How To Add Custom Alerts To Streamlabs OBS - Follow, Sub, Donation [EASY]

**Streamlabs OBS Master Guide: Configuring Basic Alerts**

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of setting up basic alerts in Streamlabs OBS. These alerts are essential for engaging with your audience and creating a seamless streaming experience.

**Enabling Alerts**

To begin, navigate to the **Alerts** section in Streamlabs OBS. Make sure that the **Enabled** toggle is turned on. This will allow you to customize and configure the alerts that appear on your stream.

**Customizing Alert Settings**

Streamlabs OBS offers various settings to tailor your alert experience. Here are some key options:

* **Image**: Choose an image to display above the alert message.

* **Sound**: Select a sound effect to play when an alert triggers.

* **Volume**: Adjust the volume of the sound effect to a comfortable level.

* **Alert Duration**: Set the duration of the alert, ensuring it doesn't interrupt your stream for too long.

* **Alert Text Delay**: Customize the delay between the alert message and its appearance on screen.

**Disabling Custom HTML/CSS**

If you don't want to display additional information or customize the alert's appearance, you can disable custom HTML/CSS. This will keep the default alert layout and prevent any extra clutter.

**Open Donator Message Settings**

For a more engaging experience, consider enabling open donator messages. This feature displays the donor's message along with the donation amount.

**Host Settings**

Don't forget to configure your host settings:

* **Layout**: Choose the first layout option.

* **Alert Animation**: Customize the animation effect for alerts.

* **Auto Hosts**: Enable or disable auto-hosting, which can be useful for managing large streams.

* **Viewer Minimum**: Set the minimum number of viewers required to trigger an alert.

* **Recent Events**: Configure recent events settings, including viewer count and message templates.

**Bit Settings**

For bit-related alerts:

* **Layout**: Select a layout option.

* **Text to Speech**: Enable or disable text-to-speech functionality.

* **Minimum Amount of Bits**: Set the minimum amount required to trigger an alert.

* **Message Template**: Customize the message template, including the donor's name and donation amount.

**Other Alert Settings**

Finally, consider configuring other alert settings:

* **Face Masks**: Enable or disable face mask-related alerts.

* **Cloudbot Redemption**: Configure cloudbot redemption settings, if applicable.

