Welcome to Field Prep, I'm Matt Field, professional Formula Drift driver, except that was my 2017 car. This year, we're building a 2013 Chevrolet Corvette. Welcome to our workshop, where we're gonna be working with some of the wiring and electronic stuff; I have to mount the MoTeC PDMs; gotta figure out the actual components to the wiring.
The clock is ticking, and we're gonna have a ton to do. Stay tuned! I hope you enjoy this episode. We've got most of all the wiring figured out, but there's still plenty to learn. Let's get started!
First things first, we need to mount the MoTeC PDMs. These are the brain of our car's electronics system, and they require careful installation to ensure everything works properly. I'll start by mounting the main unit on the engine compartment wall.
As I work, I'll make sure to document every step of the process so that others can learn from my experiences. After all, that's what Field Prep is all about – sharing knowledge and expertise with our community.
Now that the main unit is in place, it's time to connect up the wiring. This is where things get a bit more complicated, but don't worry, I've got everything under control. I'll make sure to label every connection so that anyone else can easily follow along.
But before we start connecting the wires, let's take a step back and look at the overall layout of our engine compartment. We need to make sure that everything is organized and easy to access.
Now, where were we? Ah yes, connecting the wiring. This is where things get a bit tricky, but with patience and attention to detail, we should be able to get it all sorted out.
As I work on the wiring, I'm also thinking about how we're going to breathe life into our valve covers. It's an important part of keeping our engine clean and efficient, and we need to make sure we do it correctly.
I've been studying the specs for my new intake manifold, which is plumbed for direct port nitrous. This means that I'll need to run two breather lines – one to the oil tank and another to the valve cover. It's a bit of a challenge, but I'm up for it!
Now, let's talk about how we're going to handle the Nitrous Express system. We need to make sure that everything is properly connected and configured so that our car runs smoothly and efficiently.
As I work on the wiring and electronics, I'm also thinking about the overall look of our engine compartment. We want it to be clean and tidy, with all the components neatly organized.
Now, where were we? Ah yes, the Nitrous Express system. This is where things get a bit more complicated, but with patience and attention to detail, we should be able to get it all sorted out.
But before we start, let's take a step back and look at what we've accomplished so far. We've mounted the MoTeC PDMs, connected the wiring, and started working on our valve covers. It's been a busy few days, but I'm proud of what we've achieved.
Now, it's time to start wrapping things up and preparing for our next project. We've got a lot to do before the racing season starts, and I want to make sure everything is perfect.
As I look around our workshop, I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. We've worked hard to get to this point, and I know that when it's all said and done, we'll have created something truly special.
So, what do you guys think? Have you enjoyed this week's episode of Field Prep? Let me know in the comments!
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- What up, guys.I'm Matt Field, professionalFormula Drift driver,except that, was my 2017 car.This year, we're buildinga 2013 Chevrolet Corvette.Welcome to Field Prep.We're gonna be workingwith some of the wiringand electronic stuff; I haveto mount the MoTeC PDMs;gotta figure out the actualcomponents to the wiring.So, the clock is ticking, andwe're gonna have a ton to do.Stay tuned. I hope you enjoy this episode.We've got most of all thewiring things figured out.So we're gonna start figuring out whereto place our PDMs.These are really, reallycool because this takes placeof all the relays in a car.So you have your inputs andyour outputs and basicallyyou run the outputs ofthese to the things that youwant to turn on, and there'sall kinds of sick parametersthat you can put, turn ondoing this at this point,all this stuff, stuff that'sway, way out of my workingrange of my brain, but Iknow we gotta place themand I can definitely do that.Drilled my first hole,gonna put the one end there,so then I can smashand mark the other one.And then after that I'llprobably start drilling the holein the firewall for the bulkhead fitting.This car already camewith a crap ton of Rivnutsand I see people's commentstalking about investing inRivnut stock,you got it.(upbeat music)Crap, I stripped a bolt.I stripped the bolt thatI was using to rev nut,now I gotta get it out.I'm gonna try to getit out with vise grips.(upbeat music)Dead.There she goes.We're back in business.