100 Tech Problems they need to Fix.
The Frustrating World of Technology
Tapping on your screen to scroll can lead to unintended consequences. Many websites constantly rename and edit articles for SEO, making it difficult to determine if an article is actually new or not. This can be particularly misleading for tech news, where a single word change might make an article seem brand new when in fact it was written years ago. Searching online for solutions to tech problems only leads to outdated information that may have been around for seven years.
For instance, searching for emails that are increasingly sophisticated and nearly indistinguishable from human-generated messages has become a common problem. With the rise of AI-generated spam emails, every aspect of technology seems to be changing rapidly, making it difficult to keep up. The subscription model has also taken on a life of its own, with companies charging users to access features they already have.
The lack of clear standards in USB cables is another source of frustration. While some can be as fast as 12 megabits per second, others are significantly slower. This can make it difficult for consumers to choose the right cable, especially when traveling abroad and using foreign devices that claim to be environmentally friendly but actually contribute to e-waste.
Furthermore, companies often take advantage of this lack of awareness by selling duplicate content to customers who purchase smartphones. The constant push to download apps and subscribe to services can lead to annoyance, as users are bombarded with messages and notifications from various apps. Even the most basic tasks, like canceling a subscription or unsubscribing from emails, can be incredibly difficult due to poorly designed interfaces.
The struggle to build a simple website has become a major challenge in recent years. Many aspiring webmasters feel frustrated when trying to create their own websites. However, there is hope on the horizon. A tool called Tenweb offers a solution for users who want to create their own custom WordPress sites without needing extensive coding knowledge. By answering a few questions about your business, Tenweb uses AI to generate a fully functional website that can be customized to suit your needs.
But before we dive into the world of website creation, let's take a look at some of the most annoying features in technology today. From wait times that seem to go on forever to frustrating app notifications and slow Wi-Fi speeds, there are many aspects of modern technology that leave users feeling annoyed and frustrated.
For instance, many apps launch with annoying popup ads that interrupt the user experience. Spotify is a prime example of this, launching its first ad after just 12 seconds of use. This can be particularly frustrating for users who are trying to enjoy their music without interruption. The lack of clear standards in technology also leads to confusion when it comes to certain features, like the Dual Sense controller's microphone, which defaults to "on" by default.
Another source of frustration is the notification system on many apps, including social media platforms and messaging services. When notifications are displayed, users often receive cryptic messages that don't provide any clear information about what needs to be done. This can lead to confusion and annoyance, as users struggle to take action without knowing what's required.
The iPhone has also become notorious for its annoying features, from backing up photos automatically without warning to launching YouTube videos in full-screen mode without asking the user's permission. And let's not forget about Wi-Fi speeds, which often fail to meet advertised standards and leave users feeling frustrated.
Finally, the lack of a back button on the YouTube app is another source of frustration for many users. When deep in a video, users are forced to exit the entire application and start over from scratch just to navigate back to the previous video. This can be particularly annoying when trying to quickly watch multiple videos without interruption.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en100 things we all find absolutely infuriating about our tech let's go because new iPhones record videos in HDR by default now you get so much social media content that's just excessively bright it wastes your battery while blinding you with no tangible benefit the PS5 is disc drive faces the opposite way to what you might expect and as soon as you realize it you start to second guess your second guess gaslighting yourself into getting it wrong every single time till the end of time sent from my iPhone being added by default to every single email sent from an iPhone it was Tacky in 2008 and it's definitely Tacky in 2024 smartphone predictive text that's so insistent it's correct that even when you type something and it replaces it and then you retype that same thing it'll just replace it again streaming services were originally meant to be the easier cheaper alternative to cable TV now you have to pay for so many different ones that it's literally just as bad speaking of TVs though how poor and laggy TV interfaces usually are especially puzzling considering how good the smartphones made by the same companies are the baked in TV picture modes ruin everything movies are designed to look a certain way and run at a certain frame rate and so putting a weird filter over them and adding in extra frames to make them Ultra fluid doesn't make them feel more like Cinema mode like the name suggests it just makes them look Incorrect and what's with all these TV remotes where the okay button is also a scroll wheel that unavoidably Scrolls as you're trying to press it you have literally 30 other pretty much useless buttons you could have replaced but no let's strap together the two things you use the most in a way that doesn't allow you to use either properly and what's with the name of TVs