By following these steps and adjusting your alert settings according to your preferences, you can create a more engaging streaming experience for your audience.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- In this video I will showyou how to add custom alertsto streamlabs OBS for followers,donations, subscribers, etc.(gentle music)What's up everyone Yellowhere with the Video Nerd,and welcome to thisStreamlabs OBS Master Course.In today's video, I willguide you through the processof creating custom alerts,for streamlabs OBS,let's just jump right into it.There is a built infunction is streamlabs OBSto add alerts and you can find it byclicking on the plus iconand then going to alert box.Then you can just add the new source,and then you get a windowwhere you can set upall your alerts, butI do not like this waybecause you don't have a clear overviewof all the settings for one certain alert.And sometimes it's bugs for me,so I still do it the old waythrough the website and thengetting it into streamlabs OBSwith a browser source.So let's do that right now.Let's close this window,delete the alert box,and before we go onsomething very important,because a lot of peoplehave problems with this,make sure that you do nothave a widget theme activated.To make sure you don'tgo to your dashboard,and then click on the plusicon to go to my account,and click on widget themes.When that page is loaded, on your left,you can see the columnof your widget themes,and you should make sure thatyou do not have a theme active.And actually, I didn't know but right nowthere is a theme activated for me,so right here, look for the default theme,and then click Use.Then it will just importeverything you set up,while creating your alerts,instead of the graphics,and settings from some theme.So now to set up thealerts, there are two ways.The first way is inside your dashboardof your streamlabs OBSprogram, going to widgets,and then clicking on AlertBox, and then right hereyou can set up the settings.Then while setting up thealerts, you can preview themby clicking on Launch,and then watching the alertright here in this window,So you can position yourstreamlabs OBS on the left,and then on the right, the preview,and then when you justclick on Test Follow,it will just show the test right here.But I like to preview it inmy editor of streamlabs OBS,so, to do that, we will haveto edit these settings online.So in your web browser,go to,so just search for streamlabs, okay,then log in with your twitch account,and then on your left, going to widgets,and then to alert box,and here you have the samesettings as in streamlabs OBS.But right now in streamlabsOBS, you can go to your editor,and then right here, we can preview them.So let's position it like this,and then to get a livepreview inside streamlabs OBS,we need to add them to the program,and we can do that by copyingthe widget URL right hereon the streamlabswebsite, so click on copy,and then in streamlabs OBS,click on the plus icon,then choose browser source,call it Alerts.Add new source, and thenright here replace this URL,by the URL we just copied,then click on Done.And now right here, this invisible window,will be our alerts.So you can position it in the middle,by using the pixels on the side,and to position it more precisely,you can use your arrow keysto move it pixel by pixel.Okay, so let's say that thisis the position we want,now they are linked sowhen we press Test Follow,on the streamlabs OBS website,the alert will be triggeredinside of the streamlabs OBS program.So now we can start setting everything up.And then now somethingtricky that I haven't seenanyone explaining yet, is the following.So you can disable certainalerts right here at the top,but you can also disable themat the bottom right here.So what's the difference?When you look closely at this URL,when I enable or disable Follows,you see that it changes right here.When I disable Follows right here,you can see nothing changing in the URL.So what's the point?Well, because we candisable certain alerts,and then getting a new URL.This means that we candecide which alerts,will trigger in whichscenes and streamlabs OBS,or gives certain alerts,another position to trigger.Let's say, you want your follower alert,to trigger on the left side of the screen,and then your subscription alert,to trigger on the rightside of the screen.Well, to do that, we needto create two separate URLs,one URL that will onlytrigger the follower alert,and then another URL that will onlytrigger the subscription alert.So let's do that rightnow to see how this works.So right here in this step,every alert is enabled,so every follower will trigger the alerts,every subscriber willtrigger the alert, etc.But, right here on thetop, we can create a URL,that includes only the follower alert.So when we disable everythingexcept the follower,then we get a URL,that only will triggerwhen someone follows.So we copy this URL, andthen in streamlabs OBS,we create a new source,a browser source,we call it, Follower,click on Add New Source,and then as your URL,you paste the URL we justcopied for only the follower.You click Done, and youposition it on the left.Then we create a new URL onthe streamlabs OBS website,and we enable only subscriptions.Then we copy that, weclick on the plus icon,and we add a new browser source again,and now we call it, Subscription.Okay, add new source andthen replace this URL,with the URL we just copiedthat only includes the subscription.So right now here