**My Experience with the Razer Blade 15 Advanced**
I've come to value three main factors when it comes to choosing an notebook for myself, and the Razer Blade 15 hits all those factors really well. To be perfectly honest with you, I didn't choose this laptop - Razer did sample this as a review unit, and over time using this on a regular basis, I've come to realize that this notebook has played a vital role in my production workflow.
95% of the videos that you've watched on this channel from my end for the last year or so have been edited and rendered on this laptop ever since my switch to VSCO. Result Studio. I've been very impressed with the Blade 15's performance and resolves utilization with all of that hardware. The model that I have features an RT x 28, Emacs Q, and that really helps accelerate export times, and when you pair that with Intel 6 core 1230 CPU, it's really a breeze when it comes to editing 4k footage making thumbnails using Photoshop.
I also really love the design of the Blade 15. I also really love this huge glass trackpad with support for Windows position drivers and when you pair that with a really fast 240 Hertz display, that's also really color accurate for content creation. The experience is fast and fluid, especially when you're switching between virtual desktops. It's honestly a breeze.
The last thing that I want to touch base on is portability because I carry my backpack design every day. 20-liter backpack and this thing can pack literally everything that I use for video production including my camera, lenses, microphone cables, portable lights but most importantly it can fit this Blade 15 Advanced without a problem and that to me is a huge bonus because when I'm visiting family in Toronto I can carry all of this horsepower with me on the go play my favorite racing games hop into a multiplayer session with my brother playing CS:GO or Overwatch. This laptop doesn't compromise in all of those areas and that's something that I love about the Blade 15 Advanced.
**A Year Ago**
If one year ago we decided to do this video, I would not be rooting for the 17 inch form factor but yet here we are - I never work from a coffee shop outside of the studio so the purpose of any notebook for me is to be as powerful as possible and also be able to do that is right it must fit into my backpack so when I do work remotely transportation is not an issue.
**Benefits of 17 Inch Form Factor**
Exercise come all the benefits so the screen for example on my 17 inch Blade Pro is much bigger than usually means higher resolution. So for cases scaling on Windows is palatable, where as 4k on the 15 inch notebook is just a joke if only window scaling worked as good as it does on Mac OS then 4k on the 15 inch form factor wouldn't be an issue but it's I actually get more screen real estate with my 4k 17 inch form factor even with high scaling than a 1080p screen on the 15 inch notebook.
**Extra Ports**
A thicker body also means extra ports, and it's kind of sad though that we have to size in a notebook space to get an SD card reader but usually there are more ports on 17-inch notebooks because of the additional space. So with this notebook I have an Ethernet port full-size HDMI and an additional type-c that I do not have with my Blade 15.
**Best Performance**
This is by far the most powerful notebook I've used in terms of clocks and cooling, my GPU for example boosts to 1700 megahertz which is about 300 megahertz higher than what I was getting with my Blade 15. The CPU is cooler and the fans are quieter, we have more space there for bigger cooling solution that your heatsinks more fans it all makes sense.
