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**Building an AIM Mount and Oil Cooler System**
Today, I'm excited to share with you my progress on building an AIM mount for my steering wheel and a dry sump oil cooler system for my car.
I started by making a mount for the AIM dash. This involved attaching a piece of the steering column to create a sturdy base for the mount. I used a bandsaw to cut out the piece, ensuring it was smooth and even. Next, I created two tabs that would connect to the mount, which required some welding to secure.
Once the mounting system was complete, Ty helped me weld the entire thing together. The result is a lightweight and adjustable mount that allows for easy steering wheel installation. I'm thrilled with how it turned out!
Next, I worked on modifying the end tanks of my oil cooler. We added a new type of mount to allow us to install it flat against the frame rail. This will ensure proper airflow and cooling for my engine.
We also worked on integrating our dry sump system, which includes a breather line from the tank and a three-stage filtration system. Since we're running a scavenge-only system, we needed to make some adjustments to accommodate the serpentine belt instead of a cog bolt.
After some deliberation, we settled on an oil filter location and installed it underneath the crossmember. The new filter is easily accessible for maintenance and features an adjustable fitting to suit our dry sump system requirements.
The car's layout is starting to take shape, and I'm excited to see how everything comes together. With the supercharger and intake manifold installation complete, I can start thinking about routing lines and fittings.
I must admit, I've spent a significant amount of time on these smaller projects, but it's rewarding to see them come together. The AIM mount, oil cooler system, and dry sump filtration are all crucial components that will enhance my car's performance.
As we move forward with the project, I'm looking forward to working with our team and sharing updates on our progress. Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for more content!
**Later in the video, the creator mentions taking their E36 beater car to Laguna Seca for a grip day**
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enPretty exciting day here!A lot of stuff showed up!So the first thing that showed up thismorning is the Innovators Balancer.That's for the A&A superchargersetup.It's literally designed to workwith all their bracket setups so youdon't have to worry about anything.Ten rib for the blower, secondary drive,and then this is where we're gonna drive our dry sump.Nice, fresh, clean dash.So this is the same AIM that we run in the S14.They have some newer stuff that's comingout, but I want to try to keep as muchsimilar across the two chassis aspossible. It's gonna make our learningcurve easier. Ty's already familiar withusing that dash, setting it up.The water pump from CBM already has the - 20fittings ready to go. It's for an LS3 Corvette.Easy peasy. Those go *bam* right on.So this is all of our fast stuff that setupfor a fast 102 intake manifoldThis the main reason why we switchedover to this intake manifold. It makes a tonof mid-range power it's great for heatdissipation and it's gonna clear thehood so we got like fuel rails therunners cuz now the new fast intake hastunable runners where you can put veryshort ones for high horsepower over8,000 rpm, medium ones for like a racemotor like this and also the longstandard ones for all kinds of toys. Got a mock up Pro X CBM heads.The conk front cover this is what you need for anRHS block and since we do run a RHSblock you have to have the ability tooffset the cam sensor here. If you use astandard GM front cover the camexactly centered in the Kip pickup pointMake it a little bit difficult for it tocrank over it takes a little bit of timeso they have these plugs and offsets sothat you can actually offset the camsensors to get it in the right locationfor your cam depending on your deckheight of your block. Got our parts from CX Racing.A few of you fabricators out there don'tknow CX have a lot of really goodfabrication parts intake tubingintercooler piping, exhaust parts, areally good place, very fast shipping.LSX-R 102 intake manifold. It's so lightit's has bosses ready for direct portnitrous which is what we're gonna bedoing this year. This has the tunablerunners inside of it. It's super small,lightweight. Color screen has LEDwarnings on the side. I really like itbecause it can flash the whole dash redlow oil pressure, water temp too high,whatever, but I can also give you likesubtle warnings and in drifting I'm notlooking at the dah unless it's literallyslapping me in the face telling me thatthere's something wrong. So Ty setsup like very subtle things like nitrousbottle pressures low or intake air tempsare a little too high but if there's aserious problem like low oil pressureit's a whole - will turn red to reallyget your attentionit's hard to be at an AIM product withhow light and how much you can configureand this actually runs all of our dataacquisition at the same time so ourshock pots our steering angle sensor allof our engine health and everything thatI'm doing behind the wheel this logs it.Look at this haul we have here!Dangggggggggit looks higher huh?It's big!And fastthey really think aheadall these little bosses right here arefor when you want to tap drill and tapit and put your sixteenth NPT directport nitrous nozzles right in thereSo right now, what we're doing is puttingon our CBM pro heads since they are alittle bit different where the portlocation is how things fit a little bittaller deck all that stuff we reallywant to make sure that we're using thesame heads that we're gonna be using onthe engine for a final fitment when