The Dygma Raise: A Revolutionary Gaming Keyboard
As I first laid eyes on the Dygma Raise, I knew that this keyboard was something special. With its unique shape and promise to improve typing posture and gaming performance, I was eager to put it through its paces. The Raise's creators claim that it can even help you achieve touch typing using all 10 fingers, which is a bold statement indeed.
One of the standout features of the Dygma Raise is its customizable macro layout. The spacebar area is where things get really interesting, with a range of options available to suit different typing styles and needs. I opted for the midsection around the spacebar as my favorite layout, and was impressed by how intuitive and flexible it was. As someone who's been using keyboards for years, I appreciate the attention to detail that's gone into creating this unique layout.
But what really sets the Dygma Raise apart is its ability to promote good typing posture. By positioning your hands farthest from the center of the keyboard, you're able to create a more comfortable typing experience that reduces strain on your wrists and shoulders. This is achieved through the use of split functionality, which allows you to position each side of the keyboard independently. The result is a truly ergonomic design that's both stylish and effective.
Speaking of ergonomics, I have to say that I was impressed by the thought that's gone into creating this keyboard. From the wrist rest to the built-in features like customizable lighting and macro keys, it's clear that the team at Dygma has put a lot of care into crafting an experience that's both comfortable and enjoyable. And while there are still some quirks to iron out (such as the lack of adjustable height or tilt), I'm willing to forgive these minor flaws in light of the overall quality on show.
Of course, one of the biggest questions surrounding any new keyboard is: how does it perform? In short, the Dygma Raise delivers. From the tactile feedback of the Cherry MX switches to the smooth operation of the macro keys, every aspect of this keyboard feels well-designed and well-built. And with its hot-swappable design, you can customize your keyboard to suit your needs without having to spend a fortune on new components.
One area where I did encounter some minor issues was with the keycaps themselves. As someone who's used Logitech keyboards before, I was disappointed to find that the Kale switches – which come standard on the 60% layout – were prone to breakage if mishandled. This is not an unreasonable concern, and one that Dygma should probably address in future updates or revisions.
Overall, however, I'm thoroughly impressed by the Dygma Raise. It's clear that this keyboard is designed with the enthusiast in mind – someone who values quality, customization, and a commitment to excellence. And while it may not be the most affordable option on the market (starting at $299), I believe that the price reflects the high level of craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into every aspect of this product.
So what does the future hold for Dygma? With its focus on community engagement, quality control, and a willingness to listen to feedback from users, I have no doubt that this brand is going to go far. As for me, I'll be keeping a close eye on their progress – after all, someone has to stay on top of the latest keyboard developments!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: engood people on me tree and The Dygma Raise is one of the coolest gamingkeyboards I've come across that promisesto improve your typing posture and evenif you're not in this hole touch typingusing all your basically 10 fingers fortyping the midsection around thespacebar is my favorite macro layoutthat is awesome for typing and gaming itis both intuitive and flexible I've beenusing the Dygma Raise for the past twoweeks improving my type typing techniqueI'm not exactly there yet I'm stillusing only two fingers on my right handfor finding certain keys but this thingis quite unique in the world of 60% errsit's currently on the second round ofpre-orders with shipping in June andthis very high price point is kind of inline to other split keyboard offeringsbut the nature of something this nicheand relatively small production scaleattracts a high premium price now onething that tries to achieve here is toimprove your posture and typing Plusgaming performance with a reallyinteresting team behind InDesign withhistory and eSports and really wantingto offer an ergonomic gaming solutionthat doesn't exist yet so here is myreview of the Dygma raise keyboardthat feels very well thought out itmight as well be worth the asking pricesay hello to proper airflow would bequiet pure bass 500 DX a compact midTower with a mesh front panel and 3 140moomin are pure wings two fans that aresilent and capable enjoy tasteful a RGBillumination a type C port and an easycase to work in check it out below let'sstart from the beginning as the keyboardbecause of its unique shape comes in anice carry pouch with a handle and it'sfairly hard to we have extra cables toextend the reach of each side and moreon that later some stickers adhesive andwashable wrist pads that match the colorof black or silver and finally there's akey cap switch puller and thistriangular