10 Weird Websites That Will Cure Your Boredom!
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"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enoh my gosh okay hold up hold uphello and welcome to a brand new series10 websites that will completely wasteyour life today we're joined by Brianright here wave to the camera not yourface just your hand dude I gotta warnthem before you show your face so guysmake sure you give this video a like ifyou want to see more of this series andmake sure you suggest some sites thatyou think are weird wasteful or justplain silly or stupid down the commentsbelow your comments maicon spam but i'llgo through spam and look at them anywaysso also guys if you want to check outsome of these websites links are down inthe description below we've included allthe links so you can waste your lifejust as much as I havethis first sight is calledshowerthoughts thoughts from the showerusually stolen from our showerthoughtsokay so they're stealing stuff fromreddit that's great that's that's justgreat i'm gonna have red altima but nowno thank you read it I recognize clickplay almost every time but still want toknow what that child celebrity lookslike today the only reason i readcomments on reddit is to find someonewho has the same reaction to a post asme but can communicate their thoughtsmore better more better you can plug meto the iphone 7 or its accompanyingheadphones into the new macbook pro Ifeel like I could just you know readthese over some solemn footage of myselfand make like a really entertaining likeshort film whenever I see WTF written iimmediately think what the fbut when i see LOL i think of it as LOLmy personal email is used one percentfor email and ninety-nine percent forlogging into random crap if you see anapple store being robbeddoes that make you an eyewitness it'sweird that I feel unsafe while sleepingwithout a blanket but I feel perfectlyfine riding in a car a hundred and 40km/h with only a seatbeltthe next site is called hand net k dotnetwhoa oh my gosh okay hold up hold upthis is trippy do you think each one ofthese balls actually can go from the topof the screen all the way down to thebottom of the screenokay we're gonna follow we're gonnafollow one he's going down he's goingdown here he gets a little squish rolehe's right hereshe's gone oh my he's right here he goesboom down here all the wayOh gets up gets down man he's making hisway down slowWow can you imagine oh my gosh she'sgoing oh I was lost them is right herenowholy crap how long would this have takento complete its just like one giant ohit gets incinerated right therehe didn't make it all the way down ifound you on the system a wrinkle intimeoh my god no you have to find the onethat actually makes it to the end Idon't have that kind of timethis next site is called staggeringbeautyshake vigorously what the heck does thatmeanohayo warning contains flashing lightsokay that may be a serious warning so ifyou if you're prone to at the leftepileptic seizures just skip Lowe thisdoesn't look right let's hear it Oh likechill dude holy crap man geez no oh ohmy gosh oh my eyes my brain hurts butmoving onnext website is called i love you like afat lady loves apples so i have thislady she's following my cursor here i'massuming I'm gonna take this underhandthis Apple here but i can grab itoh hey why is your hand so small comehere baby come and get in my bellyget in my belly oh well she ate thewhole apple core and allwow just like this for more dude whoawhere'd that leg come from that's it isthis the entire whoa dude what is thiswhat's the purpose of this what is thepurpose of this websitewhy am i acting the purpose of thiswebsite when the entire purpose of thisseries is the show websites that have nopurpose my brain parts used for otherarm like now i cant why is it up likethis thoughwho eats an apple like this Brian let'stry this ok what you're gonna do isyou're gonna roll me that Apple this ishow she had a hand right so we're goingto see to see if this makes a differencehmmI don't know how she is out right now ohgood stickerthis next website is strange i look likeBarack Obama dot-com we have twopictures here one of Barack Obama andone of the dude that looks nothing likeBarack Obamahi my name is Trevor and I look likeBarack Obama no you don't buddy no youdon't i had lots of people stop me onthe streets ask me about taxes andhealthcare and things like that mythought I create a website to clarifythat I'm back not Barack Obama here'swhat I don't getwho's the who's stopping him on thestreet telling him he looks like BarackObama oh my gosh this is the resemblancethis is how he thinks people look tothis guy thinks people look like robotsBrock and I are different in some waysfor example both of us are half whiterocks other hat is half is black but myother half is also white but i'm alsohalfway and also my other half is halfwhiteuh-huh this next website is called slimmacro that's it that's the biggestwebsite is dear fans Slim is in rehabagain his comeback tour is on hold untilfurther noticeclick here for concert details okay ishe a real person CD of slim history ofslim who lets history because i have noidea what back this guy's about my goshthat is a wall of textspecial that's what I'm talking aboutvideo of slim let's check out a videobig shockthis is the music video that pulled up atiny little web browser with nothingplugin is not supported in fact this allseems like a scam to me i'm just gonna Xout of it entirely this next website iscalled pointer pointer the idea of thiswebsite is that i will put the pointerthe cursor my mouse cursor over theimage it'll read where it is and thenfind a picture on the internet with theperson pointing exactly where my cursoris let's land herewell yeah look there's a hand pointingdirectly to it oh dang and I movedlet's do it right here now points arelocated pointing that's creepy dude Idon't know man i'm gonna put it righthereshe's pointing directly to it i'm gonnaput it right up here in the corner alleveryone's pointing up in the cornerforget what about this corner you'llnever find me