BAYMAX BIG HERO 6 CAKE How To Cook That Ann Reardon

**Creating a Baymax and Hiro Cake**

For this cake, we want to roll a snake offondant and make it thinner at the wrist. Flatten out the hand part and cut out triangleso that we have his thumb a bit separate fromhis fingers. Now make three cuts for his fingers. Using your knife gently push to round thetops off, we don't want square fingers. Then with your knife gently indent the topsof his fingers in the middle about at thelevel where his knuckles would be. And then make an indent for his finger nailsas well and you can use a straw for this.

Now make a snake of white for his shirt andmake a hole at one end just like we did whenwe were making his pants. Trim the arm a little bit shorter and makethat end pointy and place it into the sleeve. Using your template on the side of the bodysee where the oval of grey goes on Baymax'sbody and put that into place. Then again checking with your template addHiro's arm.

Most of his arm is lost under Baymax'sbig soft body so just squash it down and trim off. Add an oval of grey to his leg and then addthat again on the other side and add the otheroval of grey and the other hand and make sureyou add the badge to his chest. Realistically there is no way that Hiro'sarms are this long, they couldn't reach allthe way around but we're going to make itlook like what it looks like in the movie.

**Preparing the Fondant**

Roll out some bright blue fondant thinly anduse it to cover the base board. Because Baymax is so white it is nice to addsome colour here to brighten up the cake. Now for Hiro's hair. Use the template to cut out what the backof his hair. Cut the top jagged too just so we don't havea straight line there and add it on.

Helooks a bit like he's got a very recedinghair line, don't worry we'll fix that. Cut some jagged strips for around the sideand place them on one at a time around thefront of the head. Now don't forget that one one big chunk ofhair that comes down between his eyes.

For Hiro's t-shirt roll a cylinder of red thenflatten it out so it is a bit more box like. Then bend the top around for the top of hisarms reaching up and then split the top into two. Add a cake pop to the side of the cake atthe level where you want Hiro's head to sit.

**Assembling the Cake**

Remove the upright stick from his head andthen add his head into place. In hindsight I've done this the hard way around, I should have started with the feet insteadof with his head. You can do it the other way. Place his red shirt on using a littlewater to hold it into place. And flatten out the arms onto the side ofthe cake.

Now if you don't have any helpers and you'vegone head down to feet like I did you canuse a cup to support the body while it sticksonto the cake. Add a few more bits of black hair to the topof his head and add in the legs. Yes it definitely would of been easier tostart with the legs, I don't know what I wasthinking.

**Final Touches**

And now roll a ball of white to make Baymax'shead and shape it to match the template. Cut out two eyes and roll a tiny snake. Add the snake and then add the eyes. Then use two cake pop sticks to hold the headinto place. Now do the same thing with the arms. You can make these out of rice krispies likeI showed you how to do with the Hulk fiston the Avengers cake so that they're not tooheavy for the side of the cake.

Add another oval to Baymax's elbow and hisother arm and some fingers onto the back ofHiro's head. Then add a little bit more hair, like a tuftof hair going over the top of his fingersand it's done. Baymax is giving Hiro a big hug.