they're all practically indistinguishable gobbly goo and so anytime I'm trying to cast to one I'm very concerned that I'm actually going to cast to someone else's TV especially in a hotel room when there's like 50 different ones you could be connecting to oh and to finish it off flat screen TV speakers are particularly bad at projecting quiet audio so dialogue is practically inaudible to start with so you turn the volume up and then proceed to get deafened when it switches over to an action scene websites that have five-step captures because apparently uncovering indecipherable hieroglyphs like this or Contin ously spotting the traffic light in an image like I'm on some sort of disciplinary road safety course on our requirement to prove that I'm human oh and then what do you do when the traffic light just spills over onto the next box like what kind of psychopath decided to not just realign the image so you don't have an existential crisis about what it means for something to be in something how almost all laptops no matter the price seem to have terrible webcams and gaming headsets terrible microphones when you're struggling to remember your password so you're forced to click forgot my password but then the system tells you that your new password can't be the same as any of your old passwords at which point you remember what your old password actually was but now I have to set a new one that you're inevitably going to forget the next time you ask for your password actually just passwords in general we're constantly being told to set a different password for every single website and at the same time to make every single one of those passwords the most complicated alphabet spaghetti that we possibly can which is such a fiddly thing to keep track of in a world where 3D face scanners and fingerprint scanners they've been around for ages like why can't a YouTuber secure their YouTube account with the actual face that they use for their Channel why does the iPhone have seemingly no ability to display a comma without going into a separate submenu like does Apple want me to forget punctuation exists why does every Amazon service have like the worst UI known to man like Prime video why do they bury the option to continue watching the show you're watching as if it's not the first thing you'd want to click or just on the Amazon storefront there is so much sponsored content that even with the whole rating system it's really hard to find what's actually good and what's not scrolling web pages you know there's ones that when you scroll down instead of moving down it actually just Scrolls through an animation it never looks as good as I assume these companies think it does and you just feel like you're being prohibited from navigating in the way that you've been taught to everyone thought the Nintendo switch was going to get themes at some point and they'd be forgiven for thinking so given that there is an entire menu dedicated to them which to this day contains two themes basic white and basic black I mean the PSP from 2005 had themes what you doing Nintendo printers specifically why do I need to buy a colored ink cartridge if I want to print in black and white especially since my black ink cartridge is completely full obvious scam that no one's ever fixed but also it's so misleading how the printers themselves are sold for basically cost price to lock you in and only once you're locked in and you have no other choice do they sell you the ink cartridges for about three times that price every single year with each ink cartridge containing about five drops of the stuff and if you so much as dare to try a third party in cartridge just to save some of that many printers are designed to detect them and shut down in protest why do I get excited about new phone colors when I know that I'm just going to slap a case on it anyway applications asking for a suspicious number of permissions like why does my wallpaper app need to make and receive phone calls and the worst part of it is because you never get shown exactly what those apps are using each permission for you either have to decide screw it I'm downloading nothing or just accept the fact that you're okay with giving the app everything how Ticket Master has become basically the sole supplier of so many concert tickets allowing them to charge whatever they feel like to do so and also removing the incentive for them to make their website anything better than the anxiety inducing countdown filled unstable mess that it is falling phones are really hard to look after it's just frustrating how you can spend so much money on something and take the best possible care you can of it and it will still likely end up with dust finding its way under the pre-applied screen protector or when I use these flip phones I'm constantly missing photo opportun due to fiddling to get them open in time how anytime I decide I like the idea of doing a bit of work outside the brightness of my laptop screen steps in to disagree when you're not ready for the webcam to start recording so suddenly when everyone on the phone call gets a front row seat to your double chins wow how mobile phone carriers tried to screw customers every possible turn like for starters how they bundled together the price of the phone and the Sim in a monthly fee that is absolutely silly like $100 a month knowing full well that many people will reach the under their contract completely forget to upgrade phones and just be paying like 10 times what they should for what's effectively a Simon deal it's just a scummy way to make money and worse still are the abroad fees they're so excessive they should be illegal I was in a situation where I was in Africa last year and I was being charge $1 per megabyte of roaming data I was using so let's say I wanted to watch an original quality Mr Who's The Boss video do you know how much I would have been charged $5,500 what a joke there needs to be a better way