in our sources,you can see that we haveone alert for the follower,and one for the subscription.Let's hide the older alert for a moment,and now when we test this,when we click Test Follow,then this alert will trigger, the follow.When we click on Test Subscription,then this alert willtrigger the subscription.When we trigger another alert,then nothing will be triggered,because we only imported a URLthat included only the follow,and the URL that includedonly the subscription.The other alerts that we imported,where we selected everything,is this one, this alert righthere, so when we enable this,and we click on Test Resub,then this will trigger the alert,it will also triggerthe alert, of the bits,it will trigger every alert.Also the follower, sowhen we click on Follow,then it will trigger right here,because this window triggers everythingand then on the left it will also trigger,because that alert windowtriggers only the follower.So I hope this is a bit clear,we will move on right now.But this is something you can play with,and you got to be creative with it,and then seen no one that explains this,so I just wanted to givethis information to you guys,and now we will go on and we will set upthe followers subscriptions, etc.So let's delete the sourcesthat we just created,for the subscription and the follower,and then we just keep our general alert,that includes all the alerts.So let's just enable theseagain, it doesn't really matterbecause I already copied theURL that included everything.But just to be certain that I don't copy,this URL in the future andsome alerts are missing.Right here in the general settingsyou shouldn't change anything.This background colorhowever, don't freak out,your alert will nothave a background color,this is just for thetest window right here.When I click on Launch,a new screen will open,where we can preview our alerts,when we click on Test Follow,the alert will be shown in this window.But we are previewing themright here in streamlabs OBS,so we don't need this,but this color is the backgroundcolor of the test window.You can change this becauseif your text color is purple,and then this backgroundcolor is also purple,you will not see the text,so you can change thebackground color right here,but we don't need that right now.Let's set up the follows alert first.Right here on the topobviously, you can enable itor disable it, but we want to enable it,and then you can choose the layout.For the most common way to display alertslike most of the people are using,we want to choose thislayout so we can display,an image on top and thenthe text beneath it.If you want to display your text,on a custom image that you downloaded,or someone created for you,then you wanna choose this one,so the text is displayedon top of the graphic,but this is more complicated to set up,and I explained thisin my streaming guide,for streamlabs OBS,which I will link on top,it's a 30 minute guide, that explainseverything you need toknow to start streaming,but I also explained how toadd text on top of an image,and I reposition itcorrectly in that guide,so you can check that out.And then here you canchoose the animation,you can make it fadein, fade in down, etc.There are many optionsjust go through them,see what you like, I will keep it at this.And then right here the message template,this is the text that willbe shown under your image.So when we click TestFollow, that is this text.The name in parenthesis willdisplay the name of the personthat is following you, and you can addsome text in front of itor after it for example,Thanks for following.And then name and thenan exclamation mark.So when we save that at the bottom,and then we click on Test Follow,then we see that the text has changed to,Thanks for following thevideo notes, YouTube.Something important tomention, if you did test outthe enabling and disablingof certain alerts,and adding multiple browsersources to your stream,to get different locationsof different alerts,then maybe when youenabled everything again,you need to recopy the linkand then in streamlabs OBS,relink it right here,because it's possible thatthe URL will have changed,and your alerts willnot be working anymore.So the next is the text animation.Again, go through themand see what you like,and then adding an image.Right here, you shouldclick on Change Media.Then these are the imageswhich I used in my completestreamlabs OBS guide,but right now we willbe using stock images.So right here on theleft under stock files,click on Images,and then you get a wholelist of animated GIFs,so you should choose one that you like,and then just double clickit and then it will be added.Then under that you can change the sound,by clicking on Change Media,and then you're left in the stock files,go to sounds this time,and then you can searcha sound which you like,and then just double clickit, and then it will be added.Right here you can changethe volume of the sound,if your alerts are too loud,or you want certain alertsto be louder than others,you can change the soundof every individual alert,every time under the sound.Alert duration, thisis how long the alert,should be displayed on your stream,if you want it to be longer,so people can read the text or something,you can increase it right here,I will leave it ateight seconds right now.Then here alerts text delay,this will delay only as it saysthe text of the alert.So if you add a delay righthere, for example, two seconds,let's save it at thebottom and then test it.So first