**First-Time Car Ownership: A Cautionary Tale**
When considering purchasing your first personal car, it's essential to think twice about the type of vehicle you choose. While a fun-toy car might seem like a great idea for a weekend getaway, investing in one as your primary mode of transportation can be a recipe for disaster.
"I've seen people do that and to a man and woman every single one of them was crying down the road later," says Scotty, a seasoned mechanic. "They went out and bought a classic Mustang for $75,000, expecting it to be a perfect vehicle, but little did they know, classic cars are notoriously difficult to maintain." These vehicles often have outdated systems that can easily malfunction, making them unreliable and expensive to repair.
One of the most common issues with older cars is the evaporative control system (EVAP). The EVAP is designed to capture and recycle fuel vapors from the engine, but it can be finicky. "You might need a new evap canister, vent valve or even a whole new canister," Scotty explains. "Some of them you can only buy the canister assembly with valve built-in, which makes things more complicated." Additionally, hoses and cap-offs are prone to damage from spiders, mud, and other debris.
If these issues aren't addressed, they can lead to costly repairs down the road. For example, if the EVAP system isn't functioning properly, it can cause the car's gas tank to become over-filled with air, leading to a range of problems. "I got a fill-up recently, and guess what? The pump stopped after four to five seconds," says Scotty. "My gas tank wasn't even three-quarters full! I realized that my car was venting incorrectly, and that meant something was wrong in there."
**Transmission Troubles**
Another area of concern is the transmission. While standard transmissions are relatively simple, they still require regular maintenance to prevent wear and tear. "I change them now because they're just splash lubrication," says Scotty. "Standard transmissions have gears as well as lubrication, which makes them more complicated than automatics." However, if you neglect your transmission, it can lead to costly repairs.
In contrast, automatic transmissions are relatively low-maintenance, with only occasional oil changes needed. The issue is that their components are often prone to clogging and buildup over time. "I've had problems with the charcoal canister venting system on my own vehicles," says Scotty. "It's a relatively simple fix, but sometimes you need a new evap canister, vent valve or even a whole new canister."
**Motorcycle Maintenance**
If you're considering purchasing a motorcycle, such as a Yamaha YBR 250, there are some key things to keep in mind. While Yamahas are generally reliable motorcycles, they do require regular maintenance to prevent problems.
"The most common issue is that people beat the heck out of them," says Scotty. "They don't take care of them, and it shows." However, if you properly maintain your motorcycle, it can last for hundreds of thousands of miles with minimal repairs. The key is to ride it responsibly and avoid excessive wear and tear.
In conclusion, when purchasing your first personal car or motorcycle, it's essential to think carefully about the type of vehicle you choose. While a classic car might seem like a great idea, it can be prone to problems that are costly to repair. By taking the time to research and properly maintain your vehicle, you can avoid these common issues and enjoy years of reliable service.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engine since I'm always warning people not to buy Nissans, Nissan isclosing their US operations for two daysin January to save money hey I got aneven better ideato save everyone else money close itforever and then people won't have tobuy those things let's throw their moneyfixing them as they break now thisaffects all workers and they're notgetting paid for their time off either Iguess that's how Nissan saving moneythey're gonna be closed January 2nd and3rd well I guess if you're one of theirworkers you could say oh great I got anextended holiday yeah January 1st mostpeople go back to work on a second wellthey're gonna get the second and a thirdoff too but they're not getting paid soit really isn't that much of a vacationfor themthis affects 14,500 of their employeeshere in the United StatesNissan sales were 15% down in Novemberand 33% down for infinity same companyjust another name so all your people outthere have been listening to Scotty allthe years and telling you stay away fromNissan vehicles unfortunately there'sworkers that get involved here and losetheir job but that's what happens when companies don't build good products I don't say goout buy a car just because somebody'sgot a job you get stuck with a crappyjob and your money gets thrown down thetoilethey you don't want to support poorcompanies you want to support thecompanies that build stuff that lastsotherwise let's face it a lot of stuffin our societies is cheap crap alreadyand if people keep supporting that cheapcrap it's only gonna get cheaper crapheremaybe you'll buy a car and it'll lastlike a balloon for a few weeks and thenit'll deflate itself so too bad I saydon't buy crappy products here'ssomething that