to transfer files between iPhone Android Mac Windows without using third party software like if you've tried to use Bluetooth recently you'll know it's an absolute travesty apps that spam you with promotional notifications which you're pretty sure you never asked for and you have no idea how to get rid of and even worse is when those annoying notifications are bundled in with the ones you actually need to see so you either decide you have to put up with all of them or lose half the functionality of your app the classic when you can't get your full-size USB connector in on the first try so you turn it around and try and squeeze it in only to realize you were right the first time and you may have actually damaged your connector so glad USBC exists now but that makes it all the more jarring when companies decide do you know what even though this completely Universal charging standard that supports Ultra fast charging that's fully reversible and that people already have the cable for at home exists yeah yeah you know what let's use a DC port on this device that's a great idea the weather on the Windows 11 hot bar seems to be all was wrong for some reason and obsessed with saying that something is a record low or a record high temperature Nintendo have an absolute Gold Mine of historic classic video games but why are they tying people's ability to play them with having a continuous Nintendo Online subscription like what do those two things even have to do with each other and this brings me on to how older video games they aren't being preserved the way that all other media is because being able to play a game is reliant on either you having the original Hardware it was designed for or the game company specific ly deciding that it wants to remake it for a new piece of Hardware we're in a market now where 87% of classic video games are completely unavailable and that scares me and then switch joycons have pretty unacceptable connectivity issues still let alone the almost inescapable drift that makes your joysticks move even if you're not moving them which does not bring joy that Tik Tok voice makes me physically convulse hey that was rude say that to my face you little see what I mean taking your phone out your pocket to find your flush has been on the whole time now I personally love it when face ID decides that I just look too rough to unlock the phone devices that only seem to wirelessly charge when you place them in the exact right spot so you find yourself surgically planting them like you're in some sort of operating theater and even then you find half the time they start and just stop even though they haven't moved people playing their music out loud on speakers on a packed bus or train like do they just not care or are they genuinely unaware that people don't want to hear their favorite SoundCloud rapper Sony's naming schemes it will forever baffle me that this company decided that the best name for their headphones was the wh-1000 xm5 instead of just the Sony xm5 or for their phones deciding to call the bigger phone the Sony xeria 1 5 and then the smaller phone the Sony Xperia 55 and then just assuming that the average user is going to be able to look at the name of this phone even though it's not written and know that it's actually call the Xperia 1 Mark 5 honestly this could be its own video why is Eggman able to run just as fast as Sonic products that tack AI or smart on themselves just because they have more than one feature and besides do you really need a smart fridge Windows requiring a restart for every single update even for the most minuscule bug fixes that are going to affect literally four people around the world and also Windows update and shut down just half the time seems to self decide instead to update and restart how Google drive's ability to download big files is just broken like it'll try and zip them up into something more manageable but then I guess realize what it's undertaking and just decide that's too much work you had one job Alexa even today refusing to support Google search like a child that decides it wants to be best friends with well beinging but that's obviously a mistake how so many high-end laptops make you feel like you've got a superpow because of their blinding performance so long as you're plugged in and the second you unplug them they shrivel up into a wet towel autosave features that decide not to autosave right when you need them the most more video games really need to start adding in or have you played one of these before option to avoid the long ass tutorial that every beginner needs but it's a total chore for veterans of the series I mean I can't even tell you how many times I've been taught how to catch a Pokémon it's not like it's changed in the last 25 years those mobile game ads for games that don't exist like why don't they just actually make the games that they know people would rather play well thankfully someone actually did there's a whole game on Steam that is all about recreating them the music syn setting on Smart balls how it never seems to work properly uneven bezels that's literally it how Netflix doesn't just let you read the blurb of your movie in peace but instead insists on starting it anyway QuickTime events during cutcenes I don't mind mashing Square so that Spiderman will stop the car he just zipped over to but if I've been watching a bunch of people talk for 10 minutes straight I don't want to have to suddenly Panic to pick up my controller in a hurry with my Cheeto dust and crusted fingers I thought by playing a mini movie you're communicating to me that it's the perfect time for a little snack break things that don't need to be online all the time like single player games or you know your entire home's smart lighting system but that force you to stay online just so that you're either ready to make a purchase at all times or they can continuously keep track of if youve paid the latest monthly installment