh whoops oh yeah what's up I mean a call hello I'm gonna call with the only tech tubers all right I'll be right down my family's you can call my name but these headphones are so good that in here okay okay so highlight or an overview the build in 30 seconds like a minute just because we don't wanna make this like a ten minute video and there's six of us okay I'll point to our personal longer videos okay which wall I'll be linked in the description below be sure you know that thumbs up okay plug plug plug plug okay so next one 3d printers so we still know 3d printers I kind of feel bad for sake no but I think only one person has one right I think there's Matt yeah well not I have I will Jackson has one so but I mean we it's not necessary I mean if it's something that would be like totally disadvantaged then matter where it may be did you have one - I thought you made 3d printing videos the beginnings of I own one but I'm fine with not being able to use it okay alright so we everyone good with that anyone opposed at all go to me all right perfect okay so then the idea is that we were kind of discussing disposables those are all gonna be accounted for Reilly you buy glue paints all that stuff yeah they're put into the budget that's my only problem with that is what if you already have a like MSRP from wherever you got it for I guess but but then do you go off of how much you use like what if you can only buy the entire bottle of spray paint does that count oh yeah I think you you would have to because anyone who wants to mano you're gonna use only half the spray paint you have to pay for the whole bottle right message is actually like we were doing this for your own personal scratch you didn't have anything like and you had to buy that yeah and if people are looking at bits like oh this is on a budget you know they like if we have to buy glue they would have to buy glue if they want to do something similar to it and if we're just gonna leave those things out there can be additional cost that aren't accounted for and they'll be like hey what the heck you know I think there's also a discussion to be had when doing the video to like if you choose let's say superglue versus Elmer's right one cost a lot more but there's definitely a reason you pay more for that like a premium of that right or spray paints there's different types of paints yeah so and I don't think any of that stuff is too expensive I just think it would be good on bookkeeping because you would have to buy it oh yeah that's a good element to the video also so people can see exactly what you need to be putting your money towards to create a good custom mod and just the informative part of it yeah I guess Zack do you have like a really expensive paint that you know I agree with what you guys are saying okay okay so I'll add this up here and okay and then next to specialty tools I think we were all pretty okay with this as long as you were doing the machining and you didn't just have like yeah you're like the shop so one thing I want to mention I don't know I want to put this out here before I put in my video there's like a local modding shop in my area that asked us to go there and do something and they're malikul modding shop would that be allowed or do you want to exempt that you're gonna be modding them right you're gonna be using data tools yourself yes so be using tools at the location I don't know if I want to consider that unfair advantage having that shop opportunity open to us because we could say before another thing but we were approached about it and we thought this would correlate but if it's an unfair advantage we won't use it I'm driving of what you can like either lathe or mail out but then would you have to take the stock metal right because aluminum blocks are like expensive or whatever you decide to use it depends what we're using if we're using something like a supply there we most likely factor that into the cost like we're taking something from them to use it for it and then we'll be like okay how are they much they charge or cost for this then we would account for it the thing is I was just worried about like tools because if they have specialty tools or whatnot I don't want to like there's no point in me going to that place and using it if we're only able to use certain tools yeah we could just use in like a garage so that's just my thing and I'd be okay with it just because yeah I mean I don't care about lining at the end of the day like I wanna cool once as long as it's not like a CNC mill okay as long as it's your your hands that do it I mean we can breach out the bike I could go to a modding shop locally as long as I'm the one doing it okay all right they're like a forgery right there yeah oh yeah man-at-arms so many good ideas from there okay okay so we have that oh yeah over budget penalties we just not go over budget it happens just didn't happen before did it happen with the budget bill children I don't remember I don't think over yeah I mean you know some issues we're gonna I don't think I'm gonna go over pretty pretty under I'm probably gonna be really under yeah it's gonna be too much work to measure what the penalty is maybe one core component for every dollar over yeah but you know I'm just having a good faith that everyone is trying to stay within budget right not like oh I just happened to go 200 over I think yeah we're all good friends here and nobody would cheese it like that yeah I think everyone has the mindset that like I don't really care who wins yeah yeah and I just want to see what you can do yeah yeah yeah oh you fun oh man I'm gonna disappoint everybody with my lack of modding skills I'm right there with you okay Olli hey speaking of modding because I think a lot of PC modding deals with liquid cooling was anyone planning on doing that because I think that should be discussed because it's technically a core component like a custom look like a custom loop because that obviously would cost a lot to do but how would we factor that in and I think like that is an advantage if you do a custom loop that's just a straight advantage right there's no way you can hide that if it is a custom loop it's gonna be an advantage yeah so I was I was considering doing a custom loop so I think we should discuss it okay yeah I would say that's not a core component and you would have to add that in is that possible because of the cooler like liquid so I have a lot of the components already bought which is why I was planning on using it but I should be able I could I could fit some of it into the Monte project because it definitely is an advantage if you have a custom loop over air I think it should count for the towards the 150 would ya yeah would factor I guess I don't remember how much it cost but so it was between 80 and like a hundred and five bucks okay yeah because that would take of a significant portion of your mod in budget already yeah so it would be a disadvantage in that part to the person who goes for it but it depends on how well it's executed I guess yeah that's well cuz it could give or take yeah yeah it's it's a risky thing so I don't mind putting it into the modding budget I can work around that okay yeah I'm okay with it that's a good I'm fine with it is anyone really opposed to it you know I like I didn't wanted to talk about it because I figured oh yes like that's one of the biggest things that people mod or you know in their mod PCs that you have here we would love to do sick like horn oh yeah so certainly glutes are allowed all right okay someone to judge first so we already discussed that we can the fan boding we already talked about that and then the last one we already bought the cases so I yeah okay it's anything else anyone want to discuss cuz I think all of your guys's comments we've also hit on all those topics right yeah we pretty much went over all I mentioned okay so here's it use a good question alright so you said like like accessories like fans like if you if you bought like special fans for the modding budget to be modified that's not considered a core component necessarily so that would be included in the modding budget I think so fans if you know if it's not a basic fan then I think so right like you know cuz all the fans have like halo LEDs and stuff nowadays so they added statically to it anything that's not part of the in one case yeah okay yeah that's that's a good way to put it and what would be considered as a tool versus what would be considered as a disposable so like let's say you have some paintbrushes that you want to use would that be considered as disposable or would that be considered as a tool that you already have that's definitely - I would think cuz you that's reusable infinite times right whereas paint glue and stuff a there's a finite amount right yeah yeah that's yeah okay so yeah it's also one those things reduce ask at the time where if you come up with it you're like yeah do I have this is this good well you want to do factor in the budget you always decide on that right we're gonna be talking through this whole process yeah exactly yeah so yeah let's bring up any questions that or any if anyone's unclear about anything we bring it up now for uh for voting are we gonna have just one like one category like which PC did you like the best or you're gonna have it like split up it's a different thing it's like what do you guys think yeah that's a good question I think that's the easiest just to say what's your favorite PC that's it I'm saying what is your favorite liquid PC Oh what you know what is your favorite DC comic theme only PC listen unless you have some categories that you think that we can break it down into so then it's too much like an overall winner and then a winner that's the best votes per dollar spent that's a whole new element so I cost-effective creativity you know overall or something like that this is like overall modding budget or the entire thing yeah PC it's like infinitely complex it can vary does it would be easy if we were all just rich so that we had like we've already