I have a question. You might not know this because you didn't actually read it yet but I guess I wonder if she can apply it for good too like what if she witnesses somebody do a really selfless good deed and then she wants them to like find a hundred dollars on the ground.

Oh that's interesting, I didn't even think about how it could be used for positivity. J: People always think of instant karma as like a bad person getting their comeuppance which I do too but I've also tried to think of it as you know when you do a good thing. I wonder if that'll be like a theme in the book.

J: I just ruined the twist for you. E: No you didn't. And then I went to Books are Magic in Brooklyn, now we're on to the last of the two Brooklyn stores. First, I bought this iron-on patch this is like a mural on the outside. J: Cool. Yes, I've seen this you showed me that. E: Yeah so it's the mural and I don't have anything to iron it on yet, I don't think but I'm just gonna put on my wall which I'm excited for. J: It has a very…I'm just killing it with the SpongeBob today it has a very ~imagination~ vibe to it.

Three SpongeBob references in five minutes. J: You all get them. And so, I decided to buy Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women that a Movement Forgot by Mikki Kendall. So yeah, it just seems to be like a non-fiction feminist text talking specifically about like the experiences of women of color, women with mental health, and like the ways that white feminism has alienated people from the feminist movement. E: So I've heard really good things about it and I'm very excited to dive in.

J: Cool. E: And then lastly, I went to the Greenlight bookstore in Brooklyn and I bought two books. The first is The Body Keeps Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel Van der Kolk, and this was initially recommended to me by one of my professors at grad school and then a couple of my classmates had read it and really enjoyed it. E: So to my understanding, it's kind of just about how like when you experience trauma like your body carries it with you.

J: Absolutely. E: So, it's like all about the triadic relationship between like the body, the mind, and the brain when healing from trauma, and people say that's really profound so I'm excited to read it. And then this last one, initially was my goal was just to buy like one book from each bookstore and then I bought that extra one for you but nearing the end of the day, I saw this one on the table and I was like "This just seems really applicable to me" so I feel like it would be a good choice, and that is Don't Tell Me to Relax.

J: You're like "Very applicable to me. DON'T TELL ME TO RELAX." E: Very Aries energy, J: Yes. E: Emotional Resilience in the Age of Rage, Feels, and Freakouts by Ralph de la Rosa. J: I'm already so sold. In the history of all calming down, the words "calm down" have never calmed anyone down.

E: Exactly. I didn't even really read the synopsis fully. I just saw like "From politics to climate change and the economy to racism sexism and a hundred other kind of biases." It's all about like fielding the uncertainty in our world and how we get burnt out and overwhelmed by a lot of these different issues. J: So, it's kind of using like mindfulness and giving coping strategies for dealing with those types of things and like how to integrate them into your life in a healthy way.

J: You did great! What a haul. E: Thank you, it was a very productive day! But yeah, that really concludes this book shopping vlog. I hope you guys enjoyed coming along with me and seeing all of these different amazing independent bookstores in New York and if you happen to see any of your favorite books either ones that I've gotten or ones that you saw on the shelves, I would love to know in the comments below as well as what some of your favorite independent bookstores are.

But that is it for this video, thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you soon for a new one bye! J: You're so far away. E: I know, but what am I gonna do? It's the same outro. J: You gotta be like "Bye!"

