RIUT Bag Review _ Rucksack Revolution (R10 & R15)

**The Riot Name: Revolutionizing Personal Safety**

The Riot Name stands for Revolution in personal safety, and its story is one that has garnered admiration from users around the world. Inventing this product was not an easy feat, but it's clear that the team behind it shares a passion for creating innovative solutions to everyday problems.

**Comfortable and Durable**

One of the standout features of The Riot Name is its comfort level. As the user explained, it's designed to be worn on your back with no issues, providing all-day comfort without any hassle. This was achieved by adjusting the straps to a lower position, making it feel more secure and snug against the body.

**Adjustable Comfort**

The Riot Name also features adjustable straps that allow users to customize their fit. As the user pointed out, once you start using it as you normally would, it becomes even more comfortable, with no complaints or issues arising from its use.

**Innovative Design**

What sets The Riot Name apart is its innovative design philosophy. According to the user, "it's just a bloody good idea." This simplicity belies the complexity of its creation, but it's clear that the team has put a lot of thought into what makes this product tick.

**Purpose and Functionality**

The Riot Name was designed to be used as a backpack for anyone who wants to feel safer when out and about. It's perfect for individuals who want to protect themselves without feeling weighed down by bulky or cumbersome gear. Whether you're looking for added security on your daily commute or simply want to take some basic precautions, The Riot Name is the perfect companion.

**Value and Investment**

While The Riot Name may be a bit pricey, its creators believe it's worth every penny. With proper care, this backpack can last for a long time, potentially saving you money in the long run. If you've ever had to replace your backpack due to theft or wear and tear, you'll appreciate the value that The Riot Name offers.

**Practical Applications**

So, when might you need a product like The Riot Name? Perhaps you're someone who travels frequently, always on the move with no fixed address. Or maybe you're simply looking for an added layer of security while walking home from work or running errands around town. Whatever your situation, The Riot Name is designed to be versatile and adaptable.

**User Feedback**

The user asked the audience a question: "Would you buy one?" The response would likely be varied, but that's what makes feedback so valuable in any product development process. The creators are eager to hear from users like you, so be sure to check out their links in the description below if you're interested in learning more.