thousand bucks kind of how the big youtubers doing they just drop how much money really our budget is only two thousand so by doing that you know they don't have as many rules as we have to do right but then somehow line is still cheats and breaks rules I don't get it the truth wait so what was I gonna ask mmm it's going fleeting no comeback um yeah well yes continue your conversations you don't think about it so so what is the very next step like what piece of content do we need to give oh yeah by when okay sorry it's the script for the whole thing for odds to make his videos the next step okay let's put a date on that cuz if we don't we're never gonna do it so make script so we have to be yeah I could write a draft of the script by like probably by Friday okay then are we like all like just gonna like read a certain part of that and then that's gonna be like one teaser video all compile there mm-hmm yeah I could try to write the draft as like separate paragraphs that are like of even size and then with a people then I'll give you guys like the editable Google Doc and we can just all edit it down to whatever game I think yeah I mean each row and conclusion already two segments I don't really talk about too much so on the inside we can talk for other categories or paragraphs we can get it that would be too bad okay so I put makes script draft by April 27th and then from there we'll just kind of edit it until we get something for like a week so so April 27th so May 4th will aim to have the final got done so then people are start recording it yeah that part shouldn't take long to record at all oh no yeah II to version like 30 seconds or maybe a minute not even yeah yeah I was thinking like we each say a rule or something and that's pretty much it okay so final draft and then when we want to get so we'll have the final draft by May 4th which is a Friday so then let's get I mean then we'll have about two weeks to - AXI three weeks until we need the video uploaded and then we'll work on their stuff during the whole time so yeah okay let's take Friday the 18th it's kind of in the middle of the competition everyone will get it recorded and then we'll by then hopefully have enough snippets that we can also send that to whoever's compiling it for the teaser video yeah and then that gives them 9 days until the teaser video goes out okay so May 18 by May 18 okay okay so I think that's good so we have all the dates be locked in so by Friday don't forget Matt I won't Friday okay yeah okay so for the compliation video at the end we should probably have one person editing that right yeah I thought we decided or we decided that we're are we do we know forgiving it to somebody to judge or we just putting out one person channel that's the last little thing to decide well didn't we say the end compilation video is just gonna be like each of us highlighting our build for 45 seconds or whatever and then the Edit should just be dropping them all together in a robe a society we have injure an outro mm-hmm okay so yeah that should be too much of editing but and then that lets either somebody else judging it or after that we give a link to wherever the voting is well forgetting viewers the judge it really don't need a second person that does your channel they're the one voting it almost just be like I hope just somebody to host it just like the me yeah yeah so do we want a host now home should be simple the font I mean it'd be simple to find it just I don't know if you'd be kind of you're uploading a voting thing to the person's channel who's in the competition that's the only thing I'm wondering you an advantage for the person who's uploading the video but their viewers are gonna see it so I mean it'd almost be better to find a host which literally all they have to do is almost just do a little intro video talking about what they're doing and then just have the whole thing we made uploaded so it's not like a lot of work on their part but they wouldn't have any other part except for be a host and hosted on you on their channel basically they don't really get anything out like let me get someone I mean they get viewership if we did send all our viewers to go check the final video the only thing about that would be I'd be totally down if we found someone we knew like pretty well but like if we were to approach this a Joe Joe Joe Coco or let's say JP modify it or someone we can you know it weird it would be someone like VAT who would probably want to have a part involved in it I don't know it just needs to be a place where you upload about Li Li or like we do a mark mark knows all of us pretty well scatter vault that would be a really good one actually yeah you're right that's a really good one and I'm pretty sure a beat he would be down for that he's been in our bill competitions before as well as all the companies all the people he knows so and I mean yeah he knows all this pretty well or most of us anyways so yeah one to try and go for that I mean I that's a sure sure we can do that should we mention that in the announcement video he's gonna host it yeah dad another face to it okay okay so that means that okay okay so when's the earliest that you even want to mention this is this gonna be brand new on that teaser video or I mean art can we send out a tweet about it or do you just want to keep it quiet till then what does everyone else want to do like did you want to do that I'm down for like if I tweet out this little discord box right now I mean like trailers now have trailers like you have teaser trailers for teaser trailers so I mean why not write and take their marketing strategy and apply it to our own in hey I think that's perfectly fine I mean that's kinda you can do within your own discretion just don't mention what we're doing you could do like a teaser like literally I was thinking at the same time just like showing everyone in the call just like what what what it's more I mean I could be a little teaser too but yeah may 18 screenshots through this whole call and they haven't found one where all six of us look normal that's that's the beauty of it capture us in our true habitat oh I might look at this in a natural habitat we're gonna probably gonna have something like a little tease it maybe on Instagram or whatever and we could probably do other little mini teasers on Instagram or Twitter or whatever you know maybe pictures of the process as we go along but nothing like super revealing right people reminded and interested you know so do we want to keep it under wraps that this is superhero themed like so try not to have anything included in that shows the symbols and stuff like that but you can show the bear painting or way honestly just like being the whole idea of it being a competition build just like literally just keep teasing and don't say anything about it yes like almost just in pictures of random things throughout the whole process and kind of keep it a whole guessing game oh I hate that it's like a big collab and don't hit that superhero theme build make them piece it all together okay yeah I mean I'm done with that all right maybe you can show something that teases towards the superhero but nothing like if you had stripes or design or something yeah exactly Miller but what is that you know that's cool I'm cool with it all right I like it okay is that it I think we hit on everything anything else I think so all right well I guess anything in particular we just messaged each other about it for sure yeah I think so yeah so should we go over everyone's input or do we already do that ones already covered in good I was just making sure we went over everyone's in place oh yeah man yeah well that's all that stuff's covered yeah pretty much asked all those questions okay yeah that's a shame coolermaster had all those questions as yeah I to him there and then they I was talking about packs and one person ahead she was just like I mean I don't know I'd have to look into every single Channel and it might take a couple weeks and I said I mean you probably work with some of the other channels already and I told them they're like oh yeah and then I don't know it just kind of fell off the rails she like changed the subject on me she didn't want to think about it I just like it's got all the things like it's too much to think about while I'm here at this booth so I was like okay I'm yeah I like the in one case though like I'm buying pencils right yeah yeah I like it would have been a really good opportunity for a company to do it because I mean we're another doubt of it yeah for another time yeah we can probably still get on their twitters and stuff like we're gonna tag them in our tweets and stuff and they can just feature without having sent us the case so it's all good every good my email you know this is like private you don't wanna schools because we did try to reach out to England and we had to go through there like no form thing like do they have an email person that they actually you know like you could coordinate with or did everything when you worked with them you had to work through their low form on their official website me yeah yeah I just went through the form of a they emailed me back because random they sent me a 303 I believe it is and then like I emailed them about the 301 or I filled the same form out about the 301 and then they're like oh you should email this guy and then I emailed that guy but didn't get an email back yes yeah that's funny okay good to know I was like yeah email those person I was like okay nothing wait so did they exchange like their their their contacts that you for PR or is it just like um I'm trying to remember I'm I mean I must have tried to email the original person I had email at first and they must not have because I haven't tried to contact them in like months and months and so I don't remember exactly yeah oh okay all right I think we're good now I think exact needs to go sleep cuz you have to wake up in yes in six hours or I gotta go find my 1080p eyes for this hey if it's a crappy car do you don't