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey what's up hello, my name is Emma and today,as you can tell by how loud it is, I am inNew York City!The reason I don't have my mask on right nowis because I’m currently eating lunch outsidebut I will be wearing my mask for most ofthe video as it will be in public, so I’drecommend turning on the closed captions whichI’ve added below so you can better understand me.I had to go to the city today in order toget medical clearance for some surgeries thatI’m getting at the end of this week andI also had to get tested for Covid so I wasgoing to be in the city anyways and I havenot been able to go to the city a lot obviouslyduring the pandemic, so I figured I woulduse it as an opportunity to visit some ofmy favorite bookshops.So I know that by watching my vlogs, it mightseem like kind of a different life becauseeverywhere in the world is responding differentlyto Covid.For a while the numbers in New York have beenpretty low so we're in stage four of our planwhich involves like most things being open.Numbers are going up again though so I personallywould be totally in support of a heavier lockdown again.So since I’m here and I don't know whenI’m gonna be back in the city, I wantedto hit a couple of my favorite New York Citybookshops, maybe a couple that I haven't beento before and just do like a fun New YorkCity book shopping vlog.My tests are all done so I have free reignfor the rest of the day and I’m currentlyjust sitting outside eating some lunch.You can't really see the sign but I came acrossa place called Dumpling House on 14th streetand I got some chicken teriyaki and some dumplingswhich has been really delicious so far.I'm really close to Union Square so my firststop is going to be of course the Strand Bookstore,one of the most famous bookstores in New Yorkand then I’m also going to be checking outthe new location of Books of Wonder whichthey just-Always in the city.And also pretty close by is Books of Wonderwhich recently moved to a new location on17th street so it's gonna be my first timein their new book shop which I’m reallyexcited to see.These dumplings are what's up.So I don't necessarily have any books thatI particularly want to buy, but I know I’mgonna want to buy books when I get there soI’m hoping to come across some new titles.My day has been pretty good so far though,the testing was super easy and on the wayin on the subway, I sat next to a really nicewoman named May and she was a reader so wetalked about books and she let me pet heradorable dog named Cashmere so it's just likethe best way to start off my day.And it's also really beautiful out like Icould not have had a better day to do thisso I’m excited.Also I have so few reasons to get dressedup and look nice recently so I ran with theopportunity today.Here is the outfit I am wearing with a skirtthat I got on sale at Urban Outfitters I believeand so I’m just feeling really good.So I will check in with you guys when I getto the Strand.So I started my journey through the Strandin the basement and I got really preoccupiedin the psychology section.I’ve kind of been looking for a book toread on cognitive behavioral therapy as that'sone of my theoretical orientations and thepsych session is just really vast and I didn'thave a specific title I was looking for soI didn't manage to find anything but I’mgoing to maybe see if at a different bookstoreI can pick up a book on cbt.I think I’m interested in picking up a non-fictionbook today and also some adult fiction soI saw a couple of titles that I’ve beeninterested in down by checkout that I mightgrab on the way out but now I’m going tohead into my favorite which is the YA section.Yo, how have I not seen this cover of moxiebefore I absolutely love it and I’m reallyexcited for the movie I hope it comes outvery very soon.So I finished at the Strand.I definitely spent a little bit more timethere than I wanted to looking in the psychsection, but it's all fine that's what todayis about.I mentioned there were a couple of books thatI was interested in but I decided not to getany of them because Maybe You Should Talkto Someone caught my eye and seemed like theperfect book for me.It seems to be a memoir about a therapistand her experience like getting a new therapistof her own and like what she's learned fromthat experience about herself and about beinga clinician.As someone who is a therapist and also a clientof a therapist it just seemed like a greatbook for me it seems like there's also somehumor into it and I just feel like it's gonnabe a book that will really stick with me.So