Jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G and iPad Using sn0wbreeze 2.4b1

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To start a jailbreak on an iOS device, you will need to download the IPSW file, which is provided by Cydia. Once you have the IPSW file, follow these steps to complete the process.

First, connect your iPod or iPhone to your computer and make sure it's backed up. Now, put the device into a DFU mode state. This can be done by shutting off the device, holding down the power button until the slide to power off appears, and then releasing the power button while still holding the home button. Hold both buttons for 10 seconds to confirm.

Next, open iTunes and check if it has detected the device in recovery mode. If not, open iTunes manually and click okay when prompted. Then, hold down the shift button on your keyboard and click restore with the left mouse button. Select the sn0wbreeze IPSW file from your desktop and click open. Confirm that you want to restore the firmware.

The process will take a few minutes, so sit back and wait for it to complete. Once finished, the device should now be jailbroken with Cydia installed. However, to access Cydia's full features, you'll need to run iBooty.

To do this, open the iBooty executable file on your desktop and select your device from the list. Click start to begin the process. Again, put your device into a DFU mode state by following the same steps as before. This time, however, iBooty will complete its task, and iTunes should pop up again with a restore prompt.

Since you've already restored the firmware earlier, click close out of this window and pull in your device. Wait for it to boot up, which should take just a minute or two. Once the device is back on, open Cydia to confirm that it's working properly. You'll need to connect to Wi-Fi and complete any other setup tasks.

