Social Documentary That's the One We Did and I'm Going to Edit This and We'll Get Back Into the Edit Window Now What I Want to Do Here Uh Is First of All I Need to Talk About How They Do That Thumbnail Image And This Is a Concept That Actually Is Used in the Default Themes That Come with WordPress Too But WordPress Allows You to Do What's Called a Featured Image So If You Look Over Here on the Right Side There's a Tab That Says Featured Image and I Can Set What That Featured Image Is So Let's Go Ahead and Say Set Featured Image I Can Upload a New Image if I Want but But I Actually Don't I Want to Use One of the Images That's in That Gallery That Makes Sense Uh You Certainly Could Do a New Image but You Don't Need to Upload It If You Want to Use One of These Same Images Uh Let's Take This One of This Guy in the Snow in Front of Intelligencia and We'll Come Down Here and Rather This Time We've Been Using This Button that Says Insert into Post I'm Not Going to Use That This Time I'm Going to Say Use as Featured Image and You'll See That Kind of In the Dark Over Here on the Right it It Loaded That in So I'm Good We Can Just Go Ahead and Close That Window Now and We're Good Now What I Need to Do Is Update So It'll Save Uh That Page Again or Excuse Me This Project and Now If I Go Back to the Homepage Let's Say Visit Site you Will See That Voila We Now Have a Thumbnail Image that Allows You to Mouse Over And it Says Social Documentary and I Can Start Putting as Many of These as I Want in Here and Build This Out Um and You Can See That That You Know Hero Really Shines Right There I Can Change the Name of Recent Projects or Services and I Can Also Change If I Don't Like This Mouse over Color this Hover Color of This Mustard Thing You Can Change That Too and I'll Show You Real Quickly Where to Do Those it's The Kind of Thing I'm Not Going to Go Through Because It's Pretty Obvious Um and Uh You Probably Want to Do That on Your Own So Under Appearance if I Go Down to Theme Options this Is Where It Is and Uh WordPress Takes a Little Getting Used To There's a Lot of Options in Here But I Think It's Pretty Simple it's Well Laid Out It's Free to Use Uh It's Very Robust Um Anyway So Here's Basically Where I Can Start Changing Options if I Want the Recent Projects Title Say Something Else I Can Do That Here Our Services I Can Get Out of There I Can Say Featured Pages and That's What It Does Is It Puts Featured Pages Down There and We Can Talk More About That in Another Video but Hopefully This Will Get You Going and Get You Experimenting Um You Know There's a Couple Things and I Say This in the Show Notes So If You Want I Know We Move Kind of Fast Through These So If You're Looking This on the Page at the Art of Photography. TV on Building a A Photography Portfolio Um a Couple of the Reasons I Really Like WordPress and I Have Had Um Experience with Drupal and a Little Bit of Jumla and Some Custom Stuff and One of the Things I Like About WordPress is It's Pretty Straight Forward it's Very Strong it's Got a Lot of Options into It it's It's Easy to Use um A Lot of People Use It So You Know Sometimes if You're Working with Other People There's a Good Chance You Won't Have to Train Them as Much on It Because They've Already Used It at Some Point Uh But the Big Two Things I Like the Most Is Like You Know Other People Handle All the Coding That Are Much Smarter Than Me and They Deal with All the Security Issues and Also the Thing I Like is It's Very SEO Friendly or It's Very Search Engine Optimized and So I Found That This Tends to Talk to Google a Little A Little Bit Better Than if I Just Built a Website by Hand Uh It Just Is Does a Really Good Job with That Uh I Want to Do One More Video and We'll Talk About Plugins and That'll Be the Last in Our Series and You Know Leave a Comment on the Page or Whatever if You Have Any Questions or Anything and Uh You Know Hopefully I've I've Shown You How Easy It Is to Get Up and And Going on a Website and You Know Using WordPress Updating It is Easy So Keeping Fresh Content and New Images on Your Website All the Time Being Able to Write and Add Text uh You Know Stuff That that You Know Google Tends to Like uh So You'll Rank A Little Better in Search Engines Ultimately Uh You Know WordPress Makes That Easy to Do So Anyway Thanks Again for Watching and We'll Do One More We'll Talk About Some Plugins that You Might Want to Use
Building a Portfolio Project in Wordpess with Themetrust
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey everybody welcome back again and this is our third video in our installment on how to quickly get set up and running and build a photography portfolio in just about no time at all and uh we uh if you've missed the other two videos you might want to watch them because they're kind of sequential here and you might wonder what the heck we're doing in the first video we basically set up our hosting our domain name and threw WordPress in and we did it in five minutes and uh the second video we talked about installing this wonderful theme called hero uh from the awesome Folks at at theme trust and uh we're going to talk about how to set up hero a little further all we did in the last video is we got our background image here set and we're going to work on some more options and how to set up this theme uh get a little tighter in in this video and so um one of the things that I want to point out if you go back to the theme Trust website when you purchase a theme from theme trust uh they will give you the zip file with the theme in it and you should