type C module called neuronthat makes the split functionality ofthis keyboard possible Dygma callsthe brain of the keyboard where yourprofiles are stored and to my surpriseit is also RGBit splits the signal to left and rightwith braided type C cables meaning youhave the full flexibility on how far andwhat angle each keyboard side ispositioned thus promising a morecomfortable typing experience and thismeans your hands aren't normally crammedinto the center of a keyboard andinstead flare out as wide as you'recomfortable with even shoulder-widthapart creating a lot of the center spacein the middle and that might be reallygood for Mouse if that's comfortable foryou the left side can act as a game padif you disconnect the right and giventhe almost symmetrical right side thisshould be fine for lefties too once youremap the keys so that's basically theergonomic element of the raise if you'reinto touch typing you should findyourself nicely at home especially onceyou reconfigure this and kind of retrainyour fingers and even after two weeksI'm still not a hundred percent thereyet I'm only utilizing two my fingers onthe right hand and my left is perfectlycomfortable being in that section thebuilt-in wrist rest helps to flat out mywrist but the same can be achieved withthe wrist rest and a regular keyboardonce you angle it but what I find a bitironic here is that there's no way toactually raise or angle the keyboard soit's pretty low profile they are stillprototyping with small legs that canangle the race for more ergonomic fitbut your purchase today would mostlikely not have this as the productstill undergoes development and I feellike this is kind of a big deal as youcannot raise the raised keyboard thefootprint of the raise on your desk isas wide as a 65% keyboard given how therest rest flares out but it's stillquite a bit smaller than a tiki offformat what I appreciate here are themechanics behind the split you can pullapart the keyboard with a little jiggleas tubes on each side connect with atight fit and there are magnets to thatcreate a good seal now there's a bit ofplay in the center but nothing to worryabout when the keyboard is flat on thetable and they really don't mess aroundwith the design either the under glowspans the entire perimeter of each sidewith beautiful uniform soft diffusionI think the raise looks fantastic andsplit mode and as a unit the brushedaluminum plate on the silver keyboardlooks awesome it hides all the fingermarks while the bottom is plastic toallow that model name shine throughmaking the bottom of the race theprettiest keyboard bottom ever it's notnecessary but the detail is pretty coolthe key caps here are double shot DBTwith a beautiful simple font and asmoother texture that I'm used to withPBT and of course we have multipleoptions for mechanical switches withcherry and kale options available as thekeyboard frame is hot swappable which isa must for product of this caliberletting you customize the keys toexactly what you like I got the kalecopper switches because I love tactilesand the shorter actuation point at onepoint one millimetersjust feel amazing and since the 60%layout is standard aside from the spacebar area you can obviously swap out thekey caps for another set but let's talkabout why that mid section is so specialso for one instead of just one space barwe get eight separate keys and the verybottom row is using low-profile kaleswitches for extra economics so yourthumbs can be in charge of all types ofadditional functions I will mention tobe careful with the key caps on the lowprofile switches because I've broken afew on my Logitech keyboard and findingreplacement sets for that particularswitch type is difficult so for examplefor that space bar section you can remapenter or backspace so it's easier toreach with your hands on the mouse oneof the keys can be delete as that'snormally not found as a separate key on60% designs or whatever else you feel isappropriate to go there as the entirelayout is completely customizable withan easy UI configurator you can createlayers for different uses and perkylighting designs for example layer onecan hold all the F keys and the gaminglayout and we have a total of ten layersto switch between in the current buildof the software you cannot record macroswhich I don't really do but that isdefinitely a value out in the futurethat they will add but I do appreciatethe simplicity of that wholeconfigurator and lastly here's a typetest and keep in mind that I'm still abit more accurate and faster when thekeyboard is put back together but whenthe keyboard is in split mode this isdefinitely more comfortable I'm justtraining my fingers on the right handbecause otherwise it's a bit unnaturalfor meand to conclude the race keyboard is afine package that reaches into theergonomic space and so the gaming spaceand to the enthusiast market too withthe hot swappable switches and astandard layout it is a very expensivekeyboard but I feel like the price doesreflect the quality of the product andI'm excited to see digna as a brand growbecause their attention to detail isfantastic and they seem to be quitecommitted to their community and theircustomer base I'm Dimitri thanks muchfor watching check out this otherrelevant content subscribe for more I'lltalk to you next video\n"