iPhone X - One Year Later Review and Comparison

The iPhone 10 and XS: A Comparative Review

First Four Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy Seven and Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty-Two

As we begin our review, let's take a look at some of the specs of both devices. The iPhone 10 and XS are both capable of processing vast amounts of data in a short amount of time. For example, the first four thousand two hundred and seventy seven and eleven thousand five hundred and eighty-two verses tenthousand seven hundred and thirty-two are both very close in terms of their computational power.

However, when it comes to specific tasks, there may be noticeable differences between the two devices. For instance, if we open Minecraft on both phones, we can see that they load at different times. The iPhone X takes a bit longer than the XS, but the difference is negligible.

To put this into perspective, let's take a look at some of the benchmarks for both devices. We have iGeekbench and the 11,000 Geekbench, which show us that the XS has a slight edge in terms of processing power. However, when we resume the tests, they are very close, with the XS being only slightly slower.

Face ID: A New Era in Biometric Security

One of the most notable features of the iPhone X is its Face ID technology. This facial recognition system allows users to unlock their phone using only their face. But how does it compare to other devices? Let's take a look at some examples.

For instance, if we lock and unlock both phones, we can see that they both work well, but there may be some variability in the results. The iPhone X often unlocks correctly, but sometimes the Face ID fails to recognize my face. On the other hand, the XS always works flawlessly.

Despite these issues, I find that Face ID is a convenient and secure way to unlock my phone. However, I also miss the tactile experience of Touch ID. While Face ID is faster and more accurate in some cases, it can be slower and less reliable than Touch ID, especially when used by people who don't have their faces registered.

AR Applications: Where Performance Matters Most

One area where the iPhone X and XS differ significantly is in their performance in augmented reality applications. The XS has a new processor that provides improved performance in these types of applications.

In our tests, we saw that the XS outperformed the X in terms of AR performance. However, this difference only became apparent when using specific apps designed for AR. In everyday use, the difference was negligible.

Conclusion: Is the iPhone X Worth Upgrading To?

So, is the iPhone X worth upgrading to if you already have one? If not, should you consider purchasing it now that they don't make it anymore? The answer depends on your needs and preferences.

If you're happy with your current phone, there's no compelling reason to upgrade. However, if you want a newer device with improved performance, the XS is worth considering. It offers a better camera, louder speakers, and improved AR performance.

However, if you don't already have an X, I would recommend sticking with your current phone. The differences between the two devices are not dramatic enough to warrant an upgrade unless you're using specific apps that take advantage of the new processor.

Ultimately, the decision to upgrade or not depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you're happy with your current phone, there's no reason to jump ship. But if you want a newer device with improved performance, the XS is worth considering.

Final Thoughts

As we conclude our review, I'd like to thank you for watching. If you have any thoughts or opinions on the iPhone X and XS, please let us know in the comments below. Don't forget to subscribe and like if you found this video helpful. And if you have any other questions or topics you'd like us to cover, feel free to let us know.

Let's go home here and then let's open Minecraft and then we're gonna do one more test just to compare them to show you the differences so we'll open up Minecraft here this is the first time they've been in stalled and opened on both phones. Wait for it to load again. You can see that difference in color as well.

Okay, we'll just sign out of that. We don't want to sign in will it continue on both? Will hit play. Will create new will create a new world and create and this can take a moment to load but you'll see the iPhone X is doing quietly well and they're both about the same in fact the XS was a little bit slower so it's not bad whatsoever and you'll see if I scroll back here this is the XS with the 11,000 Geekbench and the X so and then they were both resumed pretty quickly and they're super fast both of them.