mind painting it so you know that's paint right over the vrn I don't care PCs have to turn on right okay that's true then they function yeah yeah just haven't turn on that BR benchmark is that they turn on oh yeah we talk about that like that way at what point is it operational and it counts is there gonna be like a thermal test we have to do to make sure it's stable or do you want to just like just say if it turns on I think people will do what's right by their viewers because if you show them a mod that has crazy thermals that discredit your channel so I think that guy just for your own sake yeah just yeah because my 7:17 does not work but I mean I have Intel in the grid graphics on 4790k 770 will just be nested on't have to prove that just as long as it turns up well you didn't have to take me turn it on but then you won't get your LED light yeah why should you see some yeah that's fun yeah yeah gotta fix all right now yeah that was awesome that was super productive - thanks very good everybody and basically sorry I'm the only West Coast guy aren't I yeah thanks everyone else like no one's even central everyone else is just straight-up East Coast West Coast here yeah they're all they're all you know like a million subscribers oh yeah yeah I mean yeah yeah all of them have to shoot subscribers on and behind but alright yeah I really appreciate those that everyone is you know it's 10:30 for you guys so thanks I don't mind man yeah it was really nice actually getting to meet all of you guys I'm talking all of you on Twitter woman yeah yeah thanks for the invite appreciate it oh yeah no problem man pour in alright guys well it's been fun we will chat soon we'll probably have a couple more video calls and in between probably yeah just to recap on a few things but okay I think the tech vendors will assemble very soon all right all right sounds good all right I'd say yes yeah you too manthis is nice tune anyway what's up yeah I just have my voice on well let me get my camera I mean I get all the cameras on in some way - hi this is gonna be weird where's Danny yet Oh work II know it's like loading oh come on come on camera turn off camera turn on camera are using the DSLR no wait what you doing to me all right well who's missing Zach right yeah where's that yeah I called Zach I mean it should be able to jump in on this whatever exactly boy quick someone send it to him Morse code come on man yeah he's in here he's in the group yeah just like called ever he's online right now he was just talking just a few minutes ago yeah I'm not sure all right let me okay let me see this use the power Twitter all right Oh Danny yes it is totally fine if you record this yeah go for it I was like all right so it'll be like LAN LAN party stories it'll be like DC party stories yeah this is so cool like this disc or video call you really good I'm surprised yeah yeah yeah it is really good yeah I like that Skype oh no he's sticking to the plate stop all right I've not gotten response jack so Danny's still gone I was like ooh my room is looking really rough right now all right I mean can't can't do this space anymore in like a full fledge like soon whoops i studio please and you guys see that tweet I had about my motherboard shorting out yeah yeah so I like whipped out a another motherboard and then I just Jerry rigs like a whole test rig on top of the motherboard box on the same table so everything was really neat and organized when I was doing all my coolers testing today and now it's just it's completely destroyed the phone gone that's a mess of white wires Oh God I can't do it all right hope you guys don't mind oh wait you should be he just messaged in thing asking yeah we're in the call yeah we're here because he didn't accept it's like auto joining problems or yeah you should be able to join still I would think I don't know yeah it shouldn't it gives you the option the same way like oh here we go here him I think yeah adios I know there you go it go you guys up guys what's up there we go alright so welcome to tech ventures I was legit thinking about getting like buying a whole entire intro and everything awful like videohive or something like that with like the Avengers theme with tech vendors in the background and some time and yeah and I found like an Avengers like rendition of like the the theme song from both of Avengers movies so I was like okay this can work this could work always start with like the the fancy details first never start with like the actual core details ahead work from outside in so I guess since we all came here under under the initial idea of of coming in to bring a little bit more modding into the channels I think you know a good time frame for all of us would probably be you know I I don't know what everyone's schedule is so I'm just trying to figure that out so you know I think we have the budget set to around 150 bucks right not including the case that we decided to go with which I still haven't heard back from in when I think we should just a surprise it's not worth waiting it's not worth it yeah yeah and then god knows how long it'll take to like ship everything out and all that so yeah exactly something's companies like it'll take a long time to even get it to all of us yeah so we're good to do whenever you guys want to like I can I'll move my videos around for this so I'm good ASAP yeah we do good Zach well I think it's the m1k stolen sale the 101 all right let's check it out let's see 70 bucks crap no okay oh okay all right I think I saw a new egg first cuz knowing it also came down to the sale price so oh it did yeah Oh none of that tax well now I have tax in Washington which sucks for me so it would be oh yeah I know from new egg yeah new it's yeah so it's that black one with the red accent on it is this one going with yeah looks like you can't change the red you can only turn it off unless you put like some film in there okay that's fine yeah we can always figure aware that I mean you know we're not you might as well find something creative to do with the led maybe I don't know yeah yeah I'd be willing to bet it wouldn't be that hard to put like a separate LED strip there's something to change the color yeah alright yeah definitely and it's totally fine that's right now so we buy I get in place order right now yeah I'm gonna add it to cars let's do it so that we're locked in okay all right five left Yeah right and then there's gonna be a PC one shortage that we didn't air all gonna be blamed for it yeah probably all right there we go my RX 580 bro alright there's an open box deal first you know now yeah there's okay I'm ordering it right now find it for like 20 bucks after we inner deal hunter is coming out wait right before you add the card well what is this fantex eclipse is 58 bucks - I like a full-size ATX one yeah mmm I don't know I was never a fan of huge cases so the mid towers are using my go-to man hours a sweet spot yeah oh this is mid tower yeah the the fantex clubs but I like the one on one better anyways yeah she's going I think the one yeah and I kinda already bought it let's all buy it at once oh wait second thoughts exactly all right I got I ordered all right cool man all right sweet this is happening once yeah I'm super excited okay so Matt Matt Berman yeah you haven't chosen your hero yet right yeah I think I'm gonna do Green Lantern because if we were gonna do our own cases I'll just give you what my idea would have been I was gonna use the Cougar qbx and make it like Thor's hammer oh but now that we're doing all the same case I think I'm gonna do Green Lantern well you could still make it okay so Green Lantern yeah all right okay so you were talking about the the date I was asking for the end of May just because I have a couple of weekends where I'm not in town but I don't know what everyone else's schedule is like plus we gotta wait for the cases to get to us right and like end of May to have the full finished build or something like upload the video so and I yeah I guess so how are you how are you wanting to do it are we doing like our own videos and then having it judge at the end or like how are we doing this I think we need to have an announcement video first and I'm yeah I'm down with that yeah whoever's channel you know I'm down with it doesn't have to be my channels if that I came with that it yeah it doesn't matter to me which we want to all create like our own little announcements like just onto my your one page right or no no we don't want to announce who's build as who's right yeah because we're a giant moding thing mm-hmm right like I was thinking we could all just direct all of our viewers to like the page with all of our builds and explain to them like hey I can't tell you which build is mine is this after the builds have been done alright okay you would already have submitted our fill oh yeah yeah we should all definitely do a video for that but I think JT's talking about like setting a video right now you know as we are starting to mod to kind of give them a teaser like a month ahead oh I'm not opposed yeah yeah so I think a good structured we have like the announcement videos of people you know starts to prep the hype train you know get things loaded onto the hype train then we got to fuel it up and potentially create well you guys said you wanted to keep it anonymous but the way I was thinking about it was like potentially having like our process of building each one of our own modern rigs as a video of their own to upload to our channels but we don't show like the final reveal or anything like that where we could and then we have a video where it's like the decision and the collection and compliation excuse me of all the builds the format can change but that was my initial idea but so so it's because you wanted a separate build like building process video then just reveal right mm-hmm so what if we uploaded the that after the reveals we don't make sense that would work I mean that's just how I have been doing mine but if you guys want to do the build beforehand then we would lose the