I Have no regrets ditching the 15 inch at all this is my studio machine when I'm away from the studio back to you boys so I hope you were able to take something away from this video thank you so much for watching again stay safe spend responsibly my friends and I'll talk to you guys in the next one
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enchoosing the right laptop can be a bitchallenging sometimes because there aremillions of options out there withvarious specs and hardware designs youmight be looking for a thin and lightnotebook with the best battery life andportability or you might be looking forsomething that offers a good balancebetween portability and performance oryou might be looking for the absolutebest both of the walls to have a laptopwhere performance is key plus a biggerdisplay because size matters so we'veteamed up with razer to bring you aquick overview of some of the mostpopular type of laptops out there andall the products that we're gonna beshowcasing in this video will be linkedin the description down below so dothink of this as a notebook buying guidebut based on our own personalexperiences now we've been using Razerlaptops for the majority of ourproduction workflow but you can take ourguidelines and apply them to any othernotebook manufacturer now I do want topreface something very important andthat is there's no such thing as aperfect laptop in fact the notebooksthat we use aren't perfect either butthey happen to fit our workflow and theyget the job done really well so I thinkit's important for you guys to find whatfits your criteria and what would worknow everyone that you're gonna be seeingthis video have moved beyond the need ofusing a basic laptop in fact the doublemarket has shifted tremendously over thepast few yearsI mean we've moved away from fakey bulkydesigns to Apple like thinner designswith powerful Hardware packed in and theresult of that is that you don't have tosacrifice form over function andfunction over form to me I think thebest thing that has ever happened to thenotebook space is the introduction ofNvidia's max to GPUs the performancethat you can get out of these mobilegraphics card is just amazing I'm notgonna be focusing on entry-levelnotebooks in this video because I feellike that is a separate category byitself and yes I do understand that theydo exist and offer some sort of basicfunctionality but what if you're lookingfor something beyond that well let'sstart things off with Finan lightsspoiler alerts miniaturization costsmoney and the reason I say that isbecause the smaller the notebook getsand when you pack that with efficientand powerful Hardware packed with greatdesign and build quality you're gonna bepaying a lot of money for thatnow infinite line notebooks are tailoredtowards people who value battery lifeand portability say for instance ifyou're a student who has 8 a.m. classesending all the way till 6 p.m. you needsomething that lasts you all day long orif you're a business professionalhopping from one meaning to the next youneed something that will actually takeyou through those meetings withouthaving to rely on a power break a lot ofnotebook manufacturers are leaningtowards Portland assigns meaning thatthey only come with a few USB type-cports which again may or may not be ahuge deal breaker for some of you outthere but if you're someone who islooking to connect different externalaccessories that can be a limitation andthere are other Ultrabook optionsoffering a really good selection of i/ofor its smaller form factor I shouldalso mention that the inclusion of CNCunibody frames is a big deal here sinceit allows for super thin and light framedesigns without impacting build qualitydisplay is also another thing that youneed to watch out when you're shoppingfor a thin unlike notebook I wouldhighly recommend moving away from 4k ona 13-inch notebook because it justdoesn't make any sense plus it requiresa lot of horsepower to drive that 4kresolution and it can impact by yourlife so the best option is to opt for a1080p display and you should be set thelast thing that I want to touch base onis performance now in this area you wantto be looking for a you seriousprocessor from either AMD or Intel whichmeans ultra-low voltage or G Series forIntel's I select line up if you'relooking for lower power consumption andenhanced multimedia features now if youwant even more performance for instancea little boost for gaming or renderingbased applications there are optionsindependent like space for a discreetgraphics card keep in mind that the thinlight segments range between 13 inchesand 17 inches but that really depends onhow big of a screen you really need nowthere is a performance cap within unlikenotebooks it's just a fact so if you'relooking for something with a little bitmore horsepower than then you'll need tostep it up to a slightly larger formfactor and the good thing is that youdon't have to sacrifice the portabilityfactor to a certain extent because thesedays with technological advancementsfrom both Intel and AMD on the CPU sideand AMD and NVIDIA on the GPU side youcan still maintain that portabilityaspect while achieving close to desktoplevel performance a good example of thatis a new blade 15 it packs a coarse 16threads and an r/tsupermax cube graphics card the thing