dbrand got SERVED! - darkplates 2.0

**A Closer Look at the PlayStation 5 with Dbrand Skins**

We're taking a closer look at the PlayStation 5 and how it can be made to stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is by applying a skin from dbrand, which offers a range of designs that can add some personality to your console. But before we dive into the skins, let's take a look at the PS5 itself.

On the outside, the PS5 looks sleek and modern, with a shiny finish that catches the light. However, if you take a closer look, you'll notice that one side of the console is almost identical to another part. It's not a bad thing, but it does raise an interesting point about how dbrand approaches their skins. As they said, "They're not allowed to say it's the PS1 color," because Sony might take issue with that. So, instead, dbrand offers a skin that looks like a PS1 console, which is a clever play on the original's design.

**Applying the Dbrand Skin**

Now that we have our skin, let's take a look at how it's applied. The process is relatively straightforward, although there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you'll need to remove the protective covering from the skin and align it with the console's surface. It's worth noting that dbrand offers instructions on their website, which can be accessed through the link provided at the end of this article.

As we applied the skin, it became clear just how well-designed it is. The skin is actually quite thin and flexible, making it easy to maneuver into place without damaging the console. And once it's on, it looks great - like a seamless extension of the console itself.

**Darkplates 2.0: A New Level of Customization**

But what really sets dbrand's skins apart is their Darkplates 2.0 design. This new line of skins offers a range of colors and designs that can be applied to various parts of the console, including the fan filter. And it's clear just how much thought has gone into this design - the fan filter, in particular, looks great.

One of the most interesting things about Darkplates 2.0 is how they work with the console's existing design elements. For example, when you apply a skin to the fan filter, it becomes almost seamless with the rest of the console's finish. This is particularly noticeable when compared to the PS5's unfinished metal interior - which, let's be honest, isn't exactly the most visually appealing part of the console.

**Cleaning the Fan Filter**

Before we moved on to the next step, I had to clean the fan filter to make sure everything was ready for application. It's a relatively simple process, although it does require some care and attention to detail. The PS5 has a small notch that can be used as a guide when cleaning the filter - but unfortunately, dbrand didn't include this marking on their skin.

Despite this minor oversight, the cleaning process is straightforward enough, even for someone like me who's not exactly the most diligent about cleaning my electronics. And once I'd finished, I was ready to apply the final touches to the console.

**The Final Product**

So, how does the PS5 look now that it's been transformed with a dbrand skin? The answer is pretty great - especially when compared to the original console without any modifications. One of the most noticeable things is just how much the skin enhances the overall finish of the console, giving it a more cohesive and polished look.

Of course, this is all about personal preference - but for me, the PS5 with a dbrand skin is definitely a step up from the original design. And at the end of the day, that's what matters most - whether you're a gamer or just someone who appreciates good design, there's no denying the appeal of a well-designed console like this.

**Dbrand and the Future of Console Customization**

As we've seen today, dbrand is definitely making waves in the world of console customization. Their Darkplates 2.0 design is a masterclass in how to take an existing console and turn it into something new and interesting. And with their skins for the metal interior - which they're clearly going to release soon - the possibilities just keep getting more and more exciting.

For those who are wondering what's next for dbrand, I can tell you that they're always pushing the boundaries of what's possible when it comes to console customization. They've got a whole range of skins available now, each one designed to showcase their attention to detail and commitment to quality. So if you're looking to take your PS5 to the next level, be sure to check out dbrand - and get ready for some amazing new designs in the near future.


In conclusion, applying a skin from dbrand to our PlayStation 5 has been an absolute pleasure. The Darkplates 2.0 design is a game-changer when it comes to console customization, offering a level of detail and polish that's hard to find elsewhere. And as we've seen today, the process of application is relatively straightforward - even for someone who's not exactly the most tech-savvy.