the image will be displayed.and then two secondsafter the text will come.This can be used if youhave a custom animation,that needs to be played first,to display the text orsomething like that,but for general alerts,I would not enable this,and I would just leave it at zero.Then enabled custom HTMLor CSS for general alerts,we do not need that, so wecan disable it right here.Then when we click on Open Font Settings,then the first settingis changing the font,and these are all Google fonts.So if you want to quickly preview them,you can open a new tab andthen search Google Fonts,click on the first link that appears,and then right here you see a huge listwith all the Google Fonts.And here on top where you see,type something you can type,Thanks for following,and then you can preview howthis will look on stream,so this is amazing.Let's say you want ahind, you like this font,you just go back to streamlabs OBS,and here you search for Hind,and right here the font is,for us we change the font,this is amazing.I will leave it standardright now because,otherwise I have to change allthe fonts, so just open Sans.Then under that you canchange the font size,the font weight, this is howbold your text should be,and then the text color andthe text highlight color.Let's quickly preview the alert,to see what the colors effect.So the text color is thecolor of the extra text,which you type right herein the message template,and then the text highlight color,is the color of the name of theperson who is following you.And then a last settingis open alert variations.If you don't want yourstream to be boring,and you want the alert to besomething else every time,or add a few options, youcan do this right here.You can click on Add AVariation With Default Settings,or Add A Variation With Current Settings.So let's do this, add avariation with current settings,and then this is avariation so a second alert,that can also trigger.Because we chose to add analert with the current settings,we have all the settings ofthe alert which we just set up,and for example, you canchange, Thanks for following to,Welcome to the club.Okay, then you save it at the bottom,so now when someone follows you,there's a chance that he texts will be,Thanks for following,and there's also a chancethat he texts will be,this right here, Welcome to the club.So you can test this righthere by clicking on Test,and then it will show the variation,and now let's just click Save Settings,and then when someone followsyou, it will be randomized,it will be one of thetwo options you added.The next thing is the Subscriptions.Let's scroll to the top and make sure thatthe subscription alertas enabled right here.The layout should be the first thing,the alert animation also the same,and then this is a newone Show Prime Subs.So as you know, people cansubscribe to someone for free,by applying for the firstfree month of Amazon Prime,and then they get a freesub to give to someone.If you don't want these kindof subs to show on your stream,you can disable it right here,but if you're not a very big streamer,I do not see why you should do this.Every person that subscribes to you,even if it was free forthem, is an achievement,and you should just beable to thank that person,and that person should berecognized, so just enable this.The message template,that's just the same,you can just type,Thanks for subscribing, under the name.Okay.The text animation again,choose what you like,just choose an image righthere, this dog is perfect,change the sound to somethingyou like, let's say this,change the volume, the alert duration,alert text duration,disable the HTML and CSS,and then right here let'ssee what is different.So, open resub messagesettings, this is new,so let's click on the plus icon,you should enable this if you wantthe resub message to show on your stream.You can then allow orforbidden twitch emotes,and again, change the font, font size,font weight, text color,we've been through that.Let's go to the next one, openresub message text to speech.Again, enable or disablethe text to speech,choose the voice, righthere, you can changethe strictness of your spam security.Beware that if you setthe security too high,there's a chance that someparts of some messageswill be deleted, evenif they weren't spam.So I wouldn't set this too high,I would keep it at low, or medium.Let's keep it at low right now.You can change the volume ofthe text to speech right here.And then right hereinclude message templatein text to speech, if youenable this right here,and then text to speech is enabled,then when you get a resub,the message will be shown,and there will also be avoice reading the text.So if you enable the text to speech,I would disable the message to show.I will disable this rightnow, then when we close this,we can see that open font settings,and open alert variations,that's just the sameas we just went through for the followers.So, let's save this andthen test the subscription,and as we can see animage, our text template,and then the text ofthe person subscribing.Next up are the Donations.Take the first layout,choose an alert animation,and then right here,click Open Text to Speech.Here you can enable ordisable text to speech,and at a minimum amountof dollars donated,to trigger the text to speech.You can change the Voice,again the spam security,volume, then include messageI want to disable this,if you want to enable it, justgo ahead and click Enabled.Let's close this again and thenthe minimum amount to alert,is