get a download link also for a PDF file on how to use this theme and if you didn't get that for whatever reason you can get it straight off their website and you can look through these cuz you don't actually have to own a theme to look at them uh but if I go under support and let's click on knowledge base here's and they're very good at documentation for all their themes so you know if you want to few changes or whatever but this first category in here which it say theme documentation uh this is basically how to use your theme now the one we're using is hero and um you know like I said I've used a lot of their themes and they're excellent so anyway so here's getting started with hero uh it's it's not a lot of stuff to read uh it's separated out by chapter and it gives you all the information you need to know um I've been through this I'm just going to walk you through it but if you have any questions um and you actually own a theme from theme trust this is where you get help uh they also have uh forums where you can get help from other users and uh anyway the support is really good with theme trust and it's one of the things I like about them let's go back over to my portfolio first thing I want to do here is this is really not set up uh for a portfolio site yet by default WordPress wants to put a list of your latest blog posts on the front of every page and hero gives you an option of doing a more static comp page that gives you not only blog posts but also recent portfolios you might have put in there and we're going to talk about how to do a portfolio too but let's set up this homepage first and it's really easy all you have to do is let's go into our admin so let's go back to the dashboard under my portfolio and what you're going to see is over on the um right hand side of the screen we're going to need to set up our homepage so if I go over under Pages sorry the left I said right if you go under Pages we're going to say add new and we're going to add a new page and what we'll do is we'll give it a title the title is arbitrary because you won't actually see it but uh we'll call this home just because that's easy so we're going to do our homepage and then what I'm going to do is before I save this if you go to the right side of the screen under page attributes you're going to see a template drop down menu and what we want to do he's these are the templates that come with hero and there's five of them and what we're going to do is we're going to select home okay so select home and this is the homepage template so this will behave like the homepage does in that demo we're going to just say publish and now we've made the page but we need to do one more thing to it we need to set it so it that this is the first page you see when you hit the website WordPress will let you do that if you go on the Le hand side of the screen under settings this last tab down here these are all the settings just have to do with WordPress in general and what we're going to do is we're going to go under reading okay the subject of reading here these are basically the options you have when you're reading the website and you can see by default our web page displays our latest posts what we want to do is say a static page and it says hey what page do you want well for the front page let's select home and we're good to go there under the post page we'll leave that just it's default let's say save changes and now you can see this is pretty nice when I go under to visit the website now under my portfolio visit site here we are we are now set up with the homepage you got rid of those blog posts and it is using home as the default and you can see here it says recent projects and then our services and this allows you to assign certain things to be under those categories you can also change the name names of those categories which is pretty important too um for instance some of you may not do consultation or something so your services might not be something to fill out but you have two options you know for display there uh recent projects is the one we want and I'm going to show you how to build a portfolio and let's do that really quick show you how easy it is and I've already put together some images for a portfolio if you go back under the dashboard for WordPress here I'm going to go back into the back end you'll notice that when you install any of the themes from theme trust uh they give you a new content type and on the left the top stuff that you see these are content types so if I have posts these are blog posts if I want to create a new blog post that's fine if I want to upload some New Media you can deal with links Pages comments these are all types of of posts and or yeah basically content types types of content they've added one called projects and this is what the portfolios comprise of they actually look a lot like blog posts or pages but they've defined it as projects and it's mainly so it can show up a certain way on that homepage if you go into projects what we're going to do is so we're going to say add a new project and I'll give this project a title and I've got some uh Street photos in here but I really hate that term so I'm going to call something else let's call it social documentary and these will be my social let's actually spell it right not documentary how about documentary and now we're good to go so we will do our social documentary stuff here now any time you're creating anything you can save your drafts you can publish them uh I prefer not to publish until I'm actually done and I also prefer to