Logitech G502 Lightspeed Wireless - A Gaming Mouse Far From Home

The G502 Lightspeed Wireless: A Upgrade Worth Waiting For?

As a long-time fan of Logitech's gaming peripherals, I was eager to get my hands on the latest iteration of their flagship wireless mouse, the G502 Lightspeed Wireless. After all, they've been doing an excellent job of breaking down the stigma surrounding wireless peripherals and gaming in terms of battery life and sensor performance. Their current wireless arsenal is plenty satisfactory, but it's clear that Logitech has outdone themselves with this latest release.

My First Impressions

Upon first glance, the G502 Lightspeed Wireless looks like a miniature version of its wired counterpart. The compact enclosure, adorned with perforated exterior and a PSU bracket, belies the fact that it's still a full-sized ATX component. The mouse is surprisingly lightweight at 114 grams, but with the option to add an additional 16 grams via new weight systems, which keeps true to the original design. For those who prefer a heavier mouse under the hand, this feature is a godsend.

Technical Specifications

Among the wireless army from large tech companies, this one stands out as being slightly on the heavier side. However, with the option to add additional weights, users can customize their experience to suit their preferences. The sensor, which I've had the pleasure of testing extensively, is arguably the most impressive aspect of this mouse. With 16,000 CPI and no filtering, acceleration, or smoothing, it provides raw tracking across the entire full range of DPI settings. While the lack of lift-off distance adjustment may be a drawback for some users, I found it to be minimal at lower DPI settings.


In terms of performance, the G502 Lightspeed Wireless is truly exceptional. The fan-favorite hyper scroll wheel is now rubberized and fitted with super tactile scroll steps, providing an unparalleled user experience. The bottom magnetic plate has been tweaked to reveal a weight compartment, allowing users to further customize their mouse to suit their preferences. Additionally, the inclusion of a power-play mat that charges the mouse whenever it's on the pad is a game-changer.

Battery Life

One of the standout features of this mouse is its battery life, rated at 48 hours of continuous usage. This means that for my activity level, I can go for an entire week – eight hours a day – on a single charge. The sensor is also super efficient, shutting down whenever it's not in use to conserve power. However, the only culprit here is the RGB illumination logo, which consumes more power than the sensor itself.

A Comparison with the Original G502

As someone who has used the original G502 for years, I have to admit that I was initially hesitant about upgrading to a wireless version. But after using the G502 Lightspeed Wireless, I can confidently say that it's worth considering – especially at the $150 price point. While it may not offer anything revolutionary in terms of design or features, its performance and battery life make it an excellent choice for those looking to upgrade their gaming experience.


So, who should consider the G502 Lightspeed Wireless? In my opinion, anyone looking to upgrade their wireless mouse should definitely take a closer look. While it may not be the most revolutionary device on the market, its performance and battery life make it an excellent choice for those willing to invest in a high-quality gaming peripheral.

However, I must admit that I still have a soft spot for the G305, which remains my top favorite wireless recommendation for mice. Its shape, battery life, and price point (only $60) make it an unbeatable option for those on a budget. While the G502 Lightspeed Wireless is certainly an excellent device, it's clear that Logitech has set a high bar for themselves – and I'm not sure if anyone will be able to dethrone this mouse as the top choice in the near future.


