How the Ford Mach E 1400 makes more torque than FOUR F-150s

**Understanding Electric Motor Concepts**

The speaker notes that electric motors can generate useful torque over a wide range of rotational speeds, unlike gasoline or diesel engines which need to build up speed to produce more torque. This is demonstrated by comparing the torque graphs of an EV and an ICE, with one being like this and the other like this.

**Inverter Component**

The inverter component regulates the speed and torque of the electric motor. It takes direct current from the battery and converts it into alternating current. The inverter also phases that current to match the three-phase AC induction motors used in the vehicle. There is a two-way connection for the DC input, with positive and negative terminals, and three connectors for the AC cables that feed the motor.

**Inverter Functions**

The inverter has several functions:

* It converts direct current from the battery into alternating current.

* It phases the alternating current to match the three-phase AC induction motors used in the vehicle.

* It includes a VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) which changes the speed of an AC motor by altering the frequency.

* It does something called regen, or regeneration, where the motor becomes a generator that sends charge back to the battery when you take your foot off the pedal.

**Braking System**

The inverter also includes a braking system. Depending on their controller settings, the vehicle can control the amount of braking applied when you take your foot off the pedal. This can range from 10% braking to locking up the wheels. The speaker notes that this is a test bed for Ford, so they could program the car to be a one-pedal car using regen as the only source of braking.

**Torque Generation**

The peak torque for each motor is 370 Newton meters, which is equivalent to 273 pounds feet of torque. With seven motors at 96% efficiency, the total torque output is 1,800 pound feet. This is compared to a 2020 Ford F150 with the biggest engine option, which produces 400 pound feet of torque.

**T-Pain Sound Design**

The speaker notes that T-Pain helped design the sound for this vehicle. The futuristicsound is meant to be an interpretation of what the car of the future should sound like. This sound is piped through two military spec speakers that can be heard over a mile away.