So if you're looking for a way to breathe some new life into your PS5, be sure to check out dbrand's skins. With their range of designs and attention to detail, they're definitely the perfect choice for anyone who wants to take their console customization to the next level. And with new designs on the horizon, there's never been a better time to join the conversation.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Today, I'll be telling you a story.The story of the mouseversus the mountain,the clod versus the God,David versus Goliath,except in my version of the story,David is kind of anannoying little (beep),and we're not sure if weshould be rooting for him.That's right.(gentle upbeat music)This video is sponsored by dbrand,but because dbrand doesn't pay enoughto review our sponsoredvideos before we post them,I'll be saying whatever thehell I want about the sagathat took place that ledup to the release of these.They're Darkplates 2.0PlayStation 5 console covers.So, strap in or strap on,whatever it is you're into,and listen to my tale.It all began on a coldand polite day in Canada,when a mild and well-manneredcompany called dbrand,best known for making expensive stickers,released their Darkplates.A black colored version ofSony's original white platesfor the PlayStation 5.There were a couple of differences.One being that they were black,hence the name Darkplates,and the other being that insteadof having Sony's little X,O, triangle, square textureon the inside, they had a moredbrand one with little robotsand nuclear symbols and Idon't know, corrosive symbols,skull and crossbones, that sort of thing.I can never rememberhow to take these, okay.(plastic rattles)Then what happened nextwas something of a shockerfor anyone who's neverheard of Sony before,and has no familiaritywith how they treatperceived infringementsupon their intellectual property.Sony issued a cease and desist to dbrand,citing patents pending,which we found out laterincluded a design patentfor the unique shape ofthe PlayStation 5 console,and since this videois sponsored by dbrand,I'm not going to editorialize on the shapeof the PlayStation 5console other than to saythat before dbrand sent me my bag of moneyto make this video, I had said that--Also I think they were goingfor like Alienware futuristic curve,but it actually just endsup kind of looking warped.It just looks kind of defective to me.There are a number of reasonsthat Sony might've engagedin this type of lawyering.Dbrand's best guess isthat they were tryingto maintain a monopoly ondifferent colored side plates,whether they come from Sony of themselvesin the form of a newcolorway of the consoleor whether they come from--(static crackling)We interrupt this programto bring you breaking news.Sony just announced acouple of days ago, they're,oh, I was about to callthem Darkplates. (laughs)(man laughing)Sorry, their replacementplates for the sideof the PlayStation 5 they're available,and what do they call them?Like galaxy of colorsor something like that?So, back to the video.A licensed partner.In my opinion,it's less about the actualside plates themselves,since if Sony gave two hootshow the console looked,they probably wouldn't havereleased them with these on themin the first place,and it's more aboutmaintaining an iron-fisted gripon the overall accessory ecosystem,because whether you'reNintendo, Sony, or Microsoft,that whole authorized,or certified program,is only worth the paper it's printed on,unless you go out and sue the bejesus outof anyone who doesn't apply for it.So, that's my best guess,but whatever the real reasonis Sony has effectively wonthat stage of the battle.The good news is thatthe only real argumentthat they were able to makeagainst dbrand producingtheir own plates wasthat dbrand's platesinfringed upon Sony's uniqueand therefore wonderful shape.So, since dbrand, I thinksaw the writing on the wallabout this at a fairly early stage,they almost immediately wereable to counter with this.(funky upbeat music)Let's take a look at it.This is actually my firstin-person look at Darkplates 2.0,and there are a numberof key changes here.One that I actually didn't expect.Okay.First of all, let's lookat the shape comparedto the original plates.So, this appears to beour left side plate?Ah, yes.Okay, so we've got the diskversion of the Darkplates 2.0.You can see it stillhas kind of a contour,but instead of havingthat popped collar look,it's got like a rounded corner look to it.One big difference youguys might have noticed isthat it now comes with a ventilation hole.That is a pretty big deal in my opinion.Dbrand's already talkedabout this publicly,but GamersNexus did somethermal investigationson the PlayStation 5,and found that byremoving the side panels,you could see lower internaltemperatures by as much asabout five degrees.Now, putting a dust filter onit might affect those results somewhat,probably to the tuneof a couple of degrees.Especially if you, you know,end up with Cheeto dust cakedonto your fan filter, (laughs)which David that's alegitimate gamer concern, okay?- True.