Connecting the Ducting System: A Step-by-Step Guide
When it comes to creating an efficient and effective air system, connecting the ducting pieces is crucial. In this article, we will walk through the process of lining up two pieces that need to connect, aiming the output towards the outer wall, and solving common problems that may arise during the process.
To start, we need to line up the two pieces of ducting that require connection. One piece has a tapered end, which makes it easy to slide into place with another piece. However, in this case, one of the pieces had to be cut down short. Fortunately, the elbows on both pieces have a taper, making it easier to align them together. The author used a cut-off wheel on a grinder to make precise cuts.
The blower being used runs on 1/10 horsepower and pulls only 8 amps, which makes it suitable for this project. To test its effectiveness, the author plugged in the blower and pulled out some sawdust along the ducting. The result was impressive, with the blower drawing air all the way to the front of the system.
To further improve the system, a Y-connector with a blast gate was added. This allowed the author to hook up their laser, which creates an exhaust that needs to be sent outside. By using this setup, the author could plumb the laser into the same system as the blower. The final connection was made into the reduction box on the back of the paint booth, and the system was ready for testing.
The test results were promising, with the blower working efficiently and drawing in plenty of air. However, there was one issue that needed to be addressed: a large hole had to be drilled in the brick wall to allow the dryer vent to exit. The author used a masonry hole saw, which has a diamond tip that is designed to cut through brick and mortar. Despite some initial difficulties, the author managed to drill a pilot hole all the way through and then use a reciprocating saw to clear out the plywood behind.
However, when the dryer vent was inserted, it became apparent that there were some issues with the brickwork on the outside of the wall. The author had not thought through how the hole would interact with the protruding bricks and would need to seal up the gaps later. To solve this problem, the author replaced the four-inch pipe with six-inch pipe, which created a larger diameter input that could draw more air.
The result was significant, with the blower working much better than before. The author tested the system again using spray paint, held their breath, and walked around the shop to see if they could smell the fumes. To their surprise, they couldn't detect any odors in the entire shop except right near the baffle where the paint was being applied.
In conclusion, creating an air system like this requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following these steps and solving common problems along the way, you can create a efficient and effective system that works well for your specific needs. Whether you're working on a small project or a large-scale installation, these tips and tricks will help you achieve success.
Using Larger Diameter Pipe
If you need a larger diameter input to draw more air into your system, be aware that there are options available. Six-inch pipe worked well in this instance, but you may need to go up to eight-inch or even twelve-inch pipe depending on your specific requirements. It's essential to choose the right size of pipe for your needs to ensure optimal performance.
Using a Metal Flexible Hose
In some cases, it may be easier to use a metal flexible hose instead of trying to cut pieces to fit and align them perfectly. The author found this to be true in their experience, as they were able to slide the hose into place with ease. This solution can save time and effort, especially if you're working on a complex system.
Tips for Drilling Holes
Drilling holes in brick or mortar can be challenging, but there are some tips and tricks that can make the process easier. Using a masonry hole saw is essential, as it is designed to cut through these materials safely and efficiently. It's also crucial to take your time and work carefully when drilling to avoid damaging the surrounding area.
Sealing Gaps
One of the challenges of creating an air system like this is sealing gaps and holes in the brickwork. The author encountered this issue when trying to connect the dryer vent, but was able to solve it by replacing the four-inch pipe with six-inch pipe. It's essential to take care when drilling and clearing out areas to avoid creating more problems than you solve.
Creating an air system like this requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a willingness to problem-solve. By following these steps and using the right materials, you can create a efficient and effective system that works well for your specific needs. Whether you're working on a small project or a large-scale installation, these tips and tricks will help you achieve success.