The Future of MacBook Pros: Kuo Ming-Chi Reveals Details
According to supply chain expert Kuo Ming-Chi, Apple might be getting ready to fix everything that's been bothering MacBook Pro users for a long time. In a recent video, Kuo shared some intriguing details about the upcoming new models, which are expected to feature 14-inch and 16-inch displays.
The idea of smaller displays makes sense, given that the 15-inch model was recently upgraded to 16 inches, and the 13-inch model has been crying out for a similar bezel-busting makeover. However, Kuo doesn't mention anything about either of these new models going mini-LED, which is a feature he's previously rumored extensively. So, is this an iterative rumor report or an alternative? Only time will tell.
The new MacBook Pro models are expected to cancel the curvy design on the top and bottom, adopting a flat-edged design similar to the iPhone 12. This change makes sense, as the current models already have flat edges with rounded corners. However, it's unclear whether Apple will literally slice off the thickness of the laptop or keep some of it uniform. Kuo speculates that this decision will depend on how much space and efficiency savings Apple can achieve by ditching Intel, which has been a significant contributor to the laptop's size.
One exciting feature that's expected to return is MagSafe charging. The original MagSafe was replaced with MagSafe 2, but it seems that Apple might be reverting back to the original design or introducing a new variant. However, there's no word on whether this will be the same old MagSafe or something entirely new and improved. Kuo notes that if not, there's still the possibility of introducing a new magnetic inductive charging system with a puck that can be slapped onto a surface.
Another significant change expected to occur is the removal of the OLED touch bar. While some people loved the touch bar, others saw it as unnecessary or even annoying. What's undeniable, however, is that Apple has improved and expanded it significantly since its introduction in 2016. If Apple isn't planning on prioritizing the touch bar further, it might be time to say goodbye.
The new MacBook Pro models are also expected to feature a more efficient thermal system based on heat pipes, which will be shared with the current 16-inch model. However, one significant departure from the previous design is the absence of an Intel CPU option. This is likely due to Apple's focus on integrating M1-based cores into future laptops.
One question on everyone's mind is why Apple hasn't brought back USB-A for the pro market yet. It seems counterintuitive that they wouldn't resurrect this feature, especially when it's still widely used in the industry. Kuo speculates that maybe HDMI could be a high-priority port instead, as the M1 Mac mini already features an HDMI port.
According to Kuo, the new MacBook Pro models won't be revealed at the March event or WWDC in June. Instead, they might arrive in September or October, with some people viewing this delay as a disappointment. However, if the redesign is indeed happening now and doesn't require a second update next year, it's still worth waiting for. Kuo suggests spending extra time learning video editing skills to make the most of the new laptops.
It's also worth noting that the camera pros might appreciate the return of SD cards as a legitimate option. While CFexpress cards are becoming more popular, not all cameras use them. A return of USB-A or HDMI ports would be significant for these professionals.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- No more touch bar,the return of MagSafe,and the end, the end of dongle life.That's right.According to supply chainexfiltrator extraordinaire,Kuo Ming-Chi, Apple mightjust be getting readyto fix everything.Everything about thecurrent era of MacBook's Prothat made so many Prosjust so beyond salty for so long.Here's what he said.Sponsored by Skillshare.Real quick, YouTube saysonly a small percentageof you watching this channelare actually subscribed.So if you like my videos, hit that button,and we can make this communityeven bigger and better.Okay, first up, two new models equippedwith 14-inch and 16-inch displays,and that really just makesthe kinda sense that does,given the 15-inchalready went to 16-inchesat the end of 2019,and the 13-inch has just been crying out,screaming in it's heart,for a similar bezel busting makeover.Now, Kuo doesn't seem to say anythingabout either of thosedisplays going mini-LED,which is something he'spreviously rumored a lot,like a lot, a lot,so is this an iterative rumorreport or an alterative?Let me know what you think.Next, the new modelscancel the curvy designon the top and bottom,and adopt a flat-edged,similar to the iPhone 12.So, the current modelsalready have the side parts,the flat edges, the roundrecs, that part of the design,which makes it sound mostly like Appleis just gonna