**A Peek into the Mysterious World of CAD Files**
You want to play and poke around in this CAD file for yourself, I'll leave a link to download it down in the description below. No, I'm not joking if you go ahead and look in the description, you'll find the link to go ahead and download it, uh the super that what is usually super secret CAD files that no one ever gets to see. You have them, go ahead but remember you need CAD software to view this file, so don't like, don't try to download it and then open it up in Microsoft Paint, it won't open, and then come complain to me like "John, it's fake, I can't open it." So go on, have it download it, I don't care. Uh all right, next.
**Summer is Here: Don't Leave Your Balls Hanging Out**
It's summer, which means you're probably just leaving your balls hanging out, which is what you're doing if you're not using a VPN. Don't let everyone see your balls right now. WeVPN has their summer sale going on, get 74% off and three months of free service with the purchase of a two-year plan for only $259 a month. Not only is weVPN my favorite VPN of all of them; they also now unblock over 350+ streaming services that's more than any other VPN. Protect yourself online, don't let your ISP trace you, and unblock all of your favorite streaming services. Make sure to click that link below to get started, and of course, a huge thanks to weVPN for supporting the show.
**Apple's Fall Event Schedule: A Sassy Bukka's Take**
Remember last year when Apple held three different fall events to launch new products? One in September, one in October, and another in November. Yeah, well then remember like earlier this week we heard from Mark German that Apple was planning to do it again this year, multiple fall events, but with Mark German's report, we didn't know when those multiple fall events were gonna happen. Is there gonna be three? Is there only gonna be two? Is it gonna happen in like September and then November or September and October? When is it gonna happen?
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have the answer, but once again, the answer is a sassy Bukka. According to a new report from Digitimes, Apple is planning to have all of their fall events next month, yep, multiple events happening in September, one in the middle, and then another one at the end. Yeah, isn't that fun? The only issue about this report is that it came from wait a minute I'm gonna ruin your day, Digitimes. Why did it have to be Digitimes?
**The Digitiimes Debacle: A Tale of Misinterpretation**
First of all, there's multiple issues with this uh but first of all, there's just one major issue. Apple has quite a lot that they have to get out there, push out their little apple butt-hole like very quickly. They have the iPhone 13 lineup, the Apple Watch Series 7, AirPods 3, iPad Mini 6, iPad 9, and the regular smegola iPad (uh), and Macbook Pro, the M1x MacBook Pro. These are just the ones that we know of for sure. If all of these products were in fact going to launch in the same month, September, Apple would most likely just give us one massive event, not to mention that doing multiple events like this and giving us all those products so close together would be a total press nightmare that would hurt every single one of those product launches.
**The Digitiimes Problem: Sources Are Decent, but Misinterpretation Reigns**
So why does this happen? I don't think it's because they are lying or making stuff up. I think what is actually happening is this: i think that their sources are decent, i just think the people that work at Digitimes completely misinterpret the information that they are given. Something somewhere got lost in translation for example. What they were probably told is that there were multiple products coming in September maybe some at an event, one event, but then maybe one or two via press release, and they misunderstood that and wrote Apple planning multiple events, there so many comments listen that is just a guess, and I am not trying to make excuses for Digitimes, but this one seems so far off that there just has to be an explanation. All in all, our chances of getting multiple full Apple events in September are 61% (or at least according to the tracker).