comes as no surprise buthey you remember the Ford Focus yes doeshad those flawed dual clutchtransmissions I had some customers withthem and yes they were junk well now thetruth is out all kinds of people knewthey were flawed from the people buildingthem in the the factory and the people whodesigned them it was a known item hey you can't make that many cars and keep itquiet people know what's going ongeneral if you got two people you can'tkeep a secret wellas a lot more than two people involvedin this one this covers more than 2million cars that were sold over adecade of time so more than 10 years2 million cars you're not gonna be ableto keep this a secret people who wereinvolved in making them said it was cheap tomanufacture and easy to assemble butsince it was a dry clutch design itdidn't cool itself right it led tooverheating problems and theyself-destructive it's leading to 3billion dollars in recall expenses plusall the legal expenses you got penalizedfor this stuff lawsuits that are stillgoing on that are pending so could evenget a lot higher engineers and otherstalk to the Detroit Free Press and theysaid it was just a spiral out of controlthing they were worried that they weregonna lose their jobs if they toldpeople about it it hits the fan well ithit the fan now and it's all over theplaceit wouldn't be as big of a mess if theywould own up to it in the first place alot of for customers had problems theywere told oh well now you know it's notthey all that bad way I saw that was onmy customers they took them in and they said they act that way and I told me eitherthey act that way but they're notsupposed to act that way this transmissionshutters and they shift weird andone design flaws they'll shift intoneutral it's part of the programming andthey keep it from burning out you'll bedriving around they just shifted aneutron you'd lose power I mean thisisn't something you want thetransmission and they knew was happeningjust like GM knew that they had thosefaulty ignition switches but they justkept their mouth shut about itand hilarious off for one of Ford'sdefenses is that they're saying thatpeople are just making frivolouslawsuits take advantage of Ford so thelawyers can get money out of it theywere selling these things to try tocover their own rear ends making themcheaper and then not fix them right andthen there have an error lawyers say ohthere's nothing wrong it's just theseother lawyers are greedy all thisinformation recently come out from sevenforeign insiders that were interviewedby the Detroit Free Press which is apretty open-minded paper and really I'vebeen saying this stuff for a long timestay away from new technologydual-clutch transmission systemhey Europeans have made it before andthey had some pretty expensive blondethey made while four just fell rightinto that pit but didn't admit it toanybody until now of course they have tocuz the cats out of the bag running downthe street and of course they triedthings like software updates to saythat's gonna fix it but that as itusually isn't transmission problems isjust a band-aid some of them shifted alittle bit better I had a customer havethat done and it didn't shift quite asbad but it still didn't work perfectlybecause these things are just physicallybreaking down inside because they wereall just designed wrong in the firstplace stay away from radical change newtechnology don't spin out a while andit's proven itself, madman says do theyput those stupid maintenance requiredlights and vehicles specifically toscare older people my mom thought hercar was gonna fall apart basically theywant to scare everybody to get you to goback to the dealer so they can chargeyou a bunch of money for doing verylittle work that's why I got all thoselights on they didn't have those lights when I was ayoung mechanic people had trustedmechanics like my grandfather and thenme when I was learning they didn't haveall this modern hoopla trying to sellpeople stuff all the time by putting thelights and say you need this maintenanceyou need that maintenance and a lot oftimes the cars it just comes on every15,000 miles out of the blue its programso there's absolutely nothing wrong withthe car Oh have you changed your ownstuff right you you might not need to doanything but they just do it to scareeveryone it's a sales gimmick that allthe manufacturers jumped on a bandwagon to try to sell you stuff so learn aboutyour car maybe you might find out thehey mine comes on every 50,000 miles andusually you could push a button on thedash and there's a certain sequence ofbuttons you push and then it resetsitself for another 15,000 us so how todo that in your car anybody can googleit and learn how to do it on their owncar jay says Scotty Irecently put a cold air intake on my 2016honda ext seems I've lost five miles agallon in town yeah that's why I tellpeople don't use those cold air intakesI made a whole video about why they're ajoke they put them on race cars one daydon't care about gas mugs and two theyare dyno tuned before the race I guessnowadays it's gotten so high-techthe computer is giving feedback to theguys in the pit while they're racing andthey'll even be modifying computer stuffwhile they're driving down the road sothey're continually adjusting things yougot