every time I turn on my Xbox there seems to be yet another software update all I want to do is to play it offline co-op game made like 15 years ago which definitely doesn't need updates but it insists and whether I like it or not I have to verify my accounts I have to download the update I have to install the update before I can all while trying to type on the highly unintuitive controller keyboard another console gripe while both PS5 and Xbox in theory have the ability to resume games immediately even days after they've been suspended the game devs themselves by making everything always online basically lock you out of using that feature there's is some sort of server that I seem to be getting kicked from every time I try it the trend of removing ports on laptops like surely the fact that these dongles have now become Amazon bestsellers is a sign that it's not helping GPS that only seems to face the right way half the time so you actually just have to start walking one way to work out if it's the right way how different audio devices have different audio balancing so if you're not careful when you switch between them with your headphones you may well not be hearing properly for 3 Days the renaming of Twitter tox and how it's one of the stupidest brand branding decisions of all time I mean Twitter was one of the most recognizable brands on Earth to the point where their name was actually a verb very few companies ever achieve this only really Google comes to mind and so to throw it all away because well X is the coolest letter is baffling not to mention that typing in x.com into your browser window looks incredibly sus Wi-Fi connected internet not available the way the PS5 UI whes at you when you turn it off at the plug really guilts you hardcore about not using the power button how games consoles are more powerful than they've ever been and yet less able than ever to actually let you play multiplayer with someone on the same device console can't read your disc so you take it out you do nothing you reinsert it and it magically Works video gam sizes are enormous now so big that when you buy the physical game you're not actually buying the physical game you're just buying a portal to be able to download it which also means a lot of the time when you buy a game now you no longer permanently own the game like you used to with old consoles your ability to play that game in the future is dependent on the health of Sony servers and Microsoft servers and more worryingly Nintendo servers inapp purchases on games that you've already purchased and then what hurts a lot more is that those inapp purchases are specifically designed to gouge as much cash out of you as possible like forcing you to buy the in-game premium currency to be able to make the purchases but then making sure that the amount of in-game currency you can buy doesn't exactly match with how much you need to spend online forms that you can't save progress on partway through and then when you're just about to finish trying to swipe sideways and actually swiping all the way back to the beginning or on your phone spending 25 minutes getting immersed in an article only to tap something near the top of your screen and inadvertently scroll all the way to the top websites that constantly rename and edit articles for SEO especially misleading for Tech news because you could well be reading something that was actually written 2 years ago but because one word on the web page has been updated it now shows up as if it's brand new searching for ages to the solution of a tech problem only to stumble across a 7-year-old Reddit thread where the question asker just suddenly says oh it's fixed without saying how the unbelievable new tide of AI generated spam emails which are just now reaching the level of sophistication to be basically indistinguishable from Human emails how every single thing needs to be a subscription now to a stupid degree like for things you already own like a piece of software that you've already paid a one-off fee to purchase or like that time that BMW decided to charge people to heat the seats in their car but got a full Tech fails video for a proper Lowdown on that one and what makes it worse is deliberately misleading website design that specifically obstructs those key options like being able to cancel your membership or unsubscribe from the mailing list just making it so annoying to unsubscribe that some people might just decide to stay subscribed and speaking of subscriptions I just want to say thank you because we're like this close now to being in the final million Subs between us and Apple which is the home stretch in a restaurant where there are no physical menus and the QR code is not working either so uh I'll take a tap water the lack of clear standards when it comes to USB cables while some can literally be 12 megabits per second others can be 10 gbits and for an average consumer it's not really clear which is which going abroad on holiday and suddenly every single one of your accounts thinks you're an imposter how all the best phones nowadays are too big to reach the whole screen with your thumb so I just call people whose numbers are on the right hand side companies who say they don't give you anything with your smartphone for the environment but then proceed to sell you those same contents separately when sites try to redirect you to their app which you already have installed but instead for some reason decides to either take you to the App Store page or the web page version why does this happen so much and just before my top 10 if you decided that you actually wanted to build a website yourself that people would be excited to land on then I've just started using a tool called Ten web you kind of have to see it to believe it so you open the site it asks you several questions about your business and as soon as you answer those questions it uses a powerful AI model to literally in front of your