wego to build intercooler piping and makesure the intake manifold and everythinglines up so taking off the old likestock LS3 heads, putting those CBM headson they're gonna put the proper waterpump that CBM did for us with our - 20sour R HS front cover, balancer,kind ofcontinuing on the mock up and you knowputting the parts that we're actuallygoing to be using on the engineAlright so we got most of the stuff onthe front of the motor all hooked up gotthe supercharger on, got the new waterpump on, just needed the stuff to get thebelts onthen I'm set the intake manifold on andjust kind of look what we got since it'sall new stuff just want to make sure itall works togetherAlright so this is kind of how it allworks. So much crap on all of thesepulleys it's crazySo this is ANA'ssecondary drive system, so basically thebalancer drives this pulley and thatpulley then drives your accessories andthey do that so that you have adedicated belt just for the superchargerthat way you're able to put serioustorque on the belt and this is 10 ribbig boy so you're not having to put youraccessories through that much belt tension.Alright so I'm putting on theFast fuel rails now. These fuel rails aremade for the LS3 intake manifold usingLS3 EB6 injectors. What I've just beenusing so I continue to use it.The CBMpro-x heads have an LS3 angle and intakeport so just been continuing to use theLS3 stuff.Alright so the oil cooler showed up fromCX racing today. Really nice, this is likea Mazda FC something or another but itshould fitright thereall nice and V mounted. Got somefittings just to kind of check it outand see how it's all gonna layout.Powersteering coolerwhich is gonna go righthere nice and out of the way and I'mgonna be finishing up the AIM dash mountAlright so what I'm doing rightnow is making a mount for the AIM dash.This is gonna go on the back and this is thepiece of the steering column--the extraone that's been floating around on thesteering column. I'm gonna make thismount for this with a couple of tabs I'mgonna have to weld on that pretty nicepiece I took my time cutting it out onthe bandsaw so it's nice and smooth andnow I'm gonna make the two tabs thatconnect to it.Alright so I got my AIM mountpretty much all done. Ty's weldingit I just held it while I tacked it.But yeah that thing is gonna be gnarrrGot the mount done, super-lightweight, ofcourse some more speed holes.Ty welded it up for me on the side and thatWoodward stealing car steering columnmount fits right in here, the littlegroove so that I can tilt it back andfourth so I'm gonna assemble it, set it inthe car, see how it looks!I'm such a nerd withthis kind of stuff like I legitspent like all day on this.You know doing a bunch other stuff from going tolunch of course but still it's nice tobe able to take my time I haven't alwaysbeen able to do thisAlright!Alright I finished up thesteering column mount for the dash and youcan totally adjust it up or down and itcan swing left and right so I decided soyou can get it all centered and perfectin your steering wheel.So what we're doing right now is Ty ismodifying the end tanks to our oilcooler we're adding a different type ofmount so that we can mount it flat onthe frame rail right here oil cooler isgonna go right here and I am playingwith our oil filter. So we take apart theoil filter and cut it open and look andcheck and see if there's any debris inthere pretty much every time we do anoil change, so instead of having a cutopen a regular filter we figured mightas well just get a filter that you haveto take apart to change elements everytime anyway so I think this is going togo get it we're going to try to mount itup underneath the crossmemberWe also got a lot of our dry sumpsystem stuff in. We got everything fromARE so this for example is the breathergoing from the dry sump tank you can seewe have our pan three stage three stagewe're running a scavenge only systembecause we have to turn it with aserpentine belt instead of a cog made tobolt on to an LS low-profile really nice stuff.Ty just welded on the new mounts forthe oil cooler, we change these fittingsto dash 12 to suit the dry sump systembecause that's what it's required. We'regoing to weld these nuts on the framerail right there and the intercoolercomes right up in here so it's like av-mount.So after about three hours ofdeliberation we settled on this oilfilter and its location.We're good it'sgoing right here,oil lines are gonna rununderneath the rack.I'm really happywith the progress we made this week wegot a lot of like big-ticket items a lotof parts here got a lot of those partson the car feels good it's rewarding alot of those things didn't take up a lotof time but at least it makes me feelgood it looks like we did a lot andthat's always great really excited withthis stuff like my AIM mount, all thoselittle things that I spent way too muchtime on. Getting a supercharger on and theintake manifold and fuel rails and allthat just really gives me a good overalllayout of what's going to happen so nowI can start thinking that I want thisfitting here do I want a ninety fittinghere cuz I'm not just total nerd when itcomes to which way lines are gonna berouted and how I'm gonna be doing it soit's exciting for me feels like theproject's coming together make sure youtune in next Tuesday well we're reallygonna be working with the dry sumpsystem hopefully those parts all come inand we'll be able to get them on the carlet me know what you guys think what youguys prefer am i doing it wrongI'm overlooking some parts do you wantto work with us hit me up let me knowmake sure to LIKE comment share andsubscribe see you next weekAlright, it's SaturdayAnd yeah, I should be working on the CorvetteBut I'm taking my E36 beater car to Laguna Secafor a grip day, to have some fun with my buddies.too much fun