the other thing I decided to buy the Strandis a tote bag.Now I definitely have like an abundance oftote bags at home, I do not need any morebut I had been wanting a Strand tote bag fora really long time and this one in particular.So it is this kind of like bookshelf-esqueimage that is drawn in the style of Piet Mondrianwho is one of my favorite artists and it hasthe Strand logo on the back.So if I’m going to buy as many books asI expect to today I’m sure I’m going toneed this tote but I’ve been wanting itfor a long time and it feels like great qualityand I just love the print on it so I’m veryexcited about it.And now we are off to Books of Wonder!Over there you can see the union square four-storyBarnes & Noble which is one of my favoritein the entire city but we are not going inthere today because today is all about theindie bookstores.So this is where the old Books of Wonder usedto be and it makes me so sad to see it allboarded up.I'm an absolute dumbass though because I cameto this location intending on going to theirnew one which I think is just around the corneras it says so I’m not too far away but damnI got them confused.Y'all it's so gorgeous and clean and new I’mso excited to explore!So I think I already found the book that Iwant to buy.Also what is this new collector's editionof Anna and the French Kiss?I have never seen this before.I think I spy like a first edition or a specialedition of City Bones in their rare bookscase and I want it.So I left Books of Wonder and made it uptown.I'm now on my way to the new Strand locationthat they just recently opened on Columbusavenue.I’m absolutely obsessed with the new Booksof Wonder downtown location it's gorgeousand stunning and clean.I was afraid that this move was going to bea little sad for the staff because they'vebeen in that location like since it opened,I think, and I know that rent was gettingpretty high so I assumed like they were movingand it was kind of sad, but they seemed reallyexcited about it and I can totally see why.The book I decided to purchase at Books andWonder is How It All Blew Up by Arvin Ahmadi.It is an own voices novel featuring a Muslimprotagonist who goes off to Rome to kind oflike find himself I believe, and when he comesback to the United States, he is put in avery terrifying situation that not many peopleare able to relate to .I've really enjoyed both of Arvin’s booksthat I’ve read from him in the past andI remember when I filmed a video with himon my channel, he was telling me about likethe plot of How It All Blew Up and it waslike right when he sold it for the first timeso I’ve known about it and been excitedfor it for years now so I’m really excitedto read it.Y'all I almost missed this entire other roomon my way out what a shame that would have been!So I finished up the Strand and I’m reallyglad I got to explore it.The last time I went which was the only timeI went to the new location, I only got tobe in there for like five minutes becausethey were closing so I took my time and itwas wonderful.I'm excited to show you what I got becauseI bought two books this time one for me andone as a gift.I also stopped at Starbucks because I desperatelyneeded to pick me up.I am losing steam but excited to keep bookshopping.Honestly, I don't think I have ever had amore delicious pink drink and I want to makea note I typically don't get drinks with strawsfrom Starbucks butWe're trying to be safe!So right now, I'm going to make a quick stopat another bookstore called Westsider's Books- Rare and Used.It's a rare and used bookstore it's only likea 10-minute walk from the uptown Strand thoughso I figured I might as well hit it and thenwe are going to start heading downtown againand hit a couple more bookstores before theday is over.Ah yes, it's like my personal bat signal.Oh my god guys, this cat scared theCRAP out of me.But hi you are so beautiful I hope you'reresting well.Did someone say…TikTok?So it just occurred to me that I do not yethave a copy of Instant Karma by Marissa Meyer,one of my favorite Ya authors.Who am I?What am I doing?What I’m doing next is buying this bookfor sure.Hood Feminism is one of the other books thatI’ve kind of been thinking about gettinglately so I’m going to check if maybe oneof the next book stores I visit has a copy.I miss non-pandemic times where you couldsit in these super comfy chairs in this likebig open book shop room and stare at the windowsand look over the river.So it's been a minute since I was able toupdate you guys but I wanted to show you thetwo books that I bought at the Strands uptownlocation and then I did just tell