anonymity which I don't I'm down for whatever if you guys want to do like a voting thing or have like just some big channel judge it I mean personally I don't KIII me Naik Arab out cuz I'm competitive with that sort of thing and what nah but like at the same time like if it comes down to a voting thing it's whatever but yeah it doesn't matter 100% to me like because I know it could just go towards favoritism based on creator that they'll watch the most so it really doesn't matter but I don't know I mean that I'm personally not super against having it shown because I think the process of showing it would be a really interesting video from all the creators it could be like a really watchable thing for everyone so mm-hmm yeah and like I think like everybody likes these superheroes so like if anything they're gonna vote for their favorite superhero not us like I don't I don't think they're gonna vote honest truth of the Creator okay yeah I mean if we think about it like this like when there's mod competitions from Intel or cool master or whoever they always have the builders listed next to their project and then they always have the voting I mean people know who built the project but they I mean they still are well rat well aware of all the other builds as well to see which is their favorite so yeah soon we can kind of go through that regimen and I don't know I think that um I like the the the part I like uploading the process before doing the build review mm-hmm I don't really mind having like not staying anonymous I don't think that's a big issue going back to the building I also really like having the the viewers in the audience feel for it to you mm-hmm I think that will also eliminate the fact that we have to bring someone else on board and then they also have to make a video and kind of like the way things to write on so should in all of our channels should we show everyone's build or just show our belt like maybe that video before the voting we show all of them real quick that way all of our subscribers get to see all of the builds that they can vote for well yeah I was thinking that like you know we all have our own individual bills that go up on our channels that way we get a nice massive footprint of what's going on after the teaser video and then we have a video that shows the whole entire collection afterwards showing the other builds from everyone else and then telling them to vote it kind of follows the similar structure to mod Wars I mean not my boys no scrap here modulus oh that's our name mod wards I like okay so you're saying to have like collected video with everyone's final product in and that could come like after like a week after right it doesn't have to be right away after we are you know set ours to release right I would say that video goes like right before we open the Vodun mm-hmm oh yes where we'd open yeah yeah so they wouldn't know about voting until that video which we inside yeah yeah okay or unless we get someone else to hop on to want to vote for all all the PCs right I think that's also an option because I mean that makes it to where it's totally separate from all of our channels and it's just one video somewhere else but I mean I don't know if somebody big would do it I mean that would be an advantage I know they've done that kind of thing in the past yeah I guess who's the most known for modding like we had Brian before when we did budget bill showdown because you know he's kind of king of budget stuff but for modding we would want someone who is you know the channel incorporates that that's true is there is there like a big modding channel that I'm not aware about oh I mean I know they're cooling channels but not like massive modification are the modding Channel I know of is I think his name is joke cocoa studio but it's not like a big channel but he does mod like a lot of stuff they say but also now I'm telling all you guys about his channel so you love good thank you never brought Joe cocoa I'm pretty I know JP modified is one guy but you see I haven't heard a joke I don't find it yeah Jojo Coco open Oh Jojo Coco studio okay jaimé modified let me look at that one JP modified the see how big is he I think he's based in Asia he's he's like 91 K but he's I mean I could've sworn he's like worked with Ed or J before or they've at least talked to each other yeah Oh what is that bad pc the tumbler oh that's sick Wow mappy see the Joker oh yeah so he does a lot of like theme based builds we could approach him an option yeah but we can't we can also figure all that out within the next month as we're building so that's all secondary rewrite so we need a time frame for this first like teaser video yeah that's one person's making it right or one person's gonna it's gonna be one video mm-hmm okay yeah one video in one person Channel we can have six different clips in the same video I mean do we want to do like a script where we each break down one section of it and then it kind of spices together or just okay that'll keep the viewers interested so we're not like repeating the same thing over and over again that's slightly different that's cool yeah we knew that okay does anyone want to volunteer to edit it guys a minute all right just like you just don't like the raw video and audio files to me like alright guys okay does anyone want to I guess also write a kind of script that we're gonna be following because we're all gonna be talking like one fluid subject right and we gotta know when to cut it and get it to the next person right so I think if we both if we each divide our sections of what we want to discuss as far as the rules of the competition I think we can develop our scripts from there okay got a full list of rules and then split it up alright that sounds yeah like if we get a set list of rules down I'd be fine with writing up like a quick script and then everyone can look over and edit it how they yeah okay it'd be like 20 seconds long as a never be anything crazy the quick script okay and then you have the link to the Google Docs yeah let me get it see you guys right now that should be it Kofi's not also a personal link yeah why me yeah and he's private collection all right awesome okay so yeah I'm taking notes right now so get JD on Raw videos for the preview and they come up with listen to find rules that will split that per person okay so it and then and we can put on whoever's channel okay all right so whose channel wants to show the teaser who is the most probably us yeah I can move it yeah works for me okay it's right up your channel Sally - so BAM alright so what else so I guess you want to just go want to talk about the date then like the final date that we all need to have our the main video like our project completed which includes editing and you know all the filming and a roll b-roll stuff so you're thinking end of May I was thinking of May just because I'm gonna be missing a couple weekends and I take forever to edit that's fine that's fine with me cuz it's gonna have to be someone I have to like coordinate with Jackson all the time and I could only get weekends with him most of the time so Kay in the May works good that gives us enough time yeah I'm good with that too all right it's fine with me okay you want to just choose a day so that we can just have that definite locked in I'll put on the spreadsheet so he has like the right upload day like the upload a in times the last Sunday yeah so we could either have it as the 27th of May or June 3rd June 3rd yeah if we're wanting a Sunday but I'm down for whatever day I'm always down for the latest date possible just because showdown you guys have who did not participate we move the date a couple of times we did everyone be good with June 3rd yeah Jimmy perfect and I think that's closer to summer for like you know if for a lot of our audiences you my colleagues on the west coast yeah so then we'll just have more of an audience hopefully what time like or we're just gonna wait on that or you know like specific like there's a website you can go to that's actually yeah like you keep your traffic morning same so this final video we're all uploading the build process or is this like the final final video oh yeah there's gonna be the final one so the build process can the villa process be any time then like we're on schedule I wanna say yeah I think it could be any time would it be better if we all uploaded that the same day though the both of them the same day yep yeah both first so like an earlier date always upload the build process then a later date or June 3rd we all do the final more coordination but I mean if someone's subscribed to all of us they're gonna be littered with that in their sub box which would create alright okay so what what about even at the Friday before or Sunday before then because it still gives us plenty of time which my then I think we should have the build process done hopefully and you're just learning how much info are we giving away in that video I mean in the build process we're gonna have to give away like almost the whole thing main ideas so it's basically just us actually building it wait I think so I guess we could we could change it up where it's not like a build process but it's almost like a teaser trailer and maybe like just a bit of like the beginnings of the build and then in the final video you can put the rest of the build as well as go over all the features and you know your ideas oh yes to make the final video like the whole build process in the beginning could lose be like a teaser Trey's trailer for like the whole thing almost just do like little tidbits of like moments that happen mess up stuff like bad do owns like well as dramatic trailers with it or something old something like that that could be the Friday thing but then at the same time that kind of seems extra then if we're gonna have like the final minute you have all that I mean the Friday video could just be us like discussing our initial ideas and show us modding it but not show any of like the actual details like running I like that in the