Let's do one more quick test as far as comparison. And then we'll talk about whether or not you should buy one now. I have iMovie loaded on both of the phones you'll see that they work well but there are some differences in performance.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andthe iPhone 10 has been out for about ayear or so I've been using it everysingle day since it came out until theiPhone XS max came out and then theiPhone X are so I wanted to talk abouthow its held up whether or not youshould pick one up or upgrade from yourX to the XS and compare between thoseand just see how the battery health isand whether or not it's still a goodvalue if you're trying to get your handson one so let's take a look now theactual design of the X carries over tothe XS and as you can see this one isin pretty good shape this has been usedfor an entire year without a screenprotector or a case for the most partand as far as scratches on it and thingslike thatI don't think you're going to find toomany and now if you have the other modellet me set this one down if you have theother model you may see a lot morescratches along the bottom here this hasbeen an in case the entire time so thisone is held up exceptionally wellthere's no scrapes around the outsideedges just on the bottom you might seesome very light ones in the correctlight otherwise it looks brand new so ifyou keep it in a case it's fine and thenthis one has not used a screen protectorthe entire time and I don't think you'regoing to find really many scratches onit it's held up remarkably well for theglass that's on it and probably betterthan some of my other phones so this oneis doing really well that way now as faras the overall feel of it it feels builta little bit better to me than the newerphones and I'll show you that in amoment but the actual tolerances seem tobe tighter and I don't know why that ismaybe they spent a lot more time on thisone and wanted to get it right andthat's why it came out a little bitlater last year but it overall feelsvery nice and put together really wellall the buttons work just fine they'renice and clicky and they're durable justlike most iPhones all the buttonsusually hold up pretty well we haven'thad issues with that since the iPhone 4era now the display has held up reallywell over time as well now one thing toknow is this is an OLED display if youweren't aware already so that means itgives off its own light and after a fewyears those can dim but this one seemsto be okay now here is a XS and nextto a brand new XS will set them at thesame brightness levels in fact let'sturn them both all the way up so they'regoing to look a little bit blown outhere on this camera but they're verybright they're about equal maybe thisone is a little bit more dim the 10 butit's about the same the colors seem tobe very close let's turn them both downto about the same right there and colorsare going to look about the same now ifwe turn them way down you can still seejust as well and they're about the samebrightness either way no matter howyou're using them so let's trim thisback up so we can see it and the phoneitself like I said it's held up well nowsome people say this design ages quicklyfor me personally it still feels fairlyfresh but for some people because wehave the larger max phone it feels alittle bit more fresh but for somepeople it seems old some articles arereporting that I guess that could be thecase just depends on your view on it nowas far as burnin I've had no issues withburnin let me switch to a screen so wecan see it now I have an all whitebackground and this is to check forburnin and different ghosting of iconsthat might have been there such as thebattery indicator you'll see there's nono indication that that's therewhatsoever I don't see it anywhere onthe display and they've done a good jobof shifting pixels around to preventburnin that's a common thing on OLEDdisplays and apple has combated thatusing whatever technology they're usingto shift those pixels around now as faras battery over time this is a questionI get all the time is how should Icharge my phone and everything so knowthat this phone and the other iPhone XI'll show you in a momentwe're charged without caring about itwhatsoever when I'm in a vehicle I plugit in to use apple carplay or use thecars audio system and charge it if I'mat home I charge this overnight everysingle night for an entire year so Idon't monitor the battery or anythinglike that I put it on a wireless chargeror whatever is available I usually usean apple charger or a wireless chargerI'll link in the description now as faras that goeslet's check the battery here so here isbattery health after one year on myiPhoneX and here's battery health on theiPhone X this is actually my wife'sphone and after one year of charging itthe exact same way97% so it's okay if you have less thanthat Apple says it's okay for 80% aftertwo years but this is without doinganything to monitor the battery this isjust plugging it in charging itovernight leaving it on the chargerevery single night and having no issuesand that's the battery capacity that'sleft so it's holding up pretty well thatway now as far as the speed is concernedinside this we have the A11 Bionic chip3 