you whati bought at McNally Jackson I’m going totell you again.First up I adore the new Strand location.It is just gorgeous and has that like kindof rustic mixed with modern style to it.I feel like a lot of like bookstores likeMcNally Jackson seems to have a similar vibe.Their selection is of course smaller thanthe big four-story Strand but they still havelike every section there, it's just like alittle bit less than what they could fit intheir store but it is two stories and in thebasement like and upstairs like I almost missedrooms, it's like surprisingly large.So the first book is Flow by Mikhail-I wanted to look up how to pronounce his lastname before talking about it.I looked it up because I wanted to be respectfulit isMeek-High Cheek-Sent-Me-High, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,and he is considered like the father of positivepsychology which is a really interesting branchof psychology.It's pretty new and I took a course on itin college which I really enjoyed so I’veread some of his stuff already and I’vewatched his Ted Talks and I’ve been reallyinterested in a lot of the concepts that he'sbrought to the field of psychology.He's like very very important for modern theoristsbut this book is all about his concept offlow and flow is sort of the process of beingso engrossed in an activity that you loveand are passionate about that like time passesyou by and you don't realize so a lot of peoplehave been experiencing flow and they don'teven know it.But it seems to be that this book is all aboutlike how flow is incorporated into our liveshow to foster it and it says that it is thepsychology of optimal experience so I’mdefinitely intrigued to get to know a littlebit more about positive psych through thisbook and through his work.The other book I got at the Strand was TheOffice: The Untold Story of the Greatest Sitcomof the 2000s by Andy Green.I did not pick this one up for myself despitethe fact that I am a like newly-(What is what I’m looking for?)A newly integrated Office fan.I decided to pick this one up for Jake becauseI had mentioned that I had been to the Strandvery briefly that new location and I wentwith Jake and this was one of the books thatlike we both looked at and thought were reallycool so I told myself that if I ever cameback and they still had a copy, I would getit for him and it was the last copy out soI was like “I have to.”He knows that I’m book shopping today buthas no idea that I got something for him soI think he's gonna be really excited.And so the book I picked up at McNally JacksonI already showed you but it is Instant Karmaby Marissa Meyer.This is her newest release and it seems tobe like a sort of feels like a really lowfantasy contemporary with a supernatural twistand all I really know about it is that themain character suddenly has the ability tocreate instant karma on people who do wrongand it's all about like what happens whenshe like falls in love with a guy becauseit's YA and it's romance.But Marissa Meyer is a big comfort authorfor me so I’m excited to read her new releaseand I’m super happy I have it in my hands.Also I feel like I’ve been looking in theviewfinder this whole time so I’m sorryif I haven't been paying attention to youall.So I think I am done book shopping in thecity today which has been very productive.I'm super pleased with all the shops I visitedand all the books I got it's currently likefour o'clock I think and so my goal is tohit two Brooklyn bookstores on my way homeas I’m heading back.My first stop in Brooklyn is going to be Booksare Magic which I don't think I’ve beento in like two years so it's been a minuteand I’m excited to head back and then afterI would like to make it to a new bookstoreI’ve never been to which is the Greenlight Bookstore.There's two locations in Brooklyn but I thinkI’m going to be going to…I don't remember which one but my GPS willtake me there!Y'all I honestly have not been drinking enoughwater today so this is your reminder as well.I don't know what this book is about but thecover has me intrigued so I’m gonna haveto check it out later.I made it to Books are Magic which it wasreally nice to be there I forgot how muchi absolutely love that bookstore.Stranger: Oh we’re in the vlog!Stranger: Can I do a trick for the vlog?If you want to, sure!It's a good try.Nice you got it.Go for it.I did buy my copy of Hood Feminism which Iam really excited to read.But I also decided to pick up this iron-onpatch that matches the mural that is on theoutside of the bookstore.I don't think I have anything that I couldiron it on yet, but I would like to