case or in any of the glamour shots or anything yeah I like that like I I would think the building process video would be closer to like a vlog and then the final video would be the polished product that should be standalone like if someone looked this up and they watched the final video they shouldn't have had to watch the previous one you know because I think that's hell a lot of it is gonna be found to like the finer ones gonna be the more popular one because of all the glamour shots and you know yeah yeah I agree okay um we should should we make a list of like what we should include though in the trailer like things we shouldn't I guess what we shouldn't include might be a little bit more helpful okay so yeah see a guideline for the teaser trailer so no glamour shots for sure so no no part selection you know I don't think part selection is gonna be a main thing in the videos anyways right because we're just gonna use whatever to get a system up and running yeah trial that's pretty much eight main PC okay so no part selection discussion so kind of vlog II like style wait when you say no part selection discussion do you mean like we can't talk about like the individual parts will be like modifying and stuff like that no I'm talking like you're not gonna go through saying oh this is you know the processor motherboard unless we do want to talk about there's there's no real disadvantage to saying that cuz we don't even really tremendous corpus chill okay so that's if you want to you can or if you don't want to yeah cuz I can see myself vlogging like every single step of the process and I don't want to have to hold out all the different parts mm-hmm okay so just no glamour shots and kind of alright Auggie X Dow anything else um wait where you're writing this so I can it's under the rules right now yeah okay now it's showing up okay oh it might be should we tell a really fresh okay Caesar trailer no glamour shots blog you like style so is it really teaser trailers a vlog oh it's a log that's a teaser for the teaser guys every heart oh okay partial process trailer I think we all get the idea I don't think it means yeah got it looks like something made a trailer it's just yeah sir vlog Yeah right yeah actually okay yeah I don't think anyone can like do this incorrectly and mess it up for everyone else so I think it's fine like we have the idea yeah right I guess we should really know down what we want in the final video the vinyl video is just going to be the compliation of all the builds together and then we're gonna be asking everyone to vote video or our personal break final videos oh okay so we're having a vlog a reveal video and then we'll have yeah that's what I was thinking were you playing the final video is just gonna be one like one channel like one video showing all of them or all those were I suppose being confuse cuz it's gonna get into like we're doing the two separate videos is always be best if we almost didn't like the whole vlog and blame or shot together then just had a final that's true that makes it easy three different ones okay so there's your one video on June 3rd then yes okay and then compilation video all right okay I just wrote it off to the side just so you kind of visualize it if I'm getting this right so so we'll have the one teaser on one channel yeah yes mix those two and then six times which we can delete so then six times and then one compilation so it's gonna look like that right now now if we're talking about getting rid of the salon process and just have everything in the reveal so it's just a complete video yeah just like one complete well put together video um and then like if any of us want to like post a really detailed vlog of like more of the detailed process of it you could always put that video out later after the fact that if you want one I've got some people want to do it before just showing the process beforehand did anyone want if you wanted to do like more like it's just like extra content I guess on it I'm assuming that's what you meant by that but can be can you release it before though the individual yeah okay I would think so yeah cuz would the individual well are we not really singing for his video are we doing one video cuz like the teaser is just going on well where's his channel yeah and then the individual video which I was thinking it should be like the build process and then the final reveal with glam shots because it seems that would flow really naturally and what idea instead of having a whole video just of a vlog linked together and then you're pretty much seeing the whole PC being put together during the long it's hard to not show what you're doing if you're doing like a time-lapse of something or whatever okay and then it's and then then the final video would literally just be glam shots if the whole thing compilation glam shots I mentioned like explaining how they're gonna vote what not okay okay how so how's that look so we'll take out the optional vlog video there's one teaser going on Ozzy's channel that's what I was yeah yes teaser @ / announcement okay da Zhi then six individual complete videos and then one compilation basically with all the glam shots and explaining them to go vote yes right okay good and the individual videos we can include so everything is like allowed in the individual videos oh yeah that's like explaining like the specific parts that we I don't need you that you want yeah everything's allowed bit if you are new benchmarks - right like if you're actually doing a build with it like would you guys be opposed to that I'm not gonna be doing that but if anyone was point of it just cuz we don't really care about okay I mean yeah sure of anyone's building a new PC from this cuz I'm just using recycled parts so I'm not gonna okay so it looks like we have the different videos all decided so when there's gonna be Vikram yeah the teaser I guess are we trying to aim for like a week from now as soon as possible right JD the the first teaser announcement yeah where we all kind of link up together and it goes on all right would that be like a week before just because if it's like a month and a half between people will forgot about it by this so it's a week before and they know all the videos are coming out next Sunday not X time and then if we do it at that point we can also give like little bits of b-roll of like cutting or painting or whatever to put in the teaser videos that's right yeah all right so it's 27th of May yeah anyone opposed to that well when would our individual ones be the third yeah third but then once the last one the last one will be like a week after or even we can do it like a couple of days after like on yeah I'm okay with doing the tenth but that would be my drop-dead date I'm busy after that oh yeah I think it's hot if it gets pushed back oh really then yeah the compilation like there's no work to be done on that way because you already have all the clips you can send that ahead of time it's just whoever's gonna upload it on that specific date from their channel okay yeah okay so do we want to do it exactly a week after or do we want to do it just a few days after all of our videos release it's kind of like just a few days in between the individual okay a final so sorry you guys think yeah find somebody to coordinate that with well that's if we decide to have someone to judge right if not then just do it whenever but either way it's far enough out where we can I think decide on a date now right so we'd probably have to do these videos long before the release date so we'd probably have that teaser announcement video probably done maybe a week ahead of the release date so that we'll have some sort of buffer time of making that vlog video and everything else I mean just because it's gonna be really close together you know to be able to do all that unless you guys don't have well you can start recording for the teaser video like in a week or two we just don't get that draft done with all the rules and then we can record it and get that done ahead of time I don't think we or and we can kind of actually sit on it and wait until people start getting building footage and we can just send it to the person to get it in there real quick but okay yeah because I think we'll start modding well before that day every single time I have a case that I got like two three months ago I had the review yeah okay so I was at the Q 300 P yeah yeah I've been sitting on the key 300 l actually for a while I just got the cue 300 L out of the storage to do something with it's been a couple months now yeah oh forget about that one okay so for the date on the announce or know the final video how about we do like do you guys like Wednesdays or Tuesday's better that's a few days after Sunday the third I usually do Wednesdays I mean I think hug dates pretty good yeah okay so did you see all right vampa g6 June 6 is the compliation video yes yes okay okay all right so we got the dates figured out I guess the only thing is to talk about rules now there are specifics of the modern era okay that's good okay so this is what we have so far and we can modify it so cost of tools aren't factored into the modding budget right sorry what's out an unintentional pun okay so cost of tools like and that just kind of includes everything is like Sol's and I guess like routers and drill bits and all that stuff it won't be adding to the cost okay that's I would does anyone oppose that don't know that's not against okay that's fun so I'm gonna greenlight it alright the box - oh yeah it's true what am i doing so it's a fill color this isn't Excel work on earnest okay so core core components are not factored into the modding budget but they should give an aesthetic advantage so let's talk about this cuz I don't know why everyone's planning on using yeah so I I wrote a note at the very bottom about this like if my theme is Batman I'm most likely gonna do all-black parts that is an aesthetic advantage but oh you're like I feel like that should be okay no I think that's okay I don't count that