It's Almost Cheating! XTRFY M4 Gaming Mouse Review

The M4RGB: A Gaming Mouse that Exceeds Expectations

As I received my invitation to review this mouse, I knew it was going to be an exciting experience. The mouse in question is the M4RGB, and I must say, it has set a new standard for gaming mice in my book. This mouse is considered one of the top three game mice in my entire collection, and for good reason.

The design of this mouse is where things start to get interesting. It's made with a tough frame by Thermal Take, which is also paired with a discrete built-in logo and premium heat spreaders. The mouse has a unique addressable LED system that offers super brightness compatibility with all the usual motherboard software, including customizable colors and voice control through Amazon Alexa.

One of the standout features of this mouse is its ergonomic design. It fits my grip and play style perfectly, making it incredibly comfortable to use for extended periods. I've found myself enjoying games more since switching to this mouse, thanks to the improved comfort and performance.

In terms of speed, the M4RGB delivers with speeds between 3040-400 megahertz. This is a significant improvement over some of the other gaming mice on the market. The mouse also comes in different color options, including retro style, which I absolutely love. While it's not clear how popular the blue and pink bottles will be, I do appreciate that there are no glossy versions available.

The included keycaps are another great feature of this mouse. One grey GG keycap is paired with a colored piece that matches the mouse perfectly. These keycaps may not be DBT (Dexter Bolt Technology), but they add value to the overall package. The see-through shell, while not new, does offer an ergonomic advantage.

The body of the mouse weighs in at 69 grams, which isn't the lightest on the block. However, this is more than made up for by the ergonomic design and ambient spill on the inside. There's also a nice Easter egg hidden within the mouse, complete with extra fight text. The front LED illuminates the surface, making it easy to spot all five mice when they're lined up.

Unfortunately, not every aspect of this mouse is perfect. The cable, for example, feels slightly weaker than the competition. While the sleeve isn't as flexible as some other mice on the market, the color-matched body itself makes up for this. One thing that does set this mouse apart from others is its completely driverless approach. It's a true plug-and-play experience that I genuinely appreciate.

One feature that would have taken this mouse to the next level was surface tuning. The ability to customize liftoff distance and adjust settings according to individual preferences would have made this an absolute winner in my book. However, the default setting is still pretty low, which may not be ideal for everyone.

In terms of performance, the M4RGB delivers consistently across the board. The shape of the mouse is ergonomic and small, making it an excellent choice for those with smaller hands. I love how comfortable this mouse feels in comparison to other models like the Razer Viper or Model O. One standout feature is the ability to easily claw the mouse, thanks to a well-designed thumb area.

The scroll wheel on this mouse is also worth mentioning. It features a grippy texture and lots of controlled muted steps, making it easy to navigate through menus without getting lost in the heat of battle. The primary triggers are crispy and fast, with side buttons that have a soft feel but more pre-travel than other mice I've tried.

The 3389 sensor used by this mouse is top-notch, delivering exceptional performance even at high speeds. This, combined with the ergonomic design and comfortable shape, has made this mouse an absolute pleasure to game with. For me, it's been instrumental in getting back into CS:GO after a bit of a hiatus. The feel of spray control, flicking around, and finding my targets is unparalleled.

One aspect that might have surprised me was how much I enjoyed the retro-style model. At first, I thought it would be too small for my hand size, but it fits perfectly. The cable could be slightly softer, especially when compared to the competition, but with a bungee cord, this becomes negligible.