eyes generate a completely custom personalized site a full WordPress site as if you'd coded it yourself you can make any final tweaks at the end which is also made simple thanks to an intuitive editor they do the hosting the backups the security you don't need to think about anything Link in the description to learn more okay final 10 those incredibly annoying Waits don't skip this ad then you're going to miss out YouTube ad that you're going to skip how the do you like our app popup comes in about 12 seconds after booting It Up For the First Time Spotify and how it only lets you use offline features if you turn on offline mode if I've downloaded a podcast why does it only show up if I tell the app that I have no signal why does the Dual sense controller's microphone default to on surely it would make more sense for the default to be off and then the LED like to indicate when it is on as opposed to the other way around that way while you're trying to line up the perfect longrange head shot you wouldn't have to hear the incessant background noise of concerned parents telling their kids they should probably do their homework now seeing the notification number on an app telling you that something needs to be actioned but having absolutely no idea how to clear it how you can't use face ID or touch ID after your device has been restarted your iPhone automatically backing up all of your photos even if you have tons of spare internal storage and you only realizing it's done that when you're trying to show someone a memory and realize you can't access it how you never get close to your advertised Wi-Fi speeds and how 5G is so poor in so many countries that when that little icon pops up in the corner it's often more of a concern than it is a convenience how the YouTube app doesn't have a back button so when you're deep down in your rabbit hole and you want to go to the previous video you actually just have to exit the whole thing and start from the beginning so yeah you're not alone in your frustrations let me know your worst ones and maybe we'll do a followup100 things we all find absolutely infuriating about our tech let's go because new iPhones record videos in HDR by default now you get so much social media content that's just excessively bright it wastes your battery while blinding you with no tangible benefit the PS5 is disc drive faces the opposite way to what you might expect and as soon as you realize it you start to second guess your second guess gaslighting yourself into getting it wrong every single time till the end of time sent from my iPhone being added by default to every single email sent from an iPhone it was Tacky in 2008 and it's definitely Tacky in 2024 smartphone predictive text that's so insistent it's correct that even when you type something and it replaces it and then you retype that same thing it'll just replace it again streaming services were originally meant to be the easier cheaper alternative to cable TV now you have to pay for so many different ones that it's literally just as bad speaking of TVs though how poor and laggy TV interfaces usually are especially puzzling considering how good the smartphones made by the same companies are the baked in TV picture modes ruin everything movies are designed to look a certain way and run at a certain frame rate and so putting a weird filter over them and adding in extra frames to make them Ultra fluid doesn't make them feel more like Cinema mode like the name suggests it just makes them look Incorrect and what's with all these TV remotes where the okay button is also a scroll wheel that unavoidably Scrolls as you're trying to press it you have literally 30 other pretty much useless buttons you could have replaced but no let's strap together the two things you use the most in a way that doesn't allow you to use either properly and what's with the name of TVs they're all practically indistinguishable gobbly goo and so anytime I'm trying to cast to one I'm very concerned that I'm actually going to cast to someone else's TV especially in a hotel room when there's like 50 different ones you could be connecting to oh and to finish it off flat screen TV speakers are particularly bad at projecting quiet audio so dialogue is practically inaudible to start with so you turn the volume up and then proceed to get deafened when it switches over to an action scene websites that have five-step captures because apparently uncovering indecipherable hieroglyphs like this or Contin ously spotting the traffic light in an image like I'm on some sort of disciplinary road safety course on our requirement to prove that I'm human oh and then what do you do when the traffic light just spills over onto the next box like what kind of psychopath decided to not just realign the image so you don't have an existential crisis about what it means for something to be in something how almost all laptops no matter the price seem to have terrible webcams and gaming headsets terrible microphones when you're struggling to remember your password so you're forced to click forgot my password but then the system tells you that your new password can't be the same as any of your old passwords at which point you remember what your old password actually was but now I have to set a new one that you're inevitably going to forget the next time you ask for your password actually just passwords in general we're constantly being told to set a different password for every single website and at the same time to make every single one of those passwords the most complicated alphabet spaghetti that we possibly can which is such a fiddly thing to keep track of in a world where 3D face scanners and fingerprint scanners they've been around for ages like why can't a YouTuber secure their YouTube account with the actual face that they use for their Channel why does the iPhone have seemingly no ability to display a comma without going into a separate submenu like does Apple