(upbeat music)Alright, so now I'm gonna putit in, make sure all of thesebolts line up, hopefully.When I go to install this forthe final time I'll have thesereally small rubber washersthat are meant for thesefive mil bolts.Probably put it in betweenthe PDM unit and the chassis,so it gets a little bit of insulation.I don't know if it needs it atall, it might just be a wasteof time, but I think it lookscool, or I think it's doingsomething cool.Got something pretty coolhere, steering angle sensor.This connects to the AiMdigital dash, which is the dataacquisition software andunit that I use for the car.What you do is you mount thisup somewhere, wrap it aroundyour steering shaft, andas you turn left and right,the sting moves in and outand that actually shows,and plots on data, your steering angle.I broke a lot of these with theS14 because the one downsideto this is it goes thislong, and that's it.So if you overextend it,you rip it and you break itand then it's screwed andyou gotta get a new one,and then they're always not thefunnest things to change outbecause they're right on the firewall.But, I wanna make it easier to change outand I wanna make it sothey don't break anymore.So I figured out exactly wherethe steering angle sensoris gonna go.This is where I'm thinking ofmounting it, since there's anice flat place righthere on the firewall.And, of course, you guessedit, more Rivnuts right intothe firewall.And I figured out how I'mgonna attach it to thesteering shaft because thepull cable needs to wrap aroundthe steering shaft.I've got this little shorty five mil bolt.I'm gonna weld this to thesteering shaft and then thiseyelet's gonna loop over thatwith a nut and I just kindawrapped it around and figuredout the right locationthat it needs to be in.So now I gotta go aheadand pull the whole steeringshaft out, take weld that, putthe sheering shaft back in,then check it all, and mountthe steering angle sensorto the firewall.(upbeat music)I've got it marked whereI wanna weld on that stud,that bolt right here.So I'll go ahead and weldit, put it back in again.(upbeat music)Got the steering shaft together.It's kinda pain in the ass.That joint right there,its splines are just likeso perfectly, you gottaget it perfectly lined up,and I'm like hanging upside down.It's just, wasn't working well.I'm at steering angle sensor now.(upbeat music)So, to hook this thing up, thisis obviously gonna go aroundand come on here, but whatwe wanna do is turn itall the way to the left andthen it's gonna hit full lock.Then, I will attach this right here.That way I know, when I goright all the way, the stringis gonna wrap up and I'mstill gonna know that I havethis much slack left in it,so it's never gonna max it outthis way, or max it out that way.Alright, let's see if it works.Alright, that's full lockand we still have some slack.We're good.Got the bulk head that'sgonna go through the firewall.This is what our engineharness is gonna pass through.Gotta drill it.I just went and picked up someM4 hardware for it so that itcan be bolted into the firewall.You can see we already have it marked up.I'm going for this hole,that was just a test holeto see where it came throughon the firewall and whereit poked through, but our hole sawis gonna take care of that.So I just gotta hole saw it,I'll smooth it, and then drillthe four holes.There she blows!So and inch and a half holesaw is perfect for this.But you can see it's got thelittle nuvs that the lockingcar locks on, so I'm gonnahave to go ahead and hit thatwith a file in a couple littleplaces so that this justslides through, cause it's a little tight.Alright!So, I'm gonna put this in,test it out, see how it lookson the other side.(upbeat music)Been figuring out what I'mgonna do to breathe the valvecovers into the oil tank.A.R.E. says that you haveto either T the valve coverstogether, or run themboth to the oil tank here.This is where the valve covers go.So I've been trying to figureout what's going on here.And Nitrous Express has sentme my new intake manifoldthat's plumbed for thedirect port nitrous.But since it's not here andI'm trying to figure out wherethis dash ten line, crossoverbreather line is gonna go,and like looking at picturesand figuring out how far it'sgonna go and like laying stuff down.So I figured out whereI'm putting stuff onthe valve cover, finally.I'm gonna weld a half in. PTbung into this valve cover.A half end PT to two dash tenfitting is gonna screw in hereand then two valvecovers are gonna connectlike you saw before.So I'm gonna go ahead and weld this up.I cleaned it.Then I'll put the valvecover back on, make sure thatthat lines are gonna be good,and then weld the dash tendirectly opposite onthe other valve cover.(upbeat music)Alright!So now I just need to figureout where directly across is,so that I can weld this, dashten bung, cause we're gonnacome out with the straightfitting, go into our Tright here, that T isgonna thread in there,these are gonna run together.I just really hope it clearsall the Nitrous stuff.(upbeat music)Alright, I just prepped thetwo surfaces, filed it clean,chamfered it, got this cleaned.This is actually a prettycool thing that I figured outa little while back of how tohold this centered on the holecause sometimes if you dostart to weld, or you touch itwith the rod, it'll move or whatever.So you get a centering punch.Put the centering punch inthere, clipped it on there.Then you know it's centeredon your hole and if you do jabit with the rod a littlebit, whatever, it won't move.Let's weld it up.(upbeat music)Great, now this looks like death.Guess it was the tungsten thatI was using wasn't liking it.I switched back to that purpleE3 stuff and it doesn't lookthe greatest now that I hadto go over this part thatexploded, but at least itdoesn't look like total hell.I hate that.Something that's like on topof the motor that you're gonnasee and now it's gonnabe that way for life!I hope you guys enjoyedthis week's episode.Check back in next week.Like, comment, share, subscribe.Let us know what you think.Uh!