In conclusion, the G502 Lightspeed Wireless is an outstanding addition to Logitech's wireless arsenal. Its performance, battery life, and customization options make it an excellent choice for those looking to upgrade their gaming experience. While it may not be perfect – with a few minor drawbacks here and there – I believe that it's definitely worth considering, especially at the $150 price point. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next week!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enit was only a matter of time people oneof the most popular gaming minds fromlogitech g502 gets a wireless upgradethey've been doing such a good job ofbreaking down the stigma surroundingwireless peripherals and gaming in termsof battery life and sensor performanceand their current wireless armyportfolio is plenty satisfactory and sothis is my experience with the g502Lightspeed Wireless enjoy after thisdamn what I provide TX system you runand this is an ATX machine you meanmicro idea no no full sized ATXcomponents it's just a small package itcan still satisfy the Q 500 l byCoolermaster and affordable and thepretty compact enclosure for all yourregular hardware with perforatedexterior and PSU bracket the chipsup-and-down flexible signed IO andawesome cable management the Q 500 l acompact frame with full ATX satisfactioncheck it out below alright so let's getthe technicals out of the way firstamong the entire wireless army fromlarge tech this one is a bit on theheavier side at 114 grams with theoption to add 16 more grams with thesenew weight systems keeping true to theoriginal design either adding 8 grams tothe back of the mouse and ordistributing smaller 2 gram weightsaround the center balance for people wholove a heavier Mouse under the hand thisis awesome but I still prefer thelightweight champion the G pro Wirelessthat is the same price by the way overthe g502 Lightspeed and of coursethis is for all my FPS goodness where asI'm totally fine using the g502 forediting and like some more criticalthings but aim wise I'm more comfortablewith lighter and as usual all the micewill be linked in the description belowif you check out thank you very muchnow despite it looking the same with theside textures and the glossy buttonseverything under the hood is actuallytotally new to make it even lighterversus the wired version so thefan-favorite hyper scroll wheel is nowrubberized and fitter with super tactilescroll steps and the same activation forhyper scroll the bottom magnetic plateis smaller to reveal our weightcompartment there's also the cover forthe USB receiver area and if you have apower-play mat thiswhere you insert the power park thatcharges the mouse whenever it's on thepowerplay mat oh my god that is a lot ofpower and honestly I would be okay forthem not to include the power platecompatibility and lowering the price ofit the G logo is now slightly largerwith all the same RGB goodness and thebuttons are on the right places with dpiup and down browser switches and thesniper button or dpi shift is slightlytoo forward for my grip style but if weokay for larger hands also by defaultyou can check the battery status withthe g9 key that gives us a color codeeverything is remarkable as usual andyou can save your profiles to the mouseitself but that is for some reasoninside the gear settings and the DPIshift speeds are adjusted in oneincrements for really precisecustomization on that wonderful hero 16ksensor and that's what we've seen on alltheir flagship wireless mice so far plusthe hero ditions or the g pro and the g502 literally there's nothing bad tosay about its performance there's nofiltering no acceleration zero smoothingso you basically get raw trackingthroughout the entire full range of dpiand the only disadvantage here is thelack of any lift off distance adjustmentwhich is not really an issue at lowerdpi but it might become a little bit toojerky at higher dpi settings as forbattery life this thing is rated at 48hours of continuous usage which meansfor my activity I can go for a wholeweek eight hours a day on a singlecharge the sensor is super efficient andshuts down whenever it's not in use andso the only culprit here is that RGBillumination logo it's consuming morepower than the sensor while in use ohand the cable included here is very nicebut giving the deep housing for thatmicro USB port at the front don't losethe cable and so I remember using theg502 proteus spectrum the original oneand you thinking it was my favoriteMouse because I loved the shape I lovethe buttons I love the scroll wheel andthe weight at the time was not really anissue it provided a little bit morestability for my desktop operations butas mice got smaller as my mice gotlighter and wireless I've actually neverlooked back but I can totally see theappeal of the g502 wireless 4 to replacethe original for many users and forcasual gaming the weight is not reallyfor me but I do feel slightly lockeddown and less free with my aim versusthe total control that I feel with myflickson the G pro wireless or the original Gpro Mouse perhaps I've just gottentotally used to the simplified shape andnot really fanned this whole complexdesign you know some years ago I wastotally into that but now with this likethe more economic shape and much lighterbody and the same price - I would saythat for most people if you have $150for Mouse definitely consider the G Prowireless instead unless of course you'vebeen using the original G502 andreally love the shape want to stick withit and then of course the g fiber -Wireless would be satisfactory buthaving said all that the launch tech G305 is still my top favorite Wirelessrecommendation for Mouse because of itsshape because of its battery lifebecause what's wait at 99 grams and youcan further reduce that by using alithium battery and the price do it only$60 you cannot go wrong and if the G502wireless was slightly cheaperto separate itself from the end gamethat there's the G Pro wireless then Iwould say you'd have better chances butfor now I would recommend the G /Wireless all the way all right I don'tmean to disappoint and I know there aremany people who love the g502 forexactly what it is it's like yourheavier Mouse a bit more complicatedshape cool design that hyper scrollwheel button as well but if you couldlook beyond the horizon especially atthat $150 price point then definitelyconsider other options thanks forwatching i'll tell you guys next week\n"