How To Get Better Mic Quality on Livestreams - Streamlabs OBS Filters [2020]

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**Understanding Compressor in Streamlabs OBS**

When it comes to streaming, having a well-balanced audio output is crucial. One of the key tools that can help you achieve this is the compressor in Streamlabs OBS. In this guide, we will explore how to use the compressor to make your audio sound more professional.

**The Main Purpose of Compressor**

The main purpose of the compressor is to make the loud part of your audio more quiet and the quiet part louder. This helps to create a more streamlined audio output that sounds more polished and professional. When you're talking quietly into your microphone, your viewers should still be able to hear you clearly. On the other hand, when you're shouting or raging, your viewers' ears shouldn't get blown out.

**How to Set Up Compressor**

To set up the compressor, follow these steps:

* In your Streamlabs OBS mixer, look at the audio input and take a look at the level.

* When we are talking quietly, our level is going into the yellow zone, which is good.

* However, when we are shouting, we will probably go into the red zone.

* To fix this, set the threshold to -21 decibels. This will ensure that the loud parts of your audio don't get cut off.

**Additional Tips**

Another thing you can do with the compressor is turn up the output gain. This will help to bring down the quiet parts of your audio, making it sound more even and balanced. However, be careful not to overdo it, as adding too much gain can lower the quality of your audio.

To set the output gain, follow these steps:

* In your Streamlabs OBS mixer, look at the compressor settings.

* Turn up the output gain to +10 decibels.

* This will bring down the quiet parts of your audio, making it sound more balanced.

* However, you may need to lower the threshold a bit to compensate for the added gain.

**Tips for Achieving Professional Audio**

When using the compressor, remember that it can affect the quality of your audio. To achieve professional-sounding audio, follow these tips:

* Don't overuse the compressor, as it can introduce noise and distortion.

* Use the compressor to balance your audio levels, rather than to squash or compress your audio too much.

* Experiment with different settings to find what works best for your specific microphone and audio output.