gigabytes of RAM and 64 gigs ofstorage in this particular model andit's plenty fast this is the A12 Bionicin the XS and let's take a few testswill do a geek bench and then open acouple applications and see how it doesnow before we run the geek bench I justwant to show you the display differencesbetween the two you'll see this is theX this is the XS and you'll see bothof them have true tone off brightnessesabout the same and night shift is off onboth of them so there are somedifferences I would say the 10 looks alittle bit better than the XS butthat's just my opinion so let's go aheadand close thatlet's close both our apps or all ourapps here we'll go back into geek benchand see what we get so we'll wait for itto load it's taking a little bit longerto load on the 10s there we go we'll goto CPU and we'll run now both of theseare on the same version iOS 12.1 so ifyou go back you can see that but iOS12.1 on both of them run benchmark andlet's see what the results are when thisis done now both of them have completedand you'll see that the scoredifferences are not as great as youmight expect but they're very similar4821 first four thousand two hundred andseventy seven and eleven thousand fivehundred and eighty-two verse tenthousand seven hundred and thirty two sothey're both very close you're not goingto notice slowdowns on the iPhone 10 solet's go home here and then let's openminecraft and then we're gonna do onemore test just to compare them to showyou the differences so we'll open upminecraft here this is the first timethey've been in stalled and opened onboth phones sowait for it to load again you can seethat that difference in color as wellokay we'll just sign out of that wedon't want to sign in will it continueon both will hit play will create newwill create a new world and create andthis can take a moment to load butyou'll see the iPhone X is doing quitewell and they're both about the same infact the XS was a little bit slower soit's not bad whatsoever and you'll seeif I scroll back here this is the XSwith the 11,000 Geekbench and the X soand then they were both resumed prettyquickly and they're super fast both ofthem let's do one more quick test as faras a comparison and then we'll talkabout whether or not you should buy onenow I have iMovie loaded on both of thephones you'll see I have a 4 minute and37 second project it's a 4k video ofsomething I haven't released yet butit's the same video on both I have the X on the left XS on the right andlet's bring in the XS Max as astopwatch we'll slide these over hereand let's see how long it takes toexport them so we'll hit done and thenwe'll share both of them we'll hit savevideo and then we'll hit 4k and see if Ican hit start at the same time there wego and let's see how they doso the iPhone 10 exported more quicklythan the 10s so we'll wait for that tofinish and now both of them are done sothey're very close but it's surprisingthat the XS actually is a little bitslower so both of them are good andyou'll see there was a little studderingthere but both of them are good but thatpart was pretty surprising now both ofthese have face ID and I wanted to showyou a quick comparison whether or notit's that big of a deal so if we let'sunlock them again we'll just tap thescreens and you'll see they unlocked atabout the same time but they're veryclose and we'll try it again and thatone time it didn't work so theconclusion of this as far as face IDgoes is face ID I've been using it forover a year now but I also let mybrother use this phone since he didn'thave this one and he said his onecomplaint was face ID he was coming froman 8 plus and face ID works fine it doeswork well but I also miss touch ID now Imay be in the minority there as far asthat is concerned but I prefer touch IDover face ID as far as its speed isconcerned especially in the morning whenyou're trying to look directly at abright phone things like that I justfind the easier it's just my personalopinion on that now whether or not youshould buy an iPhone X now is up to youthey don't technically sell them anymoreso but compared to the X in the XS ifyou don't already have a X I would gofor the XS but if you already have a XI would definitely not upgrade you'rebasically getting a better camera on theXS a little bit better camera you'vegot better speakers the speakers on thisare great but you have a wider stereosound basically they made the speakerlouder in the new one and so both ofthem sound more stereo if you'rewatching a video this way and then theother thing too is it's got the newerprocessor in the new one but you sawfrom the tests that in real world testsit doesn't really make that much of adifference the difference comes with alot of AR applications so if you'reusing those that's where you'll see thedifference so let me know what you thinkthough in the comments below do you likethe X did you upgrade if you have oneorhad one or do you think it's worthpicking up if you can find one now sincethey don't make it anymore but if youcan find them in stores leftover andthings you could still pick one up letme know your thoughts in the commentsbelow if you haven't subscribed alreadyplease subscribe and like as alwaysthanks for watching this is Aaron I'llsee you next time\n"