as anything when I say the NHL talk about like LEDs and RGB for the most part and yeah we may see heat sinks so but then that would have to be something we consider are we judging on the build as a whole or the case because if we're doing the parts with the black is it the case or is it the whole bill I thought I was thinking this whole time it's gonna be the whole bill I think it has to be the whole build without going too crazy on using the the parts like because then otherwise everyone we try to if we're doing mob wars and you're relying on some RG B's you're not gonna win at least in my opinion so I kind of think that we should be able to use our GBS I think it's it yeah I definitely you got Zach sorry I was because that will complement a bill but Margie B is never gonna be the centerpiece yeah I also think that the aesthetic advantage might be a little bit hard to moderate if we don't have a judge because if people are gonna be voting on it then and it's a little bit more difficult for us yeah oh don't like consider this there's always gonna be the kids who are like why are you pairing that i7 with a 78 yeah it's an RX 580 in there he took them they're gone take them all oh yeah all right yeah that's that's a good idea okay so so we should find someone to judge this then that's honestly the I mean that's the only way we can do it to have them follow those stipulations or we're just gonna have to just take it as it is and let the viewers decide and whatever comes out comes out can we trust the viewers coming I'm gonna do is in the final video where all of the PCs are shown just have no mention of what the parts are just so like people basically won't put as much interest into that like during our individual videos we can say what parts we have but during the final video where all the PCs are shown in one video just not mention the parts B's then it'll just they'll just be taking aesthetics into account because it'll be yeah for the most part you'll be able to tell older versus newer hardware or whatever but it won't be that easy to tell especially if we tell them just to focus on aesthetics versus parts yeah I feel like that should work yeah I mean we can do it that's it I thought I'll be fine yeah I mean it's it's up in the air to the eyes whose loans through the one day it's be entertaining anyway okay yeah it's just folding the fun is ilding yeah exactly I think that'll be better for them yeah I'm okay with that yeah let's just that's fine okay wait so do we need mod this at all or leave it or what do we gain out so we are allowing the use of different things okay and like the clothes like RGB or whatever yeah okay okay so we should probably say this then like I know we're not moderating the aesthetics but like if we just have like like if we're relying solely on the aesthetic let's say of a motherboard or rams take heat saying solely on that aesthetic there's no modification to it then that would be kind of like using the aesthetic advantage versus trying to make some sort of alteration to it and modifying it and using that rather than just relying on what it's what's factory made or what's stock I mean what do you guys think well I don't understand I'm not sure what you meant like he's saying getting over a motherboard versus getting a black motherboard and painting like red pieces on it or pudding like well well then I think modification to the hardware CEL shouldn't be a factor I don't know if that like should we actually because then then I don't know because then that's actually making the hardware inside it part of the factoring of the judging if we're modifying what's inside it mm-hmm if we're gonna do that then it's gonna be the build as a whole rather than just the case mod and then if that's the case then deciding on what hardware you get would still factor yeah because I was playing me unlike modifying like the the RAM heat sinks and the motherboard and every okay okay then that's good that's good then so I mean so we shouldn't have to worry then we don't have to worry about you know our GPS or anything like that if they do happen to come up yeah if we were gonna do that in the first place RGB yeah if we're really that in the first place in our he really doesn't matter cuz it's technically the same thing almost not really but still right so are they gonna be judging on the whole thing then if we go that route because that's always saying if we're doing that then it is judging the whole thing instead of just the case if we all want to find those other parts yeah cool so I guess to just be the build it will be the whole build done yeah so if you want to do RGB cables if you can figure how to do that oh we need to determine which parts count towards the modding budget then yeah so that's that was the hard part about that because it might use RGB RAM in there in motherboards and heat sinks and stuff that's not north of 150 or it'll eat up to 150 like crazy cost more or do custom power supply cables does that count yeah cause some power supply cables like RGB fans RGB strip should count into the budget because you're very affordable but it's like the price of all right not core components yeah I'm not I don't really care if you use any core components that are like RGB or whatever or special color I don't think that should be factored in okay so fans of strips and I think cables doing other kind of the psu but they're pretty custom like sleep cables I mean I don't know about you guys but like I don't think my any of my core components will have LEDs on them but your guys do that's fine mine is not going all fancy okay play the RGB advantage okay so I'm going to leave the line about the the difference cost between RGB and non right driver okay the intention was that was to get some way of quantifying RGB advantage right like an RGB rams for like twenty to thirty bucks more than normal so if you used it you can quantify that from the budget but we'll just delete that and RGB and four main components is just if you have it then you're lucky oh yeah one more thing about that are we gonna go with the price that we paid for the custom cables or like a new price I think the point of this is for the deal hunting right like if you like how you can mod it the cheapest obviously no free advantages so what do you got it for okay and I don't think we have to worry about us cheating like but we don't have to post like oh no yes like yeah like confirmation of the deal I think we can all just don't show us on one cent the prices think we all understand the market enough to know okay leave your own cables with shoelaces right that's that's the way to do it okay so also I guess this goes back to the video are we all planning on explaining how we use their budget and what we I mean we're not showing proof like receipts and stuff but do we want to all break down the budget and how we allocated it for this build in our videos yeah yeah yeah about how we spent the budget okay right so we can give people the idea of how to allocate their their budget if they decide to do some modification you know in case we draw some inspiration for them okay and maybe in the compliation video hmm we'll probably say like one or two sentences about each build and that could possibly include like the main parts that they modified unless if you guys were planning on just that compliation video just glamour shots and that's it oh you mean like to actually have the the mods listed out as we show the member shots not necessarily listed out but like hey this is Danny's build like he put money in here real quick and like that's it just to kind of highlight the key parts of okay how about we each record our own like 30 seconds snippet kind of overviewing and then pointing them towards our own personal videos if they want the full details right yeah just a highlight okay they might miss something if we're just doing a fan of your build and that highlight a few key points in here right if you like had one little area that was so painstakingly difficult for the minor detail you want to be able to say hey you know this was a lot of work yeah look at my video to see why this took so long yeah oh whoops oh yeah what's up I mean a call hello I'm gonna call with the only tech tubers all right I'll be right down my family's you can call my name but these headphones are so good that in here okay okay so highlight or an overview the build in 30 seconds like a minute just because we don't wanna make this like a ten minute video and there's six of us okay I'll point to our personal longer videos okay which wall I'll be linked in the description below be sure you know that thumbs up okay plug plug plug plug okay so next one 3d printers so we still know 3d printers I kind of feel bad for sake no but I think only one person has one right I think there's Matt yeah well not I have I will Jackson has one so but I mean we it's not necessary I mean if it's something that would be like totally disadvantaged then matter where it may be did you have one - I thought you made 3d printing videos the beginnings of I own one but I'm fine with not being able to use it okay alright so we everyone good with that anyone opposed at all go to me all right perfect okay so then the idea is that we were kind of discussing disposables those are all gonna be accounted for Reilly you buy glue paints all that stuff yeah they're put into the budget that's my only problem with that is what if you already have a like MSRP from wherever you got it for I guess but but then do you go off of how much you use like what if you can only buy the entire bottle of spray paint does that count oh yeah I think you you would have to because anyone who wants to mano you're gonna use only half the spray paint you have to pay for the whole bottle right message is actually like we were doing this for your own personal scratch you didn't have anything like and you had to buy that yeah and if people are looking at bits like oh this is on a budget you know they like if we have to buy glue they would have to buy glue if they want to