work in the HTML editor so if you look up here into your text editor by default yours is probably set up to visual I prefer it to be in HTML and I'll show you why in a minute because we're actually I'm going to show you how to do some really easy code that you add to get some options on these but anyway for now what we want to do is say upload and insert and this is where you add media to your post if I select this add media button um again as we saw one of the other videos here this makes it really easy if I just open up the folder here I'm going to drag and drop all four of these images on here and you can see that what it's going to do is upload them one by one and it'll start it'll say crunching and what that means is it's building thumbnails and all kinds of wonderful things like that but the drag and drop interface is very cool now what I can do is um I can if I click on this show button on the um on the right hand side of of the screen here uh basically this allows me to go in and change the title of these images if I want to do that and I recommend that you do and it also um allows you to tell the size and stuff that you want but there's this thing called link URL in here and by default and this is a little bit annoying about WordPress um it will default to the original image I don't want this link necessarily to be clicked on it's not like that you could set it so when you click on it it goes to another website even um so I'm going to say none in here and you have to do that for each one of these so let's clear that out uh other than that full size let's just say insert into post and what it's going to do is insert the HTML code for that image into the post if you're in the visual editor you'll actually see the image let's go back to HTML uh what I'm going to do is drop a line and let's go add some more images from that and what's cool is you'll notice that WordPress remembered that those four Images belong to this web page and I can now go in let's grab the second image I'll clear out the link here let's say insert into post and make sure you selected full size I want my images to be big and and uh and looking good because after all it is a photo portfolio um I wish there was a way to kind of dump these all at once and there is but it builds a gallery so what we're doing is doing these by hand but there's only four of them so let's go ahead and say insert into post drop one more line and finally we will do the last image let's go in here gallery and let's say insert into post and I'll say no link insert okay now I have all four of my images shown here let's go ahead and save this draft and it'll take a second to save it and then you can hit the preview button and it will show you what this page is going to look like and you'll see that it looks pretty good once it loads up here there we go um and this is certainly a cool way to do a portfolio you could put text in between these images if you want but my images look big they're full width again one thing that's really nice about uh the Hero theme is watch what happens when I resize this window it will ensure that those images always stay the full width of the screen so they don't go cropping off so if you open this on an iPhone or an iPad you're you're good to go you're Set uh something is really nice about hero as I really like that that responsive design and then that's kind of an element of that is making sure that images stay the same width and without going into the technical details just know that hero just does it and a lot of the other themes from theme trust do too so it's not just limited to this one okay one thing you can do with theme trust that's really cool here and I'm going to open up the PDF and let's go over here they have a little short code that shows you how to build a quick slideshow and this is also documented on the website but I'm have the PDF open here and what it does is it it it uses what work WordPress calls short code short code looks a lot like HTML tags it's just very simple but it's a little bit different and rather than using the greater than lesson uh greater than less than brackets you're going to use just straight up square brackets but basically what you want to do is all the images you want to be in that slideshow need to be between the tag slideshow and then front SL or forward SL slideshow so let's show you how to code that let's go back over here let's go back to the uh the back end here and so basically I'm just going to take this group of images and if I go back up and I do my my square bracket and I say slideshow all one word and then we're going to go down to the bottom and I'm going to say bracket and then this one needs the the forward slash here the back slash back slash slideshow and then close the bracket now it basically takes everything that's between those two things and it automatically builds a slideshow this is so cool so let's save this draft and uh let's go ahead and preview and it's going to load it up here and voila you now have all of your images into this cool little slideshow so there are little arrows on the side so I can arrow through these images um you can Auto assign to to scroll through and you can actually use the arrows on your keyboard too if you're on a desktop to go through here so this is a really nice way of building some images and uh just having a small slideshow I like my images to be big so this this is a really nice option you know there's some plugins and stuff and we we'll go down uh we'll do some more videos as we go and talk about plugins and