want me to forget punctuation exists why does every Amazon service have like the worst UI known to man like Prime video why do they bury the option to continue watching the show you're watching as if it's not the first thing you'd want to click or just on the Amazon storefront there is so much sponsored content that even with the whole rating system it's really hard to find what's actually good and what's not scrolling web pages you know there's ones that when you scroll down instead of moving down it actually just Scrolls through an animation it never looks as good as I assume these companies think it does and you just feel like you're being prohibited from navigating in the way that you've been taught to everyone thought the Nintendo switch was going to get themes at some point and they'd be forgiven for thinking so given that there is an entire menu dedicated to them which to this day contains two themes basic white and basic black I mean the PSP from 2005 had themes what you doing Nintendo printers specifically why do I need to buy a colored ink cartridge if I want to print in black and white especially since my black ink cartridge is completely full obvious scam that no one's ever fixed but also it's so misleading how the printers themselves are sold for basically cost price to lock you in and only once you're locked in and you have no other choice do they sell you the ink cartridges for about three times that price every single year with each ink cartridge containing about five drops of the stuff and if you so much as dare to try a third party in cartridge just to save some of that many printers are designed to detect them and shut down in protest why do I get excited about new phone colors when I know that I'm just going to slap a case on it anyway applications asking for a suspicious number of permissions like why does my wallpaper app need to make and receive phone calls and the worst part of it is because you never get shown exactly what those apps are using each permission for you either have to decide screw it I'm downloading nothing or just accept the fact that you're okay with giving the app everything how Ticket Master has become basically the sole supplier of so many concert tickets allowing them to charge whatever they feel like to do so and also removing the incentive for them to make their website anything better than the anxiety inducing countdown filled unstable mess that it is falling phones are really hard to look after it's just frustrating how you can spend so much money on something and take the best possible care you can of it and it will still likely end up with dust finding its way under the pre-applied screen protector or when I use these flip phones I'm constantly missing photo opportun due to fiddling to get them open in time how anytime I decide I like the idea of doing a bit of work outside the brightness of my laptop screen steps in to disagree when you're not ready for the webcam to start recording so suddenly when everyone on the phone call gets a front row seat to your double chins wow how mobile phone carriers tried to screw customers every possible turn like for starters how they bundled together the price of the phone and the Sim in a monthly fee that is absolutely silly like $100 a month knowing full well that many people will reach the under their contract completely forget to upgrade phones and just be paying like 10 times what they should for what's effectively a Simon deal it's just a scummy way to make money and worse still are the abroad fees they're so excessive they should be illegal I was in a situation where I was in Africa last year and I was being charge $1 per megabyte of roaming data I was using so let's say I wanted to watch an original quality Mr Who's The Boss video do you know how much I would have been charged $5,500 what a joke there needs to be a better way to transfer files between iPhone Android Mac Windows without using third party software like if you've tried to use Bluetooth recently you'll know it's an absolute travesty apps that spam you with promotional notifications which you're pretty sure you never asked for and you have no idea how to get rid of and even worse is when those annoying notifications are bundled in with the ones you actually need to see so you either decide you have to put up with all of them or lose half the functionality of your app the classic when you can't get your full-size USB connector in on the first try so you turn it around and try and squeeze it in only to realize you were right the first time and you may have actually damaged your connector so glad USBC exists now but that makes it all the more jarring when companies decide do you know what even though this completely Universal charging standard that supports Ultra fast charging that's fully reversible and that people already have the cable for at home exists yeah yeah you know what let's use a DC port on this device that's a great idea the weather on the Windows 11 hot bar seems to be all was wrong for some reason and obsessed with saying that something is a record low or a record high temperature Nintendo have an absolute Gold Mine of historic classic video games but why are they tying people's ability to play them with having a continuous Nintendo Online subscription like what do those two things even have to do with each other and this brings me on to how older video games they aren't being preserved the way that all other media is because being able to play a game is reliant on either you having the original Hardware it was designed for or the game company specific ly deciding that it wants to remake it for a new piece of Hardware we're in a market now where 87% of classic video games are completely unavailable and that scares me and then switch joycons have pretty unacceptable connectivity issues still let alone the almost inescapable drift that makes your joysticks move even if you're not moving them which does