in thefuture and for now it is going to stay somewhereon like my bookish wall.Now the last step of the night is going tobe the Greenlight Bookstore so it's just aquick subway ride.I’m gonna check it out for the first timeexcited to go somewhere new and excited totake you all along with me.Yo honestly though, I do not want to thinkabout how much money I’ve spent on bookstoday.I definitely need to put myself on a bookbuying ban ASAP after this but today was reallyall about supporting independent bookstoresthat I love so I’m super happy with allof my purchases and all of the bookstoresthat I’ve been able to get to.If you live in the New York City area, I obviouslyrecommend checking them all out but if youcan't, I believe you can still order fromlike every bookstore that I’ve shown onlineso I’m gonna leave links to their websiteor their pages so if you wantto get some books and support some indiesas well you can do that.Y'all I was so impressed with myself for notripping my tights all day because I am a chronictights ripper and honestly will often ripthem before I even leave the house.And look at what just happened!I am sad.And sad is me.This was one of the books that I wanted tobuy earlier at the Strand but I already havetwo books in my hand so I don't think I shouldget it.Maybe sometime soon.So I finished shopping at the Greenlight Bookstorewhich means that my day of book shopping is over!I managed to hit seven bookstores in New YorkCity and Brooklyn in about six hours, maybe?Pretty freaking impressed with myself notgonna lie.I literally cannot believe I haven't beento either of the Greenlight Bookstore locationsbecause the Fulton avenue one or the Fultonstreet one whatever it is, was so nice it'slike a small quaint one-story independentbookstore but they had a huge selection theyalso had like a section dedicated to independentpresses which was really cool.I have to find my subway and i don't knowwhere it is.Oh wait I think i know where I’m going soyeah I definitely need to stop there morefrequently because I’m in Brooklyn a lotmore than I’m in New York City and I feellike it could definitely be like a new staplebookshop for me to visit.And I bought two books because I couldn'tchoose and maybe it's because I told myselfI had to go on a book buying ban that I waslike “Fuck it, why not get more?”And also they were both non-fiction booksthat makes like four non-fiction books thatI bought today!Who am I?What have we done with YA connoisseur emmmabooks?I am really excited about them all thoughand I will show you the two I bought at thegreenlight bookstore and then i give you likea wrap-up of all the books that I bought todaywhen I get back to Jake’s so I’m gonnago head home, head there take a subway andhopefully I don't get lost.Oh, I forgot to mention that I took the subwayin the wrong direction to the Greenlight Bookstore.I only went a couple of stops in the wrongdirection so I hopped off and went back inthe right way and ultimately it has been awonderful day.Jake:E:HiJ: HiE: I have made it back and Jake is here.J: I was already here.E: Well you were here but now you're onlymaking your first appearance in this vlog.J: I’m **here**E: Yes, you're *here* in their computer screens.E: So I wanted to go over all of the booksthat I bought today with you guys and Jakedoesn't know any of the books that I bought.J: Cool.E: So I figured that I would simultaneouslyshare them with you.J: I'll learn with you.E: So first up I went to the Strand bookstorein Union Square…Are you good?J: I'm peekingE: NO PEEKING!J: Hold on we gotta back down a second.We’re in full blown like adorable five-year-oldvoice mode.E:J: That can’t be the only way I show upin your videos.(mocking Emma) ~NO PEEKING!~J: I’m like “I'm mature, look at my SpongeBobsocks.”E:E: So yeah so I got a couple of differentbookmarks.I feel like I could have gotten more, likethere would have been more on at checkoutbut I just didn't think to get them.First I went to the Strand a classic New YorkCity bookstore and the book that I boughtis Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by LoriGottlieb.J: I know about this book!E Do you really know about this book?I only saw it today and I was like “Thatsounds perfect for me.”J: I know about this book.Did Jenna Fisher promote this book?E: Yo Irvin Yalom hey, I read him in school.So this seems to be like a memoir about atherapist and her experience like with herown therapist and like what she learns aboutherself and her life and i’s assuming howshe applies that to her clientsJ: Every therapist has a therapist.E: Exactly so I figured it would