- But in my opinion, havingthe filter there at all,is an absolute boon, andI would personally optfor the however slightreduction in performancefor having the filter, becauseyou're gonna get way moreof a difference in performance,if you let this thingjust suck in dust forever.In case you don't want it, thefan filter is 100% removable.So, you can just opt to haveit installed a little somethinglike that.The thing I didn't know aboutand didn't expect was thatafter dbrand mocked Sony forclaiming that this arrangementof symbols was somehow infringingupon Sony's arrangementof completely differentsymbols would resultin them actually changing thelittle imprints on the insideof the console.So, now instead of having, you know,these four differentsymbols kind of arrangedin the same kind of generalarea, it's just zeros and onesthat almost certainly aresome kind of manifestoabout what horriblepeople Sony are. (laughs)Knowing them, I mean, David,is there any other possibility because?- No, that's what it is.- That's got to be what it is.Have they talked about that publicly?- No.- I'm sure it's what it is.You know, the irony isthat in order for Sonyto find out what it says,they're going to have tobuy Darkplates. (laughs)(man laughing)Someone's going to haveto check your Darkplates,and figure out what the heck this says.Nothing's cut off at the edges,so it's almost certainlyan actual message.Can you see that?Overall, really good.(relaxing music)It appears as thoughthey've basically eliminatedany exterior defects.They've got a pretty nicekind of matte finish on it,and then they've got, you can see,they've got a little bit of rippling here.So, that might happen when theplastic isn't flowing evenlyinto the mold, or it canhappen during cooling,little things like that.But on the outside, absolutely nothing.Looks really good on this side.So, what else can we say about it?We can apply dbrand skin.The one that looks like a PS1.I think legally they're not allowed to sayit's the PS1 color,especially now thatthey're on Sony's radar.If I were them, I would justavoid any use of anythingthat Sony could possibly turnaround and bother them over.This is totally not howyou're supposed to do it.Dbrand.com/how.Hey, not bad, okay.I didn't say perfect.Pretty slick, huh?And I can say that after you do this,your PlayStation 5 willbe objectively cooler.Get it?- Hey.- Hey, 'cause of the vent holes.(PlayStation beeps)Which one is the power button, David?Oh, I found it.Hey, there they are.Check that out.As part of the new Darkplates 2.0 design,you can get these littlelike light bar filter things.You can get them in abunch of different colors.Unfortunately, they're notRGB because that would haveto actually be built intothe PlayStation hardware.But they are little diffusersthat, oh my God, are they RGB?What just happened?- No, so youhaven't put them on, yet.That's the PS5 color.- But it's blue?Well, they don't appear tobe in the package they sent,but they're definitelyon dbrand's website,which you can check outat the link down below.Thank you dbrand forsponsoring this video,and making everyone'sPlayStations look better.One set of Darkplates at a time.That's totally the route that I would go.Although, I don't know thatI'd go black Darkplates.They've actually got afew different colors.I'd probably gowhite.- Gray?- White?- Yeah.- Oh.- Yeah, so it's like a white and gray.Actually, I'd probably just go all gray.Man, it makes this thing somuch more of like a blendin with your home theaterlooking device, hey?Like compared to the big ole like.(David laughing)Oh, and what's nice about the gray too isit'll match the ugly cheap gray metal(plastic rattles)that Sony put on the inside,and didn't bother to treat with anything.Yeah, I like it.Oh, I guess I didn't actuallyshow you guys exactly howto clean the fan filters.(plastic rattling)I did accidentally pop it off,but you just twist it off,and then you go clean itbecause you're filthy,and then you put it back.It's weird.They've got a mark on here that seemsto kind of help you putit in the right spot,but I don't see a correspondingmark on the insideof the Darkplate.The only thing I can tellyou is you might wantto just put your own littlescratch on it so thatit's a little bit easier to line up.'Cause we try and putit on the wrong thing,you can see the spacingof the tabs isn't right.So it might just take youa little while to get itin exactly the right spot.Okay, we got the othercolors it turns out.(box thuds)That's pretty sweet.We still didn't findthe light filter things,but that's okay.That's less of a bigdeal from my perspective.I want to put the retro gray on here.- Oh.- Oh, I'm kind of liking it, David.- Yeah, me too, oh.- And the best part is,- You're not on right.- you don't get that contrastwith the the unfinished metalon the inside and the color out herebecause they actuallykind of look the samethrough the fan filter.That's not bad, is it?- Yeah, I like that.- Dbrand should makeskins for the metal inside.- Man, you could probably getlike, they should make skinsfor the metal inside actually.Dbrand,(hands clap)hey, let's go.You need white and blackskins to match the Darkplatesfor the little metal grill thing inside.Come on.You'll charge 10 bucks for thembecause you hate your customers so much,and everyone will win.Oh, it's not bad.In my opinion, if you wantthe console to be white,then you can just keephaving your console be white,but the gray ones and the black ones,especially the gray ones.So, that's it.Thanks dbrand for sponsoring this video.(beep) you dbrand forsponsoring this video.Thanks, you guys, for watching.Subscribe to ShortCircuit.JK, dbrand, love you.JK, you suck. (laughs)Sorry, just I'm all over theplace in this relationship.\n"