not bring joy that Tik Tok voice makes me physically convulse hey that was rude say that to my face you little see what I mean taking your phone out your pocket to find your flush has been on the whole time now I personally love it when face ID decides that I just look too rough to unlock the phone devices that only seem to wirelessly charge when you place them in the exact right spot so you find yourself surgically planting them like you're in some sort of operating theater and even then you find half the time they start and just stop even though they haven't moved people playing their music out loud on speakers on a packed bus or train like do they just not care or are they genuinely unaware that people don't want to hear their favorite SoundCloud rapper Sony's naming schemes it will forever baffle me that this company decided that the best name for their headphones was the wh-1000 xm5 instead of just the Sony xm5 or for their phones deciding to call the bigger phone the Sony xeria 1 5 and then the smaller phone the Sony Xperia 55 and then just assuming that the average user is going to be able to look at the name of this phone even though it's not written and know that it's actually call the Xperia 1 Mark 5 honestly this could be its own video why is Eggman able to run just as fast as Sonic products that tack AI or smart on themselves just because they have more than one feature and besides do you really need a smart fridge Windows requiring a restart for every single update even for the most minuscule bug fixes that are going to affect literally four people around the world and also Windows update and shut down just half the time seems to self decide instead to update and restart how Google drive's ability to download big files is just broken like it'll try and zip them up into something more manageable but then I guess realize what it's undertaking and just decide that's too much work you had one job Alexa even today refusing to support Google search like a child that decides it wants to be best friends with well beinging but that's obviously a mistake how so many high-end laptops make you feel like you've got a superpow because of their blinding performance so long as you're plugged in and the second you unplug them they shrivel up into a wet towel autosave features that decide not to autosave right when you need them the most more video games really need to start adding in or have you played one of these before option to avoid the long ass tutorial that every beginner needs but it's a total chore for veterans of the series I mean I can't even tell you how many times I've been taught how to catch a Pokémon it's not like it's changed in the last 25 years those mobile game ads for games that don't exist like why don't they just actually make the games that they know people would rather play well thankfully someone actually did there's a whole game on Steam that is all about recreating them the music syn setting on Smart balls how it never seems to work properly uneven bezels that's literally it how Netflix doesn't just let you read the blurb of your movie in peace but instead insists on starting it anyway QuickTime events during cutcenes I don't mind mashing Square so that Spiderman will stop the car he just zipped over to but if I've been watching a bunch of people talk for 10 minutes straight I don't want to have to suddenly Panic to pick up my controller in a hurry with my Cheeto dust and crusted fingers I thought by playing a mini movie you're communicating to me that it's the perfect time for a little snack break things that don't need to be online all the time like single player games or you know your entire home's smart lighting system but that force you to stay online just so that you're either ready to make a purchase at all times or they can continuously keep track of if youve paid the latest monthly installment every time I turn on my Xbox there seems to be yet another software update all I want to do is to play it offline co-op game made like 15 years ago which definitely doesn't need updates but it insists and whether I like it or not I have to verify my accounts I have to download the update I have to install the update before I can all while trying to type on the highly unintuitive controller keyboard another console gripe while both PS5 and Xbox in theory have the ability to resume games immediately even days after they've been suspended the game devs themselves by making everything always online basically lock you out of using that feature there's is some sort of server that I seem to be getting kicked from every time I try it the trend of removing ports on laptops like surely the fact that these dongles have now become Amazon bestsellers is a sign that it's not helping GPS that only seems to face the right way half the time so you actually just have to start walking one way to work out if it's the right way how different audio devices have different audio balancing so if you're not careful when you switch between them with your headphones you may well not be hearing properly for 3 Days the renaming of Twitter tox and how it's one of the stupidest brand branding decisions of all time I mean Twitter was one of the most recognizable brands on Earth to the point where their name was actually a verb very few companies ever achieve this only really Google comes to mind and so to throw it all away because well X is the coolest letter is baffling not to mention that typing in x.com into your browser window looks incredibly sus Wi-Fi connected internet not available the way the PS5 UI whes at you when you turn it off at the plug really guilts you hardcore about not using the power button how games consoles are more powerful than they've ever been and yet less able than ever to actually let you play multiplayer with someone on the same device console can't read your disc so you take it out you do nothing you reinsert it and it magically Works video gam sizes