things that are essential but you can really see how powerful WordPress is particularly if you have a theme that's well written uh and what you can start to do the other thing I really like about hero that that's really cool is is the weight handles typography and so one of the things you can do is actually put text into columns and here's how to do the short codes for using columns and basically again we're going to see the short codes which is you know a little bit of code that comes between some brackets but this is how you set them up um if you want uh it'll support uh both half and third columns so just make sure that you know if you're using 1/3 you'll use 1/3 close it 1/3 close it and then the last one needs to be 1/3 last you need to tell it you're on the last one and I know that seems kind of counterintuitive but it's just kind of a little glitch in HTML that needs to be dealt with so that's the only only thing so if I want to have some content columns here let's let's do two I'm going to paste in some um some dummy text here um and uh it's just Greek text it doesn't mean anything and let's put this into two columns under my image so what we're going to do is use the square we'll say 1/2 square bracket and let's go ahead and close that out and uh their example is thirds I'm going to use half and then let's just cut and paste that to make it a little quicker here and let's say one half last remember you have to tell it's the last one even though it should be obvious but it does know okay so what I need to do is now just take some of this text here and I'm going to cut and paste it and put it between the bracket or my short codes and let's do this this one too let's cut that and let's put it between the short code and then I'll delete the rest of the stuff I don't really need it I could leave it I'll leave it in so you can see what it looks like um as compared to column code so we're going to leave that in and what we're going to do is go ahead and say save draft and then we'll preview and let's see what that looks like and you can see there it is I have my gallery and then I have columns here this is a lot of text in here and I probably wouldn't want that many that much text to describe an image but you certainly could um but anyway and I could do third columns too this this is what 1/2 looks like and 1/3 would actually be three columns over so anyway this is really cool and it gives you some great options as far as uh you know adding text to your web page and your image and all that good stuff let's go ahead and we have just been saving draft I'm going to go ahead and publish because I want to show you one more thing so once you hit publish this is live on the website so now I can go back to the homepage say visit site and there's one more thing I need to show you how to do in here and you'll notice that now on the homepage recent projects we have a square box and nothing works here what's going on with that well what happens is it's going to put thumbnails here for each of the images in your portfolio so what we need to do is assign that portfolio thumbnail image and we haven't done that yet so let me go back and let's figure out how to do that if you go back under dashboard and if you don't remember where it was if I go under projects because remember this is a project and let's say uh let's just go select projects it'll list them here here it is social documentary that's the one we did and I'm going to edit this and we'll get back into the edit window now what I want to do here uh is first of all I need to talk about how they do that thumbnail image and this is a concept that actually is used in the default themes that come with WordPress too but WordPress allows you to do what's called a featured image so if you look over here on the right side there's a tab that says featured image and I can set what that featured image is so let's go ahead and say set featured image I can upload a new image if I want but but I actually don't I want to use one of the images that's in that gallery that makes sense uh you certainly could do a new image but you don't need to upload it if you want to use one of these same images uh let's take this one of this guy in the snow in front of intelligencia and we'll come down here and rather this time we've been using this button that says insert into post I'm not going to use that this time I'm going to say use as featured image and you'll see that kind of in the dark over here on the right it it loaded that in so I'm good we can just go ahead and close that window now and we're good now what I need to do is update so it'll save uh that page again or excuse me this project and now if I go back to the homepage let's say visit site you will see that voila we now have a thumbnail image that allows you to Mouse over and it says social documentary and I can start putting as many of these as I want in here and build this out um and you can see that that you know hero really shines right there I can change the name of recent projects or services and I can also change if I don't like this mouse over color this hover color of this mustard thing you can change that too and I'll show you real quickly where to do those it's the kind of thing I'm not going to go through because it's pretty obvious um and uh you know you probably want to do that on your own so under appearance if I go down to theme options this is where it is and uh WordPress takes a little getting used to there's a lot of options in here but I think it's pretty simple it's well laid out it's free