do something similar to it and if we're just gonna leave those things out there can be additional cost that aren't accounted for and they'll be like hey what the heck you know I think there's also a discussion to be had when doing the video to like if you choose let's say superglue versus Elmer's right one cost a lot more but there's definitely a reason you pay more for that like a premium of that right or spray paints there's different types of paints yeah so and I don't think any of that stuff is too expensive I just think it would be good on bookkeeping because you would have to buy it oh yeah that's a good element to the video also so people can see exactly what you need to be putting your money towards to create a good custom mod and just the informative part of it yeah I guess Zack do you have like a really expensive paint that you know I agree with what you guys are saying okay okay so I'll add this up here and okay and then next to specialty tools I think we were all pretty okay with this as long as you were doing the machining and you didn't just have like yeah you're like the shop so one thing I want to mention I don't know I want to put this out here before I put in my video there's like a local modding shop in my area that asked us to go there and do something and they're malikul modding shop would that be allowed or do you want to exempt that you're gonna be modding them right you're gonna be using data tools yourself yes so be using tools at the location I don't know if I want to consider that unfair advantage having that shop opportunity open to us because we could say before another thing but we were approached about it and we thought this would correlate but if it's an unfair advantage we won't use it I'm driving of what you can like either lathe or mail out but then would you have to take the stock metal right because aluminum blocks are like expensive or whatever you decide to use it depends what we're using if we're using something like a supply there we most likely factor that into the cost like we're taking something from them to use it for it and then we'll be like okay how are they much they charge or cost for this then we would account for it the thing is I was just worried about like tools because if they have specialty tools or whatnot I don't want to like there's no point in me going to that place and using it if we're only able to use certain tools yeah we could just use in like a garage so that's just my thing and I'd be okay with it just because yeah I mean I don't care about lining at the end of the day like I wanna cool once as long as it's not like a CNC mill okay as long as it's your your hands that do it I mean we can breach out the bike I could go to a modding shop locally as long as I'm the one doing it okay all right they're like a forgery right there yeah oh yeah man-at-arms so many good ideas from there okay okay so we have that oh yeah over budget penalties we just not go over budget it happens just didn't happen before did it happen with the budget bill children I don't remember I don't think over yeah I mean you know some issues we're gonna I don't think I'm gonna go over pretty pretty under I'm probably gonna be really under yeah it's gonna be too much work to measure what the penalty is maybe one core component for every dollar over yeah but you know I'm just having a good faith that everyone is trying to stay within budget right not like oh I just happened to go 200 over I think yeah we're all good friends here and nobody would cheese it like that yeah I think everyone has the mindset that like I don't really care who wins yeah yeah and I just want to see what you can do yeah yeah yeah oh you fun oh man I'm gonna disappoint everybody with my lack of modding skills I'm right there with you okay Olli hey speaking of modding because I think a lot of PC modding deals with liquid cooling was anyone planning on doing that because I think that should be discussed because it's technically a core component like a custom look like a custom loop because that obviously would cost a lot to do but how would we factor that in and I think like that is an advantage if you do a custom loop that's just a straight advantage right there's no way you can hide that if it is a custom loop it's gonna be an advantage yeah so I was I was considering doing a custom loop so I think we should discuss it okay yeah I would say that's not a core component and you would have to add that in is that possible because of the cooler like liquid so I have a lot of the components already bought which is why I was planning on using it but I should be able I could I could fit some of it into the Monte project because it definitely is an advantage if you have a custom loop over air I think it should count for the towards the 150 would ya yeah would factor I guess I don't remember how much it cost but so it was between 80 and like a hundred and five bucks okay yeah because that would take of a significant portion of your mod in budget already yeah so it would be a disadvantage in that part to the person who goes for it but it depends on how well it's executed I guess yeah that's well cuz it could give or take yeah yeah it's it's a risky thing so I don't mind putting it into the modding budget I can work around that okay yeah I'm okay with it that's a good I'm fine with it is anyone really opposed to it you know I like I didn't wanted to talk about it because I figured oh yes like that's one of the biggest things that people mod or you know in their mod PCs that you have here we would love to do sick like horn oh yeah so certainly glutes are allowed all right okay someone to judge first so we already discussed that we can the fan boding we already talked about that and then the last one we already bought the cases so I yeah okay it's anything else anyone want to discuss cuz I think all of your guys's comments we've also hit on all those topics right yeah we pretty much went over all I mentioned okay so here's it use a good question alright so you said like like accessories like fans like if you if you bought like special fans for the modding budget to be modified that's not considered a core component necessarily so that would be included in the modding budget I think so fans if you know if it's not a basic fan then I think so right like you know cuz all the fans have like halo LEDs and stuff nowadays so they added statically to it anything that's not part of the in one case yeah okay yeah that's that's a good way to put it and what would be considered as a tool versus what would be considered as a disposable so like let's say you have some paintbrushes that you want to use would that be considered as disposable or would that be considered as a tool that you already have that's definitely - I would think cuz you that's reusable infinite times right whereas paint glue and stuff a there's a finite amount right yeah yeah that's yeah okay so yeah it's also one those things reduce ask at the time where if you come up with it you're like yeah do I have this is this good well you want to do factor in the budget you always decide on that right we're gonna be talking through this whole process yeah exactly yeah so yeah let's bring up any questions that or any if anyone's unclear about anything we bring it up now for uh for voting are we gonna have just one like one category like which PC did you like the best or you're gonna have it like split up it's a different thing it's like what do you guys think yeah that's a good question I think that's the easiest just to say what's your favorite PC that's it I'm saying what is your favorite liquid PC Oh what you know what is your favorite DC comic theme only PC listen unless you have some categories that you think that we can break it down into so then it's too much like an overall winner and then a winner that's the best votes per dollar spent that's a whole new element so I cost-effective creativity you know overall or something like that this is like overall modding budget or the entire thing yeah PC it's like infinitely complex it can vary does it would be easy if we were all just rich so that we had like we've already thousand bucks kind of how the big youtubers doing they just drop how much money really our budget is only two thousand so by doing that you know they don't have as many rules as we have to do right but then somehow line is still cheats and breaks rules I don't get it the truth wait so what was I gonna ask mmm it's going fleeting no comeback um yeah well yes continue your conversations you don't think about it so so what is the very next step like what piece of content do we need to give oh yeah by when okay sorry it's the script for the whole thing for odds to make his videos the next step okay let's put a date on that cuz if we don't we're never gonna do it so make script so we have to be yeah I could write a draft of the script by like probably by Friday okay then are we like all like just gonna like read a certain part of that and then that's gonna be like one teaser video all compile there mm-hmm yeah I could try to write the draft as like separate paragraphs that are like of even size and then with a people then I'll give you guys like the editable Google Doc and we can just all edit it down to whatever game I think yeah I mean each row and conclusion already two segments I don't really talk about too much so on the inside we can talk for other categories or paragraphs we can get it that would be too bad okay so I put makes script draft by April 27th and then from there we'll just kind of edit it until we get something for like a week so so April 27th so May 4th will aim to have the final got done so then people are start recording it yeah that part shouldn't take long to record at all oh no yeah II to version like 30 seconds or maybe a minute not even yeah yeah I was thinking like we each say a rule or something and that's pretty much it okay so final draft and then when we want to get so we'll have the final draft by May 4th which is a Friday so then let's get I mean then