The speaker thanks Ford Performance, Vaughn Gittin Jr., and R2R for discussing this vehicle with them. They note that there are many other nifty things engineered on this car that were not covered in the conversation.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- You've probably seen that leaked footageof the mysterious, electriccar test mule rippingaround the skid pad where the camera man,Larry Chen, was hiding behindtwo comically skinny trees,and the car stopped perfectlyin front of the camera.- What the f*** is this?- Well by now, the fullrelease video has come out.And we obviously know thatcar was the mach E 14000.Regardless of questionablemarketing tactics,it's clear that this car is insane.It's got 1,400 horsepower.It's got independent powerto the rear and front wheels.It's got an other-worldly electric-whine.(car whining)So I wanted to know more about this car,so I called up Vaughn GittinJr. and he told me about it.But there was one thing hewasn't allowed to tell me.And that's how much torque it makes.No problem, Mr. Vaughn Gittin Jr.Keep your secrets, that's okay.So I did my own calculations,and what I found out was mind blowing.How does this thing make moretorque than four V8 F150s?And what the heck does T-Painhave to do with all this?Let's find out.(chill electronic music)Thanks you again to ourfriends at off the recordfor sponsoring today'sepisode of Bumper to Bumper.Let's face it, I like to drive fast.I like to ride fast.And that means I may bendthe rules just a little bit.And I know that means mychances of getting pulled overon one of these bikes backhere is exponentially higher.There's no need to worry, becauseyou can fight your ticketswith the help of off the record.See, when you get pulled overand get that dreaded ticket,not only is the monetary finefrom the ticket gonna punch you rightin the freaking wallet,but so is the more-than-likelyinsurance premium increase.Now all you have to dois download the app,enter some basic ticket information,like when and where you were cited,what law you allegedly broke,and off the record willconnect you with a well-vetted,local, licensed attorneyto fight that ticketon your behalf.Go to use the off the recordapp and use code Donutto get 10% off your first case.Thank you guys forsupporting the companiesthat support us here at Donut.To start out,the mach E uses threephase AC induction motors.It has three motors thatpower the front wheelsand four motors thatpower the rear wheels.And these motors are YAYA P400R motors.And what's cool about themis that they're stackable.Similar to a three rotor orfour rotor rotary engine,you can stack them togetherwhile sharing a common shaftin order to produce more power.The technical name forthem is axial flux motors,but some people call them pancake motorsbecause they're thin and theyhave a very large diameter.You can stack them like flapjacks.You know who loves flapjacks?Uncle Jer loves flapjacks.And french toast, I cookit four times a week.Get at me if you want my recipe.Each motor is only 4.2 inches wide.So in the rear you have a motor setupthat's only 16.8 inches in length,with a diameter of only 12 inches,roughly 1,900 cubic inchesweighing in at 250 pounds.And because they weigh lessand take up less space,their placement in avehicle can be more ideal.So with axial flux motors,the copper windingsinside the housing arearranged in a way that allowfor smaller form factor.It's kind of like a regularold V6 motor versus VW's VR6.Still has six cylinders,but they're just arranged differently.By optimizing the locationand orientation of the coils,you get a motor that producesan equivalent amount of torqueand horsepower in much smaller package.Each one of these motorsmakes 160 kilowattsof peak power at 700 volts.1 kilowatt is equal to 1.36 horsepower,so each motor gives youaround 217 horsepower.860 horsepower in the rear and651 horsepower in the front,for a total of 1,522 horsepower.And because of their light weight,they have a ridiculouspower to weight ratio.The 5.0 in the Ford F150makes 395 horsepowerand weighs 444 pounds.That's .88 horsepower per pound.Now the motors in the mach Emake 3.5 horsepower per pound.That's almost four times as much.Now if you noticed before I said a totalof 1,522 horsepower,so where does 1,400 horsepower come from?Well with any motor, youcan never be 100% efficient.You have friction and heat losses.There's actually peak efficiencyratings for these motors.And it's right at 96%.So when you factor that in,it puts that horsepower figureright above 1,400 horsepower.Now what about the torque rating?Horsepower aint much without that torque.Well as I said, Ford wouldn't tell me,but we're gonna figure it out ourselves.But first, we have tounderstand the full picture.We have to look at howthese motors get their fuel.And in this case, it'sfrom Lithium Ion batteries.The reason electric carstoday are even feasible isbecause of Lithium Ion batteries.It's really the onlypractical battery technologythat can provide the amount of energyan electric car requires.But not all Lithiumbatteries are created equal.There are lots of different types builtfor different purposes.Part of the problem withLithium Ion batteries is havingto manage heat, lifespan,cost, discharging capabilities.For the mach E 1400, theyuse a Lithium, Nickel,Manganese, Cobalt oxide battery.Or for my chemistry buffs, LiNiMnCoO2.The 1400 uses thousandsof these battery cells,which I'm going to call NMC cells,to make a pack with with acapacity of 56.8 kilowatt hours.A bigger battery packwill have a higher numberof kilowatt hours and itwill hold more electricity.But that doesn't tell you all that much.And Ford, like I said before,they're pretty tight-lippedabout the specs of the battery.So how could we quantify itinto something that equatesto performance?Well, with a little tinsy,little tiny bit, bit of math,and a little bit of guesswork,we can actually calculatesome more important metrics.So to do this, I'm goingto look at a Tesla battery.It's comprised of 16 individual