10 Years Later
Here is the rewritten content in a well-structured article format:
**10 Years Ago Today...**
Ten years ago to the minute, my apartment burned down.
(Kindly ignore the dramatic sound effects - flames roaring)
Oh my god. It's crazy to think about, if I'm honest with you. The memories of that day still linger vividly in my mind.
Now, before you get worried, this is not a retirement video. I'm not trying to jump scare you, but 10 years is an enormously long amount of time, and it feels like it's a great opportunity to take a second and absorb how much things have changed.
It's funny when people come up to me and say... (sighs) Well, that's where the story will continue.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- 10 years ago to the minute,my apartment burned down.(flames roaring)Oh my god.It's crazy to think about,if I'm honest with you.Now, before you get worried,this is not a retirement video.I'm not trying to jump scare you,but 10 years is an enormouslylong amount of time,and it feels like it's a great opportunityto take a second and absorbhow much things have changed.So, (sighs) it's funnywhen people come up to meand say, "Hey, man, what's up?I like your channel."The number one thing thatusually follows that sentence is,"Yeah, I can't believe Istarted watching your videoswhen your house burned down."Now, if you're a newer subscriber,you may not have seen that video.And to sum it up, back in 2014,my apartment burned down to the ground.It was an experience.You're more than welcometo go check out that video.It is very, very popular,(laughs) 'cause I don't know,I guess it's not somethingthat happens a lot.It was a crazy day though.I think back on it some,it's like 10 years ago,it feels like it's thisinsanely long amount of time.But I remember it likeit was just yesterday.I remember I had stayedup late the night before.I was working on a browser test videoback when I still didthose on a regular basis.And I remember I finished the video,I uploaded it, went to sleep.I was sleeping in and Iheard shouting and screaming.And I remember I opened my eyesand looked outside and I had curtains,but it had one of those littlearch windows on the top.And I saw just blacksmoke all over the window.And I hopped out of bed. Andat first I thought like, oh,someone like their barbecuecaught on fire or whatever,'cause the way that myapartment was set up,it was like a three-story thing.I was on the third floorand some people had barbecuebits right out front.And I remember even a couple monthsactually before this had happened,this exact same thing had happened.Someone's barbecue had caught on fire,but it was just their meat got burned.It wasn't any kind of big deal,but it scared me, you know.So, this time, I jumped up,grabbed my phone, ran out,and as soon as I walkedout into the living room,I saw just black smoke, justbillowing all over my patio.And at that point, I knewlike, oh, this is bad.It was a moment where I hadeverything in the apartment.I had everything.I stopped to grab a, I had a little safe,a little fireproof safethat I had some stuff,like my passport and whatnot.And I grabbed my keys, Igrabbed my MacBook Air,I had my, I think it was myiPhone 4s and I booked it.I ran downstairs, camearound to the front,and the apartment was just on fire.It was going.So, it was a reset in my life.I really think about thingsbefore fire and after fire.There's a few moments like thatI think that most peoplehave in their lives,but it was a thing.And honestly, within an hour,the apartment buildingdidn't exist anymore.If you go there now,it is a concrete slab.There is nothing left.And I was not able to get really anything.If you've seen the videoI think I found like,oh, was it like, I found like an iPadthat was someone else's and stuff.I found some straps...Actually, you know what?It's funny, I should grab itoff the set here real quick.It's a fragment of "HarryPotter and the Goblet of Fire".Found a few pages of this in the firewhen everything burned down.I keep it as a little souveniron the back of the set.So, this is a opportunity for meto have a littleone-on-one with you, guys,because I think a lot of peopleare thinking about theirfuture right now on YouTube.And I think that it's agood thing to consider.Every good thing has to come to an end.That's the way that life works.It's a good thing that thingshave to come to an end.Change is what drives progressand new ideas and new generations.It is a good thing.But it's not a good thingwhen you're on the wrongend of that change.And whether it's burnout,whether it is a lack of interestfrom your audience, whether like...There's so many YouTuberswho have been successful over the years,and then their audience outgrew them.Whether it's the content,whether it's the humor,whatever the case is.When everything just goesup and up and up and up,it feels like it's going togo up and up and up forever,but nothing goes up forever.There's always going tobe, maybe not a reckoning,but things have to leveloff at a certain point.And I think that for a lot ofcreators, that point is now.Now, I will tell you thatpoint is not now for me.I am not quitting.I am not giving up oncontent anytime soon.There are a lot of reasonswhy creators are quitting.And I think that we'veall seen the videos,we've all seen a lot of the peoplewho we've watched for years and years,we've come to rely on justdecide that, hey, I'm done.But I think that it's partof something that's healthy.And the fact that YouTubershave had such longevity,I think is a good thing.I know that it's very popular to complain.It's very popular to go, oh no,YouTube changed, blah, blah, blah.And I get it, I get it. I really get it.But I'm a true believer in the ideathat YouTube has enabled me to live a lifethat I absolutely would nothave had access to without it.I was a 16-year-old kidmaking