be like theperfect book for me.J: When Spongebob’s talking to the mailman,“Do you have a mailman? is it just a chain,a never-ending chain delivering mail to othermailmen?I suppose a P.O. box would break the chain.E: Yes, that's exactly how therapyworks.J: It is!E: Next, I went to Books of Wonder.I don't think you've ever been to Books ofWonder.J: Sounds wonderful.E: It is wonderful!And they have a new location which I visitedwas so nice I can't wait to take youJ: Cool.E: And I decided to buy How It All Blew Upby Arvin Ahmadi and this is about a Muslimteen who like goes on a trip to Rome and haslike an amazing life-changing experience buton his way back he gets uh “randomly selected”I believe and he's detained by the airportsecurity.Arvin is a good author friend of mine andI’ve been looking forward to this book sincehe told me that it was like bought and beingpublished and I’ve enjoyed the other booksthat I’ve read from him so I’m reallyexcited for it.J: I dig the cover art.E: It's really really cool!J: I like cover art lot.I don't have the attention span to read asmuch as you folks, I really try but I lovegoing to bookstores just to look, they'relike mini galleries to me.E: Yeah for real, covers are not appreciatedenough like with all the work and effort ofthe artist that they put into it.J: I want to do someone's cover art.E: You can do my cover when I write a book.J: I would love to do your cover art.E: So then I went to the Strand’s uptownlocation which we went to very briefly.J: **Uptown Strand**E: And it was really nice.I got to explore it a lot more and it wasway bigger than it seemed like there was a whole downstairs.J: Oh this is one we went to as they wereclosing.E: Yeah so I bought a book called Flow: ThePsychology of Optimal Experience byMihaly Csikszentmihalyi.J: You did that great, I would have never.E: I looked it up in the vlog earlier.J: I would have butchered – I would havecalled and asked them out of respect.E: So I actually think that you would reallybe interested in the concept of flow whichis essentially the like space that you getinto when you're super engaged in an activityand you're like loving doing it for the sakeof doing it and so much so that like timeliterally like passes without you realizing.It's a really interesting concept and superintegral to creativity and like mental well-beingand so I’ve like learned a little bit abouthim in college so when I saw it, it seemedlike it would be interesting to readJ: I’m gonna borrow this.E: I know it really is a “Jake” book.So speaking of “Jake” books, I might havebought you a gift.J: Whaaaat? E: I didJ: You didn’t have to do that. E: Well I did.Close your eyes.Okay you can open them.J: Awww I wanted this!E: I know you did. J: You're so sweet.It was the last copy at the Strand locationso I was like “I have to.”J: The Office: The Untold Story of the GreatestSitcom of the 2000s.This is so nice!Yeah I’m having a lot of feels right nowabout the office it's coming off Netflix atthe end of the year so I’ve been bingingit non-stop again and again and again whichI’ve already done and I’ve listened allthe way through Jenna fisher and Angela Kinsey’spodcast, Office Ladies, and I'm just aboutdone with Brian Baumgartner's podcast whoplays Kevin and this is a lot like that onewhich is like the story of it.And it really is a fascinating story, it wasn'tjust, you know, easy to get going it tooka lot of work.We accept The Office as like a given staplein television today but it was bold and difficultto pull off and no one really wanted to doit and just a few select people had faiththat we would later love it so much and theywere right.Oh this is so sweet thank you.E: You're so welcome.J: I love you. E: I love you too.J: Keep going, you two enjoy the rest of this.E: I bought a tote bag!J: NiceE: That was at the beginning of the day atthe Strand because I knew I was gonna buyway too many books to fit in my backpack.J: Smart.E: So I bought this really cool tote bag!K: Oh that's really cool.E: Do you recognize the art style?J: Yes don't- don't tell me, I know the artist.E: Piet Mondrian.J: Yes.E: I'm very excited about it.J: It's like a book interpretation, I lovethat.E: Yeah it's really cool right?I've eyed it for a while so I was excitedto get it and it came in super clutch today.J: BAM.I'm afraid you can't see the detail.E: Then I went to McNally Jackson in Seaportwhich is gorgeous.I'm so excited to show you all the footageI took today so that you can see them withoutbeing in them.And I bought a book called instant karma byMarissa Meyer.J: More cover art I enjoy.E: It's really cute