modules.Each module has 444batteries that are made upof 74 cells, wired in parallel,with 6 of those voltagecells wired in series.Now each voltage cell is 3.6 volts.And when you get six ofthem wired in series,you get 21.6 volts per module.Now when you wire those 16individual modules togetherin series, you get 346 volts, great.Now each module weighs 55.8 poundsfor a total of 892 pounds.Let's just round up,because numbers rule my lifeand they got to be even.It's the 900 pounds and weget .38 voles per pound.Now I know the mach Ebattery weighs 1,500 pounds,cause Vaughn Gittin Jr. told me.And if we assume that Ford isoperating at the upper limitof an NMC cell, at 4.2volts, instead of 3.6 volts,like in the Tesla, that's a 16.6 increase,the mach E battery isproducing peak voltage rightat 680 volts, sick.Now we have this number, butwhat the heck does it mean?Well think of voltage as speed.The more volts you have, thefaster you can spin the motors.And interestingly enough,if we look at the electricmotors used in the mach E,those YASA P400Rs, they makepeak power right at 700 volts.So it's safe to say thatwe're in the ballpark.But if voltage is speed,what about current?Well rotational speed isproportional to voltage applied.And torque is proportionalto current pulled.So the faster you want to accelerate,the more torque you need,and the more current needsto get dumped.So for the purposes of thisvideo, current equals torque.Now let's hop on the on Jerry bus.Actually, no, we don't need to do that.Can you hand me that drill?So let's say that the motorinside this power drillis an AC motor.Now if I put no load on itand I want to get it to spin faster,I just pull the trigger.And when I do that, it increasesthe frequency of the motorand the motor spins faster.Now what happens when Iput a load on the drillby putting my hand over,over it like this to tryto stop it?Well, without getting intoa lot of complex things,like back EMF, or slip, orother induction motor concepts,the more load that you puton it, the more you needto overcome that load.So the motor will draw morecurrent, producing more torque,which will overcome the loadof my hand trying to stop itfrom spinning.Ow.Don't do that, actually.That's really dumb.One of the great thingsabout an electric motoris that it can generate usefultorque over a very wide rangeof rotational speeds.That's very different froma gas or diesel enginewhich needs to build upspeed to produce more torque.- Look at the torque graphof an EV versus an ICE.One is like this.And one is like this.Now the component of themach E that is regulatingall that speed and torque is the inverter.The inverter is like a carburetor,but instead of air and fuel,it's dishing out voltage and current.It's a pretty complex piece of equipmentthat has a few mainfunctions in the mach E.Now the first thing itdoes is take direct currentfrom the battery and convertsit into alternating current.The second thing that it doesis it phases that current.The motors in the mach Eare what's called threephase AC induction motors,meaning they operate on threeseparate, alternating currentswhich are offset from each other in time.So the inverterin the mach E doesn'tproduce just one AC output,it produces three.Now you can see here thatthere's a two-way connectionfor the DC input, a positiveand a negative terminal,and three connectors for theAC cables that feed the motor.And in the mach E, eachmotor gets its own inverter,for a total of seven inverters.The inverter also has what's called a VFD,which stands for variable frequency drive.So to change the speed of an AC motor,you need to alter the frequency.That's what the VFD does.And finally, the inverter alsodoes something called regen,or regeneration.Now when you take your foot off the pedal,the motor becomes agenerator which sends chargeto the battery.It also does something in the mach E,and that's called braking.Now depending on theircontroller settings,the mach E can control theamount of braking appliedwhen you take your foot off the pedal.You want 10% braking when you lift off?No problem.You want to go on theother end of the spectrumand lock up the wheels?Sure, they can do that too.And remember, this is a test bed for Ford,so they could program thiscar to be a one-pedal carusing regen as the only source of braking.Okay, so that is how energy is storedand how it is converted for use.But what about the torque?Did we ever figure out how much torquethese things are making?Okay, let's do that right now.I've teased you long enough.So the peak torque for eachmotor is 370 Newton meters.That's 273 pounds feet of torque.Again, we have sevenmotors at 96% efficiency.We're at 1,800 pound feet of torque.And that's the motor torque,that's the torque that matters.To put that in perspective,a 2020 Ford F150with the biggest engineoption, the 5.0 V8,it produces 400 pound feet of torque.So when I mention that themach E 1400 makes more torquethan four F150s, Iwasn't being clickbaity.I was being wheel.So you might be asking yourself,didn't Uncle Jer mentionT-Pain at the top of this?But T-Pain did help designthe sound of this car,which I think is pretty cool.A big hangup with internalcombustion engine loversis the lack of sound Evs make.And I get it, there'snothing quite like the soundof a cross-plane V8 rumble.And knowing that, Vaughn Gittin,and Mr. Tallahassee Pain himself,developed the futuristicsound for this piece.It's what Vaughn describedas their interpretationof what the car of thefuture should sound like.Piped through two military spec speakersthat you can hear over a mile away,which is pretty neat given you'd wantto hear this thing coming.(car whining)I want to thank Ford Performance,and Vaughn Gittin Jr.and R2R for talkingwith us about this car.There were a ton of niftythings they engineeredon this thing that wedidn't even get to go into.The Arrow alone couldhouse an entire episode.I suggest you go watch his video of himand Ken Block ripping this thing around.We'll be back next with with another B2B.Hit Like, hit Subscribe.Bye for now.