Welcome to Hot Thai Kitchen
Kind: captionsLanguage: enSawaddee Ka welcome to Hot Thai Kitchentoday I am showing you another Thai pastarecipe, I have a couple already so ifyour pasta fan make sure you check thoseout but this one is actually honestly myfavorite and every time I go to ThailandI always order it at a restaurant thathas it and I always think I gotta putthis on Hot Thai Kitchen, every time andI keep forgettinguntil today I'm finally gonna share itwith you I'm sharing Spaghetti TomYum is what we call it or Tom Yumspaghetti and it's easy and trust me itis going to blow you away if you are aTom Yum fan let's get started!
Making the Tom Yum Herb Paste
Aolet's start with making the tom yumherb paste which this is going to turnour spaghetti into tom yum okay soit's very important. I got somelemongrass some galangal and I've got alittle whole piece of galangal to showyou if you've never seen one whole onebefore just imagine it normally being alittle bigger than this little nub butthis is all I've got right now some Thaichilies of course as much or as littleas you like you don't have to add any ifyou don't want to and some kaffir limeleaves which I finely chopped and I alsoremoved the center rib so that when youeat it it's not gonna like be these longstrings of leaves stuck in your teethbecause these are very very tough leavesokay so now all of this going into mymortar here and I'm gonna pound themdown into a paste okay so it doesn'thave to be like complete smooth pasteyou just want no more big chunks nowlet's go over the other ingredients realquickly and we're almost ready to cookso I've got some Thai chili paste herethis is super important it's so key tothe flavor of the tom yum soup thatwe're all familiar with so I brought acouple of brands to show you just so youhave something to recognize when you goshopping and these are not the easiestthings to find so if you can't find it Ihave it listed in my Kit online I'lllink to that in the description belowand also you can make it and I have arecipe for that I'll link to that rightup here
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enSawaddee Ka welcome to hot thai kitchentoday I am showing you another Thai pastarecipe, I have a couple already so ifyour pasta fan make sure you check thoseout but this one is actually honestly myfavorite and every time I go to ThailandI always order it at a restaurant thathas it and I always think I gotta putthis on Hot Thai Kitchen, every time andI keep forgettinguntil today I'm finally gonna share itwith you I'm sharing Spaghetti TomYum is what we call it or Tom Yumspaghetti and it's easy and trust me itis going to blow you away if you are aTom Yum fan let's get started! Aolet's start with making the tom yumherb paste which this is going to turnour spaghetti into tom yum okay soit's very important. I got somelemongrass some galangal and I've got alittle whole piece of galangal to showyou if you've never seen one whole onebefore just imagine it normally being alittle bigger than this little nub butthis is all I've got right now some Thaichilies of course as much or as littleas you like you don't have to add any ifyou don't want to and some kaffir limeleaves which I finely chopped and I alsoremoved the center rib so that when youeat it it's not gonna like be these longstrings of leaves stuck in your teethbecause these are very very tough leavesokay so now all of this going into mymortar here and I'm gonna pound themdown into a paste okay so it doesn'thave to be like complete smooth pasteyou just want no more big chunks nowlet's go over the other ingredients realquickly and we're almost ready to cookso I've got some Thai chili paste herethis is super important it's so key tothe flavor of the tom yum soup thatwe're all familiar with so I brought acouple of brands to show you just so youhave something to recognize when you goshopping and these are not the easiestthings to find so if you can't find it Ihave it listed in my Kit online I'lllink to that in the description belowand also you can make it and I have arecipe for that I'll link to that rightup here so apartfrom that you want some good spaghettiand also some whole peeled cannedtomatoes and for protein I am just usingshrimp just because it's classic fortom yum you can definitely do chickenor don't have to put any protein at allnot a problem. And by the way for ourPatreon members who have access to ournew reward \"The Show After The Show\" we'regonna dig a little deeper into someof our ingredients and talk about how tochoose a good one. Alright I think weare ready to cook okay so I'm gonna cookmy shrimp first and if you know me Ialways prefer to cook my proteinseparately so I can control the donenessof it so I don't have overcooked shrimpand notice I've had my shrimp sitting onpaper towel so they're not so wet andthen I'll get oil splatters all over mewhich I might anyway but at least it'sbetter