to use uh it's very robust um anyway so here's basically where I can start changing options if I want the recent projects title say something else I can do that here our services I can get out of there I can say featured pages and that's what it does is it puts featured Pages down there and we can talk more about that in another video but hopefully this will get you going and get you experimenting um you know there's a couple things and I say this in the show notes so if you want I know we move kind of fast through these so if you're looking this on the page at the art of photography. TV on building a a photography portfolio um a couple of the reasons I really like WordPress and I have had um experience with Drupal and a little bit of jumla and some custom stuff and one of the things I like about WordPress is it's pretty straight straightforward it's very strong it's got a lot of options into it it's it's easy to use um a lot of people use it so you know sometimes if you're working with other people there's a good chance you won't have to train them as much on it because they've already used it at some point uh but the big two things I like the most is like you know other people handle all the coding that are much smarter than me and they deal with all the security issues and also the thing I like is it's very SEO friendly or it's very search engine optimized and so I found that this tends to talk to Google a little a little bit better than if I just build a website by hand uh it just is does a really good job with that uh I want to do one more video and we'll talk about plugins and that'll be the last in our series and you know leave a comment on the page or whatever if you have any questions or anything and uh you know hopefully I've I've shown you how easy it is to get up and and going on a website and you know using Wordpress updating it is easy so keeping fresh content and new images on your website all the time being able to write and add text uh you know stuff that that you know Google tends to like uh so you'll rank a little better in search engines ultimately uh you know WordPress makes that easy to do so anyway thanks again for watching and we'll do one more we'll talk about some plugins that you might want to usehey everybody welcome back again and this is our third video in our installment on how to quickly get set up and running and build a photography portfolio in just about no time at all and uh we uh if you've missed the other two videos you might want to watch them because they're kind of sequential here and you might wonder what the heck we're doing in the first video we basically set up our hosting our domain name and threw WordPress in and we did it in five minutes and uh the second video we talked about installing this wonderful theme called hero uh from the awesome Folks at at theme trust and uh we're going to talk about how to set up hero a little further all we did in the last video is we got our background image here set and we're going to work on some more options and how to set up this theme uh get a little tighter in in this video and so um one of the things that I want to point out if you go back to the theme Trust website when you purchase a theme from theme trust uh they will give you the zip file with the theme in it and you should get a download link also for a PDF file on how to use this theme and if you didn't get that for whatever reason you can get it straight off their website and you can look through these cuz you don't actually have to own a theme to look at them uh but if I go under support and let's click on knowledge base here's and they're very good at documentation for all their themes so you know if you want to few changes or whatever but this first category in here which it say theme documentation uh this is basically how to use your theme now the one we're using is hero and um you know like I said I've used a lot of their themes and they're excellent so anyway so here's getting started with hero uh it's it's not a lot of stuff to read uh it's separated out by chapter and it gives you all the information you need to know um I've been through this I'm just going to walk you through it but if you have any questions um and you actually own a theme from theme trust this is where you get help uh they also have uh forums where you can get help from other users and uh anyway the support is really good with theme trust and it's one of the things I like about them let's go back over to my portfolio first thing I want to do here is this is really not set up uh for a portfolio site yet by default WordPress wants to put a list of your latest blog posts on the front of every page and hero gives you an option of doing a more static comp page that gives you not only blog posts but also recent portfolios you might have put in there and we're going to talk about how to do a portfolio too but let's set up this homepage first and it's really easy all you have to do is let's go into our admin so let's go back to the dashboard under my portfolio and what you're going to see is over on the um right hand side of the screen we're going to need to set up our homepage so if I go over under Pages sorry the left I said right if you go under Pages we're going to say add new and we're going to add a new page and what we'll do is we'll give it a title the title is arbitrary because you won't actually see it but uh we'll call this home just because that's easy so we're going to do our homepage and then what I'm going to do is before I save this if you go to the right side