a car you just bolted something onyou think it's gonna work right it won'tif you wanted that to work right you'dhave to go to a tuner and dynamometer and know how toreprogram computers and on just to setit up and you'd have to tell them whatyou wanted that when you start modifyingstuff it gets really complicated me I'dsay take that stupid thing off and goback to your factory air box unless youwant to spend a whole bunch of moneymodifying it correctlycolin says hey I'm in college inIndiana love classics I'm looking for afirst personal car found a classic carrun if you're looking for your first caryou do not want to buy a classic carclassic cars are for guys who've hadcars their whole life they likeputtering around with them and then I'mdriving them much I got a lot ofcustomers with classic cars you knowwhat the average the average less thanlike a thousand twelve hundred miles ayear on those cars you go go out and buya classic car and drive it as your firstpersonal car you're gonna be spending somuch time fixing it or you're gonna beworried if you spend a fortune like someguys I know they'll go out and uh buy aclassic Mustang for seventy-fivethousand dollars they're crapping intheir pants every time they go someplacecuz it's very easy to steal thoseclassic cars there had subsystems arejust locking steering column that a kidwith a screwdriver can break and they'realso oldest that he'll things are gonnawear out and break no don't do it as afirst later on yeah you want a fun toycar get one for a weekend toy but don'tget it as your first personal car thatwould be a big mistake I've seen peopledo that and to a man and woman everysingle one of them was crying down theroad later breathless says Scotty I have a2014 Lexus is350 recently when I got afill-up guess the pump stops after fourto five seconds your gas tank isn'tventing correctly now realize so yourcar's three-quarters empty that means3/4 your gas tanks full of airsomething's gotta be in there when youfly with gas that air has to gosomeplace when I was young mechanic itjust went out to the atmosphere nobodycared but that's seen as pollution thesedays it has to go through the ventingsystem of the car goes to what's calledthe charcoal canister and that'ssupposed to filter out the hydrocarbonsand then pure air comes out the otherend you can have a problem with thatsystem you might need a new evapcanister vent valve or a whole newcanister or something some of them youcan only buy the canister assembly withvalve built in so you might have to buyone of those that's generally what goeswrong but also check those hoses to gascap off you see this little hoses insidesometimes spiders build little nowrocks or mud gets stuck in theresometimes they get hit with a rock andbroken have a hole or something man youwant to check all that stop firstbecause it's not as simple as you mightthink when it comes to changing thesecanisters some canisters you got to dropthe gas tank cuz they hid them on top of thegas tank and that's an expensive endeavorsee if that's wearing out see if it's aneasy thing to go through and pray it'ssomething that easy or maybe you seespider nesting you get one of thoselittle air blasters that clean computerKeys and stuff and blast it in and blowthe spider without not fixed them thatway but I got an air compressor with thebig hole there always puts out 150 psiand blow the spider to kingdom comeattip says I got 2014 Toyota Corolla59,000 miles manual transmission but ifyou've never had a transmission changedo I change it or will they haveproblems oh no you can definitely changeit now honest standard transmissions arejust splash lubrication standardtransmission just gears as well in theoil spin and pick the gears splash itaround that's why it's called splash lubrication and that's what lubricates an automatictransmission on the other hand is littlenooks and crannies and electroniccomputer parts and an oil pump just likeyour engine has an oil pump to buildpressure to flow it through and if youchange a dirty one you're gonna haveproblems but a standard no change it nowand it's not that bad fifty-ninethousand miles on my own vehicles I'monly changing memories sixty eightythousand miles on a standardtransmission because there is so littlewhere it's just to keep the fluid fromgetting gunking over time that you canchange it up so I'd do it now you won'thave any problems mai says Scotty I gota question about a Yamaha YBR 250motorcycle if anyone have experiences arethey reliable or piles of junk Yamahamakes great motorcycles they have for areally long time yeah they make pianosdo really good pianos but a lot of timesguys beat the heck out of those thingsnow if you're talking about buying andbringing a new one go right aheadthey're excellent motorcycles take careof it it can last you a really long timecuz most people don't drive motorcycleshundreds of thousands of miles like carsbasically lasts a lifetime if you takecare of them and don't fall off andbreak your legs on them yeah I know whatyou do it on two wheels it's not like4 any idiot can drive a car withfour wheels but with two the idiots generally get thrown off and they don't drive themanymore, so if you never want to missanother one of my new car repair videosremember to ring that Bell\n"