iswhen you get into mid sized notebooks itopens a wide category when it comes topricing for these size laptops so youcan pick them up from $1,000 all the wayup to $4,000 which can get really reallyexpensive so it's important for you tofigure out your budget that should beyour number one priority and then findwhat your needs are and then slowlystart narrowing down from that so forinstance if you're a gamer you shouldprobably look into a high refresh ratedisplay with a low resolution so thatyour games can hit those higher framerates given the hardware can actuallysupport that I know if you're a creatoron the other hand you can look intosacrificing that refresh rate but for amore color accurate display I thinkthat's probably the best way to look atit now do keep in mind that OLED panelsdo tend to get a little bit moreexpensive so it's best that you might bebetter off with an IPS display offeringyou a great color spectrum or a colorcoverage when it comes to DCI p3 or srgbanother nice thing about these largerform factor laptops is that you get moreconnectivity so you want to make surethat the i/o is up to spec with today'sstandards for example make sure that theUSB ports are 3.2 gen 2 storage is alsoan important factor for both gamers andcreators and I think the million dollarquestion that needs to be answered hereis are you willing to store all of yourfiles locally or are you willing to relyon external storage solutions now I'llgive you a perfect example I use DaVinciResolve to edit all our videos andDaVinci project files take a lot ofstorage especially when I'm working with4k footage so external storage seems tobe the right choice for me personally soI don't really need a lot of localstorage so I'm perfectly fine with maybe512 gigabytes of storage heck I wouldeven be fine with 256 gigabytes of localstorage but if you're a gamer that canbe an interesting conversation becausemodern games these days especially RedDead Redemption 2 can easily eat up ahundred 50 gigabytes in no time so Iwould recommend 512 gigabytes of storageor if you're willing to spend a littlebit more a terabyte of storage would begreat because you can load it with yourmost favorite titles and basically keepthose games wherever you go withouthaving to rely on an external storagenow I do want to leave on this note asthe capabilities Abhiyan notebookincreases the amount of storage youwouldwould also increase so that's somethingto certainly keep in mind when you'reshopping for a 15 inch notebook largernotebooks are typically upgrade friendlyas well meaning you can swap out thememory kit or upgrade the storage to ahigher capacity and if you're interestedin a step-by-step guide you can checkout our video right over here so overallyou do get a lot of capabilities with a15 inch notebook but you also do tend tosacrifice on a few key areas likeperformance and cooling and if you'rewilling to go a little bit beyond thatand willing to sacrifice on a little bitof portability that's where a 17 inchnotebook comes into play now everythingthat I mentioned in the 15 inch formfactor can be applied to this segmentbut do keep in mind that these largerform factor notebooks do come withslightly higher costs they also usuallytend to have better connectivity andbetter cooling resulting in moreconsistent and higher CPU and GPU clockspeeds while smaller notebooks can beconsidered as complimentary to desktopsystems a 17 inch notebook can beconsidered as a desktop replacementanother thing you want to look into isdisplay options for a 17 inch notebookand you might want to look for a 4koption because 17 inches and 4k make alot more sense because scaling works alot better in that form factor I don'tthink you'll ever go wrong with anoption so that's something to keep inmind so now that we've gone through somegeneral guidelines for notebook buyerslet's go through some of the laptopsthat Mike myself and Dmitri have beenusing for a while now so I'm first uphere and you might be wondering why doyou have this old dell Vostro 1/3 to 0from you what because it sort of talkstowards the kind of consumer that I amfor notebooksevery single one of my notebooks I'vebought myself and they've all been aboutthe same size so this is a 13 inch DellVostro and then from that I went on tothis which is the voz it's a 13 inchnotebook as well this thing wasabsolutely legendary so what did I go toafter that well it's a 14 inch notebookand that is the ThinkPad x1 carbon 8thgen Intel processor inside so this wasmy last one before moving on and I thinkwhat I wanted to show you guys also iswhat I moved on to and that is the RazerBlade stealth 13 and there's a there's areason behind that and there's also areason why I'venotebooks that are all the same sizeabout and that's because I do a lot oftraveling but I also have higher endcomputers here at home that I can dogaming and higher-level work on but forme the 13 inch form factor of this andthe 14 inch of some of the othernotebooks are absolutely perfect toshove into my backpack and not only thatthis might sound absolutely crazy butit's just to fit on the trade tables ofplanes and there's actually a reason whyI wanted to bring up the stealth 13 inthis and it's because it's a goodrepresentation of where the thin andlight notebook market is headed and it'salso why I switched to