This Is Not A Laptop Killer
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The iPad Pro: A Big Upgrade, but Not Yet Ready to Replace My Laptop
Hey guys, this is Austin. The iPad Pro is a big upgrade. But as much as Apple might claim that this is a full computer, it is not ready to replace my laptop just yet.
I took a look at this question a couple years ago when the very first iPad Pro came out and it actually came pretty close to replacing a laptop for me. However, inevitability I ran through the limitations of running iOS on a 9.7-inch screen.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys this is Austin.The iPad Pro is a big upgrade,but as much as Apple mightclaim this is a full computer,it is not ready to replacemy laptop just yet.This is a question I took a look ata couple years ago when the very firstiPad Pro came out and itactually came pretty closeto replacing a laptop for mebut inevitability I ran throughthe limitations of runningiOS on a 9.7" tablet.First of all, this iscoming from the perspectiveof someone who spends a lot of timewith some fairly high-grade video.The iPad, it just can'thandle it, it's not eventhe hardware that's theproblem it really is iOS.Sure there's some decent editing apps,such as iMovie, PremiereRush, and LumaFusionfor the iPad but theissue is that none of themare as powerful as thefull desktop versionsof Premiere as well as Final Cut.To produce videos likethis I need access tofairly high-level features, such asLut support, full Pro Codex, such asPro Res and Red Code Raw,it'd be really helpfulif I had a full finderset-up where, I could,you know, access the file system andimport things using that handy USBC port.Instead, well none ofthis stuff really worksunless I want to do somevery basic editing in iMovie.It's fine, it's definitely capableof it, but iOS just isn't there yet.A lot of what I do everyday comes downto things like writing an e-mail,and here the iPad is absolutely terrific.I've always preferredthe smaller iPad Pro sizebut that does mean youhave to sacrifice thenon the actual keyboard,it's a little bit smallerthan a standard layout,but I've been using itfor long enough that it'snot really a big issue.Maybe it's still a little bit ridiculousthat this accessory thatis basically mandatoryif I wanna get any work doneon an iPad costs a full $180but I mean I guess that'severyone at this point.I mean even Microsoft doesn't includethe keyboard with the Surface.If you want to avoid the Apple tax,you can pick up eithera blu-tooth keyboardor something that plugs via USBC,or an adapter, but at the end of the dayI want to have a portable set upthat is as close to a laptop as possible.Which means that I'm stuckspending $180 dollarson the Apple keyboard which is just, okay,but not really worth that kind of money.Something I've been kind ofsurprised by is the pencil.Updated this year with amuch less annoying designas apposed to plugging it intothe lighting port to chargeinstead all you need to do is attach itto the top of the iPad, and not onlydoes it attach here magnetically,but it also wirelessly charges.I will give Apple this,the iPad hardware isincredibly nice, thisis seriously the biggestupdate to the iPad since the original.Thanks to the lack of the home buttonthe bezels are much smaller herewhich means that notonly do we have a bunchof iPhone 10 likegestures, but importantlywe get an 11" inch display and thesame size chaste as the old 9.7" iPad.The finger print sensor as been replacedwith face I.D. which has been crammedinto the top bezel alongwith the front facing camera.It should be no surprise that the screenis absolutely excellent.Importantly we still haveProMotion which meansthat the iPad Pro has afull 120 hertz display.This means that the iPad screenis running at twice the frame rateand twice the smoothness of pretty muchany other mobile display out there.The only thing that comes closeare some gaming laptopsthat do have higherrefresh rate displays, aswell as on the phone sidethe Razor phone has ahigher refresh rate panelbut in the tablet spacenothing touches thisand it does make a big differencethings are so, so smooth.- Nick Perry teamed up withPeter and Jack Margos tofix the daily number gameperry- The screen is absolutelyterrific so not only is it color accurateit gets fairly bright, there's reallynot a lot to complainabout and that goes doublefor the speakers, itdoes have quad speakerswith one on each corner,and this thing soundsphenomenal as far as watching video goesthis is better than almostany other laptop out there.Gone are the days of lighteningand in is the gloriousfuture of the USBC portand this is proper USBC it's 3.1 Gen 2which means that itdoes support a full tankit gets better transfer speeds as well asof course any kind of video out you doall the way up to a full 5K monitor.It will also charge up otherdevices just like a laptopplug in your phone for exampleand the iPad will give it a full charge.In classic iPad fashion however,iOS does hold you back somewhat with that USBC portthat you can't connectit to an external displayand for some apps suchas Twitch and Netflixit will give you a full screen videobut for the most part your stuckmirroring the iPad display.Kind of helpful but no wherenear as good as it would beif I could, you know, puta window on the displayand another window on my iPad, you know,like every other laptop on earth.Its so close but it's so annoying.I mean this is really close to being ableto fully serve as a laptop right?I mean for me I have amonitor plugged into my laptopall the time when I'm at home or at work,I legitimately like thatextra screen real estateand the hardware isabsolutely capable of itand even the software is to degreeI mean I could put a video therebut the issue is that if I'm say,watching Netflix andwanting to work on somethingat the same time Netflixwill play on the 4K displayright up until thepoint where I alt+tab toanother app in whichthe entire thing closes,it's like we're so close, we're so close.If we take a quick detourinto garbage town for a sec.I get that Apple removedthe headphone jackon their phones a couple years ago,but this is a device that'strying to replace my laptopI really do like having apair of wired headphonesand now sure, blu-tooth mightbe the future for some peoplebut for me I appreciate havinga nice pair of headphonesthat have no latency somethingthat I can plug into say,a MacBook Air which coincidentallydoes still have a headphone jack.Now I get that this thingis completely packedwith technology it's got like magnetsand batteries and stuffbut having a headphone jackdoesn't seem like that big of a sacrifice.I mean sure I could use a USBC donglebut that's annoying, I could plug inmy lightening headphones thatI bought a couple years agooh wait no, I can't do that, 'causethis doesn't have lightening anymore.It's just a weird compromise, I mean,it's not a deal breakerI can get away withusing other types of headphonesbut it would be so, so niceif they would have keptthe headphone jack on somethingthat's trying to replace my laptop.I could run through ourstandard sweet of benchmarkswhich show that thisis hands-down not onlythe fastest mobiledevice we've ever testedbut right up there witha lot of proper laptopsbut at the end of theday, what good is powerif you can't use itwhich brings us around tomy main issue with the iPadPro, this is where things becomevery dependent on what kinda work you do.I legitimately feel like I could edit someproper 4K video on the iPad Proif I had those software improvementssuch as full file manager,as well as final cut.If you do a lot of workwith graphics for exampleit actually is a lot better,there are great apps such as,procreate, and full Photoshopis coming to the iPad,but still for a lot ofpeople the story here isless about what it can do right now,and more about the potential which iskind of a bit of shamebecause it's been like thatfor several years at this point.That just it though, thisabsolutely can replace a laptopfor some people and theiPad Pro is legitimatelygetting better and morepowerful every year,but for me this is agreat secondary machinebut it is not a laptopkiller, at least not yet.