By following these tips and using the compressor effectively, you can create a professional-sounding audio output that will engage and retain your viewers. Remember to always test your audio levels and adjust your settings accordingly.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Today we will go overthe best mic settingsfor Streamlabs OBSbecause sounding professionalwill make you grow faster.(gentle music)What's up everyone Jellehere with The Video Nerdand welcome to theStreamlabs OBS Master Course.If this is your first time hereand you wanna grow yourinfluence with gamingthen make sure to clickthe subscribe buttonand turn on the notification bellbecause this channel isjust perfect for you.The first thing you shoulddo is going to Streamlabs OBSand making surethat your audio input deviceis connected right here.If that isn't the case, goto the settings, right here,go to audio, and then, righthere, mic auxiliary device 1,click on that and selectyour microphone, right here.Click done, okay, and then, right here,we can see the input levelof our microphone when we are talking.So right now, you see that my voice isin the yellow range and this is perfect.You should make surethat your voice is alsoin the yellow range.If when you talk in your microphone,your voice is below the yellow level,then that means that themicrophone input is too quiet,and there are a few wayswe can increase that.The first way is byright-clicking on your audio icon,right here, and thenopen the audio settings.Then on your right, go tothe configuration screenof the sound, then go to record,and there double-click on your microphone.So this is my microphone,it's an audio interface,so I will double-clickit, then go to levels,and then, right here, maybeit's at 70 or something,so if your microphone istoo quiet, turn that up,and, if it's too loud, ifyour voice is in the redwhen you talk, then youcan lower it, right here.So this is the first option.The second option isinside of Streamlabs OBS.On the right of the mixer,right here, you see a gear iconand you click on that,and then, right here,you see your audio inputand you can adjust the volume, right here.If you're using a USBor a headset microphoneand both of these settings are at 100and your audio is still too quiet,which is very unlikely but it is possible,then we will need to add a filter,to make the audio a bit louder.On the other hand, if you'reusing an audio interfaceand an XLR mic, then youcan increase the gainon the audio interface,but you should be carefulwith adding too much gainwith your audio interfacebecause, like you see,when I turn mine up,and I turn it completely up,then my audio just doesn'tsound good anymore,so I will turn it down again.So you heard that, that doesn't work out.Now, of course, some XLR mics,for example, like this microphone,are pretty quiet and theyneed some extra gain.Now another way to add somegain is to buy a Cloudlifter,and a Cloudlifter is alittle device that you placebetween your XLR micand your audio interfaceand all it does isadding up to 25 decibelsof clean audio gain, sothen your audio goes cleaninto your computer, without sounding dirtybecause you added too muchgain with your audio interface,because the Cloudlifteris taking care of that.Of course, it's not a cheap device.I will put a link in the description,so you can check the price,but it's around 150 dollars, I think.I would need one like that toobut, right now, I am working without it,but it's definitely afuture investment for me.Okay, let's go back to Streamlabs OBSand the final option to makeyour audio sound louder,if it's too quiet, right here,and all your audio inputsare at 100 percent,is adding adding gain with a filter.So next to your audio device,click on the gear icon,go to filters, click on the plus icon,and, right here, add a gain filter.Okay, you click done,and then, right here,you can turn this up to addmore gain to your microphoneor to reduce the gain, if it's too loud,but then, this is not agood option, right here.So let's just keep it at zero right nowbecause my microphone is inthe yellow, so that's good.But if you're just too quiet,just turn this up a bit.Okay, then the next filter wewill add is noise-suppressionand this great for reducing the noiseof your computer fan, of an external fan.You should play around with this filterand see what is working best for you.A good way to monitor your result is,let's click on done.Right here, next to the mixer,we can click on the gear iconand then, right here,next to your audio source,you can choose it, monitor it,and what this does is, itwill just play your microphonethrough your headset so you can hearwhat the stream will be hearing.So if you enable this monitoring,and then you go back to your filters,to the noise-suppression,then you can just adjust theslider till the noise is gone.Okay, then the nextfilter is the noise gate.So the noise gate iswhat is being used toremove the clicking soundof your keyboard in the background,and how this works is, aslong as the audio levelthat your microphone is picking up isbelow a certain decibels threshold,it will not be sent to your stream.So for example, let'ssay that the clickingof your keyboard is 20 decibels loud.If you set up the noisegate to only pick up soundthat's 25 decibels or higher,then when you click your keyboard,the sound will not be sent to your streambecause it is below 25 decibels,and then while you are talking,the decibels are much higher than 25,so then the audio is being picked up.Of course, while you're talking,you can hear the keyboard,but when you're not talking,(keyboard clicks)you cannot hear the keyboardbecause I was just clicking on my keysand there was nothing moving, right here.So how do you set this up?Well let's move thesesliders to the left a bit,and then click on the keyboard to seehow loud it is, right here.(keyboard clicks)Okay, so now the soundis still being picked up,so we will need to higherthe open threshold a bit.Let's set it to 40, and test right now.(keyboard clicks)Okay, so the sound wasn'tpicked up anymore, right here.Let's test and set it to 45 again.