here you'll never do itwow I beat the system through thiscorneroh no he found it all shirtless dudewhat's next imagenext image i don't likeit why was she right there is thatNatalie Portman let's do right here likethis is like I can't stophe's pointing directly to it was rightin the center you can do itoh yeah I can't stop I have to see thenext image I have to see the next imagewow so bizarrewhere are they pulling these images fromlook at this guy he's pointing directlyat it here's the thing though I'mnoticing a theme people hardcorepartying with booze evidently once youget a drink in you just point you justpoint your just pointsOhnumber nine on this list is called SItyper dot-com I want you to know thatthis site could be a dangerous site foryou especially if you're still in schoolright if you're still in schoolthis site you can use potentially as ahumongous crutchall right don't do it be strong but I'mgonna go in because i don't have schoolanymore so I don't worry about thisoh no it's finals week and I have tofinish my blank SI immediately what kindof essay youtube let's let's see if wecan write a YouTube SI loading trulyyoutube the modern youtube normativecritique houses smart okay none of thesenone of these things workI just have to start tidying my ownessay does it give me like pointersalong the way or something like thatonce upon a time i type 3 keysyoutube is an American video-sharingsite what it's writing the essay for mecheck this out guys I'm a genius and asuper-fast typewriter huhlet's see what it saysthe service was created by 34 paypalemployees in February 2005 in novembertwo thousand six it was bought by googlefor 1.65 billion wow dude it's althoughwriting an essay form you wait i willnot be fooled by this you know what Ithink this is I bet it's just pullingstraight from wikipedia i know i knowit's pulling straight from wikipediathat's actually really cleverok so if you want to get in serioustrouble suspended potentially expelleduse this site it will work turning youressay and your teacher will be likeplagiarizing let's see if we can pullthe guys in the office on a topic thatthey just randomly pick say i have towrite an essay on give me a random topicchina china ok don't write an essay realquickthere you go read itchina officially the people's republicof china is a sovereign state in theEast Asia with a population of over whatI'm fast essay writing I wish I knewyou'd schoolgive me a random topic right nowboogers boogers longers no I don't wantto do that is grossnothing came up with different won thedebate debateok checkupalright it's good si beginning debate iscontention in argument strife dimensionquarreling controversy debate is amethod formerly presenting an argumentwith what you think it does for you ishow's your pardon my that's pretty quickwith us Martin I say it very muchnumber eight is called the quiet placeproject communication with quiet placewill be operated via the spacebar gentlysqueeze that key now welcome to thequiet place in a quiet place there areno caps there's also knows facebooknotifications or Twitter no TwitterGoogle+ Google Plus have you evernoticed how many things require yourattention you're probably thinking rightnow about always great notificationsyou're missing outtry to be patient just for a coupleminutes just clean your head for a whilejust clean your head for a whileno thanks already did you shampoo i canassure you that you're not missinganything important that can wait and ifyou're worried i can sum up here for yousome friend you don't know made a sillyobservation about something aboutrecently happenedhey that's like all of my tweets chillokay you hear that music coming onI'm gonna spam the spacebar let's seewhat we dooh my gap for 20 seconds don't doanything else you can do it dang italright class board feels great doesn'tknow I was incredibly bored very boredand it wasn't a good feelingsmiley face was bandaged again and foundthe end it just wanted me to disconnectfrom my social sites but i'm not goingto the next website is called map crunchthis website will take you to a randomstreet view anywhere in the worldrandomly completely randomly view of theday we're on an unnamed road inGreenland wow so this is my googlestreet view all this is sad but it wouldhave taken me to a graveyard belgiumthat looks like Idaho next 10what is this uganda yeah uganda look atthat look at that and I can just keepgoing down the street in Uganda oh mygosh that is incrediblemy mind is blown by this is so cool tojust randomly pick places in the earthto go to Slovakia this looks likeFlorida now this looks like Californiaweird it's so crazy how like littlethings change and I mean like if youtold me all this places in Americabesides besides you've gotten us out ofthem like yeah it looks like America doyou know though that i have i have anice big green button that will do thisto me in real life I could justtransport from place to placecheck it out here's my special buttonthis is a secret buttonyou may have seen it but it's not likethis button this button when you pressthis will take you to a random placeanywhere in the worldwhat the heck I'm just downstairsthat was really actually looks like nextto hit downstairs always in the worldthis big took me downstairs all rightwe're gonna try this again one more timemore timelook I'm not in front of the buildingthe Great just just fantastic thing isuselessoh man I couldn't breathe doing buttonwas working what's that we're in my itbut it well for him and the club thehall closet right right my arms arestuck I can't reach the buttonBrian Brian no don't leave right my armsare stuck I can't the buttonno no no now guys make sure you clickthe bell icon next to my name on desktopand mobile on youtube to get notifiedwhen I release a video because otherwiseyou might not see it in the sub becauseit might not even show up so click thatto get notified also click this videoright here to another series that isjust as funny hope you enjoy it andclick up there to subscribe because wemake videos like this three times a weekso we'll see you in a day or sohigh five\n"