of the screen under page attributes you're going to see a template drop down menu and what we want to do he's these are the templates that come with hero and there's five of them and what we're going to do is we're going to select home okay so select home and this is the homepage template so this will behave like the homepage does in that demo we're going to just say publish and now we've made the page but we need to do one more thing to it we need to set it so it that this is the first page you see when you hit the website WordPress will let you do that if you go on the Le hand side of the screen under settings this last tab down here these are all the settings just have to do with WordPress in general and what we're going to do is we're going to go under reading okay the subject of reading here these are basically the options you have when you're reading the website and you can see by default our web page displays our latest posts what we want to do is say a static page and it says hey what page do you want well for the front page let's select home and we're good to go there under the post page we'll leave that just it's default let's say save changes and now you can see this is pretty nice when I go under to visit the website now under my portfolio visit site here we are we are now set up with the homepage you got rid of those blog posts and it is using home as the default and you can see here it says recent projects and then our services and this allows you to assign certain things to be under those categories you can also change the name names of those categories which is pretty important too um for instance some of you may not do consultation or something so your services might not be something to fill out but you have two options you know for display there uh recent projects is the one we want and I'm going to show you how to build a portfolio and let's do that really quick show you how easy it is and I've already put together some images for a portfolio if you go back under the dashboard for WordPress here I'm going to go back into the back end you'll notice that when you install any of the themes from theme trust uh they give you a new content type and on the left the top stuff that you see these are content types so if I have posts these are blog posts if I want to create a new blog post that's fine if I want to upload some New Media you can deal with links Pages comments these are all types of of posts and or yeah basically content types types of content they've added one called projects and this is what the portfolios comprise of they actually look a lot like blog posts or pages but they've defined it as projects and it's mainly so it can show up a certain way on that homepage if you go into projects what we're going to do is so we're going to say add a new project and I'll give this project a title and I've got some uh Street photos in here but I really hate that term so I'm going to call something else let's call it social documentary and these will be my social let's actually spell it right not documentary how about documentary and now we're good to go so we will do our social documentary stuff here now any time you're creating anything you can save your drafts you can publish them uh I prefer not to publish until I'm actually done and I also prefer to work in the HTML editor so if you look up here into your text editor by default yours is probably set up to visual I prefer it to be in HTML and I'll show you why in a minute because we're actually I'm going to show you how to do some really easy code that you add to get some options on these but anyway for now what we want to do is say upload and insert and this is where you add media to your post if I select this add media button um again as we saw one of the other videos here this makes it really easy if I just open up the folder here I'm going to drag and drop all four of these images on here and you can see that what it's going to do is upload them one by one and it'll start it'll say crunching and what that means is it's building thumbnails and all kinds of wonderful things like that but the drag and drop interface is very cool now what I can do is um I can if I click on this show button on the um on the right hand side of of the screen here uh basically this allows me to go in and change the title of these images if I want to do that and I recommend that you do and it also um allows you to tell the size and stuff that you want but there's this thing called link URL in here and by default and this is a little bit annoying about WordPress um it will default to the original image I don't want this link necessarily to be clicked on it's not like that you could set it so when you click on it it goes to another website even um so I'm going to say none in here and you have to do that for each one of these so let's clear that out uh other than that full size let's just say insert into post and what it's going to do is insert the HTML code for that image into the post if you're in the visual editor you'll actually see the image let's go back to HTML uh what I'm going to do is drop a line and let's go add some more images from that and what's cool is you'll notice that WordPress remembered that those four Images belong to this web page and I can now go in let's grab the second image I'll clear out the link here let's say insert into post and make sure you selected full size I want my images to be big and and uh and looking good because after all it is a photo portfolio um I wish there was a way to kind of dump these all at once