If you found this tutorial helpful, be sure to subscribe for more jailbreak videos and other content. If you have any problems or questions about the jailbreak process, feel free to let me know in the comments below.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enToday I'm here with a tutorial showing youhow to jailbreak youriPhone, iPod touch or iPad on the latest iOS4.3.1 firmware.Now before we begin there are a few thingsI do want to mention.First of all this is only going to work onWindows computers,if you have a Mac you can still do the jailbreakhowever you'regoing to need to use PwnageTool which doeswork prettysimilarly however there are some key differencesso you're goingto need to find a separate tutorial on that.The second thing is thedevice compatibility, this will work withthe iPhone 3GS, the iPhone 4,the iPod touch 3rd and the iPod touch 4thgeneration as well as theiPad 1. What this does not support is theiPad 2 which will be comingin a later jailbreak. This jailbreak is tethered,now what tethered meansis that you will need to plug your iPhone,iPod touch or iPad intothe computer and rerun the jailbreak everysingle time it shuts totally off.This definitely is pretty annoying and that'sone of the reasons whyI only recommend this is if you're an advancedjailbreaker.If you have never jailbroken before at thevery least I do recommendat least learning a little bit about whatdifferent things do, you know,some of the terminology and all of that kindof stuff before proceedingwith the jailbreak. Okay so to do the jailbreakwe're going to needtwo things. The first of which is the sn0wbreezeprogram itself.I will have a link in the description, downloadthat, that's no big deal.Now the second one, it can be a little bitmore complicated butshouldn't be a big deal is your firmware foryour device.So the firmware is obviously going to needto be 4.3.1 and itneeds to be the correct firmware for yourdevice, so you can'tuse you know, an iPhone firmware on an iPador anything like that it needsto be the correct firmware. Now there area couple of ways of gettingthis, the first one is just to find it onyour computer, I will havea link in the description, for example there'sa very good chancethat iTunes might have already installed,already downloaded itin which case you can just drag it and dropit onto your desktop,no big deal at all. Otherwise if you havenot done that I willhave a download link where you can just downloadit, takesjust a few minutes and you're going to begood to go.So once you have both the firmware and sn0wbreezedownloadedyou need to go ahead and connect your devicevia USB to your computer.Now this is not one hundred percent necessarybut I definitely highlyrecommend it and allow it to do a full sync,back up all of your music,your apps, your contacts, photos, all thatkind of good stuffhave it all backed up in iTunes so we canget all that data rightback as soon as we're done with the jailbreakyou shouldn't lose a thing.So let's open up sn0wbreeze and give you guysa little demo ofhow it works, so here we go this is sn0wbreeze,you can do checkfor updates but if you've just downloadedit it shouldn't be a big dealso just click ok and we can click next. It'sgoing to be a little laggy here.Close credits, so first thing is it's goingto ask us for our IPSW, now that isthat firmware file that we either downloadedor found so you can justdownload it or whatever you can do so I'lljust drag it in thereand it will take just a second to identifythe IPSW and then itwill realize what device we have, firmwareand all of thatkind of stuff. Once it correctly identifiesour firmware as well asour device we are ready to continue. So justclick next, nowyou will find that there is a simple modeand expert mode. Now if youdo have an iPhone you'll see a baseband preservationmode howeverI'm not going to be getting into that justclick expert mode and continue.Now there are going to be a few options, we'rejust going toI'll give you guys a quick overview of themso we're going to startwith general, and there are going to be afew things here.Now these options are all optional howeverI definitely recommendthere is a couple of them that you need todo, so for the iPod touch4th generation and do keep in mind that someof these will changea little bit varying the devices but you'llprobably want to enablebattery percentage as well as gestures menuyou can also install SSHI typically don't do that, I like to justwait and install it later but what youwill want to do is make sure that this boxis checked, install working MobileSubstratethat will make sure that many of the greatapps such as WinterBoard andetc etc will properly work on 4.3.1. You canadjust the root partition sizebut I don't really recommend that, just leaveit as is. Next step, downloadcustom apps if you have apps, packages, sources,any of that you canadd them into the IPSW, again not necessaryat all but the option is thereif you like. So once we've got all that donethere's not really a whole lotjust check build IPSW and click next. So theIPSW does take quite a bitbut what ih8sn0w has done, of course the developerof sn0wbreeze, isallow you to play PacMan while it's loadingso if you guys want youcan play a little bit of PacMan, I'm not goingto do that right now butthat's there and you know you can have a littlefun while it's waiting.Anyway guys, this is going to take a littlewhile so I will be right back as soon as it'sdone.Okay so it's all done. Before we begin wewant to make sure that it didwork properly so you should see on your desktopthe sn0wbreeze IPSWas well as a folder that says iBooty for 4.3.1.This is going to be veryimportant but we're not going to use thisjust yet what we do need thoughis the IPSW so once you see that and you doget the done screen we'reready to continue on and actually get theIPSW loaded. So at this pointyou should have your iPod or iPhone connectedor of course iPadconnected via USB you know it's backed upand all of that kind of stuffand we're going to put the iPod or the iPhoneor whatever into a DFU mode state.So we're going to put this over just a littlebit here and I will give you guysa demo of how to do it. So we just need toshut off our device now so prettysimple you just hold the power button downand until you get theslide to power off and, try to do it rightand then just let it shut offnow you want to make sure that the pinwheelhas stopped and thatthe screen is totally off to make sure thatit is actually off.So now what we're going to do if I just adjustthis is that we're going toput it into DFU mode, I will walk you guysthrough it but of coursethere are instructions on screen just followthose when you do thetutorial, so we're going to click start andwe're going to prepare to pressthe power and the home so ready, set, go,holding them bothwe'll hold them for 10 seconds so we'll letit count us down here.About ready to release the power button, releasethe power buttonand continue holding the home button, so thereyou go it says30 seconds usually it takes about 10 secondsbut we'll justcontinue holding it until it gives us theokay. So it sounds like it's about done,there we go so now it is running iREB andwe're ready to rollso there we go as you guys can see it saysyour device is nowin a pwned DFU mode state and we're readyto begin. Now at this pointiTunes should automatically open up, if itdoesn't just open ityourself and it should pop up with a thingsaying it has detected a devicein recovery mode, so we can go ahead and clickokay, and now weneed to restore that firmware onto our deviceso to do it you needto hold the shift button down on your keyboard,so while you'reholding shift click restore with your leftmouse button. Then it shouldopen up a little dialog here and just scrolldown to your desktop andselect that sn0wbreeze IPSW that we just made.Click open, just say yes,restore and again this will take just a littlewhile so get it started, sit backchill out for a few minutes and I'll be backwhen this one is done.Okay so it just finished up. So as you guyscan see here everythinglooks pretty much stock except for the additionof Cydia. Howeverwe are not quite done yet as you can see hereif you click on Cydiais does not do anything. So the last stepis going to be running iBooty.Okay so to get the device to boot properlywith all of our jailbreak tweaksand what not we are going to need to run iBooty.And of course iBootyshould be on your desktop as soon as sn0wbreezemade your IPSWit should have done the file there, and youjust need to open up theiBooty executable file and we're going tobe good to go. So asyou can see here super simple it will askus to select our device,obviously, hopefully you're not jailbreakingmore than one at a time,then we just need to click start. Now theway this is going to workwe're going to do into DFU, you guys shouldknow the drill, do theexact same thing as before. Okay so once iBootyis finished iTuneswill most likely pop up again with the samestuff, however this timewe don't need to restore at all so we canjust close out of this, andpull in our device. Now it will take justa minute to boot up buttake a look here now if we open up Cydia youshould find that it actuallyworks just fine. So it's going to want usto connect to Wi-Fi andall that kind of stuff, I can do that laterbut as you guys can seehere Cydia does work and we are officiallyjailbroken. If you foundthis video helpful be sure to subscribe, Ido lots of other jailbreakvideos and all kinds of stuff like that andif you had any problemsor questions about the jailbreak definitelylet me know in the commentsbelow and I will do my best to help you out.