the minimum amount of dollars donated,to trigger the donation alert.Be aware that the minimumamount of right here,was different because this isjust to trigger the text to speech.So, if you set the minimumamount to alert to $3,and the text to speech to $6,then when someone donates $5,the alert will be triggeredbecause it's more than $3,but the text to speechwill not be triggered,because you need to donate $6to trigger the text to speech.Let's close this again,and then the next thing,is the minimum amount for recent events.So this is also self explanatory,if you set a high amount totrigger the alert, for example,$6 you can change the recentevents to $2 or something,so people still see themselves appearingin the recent events,but the alert doesn'tdisturb the stream,because it was only $2.Although, I think that youshould just keep it very low,at like $3 because everyone who donatesshould get recognition.Right here again, the messagetemplate, you can change thisbut now we have two parameters,we have the name of theperson who is donating,and the amount donated.So you can not delete thesetwo words between parenthesis,you can however, add text in front of it,in between it or at the end.Again, the text animation, change it,choose an image, I willnot do it every time,so choose an image right here,choose a sound, change thevolume, alert duration,alert text delay, same things.Disable the custom HTML orCSS, and then right here,the only thing that's different,is the open donator message settings.So, let's click on that, righthere, if we disable this,then on stream when someonedonates, there will be shownthis person has donated this amount,but their message willnot be shown on stream.If we enable this, thenwe will see the image,then the person has donated this amount,and then under that,you will see the messageof the person who has donated.So that's your choice ifyou enable or disable this.The other settings are thesame, so let's save them,and then test the donation.So right here, of course, Ididn't add an image right here,or a sound, so if you add thatit will be displayed on top.Then let's go to the hostsettings, scroll to the top,and make sure they are enabled.Choose the first layout,change the alert animation,then show auto hosts, thisis disabled by default,because most of the timeauto hosts are happening,when a person is offlineand then their stream,is hosting older streams.So most of the time thegiven viewers or zero,because the person isoffline and just goingthrough his auto hosting list.So I advise you to disable this because,it may spam the stream with messagesthat you are beinghosted with zero people,so there's no point in that.Then the viewer minimum is one hosts you,and they host you with five viewers.If you think that's notenough to show the alert,then change this to 10 or 20 viewers.But I would not do thiseven if it's one viewer,if someone chooses to host you,you should just display the message.Then again, the minimum viewercount for recent events,how many viewers shouldbe hosted to show upin your recent events,I would keep it at zero,then in message template again,the name, the amount of viewersand then your chosen text,the animation, then add an image,add a sound, change thesesettings they are the same,as for the previous alerts,and then there are nodifferent settings right here.So, let's save this andthen go to the bits.Again, scroll to the top,make sure it's enabled,choose the layout, that's all the same,text to speech again, enable or disable,then in minimum amount ofbits, to trigger the alert,then your message template,the name of the personwho donating bits, and theamount of bits that are donated,a text animation, addan image, add a sound,everything is the sameas the previous things.Okay, disable HTML/CSS,and then let's see openbit message settings,is the same as the previousthings, disable this,if you don't want themessage of the persondonating the bits toshow up on your stream,but I would enable thischange the other settings,these things are thesame, so let's save this,and then go to the topand then check out rates.At the top, make sure it'senabled, chose a layout,and animation, a minimumamount of viewers rated,to trigger the alert, thenthe message template again,the name, and the amount ofpeople who joined the raid,animation image, sounds,everything the same,disable this and then thesesettings are also the same.So save this and this is actuallyeverything for the basicalerts, that everyone is using.There are three more alerts,but it's merged, face masks,and cloudbot redemption.These are advancedthings and I don't thinkI should go over these,in a basic alerts guide.So that will be for future videos.I hope you learned a lot in this video.If you did, please like itand share it with someone,who could use this content,because that really helps me,grow this channel.And if you're not a subscriber yet,click on the Subscribebutton at the bottom,and turn on notifications.Remember that this wasonly one of the guides,in streamlabs OBS master course playlist.So if learning more about streamlabs OBS,is something you're interested in,click on the Playlist rightthere to go and learn some more,because on this channel,we discuss everything,from setting up your stream,to growing your stream,to making a YouTubechannel for your stream,growing on social mediatogether with your stream,everything that you willneed, further in your journey.So join the club and then Iwill see you, in my next video.Have a good day.