and there is but it builds a gallery so what we're doing is doing these by hand but there's only four of them so let's go ahead and say insert into post drop one more line and finally we will do the last image let's go in here gallery and let's say insert into post and I'll say no link insert okay now I have all four of my images shown here let's go ahead and save this draft and it'll take a second to save it and then you can hit the preview button and it will show you what this page is going to look like and you'll see that it looks pretty good once it loads up here there we go um and this is certainly a cool way to do a portfolio you could put text in between these images if you want but my images look big they're full width again one thing that's really nice about uh the Hero theme is watch what happens when I resize this window it will ensure that those images always stay the full width of the screen so they don't go cropping off so if you open this on an iPhone or an iPad you're you're good to go you're Set uh something is really nice about hero as I really like that that responsive design and then that's kind of an element of that is making sure that images stay the same width and without going into the technical details just know that hero just does it and a lot of the other themes from theme trust do too so it's not just limited to this one okay one thing you can do with theme trust that's really cool here and I'm going to open up the PDF and let's go over here they have a little short code that shows you how to build a quick slideshow and this is also documented on the website but I'm have the PDF open here and what it does is it it it uses what work WordPress calls short code short code looks a lot like HTML tags it's just very simple but it's a little bit different and rather than using the greater than lesson uh greater than less than brackets you're going to use just straight up square brackets but basically what you want to do is all the images you want to be in that slideshow need to be between the tag slideshow and then front SL or forward SL slideshow so let's show you how to code that let's go back over here let's go back to the uh the back end here and so basically I'm just going to take this group of images and if I go back up and I do my my square bracket and I say slideshow all one word and then we're going to go down to the bottom and I'm going to say bracket and then this one needs the the forward slash here the back slash back slash slideshow and then close the bracket now it basically takes everything that's between those two things and it automatically builds a slideshow this is so cool so let's save this draft and uh let's go ahead and preview and it's going to load it up here and voila you now have all of your images into this cool little slideshow so there are little arrows on the side so I can arrow through these images um you can Auto assign to to scroll through and you can actually use the arrows on your keyboard too if you're on a desktop to go through here so this is a really nice way of building some images and uh just having a small slideshow I like my images to be big so this this is a really nice option you know there's some plugins and stuff and we we'll go down uh we'll do some more videos as we go and talk about plugins and things that are essential but you can really see how powerful WordPress is particularly if you have a theme that's well written uh and what you can start to do the other thing I really like about hero that that's really cool is is the weight handles typography and so one of the things you can do is actually put text into columns and here's how to do the short codes for using columns and basically again we're going to see the short codes which is you know a little bit of code that comes between some brackets but this is how you set them up um if you want uh it'll support uh both half and third columns so just make sure that you know if you're using 1/3 you'll use 1/3 close it 1/3 close it and then the last one needs to be 1/3 last you need to tell it you're on the last one and I know that seems kind of counterintuitive but it's just kind of a little glitch in HTML that needs to be dealt with so that's the only only thing so if I want to have some content columns here let's let's do two I'm going to paste in some um some dummy text here um and uh it's just Greek text it doesn't mean anything and let's put this into two columns under my image so what we're going to do is use the square we'll say 1/2 square bracket and let's go ahead and close that out and uh their example is thirds I'm going to use half and then let's just cut and paste that to make it a little quicker here and let's say one half last remember you have to tell it's the last one even though it should be obvious but it does know okay so what I need to do is now just take some of this text here and I'm going to cut and paste it and put it between the bracket or my short codes and let's do this this one too let's cut that and let's put it between the short code and then I'll delete the rest of the stuff I don't really need it I could leave it I'll leave it in so you can see what it looks like um as compared to column code so we're going to leave that in and what we're going to do is go ahead and say save draft and then we'll preview and let's see what that looks like and you can see there it is I have my gallery and then I have columns here this is a lot of text in here and I probably wouldn't want that many that much text to describe an image but you certainly could