flatten thecurrently curvy bottom,pancake it, but does that mean Applewill literally slice it off,like with the beskar spear or something,or will they keep someor all of the thicknessand make it just uniform?I'm guessing it'lldepend on how much spaceand efficiency savings they manage to getfrom no longer having Intel inside,because Apple is always,always gonna take the opportunityto go thinner and lighter if they can.The MagSafe charging connector restored,but does this mean the previous MagSafe,which was MagSafe two,or does it mean some variantof the brand new MagSafe safe,the one that Apple just re-imaginedfor the iPhone 12.It seems hella unlikely,Apple would move the MacBook Proto magnetic inductive chargingwith a big old set of coilsand a puck that just needsslapping on a surface,no matter how ASMR that might feel,unless it's bi-directional,and you could alsocharge your iPhone on it,but that still feels likepatent fanfic, at this time.So, if not something old,then maybe something new.Another version of MagSafethis time re-imaginedfor the modern Mac, and onethat's even better than the old,because right now, USB-Ccharging may not be MagSafe,but it does work fromports on either side,and that comes in superhandy, extra convenient,and losing that, would be,probably as big of a painas losing MagSafe was to begin with.The OLED touch bar is removed,and the physical functionbuttons are restored.Now, I know some peoplereally like the touch barand I am one of them, occasionally.So we can argue aboutwhether or not deleting it,is the right best thing to do,but what is inarguable, is thatafter introducing it in 2016with the last big MacBook redesign,Apple has promptly, speedily,improved it and expanded it,just not at all.Like a number no greater than zero times.They shifted it up to reduceaccidental touch events,a bit, but no tap digs,no texture simulation,no desktop Mac support, no nothing.So if Apple isn't gonnaprioritize it enoughto get a single significantupdate out in five years,maybe that just means thetouch bar had its chanceand it's off to join theretirement home button club nowin the sky.Same heat pipe-based thermal systemas the current 16-inch, butno, no Intel CPU option,and that'll be phenomenalfor all those M1 expected cores,but also no Intel, duh.There's probably room foronly one Intel update left,if any, in Apple's roadmap,and it ain't these.They're equipped with more types of I/O,and most users may not need topurchase additional dongles,and this one legit, confuses me,because Apple seems to still bein the habit of killingports, not resurrecting them.Would Apple bring backUSB-A for a pro marketwhen they don't even ship iPhoneswith USB-A cables anymore?SD card, sorta makes sense.Some of my camera's useCFexpress cards now,but all of them, all of themstill take SD cards, as well.So that would at least have a lotof appeal for photo and video pros.HDMI though, does thatreally rank high enoughon Apple's MacBook donglesales chart to qualify?Traditionally, it's appealed to peoplewho give presentations,or just love them some home theater,but if the M1 Mac mini is any indication,maybe Apple just wants an HDMI port,so they can toss in supportfor an extra display.Coming third quarter 2021,and yeah, that's right.According to Kuo, at least this week,we won't see these new MacBooks Proat the March event oreven at WWDC in June.No, we'll have to waituntil maybe Septemberor October for them,and my first instinct, isjust to say that that sucks.That totally sucks,but if we're getting anhonest-to-Ive redesign this yearand don't have to wait fora second update next year,I'll take it.I will absolutely take it,even if it only comes in the fall,and I'll just spendwhatever extra time I havelearning how to be a better video editorwith Ali Abdaal's classon \"Final Cut Pro FromBeginner to YouTuber\",and I'll pair thatwith Thomas Frank'snew productivity class,which teaches you how tobuild sustainable habitswithout feeling like a failure,which is something I'llreally, really need,because going into 2021,it's starting to alreadyfeel like just the tenetof years, but that's thereal power of Skillshare.It isn't just one class,even several classes,it's an online learning communitythat offers membership with meaning,and with an annual subscriptionthat's less than $10 a month.You can learn illustration,design, photography,video, freelancing, so much more,with real projects to createand the support of real fellow creatives.More than 7 million of uslearning with Skillshare,and the first 1,000 of you who clickon the link in the description,will get a free trialof Skillshare Premium,absolutely free.So act now and start learning today,and clicking on that link,really helps out the channel.For all the latest on Apple Silicon macs,just click the playlist above.I'll give you all the reviews,all the previews, all the analysis,just click the playlist andI'll see you in the next video.\n"