videos out of my mom's basement.I was taking screenshots on an iPod Touch.I pulled the microphonefrom "Rock Band" for PS2.I'm like, hello, welcometo, blah, blah, blah.There is no scenarioin which a guy like meshould have ever been able todo the things that I've done.And I entirely credit that to YouTubefor giving me the voice andthe platform to find myselfand to be able to dojust the unbelievably amazingthings that I've done.And it sucks when things go downhill.And I've experienced that.The views we got in 2020are a lot better thanthe ones we get today.And content changes. I knowthat there's a lot of you,especially if you're watching this video,there's probably a lot of youwho've watched thechannel for a long time,and you've seen the evolutionsthat we've gone through.We used to do PC builds all the time.We used to do real tech reviews.And over time, that hasevolved into (sighs)different stuff.And look, I'm happywith what we make. I am.I don't wanna make it seem like,oh, we gotta follow the algorithm.Like, no. I enjoy doing Mystery Tech.I enjoy doing these crazy, wacky videosand making more entertainmentthan some of the more hardcore tech stuff.I'm happy with it.But I fully recognize that a lot of youwho are watching thisvideo miss the old days.And to that, I wouldjust say things change.If you're not evolving, you're dying.I truly believe that.And especially when itcomes to online content,it's so, so fast.(fingers snapping)People who are tremendouslysuccessful yesterdaycan be absolutely left behind tomorrow.It's not actually that fast,but it feels like it,it really feels like it.And when you have algorithmsand shifting audiences,and always somethingthat's more tantalizingright around the corneron that next click,on that next thumbnail, itis a bit of an arms race.I love it though. I do, I really do.I absolutely love what I do.I am excited to wake up in the morning.I'm excited to come into the office.I'm excited to work witha bunch of amazing people.I'm excited to make cool videos.I make a lot of videos betweenhere on the main channel,between This Is, between onDenki, between on Instagram,between doing live streams and podcasts.And I truly, truly at the bottomof my heart, love being a creator.And I can't imagine my lifewithout it, I really can't.I am 31 years old andI've spent half of my lifecreating content every single day.And it's funny to think that 10 years agowhen my apartment burned down, I didn't...(Austin sighs)I was making content at that time.It was my full-time job,but I was by myself.I didn't have Overclock as a company.I didn't have anyone to workwith. I didn't have an office.I literally went from mybedroom to the second bedroom,which is where I had my little studioand my office and everything.And it's funny to think backat how much that really changed things.It really, really changed things.And not to sound too conceited,but I think it changedthings for tech on YouTube.Before that fire in January of 2014, 2014,the tech space was, wewere friends, we got along,there was no beef or whatever,and there's a few people whoI was really quite tight with,but there wasn't a sense of comradery.There wasn't a sense of communitythat had really formed yet.A little bit, but ithadn't really formed yet.And the fact that whenmy house burned down,a huge proportion of the techcommunity rallied together,sorry, rallied togetherand tried to pick me up off my feetor put me back on my feet.Not only did that mean so much to me,but I do believe it pushed us all forward.That was one of the first bigcollabs that we had ever done.And I think to what happenedthroughout the rest of 2014 and 2015,I think about the night that Lew and Jon,who just, they showed up tomy house or my parents' house,maybe two weeks after thefire, whatever it was,surprised me with theMac Pro, with gift cards,and with these videos that they had madeof all these messagesfrom all the people who hadchipped in and everything.And it's like, I thinkback to that night, sorry,I didn't mean to do this, butI think back to that night,Jon, Lew, and I were there eating Chili's,and Lew is pitching ideasand I'm talking with Jon about stuff,and we're like, why don'twe just go make this thing?It was like a music video.And we did it a couple months later.And then, we did a video with Joe Rogan,and then we started just allof us creating Team Crispy,which if you're not a longtime viewer,that might not mean anything to you.But it was a huge, huge deal.And I think that it was a happytime for YouTube and tech.It really helped us all get on our A game.And for several years after the fire,obviously I'm biased, withthe rose-tinted glassesand looking back 8, 9, 10 years ago,but it was somethingspecial, man, it really was.And now, it's different.Of course, it's different.Everything's different.I'm sure you can think of(chuckles) relationshipsand times that you had years agoand those aren't coming back.It's a different kind of thing.10 years is a long time,and I'm incredibly grateful.Please don't get me wrong.I'm incredibly gratefulfor how far things havecome in the last 10 years.I went from being a guywho's shooting videos out of my apartmentto developing these amazing relationshipswith so many other creators,to moving out to California,getting an office,founding Overclock asa company, hiring Ken.And now, we've got a dozen peoplewho work here makingYouTube videos every day,which is an insane ideathat that is the thing thatnow I am responsible for.And it's like, I don't know, man,it's crazy to think that 10 years ago,I was standing in front of myapartment on fire thinking,what the hell do I do now? (sighs)I'll never forgetwhen the fire had quiteliterally burn itself out.I was sitting around and tryingto figure out what to do.I remember Jon Rettinger. God, I love him.He called me. He was one ofthe first people to call me.My house was still literally on fireand he called me and go,"Hey, man, are you okay?Can I overnight you some camera gear,so that you'll be good?"Like...