we'll have about two weeks to - AXI three weeks until we need the video uploaded and then we'll work on their stuff during the whole time so yeah okay let's take Friday the 18th it's kind of in the middle of the competition everyone will get it recorded and then we'll by then hopefully have enough snippets that we can also send that to whoever's compiling it for the teaser video yeah and then that gives them 9 days until the teaser video goes out okay so May 18 by May 18 okay okay so I think that's good so we have all the dates be locked in so by Friday don't forget Matt I won't Friday okay yeah okay so for the compliation video at the end we should probably have one person editing that right yeah I thought we decided or we decided that we're are we do we know forgiving it to somebody to judge or we just putting out one person channel that's the last little thing to decide well didn't we say the end compilation video is just gonna be like each of us highlighting our build for 45 seconds or whatever and then the Edit should just be dropping them all together in a robe a society we have injure an outro mm-hmm okay so yeah that should be too much of editing but and then that lets either somebody else judging it or after that we give a link to wherever the voting is well forgetting viewers the judge it really don't need a second person that does your channel they're the one voting it almost just be like I hope just somebody to host it just like the me yeah yeah so do we want a host now home should be simple the font I mean it'd be simple to find it just I don't know if you'd be kind of you're uploading a voting thing to the person's channel who's in the competition that's the only thing I'm wondering you an advantage for the person who's uploading the video but their viewers are gonna see it so I mean it'd almost be better to find a host which literally all they have to do is almost just do a little intro video talking about what they're doing and then just have the whole thing we made uploaded so it's not like a lot of work on their part but they wouldn't have any other part except for be a host and hosted on you on their channel basically they don't really get anything out like let me get someone I mean they get viewership if we did send all our viewers to go check the final video the only thing about that would be I'd be totally down if we found someone we knew like pretty well but like if we were to approach this a Joe Joe Joe Coco or let's say JP modify it or someone we can you know it weird it would be someone like VAT who would probably want to have a part involved in it I don't know it just needs to be a place where you upload about Li Li or like we do a mark mark knows all of us pretty well scatter vault that would be a really good one actually yeah you're right that's a really good one and I'm pretty sure a beat he would be down for that he's been in our bill competitions before as well as all the companies all the people he knows so and I mean yeah he knows all this pretty well or most of us anyways so yeah one to try and go for that I mean I that's a sure sure we can do that should we mention that in the announcement video he's gonna host it yeah dad another face to it okay okay so that means that okay okay so when's the earliest that you even want to mention this is this gonna be brand new on that teaser video or I mean art can we send out a tweet about it or do you just want to keep it quiet till then what does everyone else want to do like did you want to do that I'm down for like if I tweet out this little discord box right now I mean like trailers now have trailers like you have teaser trailers for teaser trailers so I mean why not write and take their marketing strategy and apply it to our own in hey I think that's perfectly fine I mean that's kinda you can do within your own discretion just don't mention what we're doing you could do like a teaser like literally I was thinking at the same time just like showing everyone in the call just like what what what it's more I mean I could be a little teaser too but yeah may 18 screenshots through this whole call and they haven't found one where all six of us look normal that's that's the beauty of it capture us in our true habitat oh I might look at this in a natural habitat we're gonna probably gonna have something like a little tease it maybe on Instagram or whatever and we could probably do other little mini teasers on Instagram or Twitter or whatever you know maybe pictures of the process as we go along but nothing like super revealing right people reminded and interested you know so do we want to keep it under wraps that this is superhero themed like so try not to have anything included in that shows the symbols and stuff like that but you can show the bear painting or way honestly just like being the whole idea of it being a competition build just like literally just keep teasing and don't say anything about it yes like almost just in pictures of random things throughout the whole process and kind of keep it a whole guessing game oh I hate that it's like a big collab and don't hit that superhero theme build make them piece it all together okay yeah I mean I'm done with that all right maybe you can show something that teases towards the superhero but nothing like if you had stripes or design or something yeah exactly Miller but what is that you know that's cool I'm cool with it all right I like it okay is that it I think we hit on everything anything else I think so all right well I guess anything in particular we just messaged each other about it for sure yeah I think so yeah so should we go over everyone's input or do we already do that ones already covered in good I was just making sure we went over everyone's in place oh yeah man yeah well that's all that stuff's covered yeah pretty much asked all those questions okay yeah that's a shame coolermaster had all those questions as yeah I to him there and then they I was talking about packs and one person ahead she was just like I mean I don't know I'd have to look into every single Channel and it might take a couple weeks and I said I mean you probably work with some of the other channels already and I told them they're like oh yeah and then I don't know it just kind of fell off the rails she like changed the subject on me she didn't want to think about it I just like it's got all the things like it's too much to think about while I'm here at this booth so I was like okay I'm yeah I like the in one case though like I'm buying pencils right yeah yeah I like it would have been a really good opportunity for a company to do it because I mean we're another doubt of it yeah for another time yeah we can probably still get on their twitters and stuff like we're gonna tag them in our tweets and stuff and they can just feature without having sent us the case so it's all good every good my email you know this is like private you don't wanna schools because we did try to reach out to England and we had to go through there like no form thing like do they have an email person that they actually you know like you could coordinate with or did everything when you worked with them you had to work through their low form on their official website me yeah yeah I just went through the form of a they emailed me back because random they sent me a 303 I believe it is and then like I emailed them about the 301 or I filled the same form out about the 301 and then they're like oh you should email this guy and then I emailed that guy but didn't get an email back yes yeah that's funny okay good to know I was like yeah email those person I was like okay nothing wait so did they exchange like their their their contacts that you for PR or is it just like um I'm trying to remember I'm I mean I must have tried to email the original person I had email at first and they must not have because I haven't tried to contact them in like months and months and so I don't remember exactly yeah oh okay all right I think we're good now I think exact needs to go sleep cuz you have to wake up in yes in six hours or I gotta go find my 1080p eyes for this hey if it's a crappy car do you don't mind painting it so you know that's paint right over the vrn I don't care PCs have to turn on right okay that's true then they function yeah yeah just haven't turn on that BR benchmark is that they turn on oh yeah we talk about that like that way at what point is it operational and it counts is there gonna be like a thermal test we have to do to make sure it's stable or do you want to just like just say if it turns on I think people will do what's right by their viewers because if you show them a mod that has crazy thermals that discredit your channel so I think that guy just for your own sake yeah just yeah because my 7:17 does not work but I mean I have Intel in the grid graphics on 4790k 770 will just be nested on't have to prove that just as long as it turns up well you didn't have to take me turn it on but then you won't get your LED light yeah why should you see some yeah that's fun yeah yeah gotta fix all right now yeah that was awesome that was super productive - thanks very good everybody and basically sorry I'm the only West Coast guy aren't I yeah thanks everyone else like no one's even central everyone else is just straight-up East Coast West Coast here yeah they're all they're all you know like a million subscribers oh yeah yeah I mean yeah yeah all of them have to shoot subscribers on and behind but alright yeah I really appreciate those that everyone is you know it's 10:30 for you guys so thanks I don't mind man yeah it was really nice actually getting to meet all of you guys I'm talking all of you on Twitter woman yeah yeah thanks for the invite appreciate it oh yeah no problem man pour in alright guys well it's been fun we will chat soon we'll probably have a couple more video calls and in between probably yeah just to recap on a few things but okay I think the tech vendors will assemble very soon all right all right sounds good all right I'd say yes yeah you too man\n"