so my shrimp is seared I'm gonnastart my sauce now this is always myefficiency technique: right before Istart my sauce I dropped my pasta. Sothat goes in, and I set the timer for oneminute less than whatever the packagesays. Now you let that go and you go backhere and now you got a hurry cuz that'sgoing. Sauteing my onions you canuse shallots too if you want for this Ijust happen to have onions at home anddon't clean the pan there's like shrimpbits in here that's tasty once youronions are starting to becometranslucent I'm gonna go in with mymushrooms so I am using shimejimushrooms which I love for this kind ofthing you can use oyster mushrooms anykind of Asian mushroom if you're gonnago for buttons, you can but make sure youread my written recipe I'm gonna talkabout what you need to do if you'recooking with button or crimini mushroomsyou got to work with it a littledifferently. I'm just gonna season this alittle bit with fish sauce just so thatthe vegetables get some seasoning lovemmm and now I've turned down the heat alittle bit I'm gonna add my tom yumpaste, my herbs not really a paste, my tomyum crumblesgive that a quick toss to get the heat activating...oooh spicy! And now thetomatoes will go in alright heat down alittle bit because I'm using wholetomatoes I'm gonna take my time andbreak it up this is my favorite tomatoesthey're so soft and juicy it's so easyto break some tomatoes are a littlefirmer so they're harder to make mushdown and now I'm gonna add the chili pastemix that in and the chili paste is quitesweet so we are not gonna add any othersweetness to this at all and some fishsauce to season I'm just gonna letthe sauce reduce a little bit and ifyour sauce is reduced until the rightconsistency and your pasta is not donedon't panic all you have to do is turnthis off go relax for a little bit untilyour pasta is done that's it!Efficiency! and by the way if you're usedto the concept of like simmering tomatosauce for half an hour or whatever youcould theoretically do that with thisbut I find there's so many other strongflavors that it's still really deliciouswith like this quick-reduced tomato sauceespecially if you're use goodcanned tomatoes to begin with okay pastais done and by done I mean one minuteless than done that's exactly what wewant so what I like to do is I don'tdrain the pasta I feel like it's this isa lot more efficient I just put thepasta.... There we goand Adam is dying of chilies... as am iapparently...of chili fumes that's what wedo for the show and I've got my heatturned off so I can take my sweet timeI'm gonna turn the heat back on now andthen toss this pasta and I want to letit cook for one minute in the sauce Ifind that when you finish pasta in thesauce you give it time to really absorbthat flavor yeah if you want it a littlesaucier you can add more water if youwant it drier you can just leave it asisdon't forget your shrimp okay one lasttoss and that is it you guys oh itsmells so good right now I'm gonna turnthe heat off now I'm gonna finish it upwith some lime juice of course Tom Yumhas to be sour and strong and also somegreenery some cilantroooh and that is it we are ready to platemmmthis just looks so deliciousand it was so fast careful when youplate cuz all the pieces like themushrooms and the shrimp will alwaysfall to the bottom, well around theedges so make sure you grab those anddistribute evenly if you want you canalso finish it with grated Parmesan theway you would normally do pasta Iactually find that the creaminess of thecheese helps mellow out all those reallystrong acidic flavors in there finish itwith the sprinkling of.. a HUGE sprinkling of cilantro that was a lot morethan I thought.The smell of thumb yum isdefinitely thereOh so good...oh it is one of the most soul-satisfyingflavors for a Thai person because it'sall those familiar flavors and thestrong lime the fish sauce that you loveabout tom yum, but it's got that thatrichness of a pasta like of a goodtomatoey pasta dish. It's thatperfect combination and I just cannotexplain to you how good this is youhave got to give it a try it is notsomething you have to prep a lot forit's quick definitely weeknight materiala must must do if you love tom yum. Sothe recipe as always will be on HotThaiKitchen.comand when you make it Idefinitely want to see you a photo tagme on Instagram tweet me on Twitter andFacebook or anywhere you can get hold ofme and if you haven't subscribed to theshow and you don't want to miss a recipelike this make sure you subscribe andclick the little bell icon as well thatwill send you a notification when I posta new videoand if you want to join us on Patreonbecome part of the club you can checkout all the details in the descriptionbelow and I will see you next time foryour next delicious Thai meal.or don'teven put any protein in it it's totallyfine alright let's get startedwait we already started let's getcooking\n"