right and I love likethe bright turquoise color.And so this one is a why a novel it's by oneof my favorite YA authors and it follows agirl who like gets the ability to put likeit like put instant karma on people when theydo something wrong.J: Wow, that's cool.E: So she like gets excited about it and likeyou know starts you know giving people whodeserve it or like people who have like wrongedher and then she ends up like, I don't knowfalling for a guy it seems.J: I'm sorry-Oh no!Oh oh that hurts.Okay wait I have a question.You might not know this because you didn'tactually read it yet but I guess I wonderif she can apply it for good too like whatif she witnesses somebody do a really selflessgood deed and then she wants them to likefind a hundred dollars on the ground.E: Oh that's interesting i didn't even thinkabout how it could be used for positivityJ: People always think of instant karma aslike a bad person getting their comeuppancewhich I do too but I’ve also tried to thinkof it as you know when you do a good thing.I wonder if that'll be like a theme in thebook.J: I just ruined the twist for you.E: No you didn't.And then I went to Books are Magic in Brooklyn,now we're on to the last of the two Brooklyn stores.First I bought this iron-on patch this islike a mural on the outside. J: Cool.Yes I've seen this you showed me that.E: Yeah so it's the mural and I don't haveanything to iron it on yet i don't think butI’m just gonna put on my wall which I’mexcited for.J: It has a very…I'm just killing it with the SpongeBob todayit has a very ~imagination~ vibe to it.E: Three SpongeBob references in fiveminutes. J: You all get them.And so I decided to buy Hood Feminism: Notesfrom the Women that a Movement Forgot by Mikki Kendall.So yeah it just seems to be like a non-fictionfeminist text talking specifically about likethe experiences of women of color, women withmental health, and like the ways that whitefeminism has alienated people from the feministmovement.So I've heard really good things about itand I’m very excited to dive in.J: Cool.E: And then lastly I went to the Greenlightbookstore in Brooklyn and I bought two books.The first is The Body Keeps Score: Brain,Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma byBessel Van der Kolk and this was initiallyrecommended to me by one of my professorsat grad school and then a couple of my classmateshad read it and really enjoyed it.So to my understanding it's kind of just abouthow like when you experience trauma like yourbody carries it with youJ: AbsolutelyE: So it's like all about the triadic relationshipbetween like the body the mind and the brainwhen healing from trauma and people say that'sreally profound so I’m excited to read it.And then this last one, initially was my goalwas just to buy like one book from each bookstoreand then I bought that extra one for you,but nearing the end of the day I saw thisone on the table and I was like “This justseems really applicable to me” so I feellike it would be a good choice and that isDon't Tell Me to Relax-J:E: What?J: You're like “Very applicable to me.DON’T TELL ME TO RELAX.”E: Very Aries energy,J: Yes.E: Emotional Resilience in the Age of Rage,Feels, and Freakouts by Ralph de la Rosa.J: I'm already so sold.In the history of all calming down, the words“calm down” have never calmed anyone down.E: Exactly.I didn't even really read the synopsis fully.I just saw like “From politics to climatechange and the economy to racism sexism anda hundred other kind of biases.”It's all about like fielding the uncertaintyin our world and how we get burnt out andoverwhelmed by a lot of these different issuesso it's kind of using like mindfulness andgiving coping strategies for dealing withthose types of things and like how to integratethem into your life in a healthy way.It's also pretty short and it just seems likeit's one that like I would take a lot of away from.Yeah, so I’m excited.J: You did great!What a haul.E: Thank you it was a very productive day!But yeah, that really concludes this bookshopping vlog.I hope you guys enjoyed coming along withme and seeing all of these different amazingindependent bookstores in New York and ifyou happen to see any of your favorite books,either ones that I’ve gotten or ones thatyou saw on the shelves, I would love to knowin the comments below as well as what someof your favorite independent bookstores are.But that is it for this video, thank you guysso much for watching and I’ll see you soonfor a new one bye!J: You're so far awayE: I know, but what am I gonna do? It's the same outro.J: You gotta be like “Bye!”E:\n"