Razer Respawn - The Gaming Gear We DIDN'T Need

The Origins of Respawn: A Taste Test and Gaming Fandom

There's always that little something you probably shouldn't do but still are going to do it anyway, like biting into this quarter of a lemon. That's how life works, right? But seriously, Razer decided to take the plunge and create their own performance drink, mixed with an April Fool's joke that started it all. The product is secret weapon, designed for gamers by gamers, and is kind of poking fun at themselves while trying to maybe grab something from the market that margins from Monster Red Bull and other energy drinks.

The Flavors: A Mixed Bag

In terms of flavors, we got tropical pineapple, classic green apple, pomegranate watermelon, and blue raspberry. I'm a huge fan of watermelon, literally having it in my fridge right now because it's delicious. But mixing it with pomegranate? Ruining it, such a mess. The last flavor we got is the blue raspberry, which I'll try to review.

Glorified Caffeine Capsules

These are glorified caffeine capsules, 95 milligrams of caffeine per serving that you mix with water and drink. It's supposed to be a little bit more gradual than a massive energy boost followed by a crash. There's artificial and non-artificial flavors, so it's not a hundred percent healthy for you. A typical Red Bull can has about 77 milligrams of caffeine versus 95 in this capsule.

Trying the Blue Raspberry

Okay, I'm gonna try the blue raspberry. Ooh look, little powder! Yeah, yeah, that smells like blue raspberry. Not knowing guys, I'm skeptical it smelled better when in powder form. I'm allowed to drink three of these powder cans per day or recommend the dosage? We'll see about that.

Smelling and Tasting

The smell is so much flavor from that little pouch! Blue raspberry IDon't know he's got this nice light lemony texture in the beginning that evolves into the sweetness, now I can taste of raspberry as the background flavor. I would say it's pretty delicious. Guys, I can't drink that much caffeine and it's like it's 5:00 p.m.! I got my workout to go to.

Performance Alert

I will say I'm already feeling performance alert with this thing! Mmm! That smells delicious! Pomegranate watermelon wow! It is very interesting. The layering of watermelon and then the sourness of the pomegranate calf swirling around filling your mouth with flavor. This is very refreshing, it's almost like you expect carbonation to come out of these flavors because they taste very much energy drink-like.

Flat but Refreshing

It's not like you'll be able to chug this thing whole thing down right away; it's more of a sipping thing instead of done and got a refill. This is the proper way of smelling something, by the way! Wow! The green apple smells exactly like if you were to slice a green apple in half and have those aromas in the air. It's very refreshing, very light. There's a sweetness factor that's pretty heavy but the sourness factor bounces out.

First Initial Half

The first initial half of this flavor is really nice; I'll try to get into it more as I go along. The taste test will be over soon enough.