(keyboard clicks)Okay, so now the sound is being picked up,so I'll guess that 40 is a good threshold.Then you should set the closethreshold to five decibelslower than the openthreshold, so mine is 45.So now, while I am talking,my keyboard sound still comes through,but when I say nothing,(keyboard clicks)it doesn't show up on the stream.So this is perfect.So while you are gaming,your viewers cannot hear yourkeyboard or your mouse sound.Only when you're talking theycan hear in the background,but that doesn't matter becausewhen you shut up again, the noise is gone.Then the next filter righthere is the compressor.Let's click done to go to the settings,and the compressor can beused for two different things.The first thing is the most simple one,so I will start with that.Let's say that you have aseparate source, right here,let's click done first.Let's say you have a separateaudio source, right herein your mixer for Spotify,and if you want to how to set that up,I have a separate guide for that.I will link it in thecourse, but for now let's saythat the desktop audiois a separate sourcefor Spotify or just for music.Now what you can do is making surethat while you are talking,the music on the background,so from the audio source,right here, is being lowered,and then when you stop talking,the music turns up again.How do we do that?Well, next to the audiosource of your music,click on the gear icon, go to filters,click the plus icon to add a new filter,choose compressor, click done.So just to make surethat you're following,we are now in the audio settingsof our music input, okay.So Spotify or YouTubeor whatever you choose.So then to make sure thatthis audio source can lowerwhile you are talking, youneed to set up a ducking sourceand there you shouldchoose your microphone.So this is my microphone, right here.So when there is sound beingpicked up by this microphone,the compressor will activatefor the audio source,so for Spotify or whatever.So when we turn the gain down, right here,to, for example, minus 15,whenever I am talking into my microphone,the Spotify audio source will be lowered,and then when I stop talking again,and the microphone level,right here, is at zero,then the compressor of the audio sourcethat inputs your musicwill not be activatedbecause you are not talkinginto your microphone,so then the music will just be loud again.Until you talk again, andthen it'll be lowered again,and so on.Let's delete this compressor right nowbecause we don't need it,and go back to our microphone filters.Okay, and then the secondway to use the compressor isactually the main purposeof the compressor,and it's making the loudpart of your audio more quietand the quiet part ofyour audio more loud,so your audio in yourstream is more streamlined,so that means thatwhen you're talking quietinto your microphone,you viewers will still beable to hear you loud enough,and then when you'reshouting in your microphone,because you're ragingor something like that,your viewers' ears don't get blown out.So how do we this up?Well, again, in yourmixer, you should lookat the audio input, right here,and take a look at the level.So when we are talking quiet we seethat we are going into theyellow, so that is good.But when we are shouting, wewill probably go into the red.I will test it rightnow and I will make surethat you cannot hear it on stream.Okay, you see we are goinginto the red, right here, when I shout,so let's make it a bitmore quiet to, for example,minus 21, and I will shout again.Okay, so you saw that this,right here, is the loudest pointand it's still into theyellow, so that's great.Another thing you cando with this compressor,but I would not overuse it,because it will probablylower the audio quality,but what you can do isturning up the output gain,right here, to, for example, plus 10.So now because we set theoutput gain to plus 10 decibels,when we are, for example,whispering into our microphone,the audio level will still be pretty high.Of course, now the loudest partof our audio will also be louder,so we will need to lowerthe threshold again,and subtract 10 decibels, right here,because minus 21 decibelswas great for the threshold,and now we did add 10 decibels of gain,so we need to lower it 10decibels extra, right here,so the maximum level is, again,just at the end of theyellow in the mixer.So now because we did set this up,the quiet part of ouraudio will still be loudand the loudest part will be cut off.So then the audio on ourstream is always equally loud.So you see, when I whisperinto my microphone,I am whispering right now,you see that I'm goinginto the yellow areaby only whispering into my microphoneand when I'm talking normally,I'm going to about halfof the yellow zone.So whatever you throw at your microphone,the audio will be at thesame level for the viewer.But like I already said, makesure you do not overuse thisbecause adding gain right here,will lower the quality of your audio,will give you some noise.A part of the noise will beremoved by the noise suppressionbut your audio will not be asclean, as with zero decibels.So let's set it at zero againbecause that isn't necessary.Let's set this at minus 21 againand now the audio is setup great.When I'm talking it goes into the yellow,when I'm shouting it doesn'tgo into the red, it's perfect.So when you set up allthese filters like this,your audio will sound more professionalbecause you have no fansblowing in the background,no keyboard clicks whenyou're not saying anything.Things like that make itmuch more professional.Now if you want to make youraudio sound more professionalby adding effects,and making it sound morelike a studio microphone,I will upload the guide andI will use my blue microphoneand make it sound morelike a professional studio microphone.So if you're looking for that,I will link it in thecourse when it's finished.And if you want to growyour influence with gamingand you're not subscribedyet to this channel,make sure you click thesub button right there,turn on the notificationbell, because on this channel,you will find everythingthat you are looking for,and remember that thiswas only one of the guidesin the Streamlabs OBSMaster Course playlist.So if you're looking for more informationabout Streamlabs OBS, clickthe playlist, right there,and I hope that I willsee you in my next video.Have a good day.