(Austin chuckles)Yeah, I just,I remember that day Iwas hanging out, waiting,didn't really know what todo when everything was done.I jumped in my car, Ihad my keys, thankfully.I didn't have my wallet.And I remember, this is the daysbefore Apple Pay and everything like that.I had to go to the bankand just convince them withzero documentation at all.I think I had mypassport, but at the time,I didn't have the key to getinto the lockbox, whatever.So, I had to go to the bankand convince them like,hey, I am who I am.Can I please have like a hundred bucks?Thankfully, the people atthe bank knew who I was.They probably shouldn't have done it,but they let me withdraw some moneywith literally nothing besides just,I showed up and asked for money.I drove to Best Buy.I bought chargers formy phone and my laptop.I'll fucking never forget this.I drove into the sunsetin my little Honda Civiclistening to The MarshallMathers LP 2 on full blast.The stereo sounded terrible,driving into the sunsetwith nothing but 20 bucksin my pocket, (laughs)some chargers, a laptop,and no idea what was coming next. (laughs)It's funny to think aboutthat compared to todaywhere I have the team,we have the company,we have the office, we have the channels.I'm married. I have children now.What? (laughs)God, it's just wild.I hope you'll forgive me forgoing down memory lane here,but it's like you guyshave been with me formy entire adult life.I can't picture my life without YouTube,without creating content.It's been almost 15 years of this. (sighs)It's insane.Which kinda, I guessbrings me to the future,and that sounds really ominous.The future is bright, my friends,for all of this, it's good.Things are not where they were in 2020,but they're not where theywere in 2020 for anyone.I think YouTube was artificially inflated,as many things werewhen people were at homeand watching more content.And there was a PlayStation 5and an Xbox Series X coming out.Those are heights that, I'll be honest,I'm probably never gonna hit again.And I'm okay with that.I'm like, ok...No, I'm not okay, I'm good.It doesn't sound like I'm good.I don't believe it whenit comes out of my mouth.But I really am good.So much good has comein the last 10 years,in the last 15 yearsbecause of this platform,because of all the amazing peoplethat I've connected through, through it.And look, I have all thesympathy in the worldfor every creator who isgoing through burnout,who is having a tough time as views dip,as they watch TikTok and Instagram Reelsand YouTube Shorts startto nibble away the edgesof the views that they used to get,as they see the big creatorswho absorb hundreds of millions of views.And you go, what happened to me?I could not sympathize withyou more. I totally get it.And you know what, if a year from now,the channel is a fractionof what it used to beand I find it more and moredifficult to justify going on,I would be sad as fucktoo, man, I really would.But I'm thankfully not in that spot.And I am thankfully in a positionwhere I am going to keep making videosand I cannot see an end date for it.There will come, it will be,there will be the last videoI post on this channel.It will happen at some point.Hopefully it's a videoI get to choose to makeand not a video that is unfortunatelythe last thing that's posted. (laughs)That sounds dark, man.But you know what, no day is promised.Every day, you gotta appreciatewhat you got, you really do.You never, ever have a day promised.You have nothing promised to you in life.I truly believe that.Appreciate what you got.And I'm gonna appreciate what I have.Thank you for watching this video.Sorry if I clickbaited you,but, man, it's like,I've been thinking a lotabout a lot of things lately.And (sighs) especially witheveryone talking about retiring,10 years since the fire,it felt like this wasthe perfect opportunityfor me to have a real chat with, y'all.Because videos like this shouldn't work.They don't usually work. Youshouldn't post stuff like this.I should be making aMystery Tech right now.But every once in a while, Ithink it's important to be realand hopefully you'll appreciate that.'Cause I think it's helpful for me too.Thank you for watching.Thank you for supporting.Thank you for letting me do what I do.I could not be any more gratefuland I probably should be,but I'm just, I'm happy,things are in a good spot.I work hard, but I love what I do, man.I really love what I do.Is it stressful? Sometimes,yeah, you better believe.But at the end of theday, I'm living my dream.I'm living beyond whatI could have dreamt.And I want to be appreciativeand not take it for granted.Every day I get to do this is a happy day.So, thank you, thank you,thank you for supporting me,for supporting othercreators who you enjoyand thank you for the (laughs)last 10, 15 years of watching videos.Man, I'm not going anywhere.If I have any choice in the matter,I'm not going anywhere at all.I'm gonna keep making videos.The content will evolve.The stuff I make a year from nowwill be different than today,as it will be for 5 years fromnow and 10 years from now.It is going to change.I am sorry if you love what I make today,it's gonna be different.I don't know what it'll be.It's gonna be a constant evolution.But you know what,thank you for stickinghere through these yearsand I promise for every daythat I have the opportunity to do it,I'm gonna keep making content that I enjoyand that hopefully you'll enjoy as well.So,that's it.I'm gonna hit the stop button now.I will see you guys in a next video,which will be totally normaland this'll be a little blipthat no one will probably watch. (laughs)Enjoy every day. It's notpromised, it's not guaranteed.Like really appreciate it.