Mystery Tech Items from Amazon: A Look at Under $100
Hey guys, this is Austin and today we're back for another MysteryTech Items from Amazon. This time taking a look at stuff under 100 dollars. Ken, if you would please.
Okay, more headphones. The Professional 7506 sound monitors from Sony. Well the first thing I see is that copyright 1994. So I guess these are some classics. They actually, oh wait the 7506s. So these are fairly popular, sorta like studio monitor style headphones. The OG headphone adapter. So naturally, because these are headphones in 2017, I've gotta use my super cool dongle to actually listen to them.
So they definitely lean a little bit more on the flatter side of things, so it's not really super punchy to be clear. But having a proper amp, such as the LG V20, actually runs them really lively. They still aren't super punchy to be clear but having a proper amp to actually run them really livens them up.
I think my real question here though is would I get these or would I get the Status CB-1s which have been my headphones for a long time? I think that, even though they're about the same price, for stuff like video editing, for music production, if you want something with a little bit of a flatter sound, these definitely make sense. But if you want just a little more punch in your music, I still really do like those Statuses.
Alright, item number two. 3D Doodler Create? The world's first 3D printing pen. How much was this? - $82? Okay, alright. We're still well below 100. Easy as one, two, three. Plug in and switch to HI. Insert your ABS Plastic. Doodle onto the page. Interesting. It does kind of look like a pen, but it's actually a lot more complicated than that.
It has all these different tools and buttons on it and you can do all sorts of things with it like extrude different shapes and sizes and colors and stuff. And the best part is, you can make anything you want with it, from simple objects to complex machines. It's really quite amazing when you think about it.
But what's also kind of cool is that it's still in its early stages and there are a lot of ways to improve it. Like for example, it's hard to get the plastic out once it's extruded because it gets stuck in these little nozzles and stuff. And sometimes it just doesn't work right and you have to start over. But overall, it's still an amazing piece of technology and I'm excited to see where it goes from here.
Alright, item number three. Digital camera? Every side of the box just says digital camera. How much was this? - $92. Alright. 24 megapixel sensor, uses SD cards. Oh man, what are we getting ourselves into? Well, it looks pretty retro. I mean, it's a little cheap feeling and to be fair, this entire thing is absolutely plastic.
Look at the lens! Oh look at this giant lens. Oh wait, no. It's that tiny little lens in the middle. Alright, ready and... There's such a crazy lag when I actually hit the button versus when it actually takes the picture. But you know what is good? The sponsor for today's video: 23andMe.
23andMe will take a look at your DNA and find out all kinds of things about you. As humans, we have 23 chromosomes which is where the 23andMe name comes from. Oh hi, Austin from the past here with the 23andMe saliva collection kit. Learn what your DNA says about you. Register your kit, spit and discover.
Okay, that sounds pretty reasonable to me. Oh wow, that's actually a lot. You have to really do it. I suddenly question my decision to do this on camera. Stop looking at me. Alright, so that's it. So I just need to put this in the bag, mail it off to them and in a few weeks, I will know my results.
So it's been a couple of weeks since I sent off my sample and now it's time to actually see my results. I'm actually a little nervous right now. This can tell you a lot about yourself. My muscle composition is common in elite power athletes. Hey, oh okay. I am 100% Austin. So 98.7% European. Wow, almost entirely Northwest European.
If you guys want to check out 23andMe for yourself, you can check it out at the link in the description at Of course, huge shout-out to them for sponsoring this video. Guys, what do you think about Ken's wonderful Amazon picks for this one? (laughs) I can't even say wonderful.
Anyway guys, thank you so much for watching and I will catch you in the next one.