**Tips and Variations**

My top tips for this cake, are use a strongercake stand and definitely let your fondanthead and legs dry out completely for a couple of days before adding them to the cake. Subscribe to How To Cook That for more cakes, chocolate and desserts. All the recipes and templates are on the website. Click here for last week's fruity meringuerecipe and the chance to win a golden ticket competition and here for the rest of my videos. This cake was requested by Catherine, Emma, Jawoxo I think that's how you say it and allthese other wonderful people, put all your requests in the comments below, have a great week and I'll see you all on Friday. If you are satisfied with your care please click the thumbs up and share this video.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to How To Cook That I am Ann Reardonand today after so many requests we are makinga Baymax cake from Big Hero 6.You can make just Baymax or you can make Hirotoo, I'll show you how to both of them forthis one.The first thing you'll need to do is bakesix 20cm cakes, and I am using my rich chocolatecake, you can find the recipe and the videofor that on the websiteon the Baymax blog post.And there you can also get the template forthis cake, you'll need to print that and cutit out.Once your cakes are cooled level off the topsusing a knife or a cake leveler and then we''reready to start.Take the circle template that's numbered 1and place it over the cake.Then using a serrated knife cut around thetemplate.Now a standing up cake like this one is goingto need some structure to hold it up.And when we made the Minion cake I showedyou how to use a wooden cake board and supportsand you can use that for this too and that'swhat I would suggest you use.But some people asked what can you do if youdon't have a drill so this time I'm usinga purchased plastic support system to testit out.The pieces slot together they don't screwso I suspect it won't be strong enough fora cake this big but we'll try anyway.I've put it to one side of the cake boardbecause we want room for Hiro but if you'rejust making Baymax then you can put your supportin the middle instead.Make a hole in the centre of your cake forthe support rod to go through, and do thesame with your next cake, we haven't cut thatone it's just a 20cm cake.Put some of your frosting on top and I'm usinga mixture of buttercream and white chocolateganache for this and then place them ontothe cake support.Then because these cake supports are pre-madeto set heights we'll have to cut a thin layerof cake to build it up to the next layer ofsupport.If you are using your own and you're usingthe wooden ones then you can just put thesupports where it works with the cakes.Add that thinner layer of cake followed bythat next support.and then add another cake.The reason why you need the piece of supportin the middle there is that otherwise theweight of the cake would just squash it down.Hold up your body template and check whereyou are up to, add another cake on top.And then once you are up to the top one thencut out the circle number 5 so that you'vegot that smaller circle.Put a hole through the middle and add it tothe top.Place the body template in front of the cakeand cut around that Baymax shape that you'vegot there.Turn your cake 90 degrees so your lookingat the other side of it and using that sametemplate cut it around so that you've cutoff the extra cake.This will leave you with a shape like this,it's rounded on four sides and then kind ofa bit square on the others so you need touse a knife and just carve it to match itso that it's smooth and rounded the wholeway around, a bit like a Mister Potatohead.Place the side template over one side of thecake and we want to flatten out the area onthe front chest.So he's got like a big belly and a bit flatterin the chest area.Now take a spatula and cover the whole cakein a thin layer of frosting.And the frosting recipe is one the websitetoo.And this is getting pretty wobbly, I'd suggestonly use these pre-made systems if you'redoing a small cake and if you're doing somethingbig like this spend your money on buying adrill instead and make your own support.You could of course make him sitting downas well if you'd rather do that.Take some of the cake that you trimmed offand crumble it up.Then add some frosting and mix it through.We are going to use this mixture to make hislegs.Roll it into a fat cylinder shape, place iton the leg template and then shape it theright size, just squashing and reshaping itthere.Repeat that on the other leg, then make andindent for your middle support rod becausewhen we put those legs on we want them closetogether so that it hides that support.Add the legs into place, just adjust the heightas you need to make them fit properly.And once you are happy with them, take themoff the cake and put them on a plate in thefridge.I like to put the whole cake in the fridgetoo for that first layer of frosting to firmup.While that is in the fridge we are going tomake Hiro's face so grab the face templateand roll a ball of fondant.Then using the palms of your hands roll itnarrower at one end for the chin.So that it is the same size as the one onthe template.Then take a chunk of fondant and place itunderneath some baking paper under the backof the head or the back of the chin area