The Taste Test

I'm Dimitri, thanks so much for watching this has been my taste test! Check out this other relevant content! I'll talk to you the next video.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enthere's always that little somethingthat you probably shouldn't do but stillare going to do it anyway like biting itthis quarter of a lemon Ohreal life respawn that's how it worksnow I can relive biting it this quarterof a lemon alright I'm gonna stop thisnowlet's get into the real respawn wellwasn't expecting doing a taste testright over here I do apologize for mybrother savage job on opening this oneso Razer made a mental performance drinkmix this all apparently started with anApril Fool's joke and people were likeoh my god you need to do this and theydid in typical Razer fashion it's allgaming centric designed for gamers bygamers respawn is a secret weaponobviously this product is kind of pokingfun of themselves and also trying tomaybe grab something that margins frommonster redbull and all other end injinx for eSports arenasespecially because that is quite heavilymarketed for the gaming industry ingeneral in terms of flavors we got thetropical pineapple classic green applenice pomegranate watermelon I mean guysI'm a huge fan of watermelon one secondI literally have watermelon in my fridgeright now because it is delicious butmixing it with pomegranate you'reruining it such a messand the last flavor we got is the blueraspberry so what these are areglorified caffeine capsules 95milligrams of caffeine per serving thatyou mix with water and drink it andyou're not supposed to receive themassive energy boost and then you crashit's supposed to be a little bit moregradual there is artificial and nonartificial flavors so it's not a hundredpercent healthy for youso a typical Red Bull can withhave about seventy seven milligrams ofcaffeine versus ninety five and notcapsule however this one would haveabout 170 milligrams of caffeine I'mgonna try the blue raspberry ooh looklittle powder yep yep that you can smellall right ooh I don't know guys I'mskeptical it smelled better when inpowder form I'm allowed to drink threeof these powder cans per day orrecommend the dosage we'll see aboutthathuh okay it smells so much flavor fromthat like little pouch blue raspberry Idon't know he's got this nice lightlemony texture in the beginning thatevolves into the sweetness and now I cantaste of raspberry as the backgroundflavor I would say it's pretty deliciousguys I can't drink that much caffeineand it's like it's 5:00 p.m. I got myworkout to go to let's try thispomegranate watermelon I will say I'malready feeling in the whole performancealert this thing mmm that smellsdelicious pomegranate watermelon wow itis very interesting the layering ofwatermelon and then the sourness of thepomegranate calf swirling around fillingyour mouth with flavor this is veryrefreshing it's almost like you expectcarbonation to come out of these flavorsbecause they taste very much energydrink like but it's quite flat you candrink it but the flavor is quite strongso it's not like you'll be able to chugthis thing whole thing down right awayit's more of like a sipping thinginstead of like done and got a refillthis is the proper way of smellingsomething by the wayWow the green apple smells exactly likeif you were to slice a green apple inhalf and have those aromas in the airit's very refreshing very light hmm sothere's a sweetness factor that's prettyheavy but the sourness factor bouncesout I really like that first initialhalf but the aftertaste not my thing allright the last flavor that would be thetropical pineapple whoa this one isyellow for real hmmnot a fan of the smell right now hmmhe's got this weird weird mouth textureyeah this is my least favorite so farbecause it's more sweet and the realpineapple has the sourness that reallyhas a nice kick followed by thesmoothness of the sweetness here thatsour kick is very very non-existent it'smore sweet than anything but it's almostlike there's this weird balance betweenit's trying to be sweet but not toosweet I don't know so I just came backfrom the gym and having fueled up on allthis and I just drink right before Ileft I had about 500 milliliters or soduring my taste test and that kept megoing throughout the entire hour havingnot eaten for six hours since lunchnormally my energy would drop halfwaythrough the point through the workoutbut I'm fueled up on all the caffeine soI'm good the one drawback however isthat I felt really dehydrated abouthalfway point which is strange havingdranked 500 milliliters of liquid thatwould not happen with your standardwater even now I'm like getting dry myfavorite flavor would be pomegranatewatermelon what a surprise I have asweet spot for cotton candy which iswhat it smells like before you mix itand then it tastes like watermelon juiceand I also have a sweet spot forwatermelon so what started as an AprilFool's joke is now in the gym productI'm not surprised but it's kind of crazyto think about of course this is razorvery gaming centric it was only a matterof time they made an energy drinkat least it's not full full of chemicalsbut it's got the raise of pricing allover it obviously this whole energydrink arena is growing especiallyand the eSports scene but just bemindful don't consume this stuff everyday or don't consume it at all it'sstill not natural and if you're tiredtake a nap if you need extra energy havean apple that will give you more energythan this stuff would and just bemindful of the consequences of having abox that is so easily accessible andmade into a drink that will give youthat extra energy you know coffee isaddictive and caffeine is - all rightguys I'm Dimitri thanks so much forwatching this has been my taste test orrespawn check out this other relevantcontent I'll talk to you the next videoI'm done with this no more have to lockthem up lock up the boxes\n"