Overall, I highly recommend this mouse to anyone looking for an exceptional gaming experience. It may not have every feature under the sun, but it delivers where it matters most: performance and comfort.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enso you receive an invitation that meansplay your choice of mouse is damnimportant since only you can satisfyit's time to XTRFY man XTRFYdeserve some credit with this one the M4RGB what an amazing entry into thisvery exciting yet competitive my segmentthis is now in my top three game mice inmy entire Mouse collection because itfits my grip and play style perfectlywe've all been therelooking at our ram thinking what aweakling well no longer introducingtough frame by thermal take the toughestRAM around with a discrete built-in logoand premium heat spreaders design thetoughest addressable LED system withsuper brightness compatibility with allthe usual motherboard software evenraise a chroma and voice control throughAmazon Alexa available in the toughestcapacities of 16 gigabytes per kit withspeeds between 3040 400 megahertzconsidered the tough frame RGB linkbelow alright so the price is bang-on at$59 for the black model and $5 extra forthe other four color options with thisretro style being my favorite I'm notsure how popular the blue and pinkbottles will be and notice there is noglossy version available but hopefullythis sets off a trend so we can see morefun color options in the future fromother brands I do love the included keycaps one grey GG and the other colormatched piece with the extra finethrough these are not DBT but Iappreciate the value add the see-throughshell is nothing new obviously the holepunch design gives us a 69 gram bodythat isn't the lightest on the block butthe ergonomic advantage is what willsell this thing the ambient spill on theinside looks quite unique plus the extrafight text there's a nice Easter egg andthe front LED illuminates the surface tohaving all five mice on hand let's betest for quality consistency as previousbatches we're exhibiting a lot ofcreaking when you're flexing the bodyfor the models are perfectly fine online and only the retro style the oneI'm using exhibits a lot of creakingit's the worst copy out of all fiveit seems the left button all mice has abit of play while the right button staysput this doesn't affect gameplay in anyway but it's still worth mentioning thecable is probably the weakest featurehere the sleeve is not as flexible asthe competition and there is a tinythickness difference between the colorsalthough it's nice that the cable iscolor matched to the body itself now theone thing that separates this Mouseversus everything else that peoplelooked at is a completely driverlessapproach it's a true plug-and-play whichis kind of refreshing and I don't careabout creating macros on my mouse so youcan cycle between a dpi profiles withthe button at the bottom all arecolor-coded I play at 400 dpi so for methis is perfect you can change thepolling rate with another slider at thebottom and you cycle between colors andeffects with the button combo it's atrue set-and-forgetapproach I appreciate the basics and theonly thing that's missing here thatwould be normally found on my switchsoftware is some form of surface tuningthat lets you customize liftoff distancebut here at the m4 does not jump aroundwhen it's being placed down on thesurface after strong flick or beingpicked up around the mouse mat theliftoff distance is pretty lowby default the feet are 100% PTFE or thereplacement set included in the box theglide is smooth but not as good as theRazer viper or the model Oand the reason why this thing is in mytop three now is because of the shapeit's like a more ergonomic and smallerrival 310 that I used for years love thecurvature for the thumb and the rightside is perfectly shaped to support myring and pinky fingers the top hump isnot too aggressive and it's well suitedfor my hybrid grip plus the more angularand lower front section is just morecomfortable to grip versus the model oor the Razer Viper I also feel like youcan claw this one easily the scrollwheel is awesome with grippy texture andlots of controlled muted scroll stepsthe primary triggers are crispy and fastside buttons are tactile with the softending but have more pre-travelthan any of my other mice in mycollectionand combine all that with a performancesensor the 3389 we have a winningpackage that has been an absolutepleasure to game with it's because ofthis mouse I've been training more andgetting back into csgo just feel morecomfortable with spray control findingmy targets flicking around and after abit of hiatus it's nice to get back intoshape with acceptable performance atleast what I would consider to beacceptableso the extra fiim for RGB honestlysurprised me I did not expect to likethe shape so much I thought I'd be toosmall for me given its an Ergo Mouse butfor my hand size it fits me perfectlythe cable is the only weakness pointhere that could be slightly softerespecially compared to the competitionbut with a bungee it's not a problemhighly recommend this one thanks so muchfor watching check out links for all themice in the description below includingmy top 5 I'll talk to you guys in thenext week\n"