tosupport it.Line up the bottom of his chin with the templatethen at the level of the bottom of his nosemake an indent going across.Then using the pointy end push up to makea nostril and then do that again to make theother one.Once you've got those use the two little fingersand push either side.Now this is making thebridge of his nose and it's also making theindent at the top there for his eye area soyou can start to see where the eyebrows aregoing to be.Then use your tool to help you define thesides of his nostrils and across the top ofthe nose to make a cute little button nose.Once you are happy with that, cut a pieceoff a drinking straw and cut it up the middleso that you can open up the straw.Use that to make a cut where his mouth is.Pull open the bottom of the mouth and thenlift up the top lip, in most people if youlook side-on you'll see the top lip is comingforward a bit from where the nose is.Then close his mouth and make an indent downfrom the side of his mouth down his chin,just a little one, then push this up and smoothit out to make his bottom lip.Now for his eyes, his eyes are shut becausehe's giving Baymax a big hug.Just define the brow a little more and makesure it's angled downwards angle like on thetemplate and then roll two tiny balls of fondantmaking them slightly teardrop shaped towardsthe outside of the eye.And then just place them into place and oncethey're there just adjust it a bit to makesure they are the same spot, you don't wantone higher than the other.Take some black gel food colour and a smallpaintbrush.And it's a good idea to have a scrap of fondantthat you can just brush on and practice onto make sure it's going to look right.And then paint on his eyebrows going downwardsjust like we've got on the template there.Now carefully draw a little line going acrossthe eyelid so that we can see that his eyesare shut and that's the line where they'reshut.Use a little bit of pink luster dust on adry paintbrush just to brighten up his cheeks.Now for his ears roll a little ball of fondant,squash it on one side and poke a hole in itand put that into place.Now ears generally go from the eye level tothe mouth level so just pop that on the sideof the head lining up there.And repeat that on the other side.Place a cake pop stick down the middle sothat we can hold him by that without squashinghis face while we do his hair in a minute.Now for his legs.Roll some fondant onto two cake pop sticksand keep rolling it around until you get itnice and skinny at the ankles.I'd suggest making these fondant details,his face and his legs, at least a couple ofdays ahead so they can dry out and be firmwhen you are adding them to the cake.I'm not doing that today because I'm gettingit all filmed for you in one day but if youare making it yourself then definitely doit ahead.By now your cake should be ready for a secondcoat of frosting, cover it over with morefrosting.Now the first coat we did is called a crumbcoat and what that does is it catches allthe crumbs so this second coat is nice andclean.Once you've covered it take some acetate orthin plastic, curve it and run it up the sidesof the cake to smooth it.Now we want to wrap the whole cake in fondant,and I am going to make the join at the frontof mine because Hiro will be covering mostof that.If you're not making Hiro then you'll wantto make your join at the back.Put the fondant on the cake like a coat wrappingit around, then just lift and place it there,smoothing it out just lift and smooth untilyou've got it joining at the front.Squeeze those two parts of fondant togetherand then trim of some of the excess from aroundthe base and smooth the fondant around thebody.Trim a bit more off the join and squeeze togetherthose pieces and then trim it off nice andclose and rub it to smooth down.Now cover the legs in a thin coat of buttercreamand wrap them up in fondant a bit like youare wrapping up a present.Squeeze it up on the top and trim off theexcess.Then add the legs into place pushing themin to hide that central support.Now back to Hiros legs.Roll a cylinder of brown fondant the sizeof this pants leg.And then trim off the skin fondant at aboutknee height.Now make a hole in the base of the pants,just making that big so that it's thin aroundthe edge and add the leg into the middle.Because he is leaning forward to hug Baymaxthe excess fabric should be swinging out atthe front of his legs so just push it to oneside.Now make a line down one side of the leg andadd fabric creases going down from that line.Next add some little hem stitching marks aroundthe edge.To make the pocket cut a strip the width shownon the template then cut another two reallythin strips and place them along the sideedge of the pocket.Just use a little bit of water to make themstick on there.Then trim it across the top and base to makeit the right height.Then cut another strip and place it acrossthe top.Now use a toothpick to make stitching linesand you have a very neat pocket.We want to roughen it up a bit so it looksa bit more like it is fabric so it flows andhas some curves rather than exact straightlines.Then use a little bit of water and addit into place.For his shoe roll an oval of black and flattenit out at the toe end and then trim the heelcutting straight down using a knife.Make a hole where his foot should go intothe shoe