um but anyway and I could do third columns too this this is what 1/2 looks like and 1/3 would actually be three columns over so anyway this is really cool and it gives you some great options as far as uh you know adding text to your web page and your image and all that good stuff let's go ahead and we have just been saving draft I'm going to go ahead and publish because I want to show you one more thing so once you hit publish this is live on the website so now I can go back to the homepage say visit site and there's one more thing I need to show you how to do in here and you'll notice that now on the homepage recent projects we have a square box and nothing works here what's going on with that well what happens is it's going to put thumbnails here for each of the images in your portfolio so what we need to do is assign that portfolio thumbnail image and we haven't done that yet so let me go back and let's figure out how to do that if you go back under dashboard and if you don't remember where it was if I go under projects because remember this is a project and let's say uh let's just go select projects it'll list them here here it is social documentary that's the one we did and I'm going to edit this and we'll get back into the edit window now what I want to do here uh is first of all I need to talk about how they do that thumbnail image and this is a concept that actually is used in the default themes that come with WordPress too but WordPress allows you to do what's called a featured image so if you look over here on the right side there's a tab that says featured image and I can set what that featured image is so let's go ahead and say set featured image I can upload a new image if I want but but I actually don't I want to use one of the images that's in that gallery that makes sense uh you certainly could do a new image but you don't need to upload it if you want to use one of these same images uh let's take this one of this guy in the snow in front of intelligencia and we'll come down here and rather this time we've been using this button that says insert into post I'm not going to use that this time I'm going to say use as featured image and you'll see that kind of in the dark over here on the right it it loaded that in so I'm good we can just go ahead and close that window now and we're good now what I need to do is update so it'll save uh that page again or excuse me this project and now if I go back to the homepage let's say visit site you will see that voila we now have a thumbnail image that allows you to Mouse over and it says social documentary and I can start putting as many of these as I want in here and build this out um and you can see that that you know hero really shines right there I can change the name of recent projects or services and I can also change if I don't like this mouse over color this hover color of this mustard thing you can change that too and I'll show you real quickly where to do those it's the kind of thing I'm not going to go through because it's pretty obvious um and uh you know you probably want to do that on your own so under appearance if I go down to theme options this is where it is and uh WordPress takes a little getting used to there's a lot of options in here but I think it's pretty simple it's well laid out it's free to use uh it's very robust um anyway so here's basically where I can start changing options if I want the recent projects title say something else I can do that here our services I can get out of there I can say featured pages and that's what it does is it puts featured Pages down there and we can talk more about that in another video but hopefully this will get you going and get you experimenting um you know there's a couple things and I say this in the show notes so if you want I know we move kind of fast through these so if you're looking this on the page at the art of photography. TV on building a a photography portfolio um a couple of the reasons I really like WordPress and I have had um experience with Drupal and a little bit of jumla and some custom stuff and one of the things I like about WordPress is it's pretty straight straightforward it's very strong it's got a lot of options into it it's it's easy to use um a lot of people use it so you know sometimes if you're working with other people there's a good chance you won't have to train them as much on it because they've already used it at some point uh but the big two things I like the most is like you know other people handle all the coding that are much smarter than me and they deal with all the security issues and also the thing I like is it's very SEO friendly or it's very search engine optimized and so I found that this tends to talk to Google a little a little bit better than if I just build a website by hand uh it just is does a really good job with that uh I want to do one more video and we'll talk about plugins and that'll be the last in our series and you know leave a comment on the page or whatever if you have any questions or anything and uh you know hopefully I've I've shown you how easy it is to get up and and going on a website and you know using Wordpress updating it is easy so keeping fresh content and new images on your website all the time being able to write and add text uh you know stuff that that you know Google tends to like uh so you'll rank a little better in search engines ultimately uh you know WordPress makes that easy to do so anyway thanks again for watching and we'll do one more we'll talk about some plugins that you might want to use\n"