are enormous now so big that when you buy the physical game you're not actually buying the physical game you're just buying a portal to be able to download it which also means a lot of the time when you buy a game now you no longer permanently own the game like you used to with old consoles your ability to play that game in the future is dependent on the health of Sony servers and Microsoft servers and more worryingly Nintendo servers inapp purchases on games that you've already purchased and then what hurts a lot more is that those inapp purchases are specifically designed to gouge as much cash out of you as possible like forcing you to buy the in-game premium currency to be able to make the purchases but then making sure that the amount of in-game currency you can buy doesn't exactly match with how much you need to spend online forms that you can't save progress on partway through and then when you're just about to finish trying to swipe sideways and actually swiping all the way back to the beginning or on your phone spending 25 minutes getting immersed in an article only to tap something near the top of your screen and inadvertently scroll all the way to the top websites that constantly rename and edit articles for SEO especially misleading for Tech news because you could well be reading something that was actually written 2 years ago but because one word on the web page has been updated it now shows up as if it's brand new searching for ages to the solution of a tech problem only to stumble across a 7-year-old Reddit thread where the question asker just suddenly says oh it's fixed without saying how the unbelievable new tide of AI generated spam emails which are just now reaching the level of sophistication to be basically indistinguishable from Human emails how every single thing needs to be a subscription now to a stupid degree like for things you already own like a piece of software that you've already paid a one-off fee to purchase or like that time that BMW decided to charge people to heat the seats in their car but got a full Tech fails video for a proper Lowdown on that one and what makes it worse is deliberately misleading website design that specifically obstructs those key options like being able to cancel your membership or unsubscribe from the mailing list just making it so annoying to unsubscribe that some people might just decide to stay subscribed and speaking of subscriptions I just want to say thank you because we're like this close now to being in the final million Subs between us and Apple which is the home stretch in a restaurant where there are no physical menus and the QR code is not working either so uh I'll take a tap water the lack of clear standards when it comes to USB cables while some can literally be 12 megabits per second others can be 10 gbits and for an average consumer it's not really clear which is which going abroad on holiday and suddenly every single one of your accounts thinks you're an imposter how all the best phones nowadays are too big to reach the whole screen with your thumb so I just call people whose numbers are on the right hand side companies who say they don't give you anything with your smartphone for the environment but then proceed to sell you those same contents separately when sites try to redirect you to their app which you already have installed but instead for some reason decides to either take you to the App Store page or the web page version why does this happen so much and just before my top 10 if you decided that you actually wanted to build a website yourself that people would be excited to land on then I've just started using a tool called Ten web you kind of have to see it to believe it so you open the site it asks you several questions about your business and as soon as you answer those questions it uses a powerful AI model to literally in front of your eyes generate a completely custom personalized site a full WordPress site as if you'd coded it yourself you can make any final tweaks at the end which is also made simple thanks to an intuitive editor they do the hosting the backups the security you don't need to think about anything Link in the description to learn more okay final 10 those incredibly annoying Waits don't skip this ad then you're going to miss out YouTube ad that you're going to skip how the do you like our app popup comes in about 12 seconds after booting It Up For the First Time Spotify and how it only lets you use offline features if you turn on offline mode if I've downloaded a podcast why does it only show up if I tell the app that I have no signal why does the Dual sense controller's microphone default to on surely it would make more sense for the default to be off and then the LED like to indicate when it is on as opposed to the other way around that way while you're trying to line up the perfect longrange head shot you wouldn't have to hear the incessant background noise of concerned parents telling their kids they should probably do their homework now seeing the notification number on an app telling you that something needs to be actioned but having absolutely no idea how to clear it how you can't use face ID or touch ID after your device has been restarted your iPhone automatically backing up all of your photos even if you have tons of spare internal storage and you only realizing it's done that when you're trying to show someone a memory and realize you can't access it how you never get close to your advertised Wi-Fi speeds and how 5G is so poor in so many countries that when that little icon pops up in the corner it's often more of a concern than it is a convenience how the YouTube app doesn't have a back button so when you're deep down in your rabbit hole and you want to go to the previous video you actually just have to exit the whole thing and start from the beginning so yeah you're not alone in your frustrations let me know your worst ones and maybe we'll do a followup\n"