and then continue to shape it sothat it matches the template.Now use a knife to cut out a little triangleon each side so you're defining where thetongue of the shoe is separated from the backof the shoe.Place it onto some white fondant that you'verolled out and cut around it to make the soleof the shoe.Use your fingers to smooth around the edgeso that you don't have any rough bits.Put a tiny bit of water on the front and thenadd some really thinly rolled white fondantacross the top front bit of the shoe there.And then lift up the shoe and using a knifecut around the white just above the sole soyou got a line of black going around there.Then draw a line down the side with a kniferight down where the tongue goes or wherethe sides come up.And then roll a super thin flat snake of whitefondant and use a skewer to poke it into theshoe, take it across the shoe and poke itin again on the other side.Then back acrosstowards us again and then poke it in againso you are adding the shoe laces up the boot.Once you get to the top make a loop and pushit into the middle, then another loop andpush it in and then just pull those loopsdown so they're hanging down and it coversthe hole.For his hands, we want to roll a snake offondant and make it thinner at the wrist.Flatten out the hand part and cut out a triangleso that we have his thumb a bit separate fromhis fingers.Now make three cuts for his fingers.Using your knife gently push to round thetops off, we don't want square fingers.Then with your knife gently indent the topsof his fingers in the middle about at thelevel where his knuckles would be.And then make an indent for his finger nailsas well and you can use a straw for this.Now make a snake of white for his shirt andmake a hole at one end just like we did whenwe were making his pants.Trim the arm a little bit shorter and makethat end pointy and place it into the sleeve.Using your template on the side of the bodysee where the oval of grey goes on Baymax'sbody and put that into place.Then again checking with your template addHiro's arm.Now most of his arm is lost under Baymax'sbig soft body so just squash it down and trimit off.Add an oval of grey to his leg and then addthat again on the other side and add the otheroval of grey and the other hand and make sureyou add the badge to his chest.Realistically there is no way that Hiro'sarms are this long, they couldn't reach allthe way around but we're going to make itlook like what it looks like in the movie.Roll out some bright blue fondant thinly anduse it to cover the base board.Because Baymax is so white it is nice to addsome colour here to brighten up the cake.Now for Hiro's hair.Use the template to cut out what the backof his hair.Cut the top jagged too just so we don't havea straight line there and add it on.Now helooks a bit like he's got a very recedinghair line, don't worry we'll fix that.Cut some jagged strips for around the sideand place them on one at a time around thefront of the head.Now don't forget that one one big chunk ofhair that comes down between his eyes.For his t-shirt roll a cylinder of red thenflatten it out so it is a bit more box like.Then bend the top around for the top of hisarms reaching up and then split the top intotwo.Add a cake pop to the side of the cake atthe level where you want Hiro's head to sit.Remove the upright stick from his head andthen add his head into place.In hindsight I've done this the hard way around,I should have started with the feet insteadof with his head.You can do it the other way.Now place his red shirt on using a littlewater to hold it into place.And flatten out the arms onto the side ofthe cake.Now if you don't have any helpers and you'vegone head down to feet like I did you canuse a cup to support the body while it sticksonto the cake.Add a few more bits of black hair to the topof his head and add in the legs.Yes it definitely would of been easier tostart with the legs, I don't know what I wasthinking.And now roll a ball of white to make Baymax'shead and shape it to match the template.Cut out two eyes and roll a tiny snake.Add the snake and then add the eyes.Then use two cake pop sticks to hold the headinto place.Now do the same thing with the arms.You can make these out of rice krispies likeI showed you how to do with the Hulk fiston the Avengers cake so that they're not tooheavy for the side of the cake.Add another oval to Baymax's elbow and hisother arm and some fingers onto the back ofHiro's head.Then add a little bit more hair, like a tuftof hair going over the top of his fingersand it's done.Baymax is giving Hiro a big hug.Now my top tips for this cake, are use a strongercake stand and definitely let your fondanthead and legs dry out completely for a coupleof days before adding them to the cake.Subscribe to How To Cook That for more cakes,chocolate and desserts.All the recipes and templates are on the howtocookthat.netwebsite.Click here for last week's fruity meringuerecipe and the chance to win a golden ticketcompetition and here for the rest of my videos.This cake was requested by Catherine, Emma,Jawoxo I think that's how you say it and allthese other wonderful people, put all yourrequests in the comments below, have a greatweek and I'll see you all on Friday.If you are satisfied with your care pleaseclick the thumbs up and share this video.\n"