it from theThinkPad x1 carbon is because this onehas a discrete GPU and a gtx 1650 to bemore accurate and for me that was reallycritical for two reasons first of alli'm designing our new office and youguys might not have known this but i wasan architect before moving over intofull time hardware canucksand I've been using AutoCAD and AutoCADthe acceleration from the GPU and thisreally helps me move things around and amore fluid pace and especially withcopying pasting and going into 3d rightnow using Sketchup for 3d and thatdiscrete GPU brings things to the nextlevel and not only that I'm the kind ofguy who when I'm on the plane or whenI'm just sitting on the couch I like toplay pretty basic games by today'sstandards look I know that a largerdevice like a 15 inch notebook wouldprobably get me a lot more power get meinto some higher level gaming but I justdon't need it I'm totally okay with a 13inch notebook right now with longbattery life a discrete GPU and it justfits my lifestyle perfectly because Ican come home I can game wherever I wantto at home and maybe even if I'm cookingI could bring this with me on thecounter so that's pretty much why I amin this 13-inch form factor and I'm sureit's gonna appeal to a lot of peoplefrom students to even gamers who havemore powerful systems at home like me myexperience with notebooks has been aninteresting journey over the past 10yearsin fact I've come to value three mainfactors when it comes to choosing anotebook for myself and that'sperformance portability and design andthe Razer Blade 15hits all those factors really well to beperfectly honest with you I didn'tchoose this laptop Razer did sample thisas a review unit and over time usingthis on a regular basis I've come torealize this notebook has played a vitalrole in my production workflow basically95% of the videos that you've watched onthis channel from my end for the lastyear or so have been edited and renderedon this laptop ever since my switch toda Vinci result studio I've been veryimpressed with the blade 15s performanceand resolves utilization with all ofthat hardware the model that I havefeatures an RT x 28 Emacs Q and thatreally helps accelerate export times andwhen you pair that with Intel 6 core1230 CPU it's really a breeze when itcomes to editing 4k footage makingthumbnails using Photoshop and about allof that I really love the design of theblade 15 I also really love this hugeglass trackpad with support for windowsposition drivers and when you pair thatwith a really fast 240 Hertz displaythat's also really color accurate forcontent creation the experience is fastand fluid especially when you'reswitching between virtual desktops it'shonestly a breeze the last thing that Iwant to touch base on is portabilitybecause I carry VP design everyday 20liter backpack and this thing can packliterally everything that I use forvideo production including my camera mylenses microphone cables my portablelights but most importantly it can fitthis blade 15 advanced without a problemand that to me is a huge bonus becausewhen I'm visiting family in Toronto Ican carry all of this horsepower with meon the go play my favorite racing gameshop into a multiplayer session with mybrother playing cs:go or overwatch thislaptop doesn't compromise in all ofthose areas and that's something that Ilove about the Blade 15 advance ifone year ago we decided to do this videoI would not be rooting for the 17 inchform factor but yet here we are I neverwork from a coffee shop outside of thestudio so the purpose of any notebookfor me is to be as powerful as possibleand also be able to do thisthat is right it must fit into mybackpack so when I do work remotelytransportation is not an issue I'm sohappy that we're beyond the absolutelythick and massive 17 inch notebooks butwith exercise come all the benefits sothe screen for example on my 17 inchblade Pro is much bigger that usuallymeans higher resolution so for casescaling on Windows is palatablewhereas 4k on the 15 inch notebook isjust a jokeif only window scaling worked as good asit does on Mac OS then 4k on the 15 inchform factor wouldn't be an issue but itis I actually get more screen realestate with my 4k 17 inch formfactor even with high scaling than a1080p screen on the 15 inch notebook athicker body also means extra ports it'skind of sad though that we have toupsize in a notebook space to get an SDcard reader but usually there are moreports on 17-inch notebooks because ofthe additional space so with thisnotebook I have an Ethernet port fullsize HDMI an additional type see that Ido not have with my blade 15 but evenmore to come back to my original pointabout having the best performance thisis by far the most powerful notebookI've used in terms of clocks and coolingmy GPU for example boosts to 1700megahertz which is about 300 megahertzhigher than what I was getting with myblade 15 the CPU is cooler and the fansare quieter we have more space there forbigger cooling solution that your heatsinks more fans it all makes sense Ihave no regrets ditching the 15 inch atall this is my studio machine when I'maway from the studio back to you boys soI hope you were able to take somethingaway from this video thank you so muchfor watching again stay safespend responsibly my friends and I'lltalk to you guys in the next one\n"