The Riot Name is a testament to innovative design and practical problem-solving. Whether you're looking for added security or simply want a reliable backpack that won't let you down, this product delivers. With its comfortable design, durable materials, and focus on user experience, The Riot Name is sure to become a favorite among those who value their safety and convenience.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enThis is the Riot Bag basically It's aThis is the Riot Bag basically It's aThis is the Riot Bag basically It's abackwards Backpack that has the ZIPbackwards Backpack that has the ZIPbackwards Backpack that has the ZIPAgainst Your Back Rather than facing TheAgainst Your Back Rather than facing TheAgainst Your Back Rather than facing Theoutside Where un sccr individuals Couldoutside Where un sccr individuals Couldoutside Where un sccr individuals CouldOpen it and Take Your Stuff The StoryOpen it and Take Your Stuff The StoryOpen it and Take Your Stuff The StoryBehind this Bag is actually PrettyBehind this Bag is actually PrettyBehind this Bag is actually Prettyinteresting It's the Work ofinteresting It's the Work ofinteresting It's the Work ofentrepreneur and Inventor Sarah gibl Whoentrepreneur and Inventor Sarah gibl Whoentrepreneur and Inventor Sarah gibl Whohaving worked and comm ma Cities likehaving worked and comm ma Cities likehaving worked and comm ma Cities likeLondon and Berlin found that traditionalLondon and Berlin found that traditionalLondon and Berlin found that traditionalbackpacks were Just a bit unsafe It wasbackpacks were Just a bit unsafe It wasbackpacks were Just a bit unsafe It wastoo Easy for criminals to Open the ZIPtoo Easy for criminals to Open the ZIPtoo Easy for criminals to Open the ZIPWhen You weren't looking take out yourWhen You weren't looking take out yourWhen You weren't looking take out yourLaptop take out your valuables Pick pockLaptop take out your valuables Pick pockLaptop take out your valuables Pick pockbasically While You're in the hustle andbasically While You're in the hustle andbasically While You're in the hustle andbustle traveling around the citybustle traveling around the citybustle traveling around the citycommuting to work and On publiccommuting to work and On publiccommuting to work and On publictransport generally so sarah's Solution was totransport generally so sarah's Solution was totransport generally so sarah's Solution was toreinvent the Backpack usingreinvent the Backpack usingreinvent the Backpack usingKickstarter crowdfunding Right Now She'sKickstarter crowdfunding Right Now She'sKickstarter crowdfunding Right Now She'sraisedraisedraised6.74 Pound Which is over Double her6.74 Pound Which is over Double her6.74 Pound Which is over Double herOriginal Goal i actually Met up withOriginal Goal i actually Met up withOriginal Goal i actually Met up withSarah for some t and tech at the 2015 ESarah for some t and tech at the 2015 ESarah for some t and tech at the 2015 Efor tech show in Berlin but It wasfor tech show in Berlin but It wasfor tech show in Berlin but It wasfascinating to hear her talk about Howfascinating to hear her talk about Howfascinating to hear her talk about HowShe brought The Idea to Life uh fromShe brought The Idea to Life uh fromShe brought The Idea to Life uh fromwriting Notes and Coming Up with a Basicwriting Notes and Coming Up with a Basicwriting Notes and Coming Up with a Basichanddrawn design to developing thehanddrawn design to developing thehanddrawn design to developing theproduct partnering with a Factory inproduct partnering with a Factory inproduct partnering with a Factory inChina and finally Ending up uh beingChina and finally Ending up uh beingChina and finally Ending up uh beingable to Sell it as a consumer product soable to Sell it as a consumer product soable to Sell it as a consumer product soyeah having the ZIP facing backwards Mayyeah having the ZIP facing backwards Mayyeah having the ZIP facing backwards Maynot Sound like It's Going to change thenot Sound like It's Going to change thenot Sound like It's Going to change theworld but report suggest that While Pigworld but report suggest that While Pigworld but report suggest that While Pigpocking May not be quite as Common quitepocking May not be quite as Common quitepocking May not be quite as Common quiteAS prevalent AS We Might think we areAS prevalent AS We Might think we areAS prevalent AS We Might think we areall worried about it It's Something thatall worried about it It's Something thatall worried about it It's Something thatWe All do Fear and It's a combination ofWe All do Fear and It's a combination ofWe All do Fear and It's a combination ofbeing physically much Harder for Anyonebeing physically much Harder for Anyonebeing physically much Harder for Anyoneto actually Steal Stuff out your bag andto actually Steal Stuff out your bag andto actually Steal Stuff out your bag andthe resul mental reassurance uh Whichthe resul mental reassurance uh Whichthe resul mental reassurance uh Whichgives People that the valuables are Safegives People that the valuables are Safegives People that the valuables are SafeWhich has the biggest Impact really SoWhich has the biggest Impact really SoWhich has the biggest Impact really Sothat's The Story Behind it with prethat's The Story Behind it with prethat's The Story Behind it with preorders Now open for a worldwide Juneorders Now open for a worldwide Juneorders Now open for a worldwide June2016 Launch is the Riot Bag any good2016 Launch is the Riot Bag any good2016 Launch is the Riot Bag any goodWell it Comes in Two models The 79 R10Well it Comes in Two models The 79 R10Well it Comes in Two models The 79 R10and 89 R15 with 10 and 15 l capacitiesand 89 R15 with 10 and 15 l capacitiesand 89 R15 with 10 and 15 l capacitiesrespectively both models fit a fullrespectively both models fit a fullrespectively both models fit a full15-inch Laptop so The Size you want15-inch Laptop so The Size you want15-inch Laptop so The Size you wantreally Comes down to What you're going to bereally Comes down to What you're going to bereally Comes down to What you're going to beusing It For If Like Me It's Justusing It For If Like Me It's Justusing It For If Like Me It's Justsomething to Chuck your Laptop intosomething to Chuck your Laptop intosomething to Chuck your Laptop intoMaybe a Phone Charger a jacket or coatMaybe a Phone Charger a jacket or coatMaybe a Phone Charger a jacket or coatand a few bits and then you Prob go forand a few bits and then you Prob go forand a few bits and then you Prob go forthe R10 And Just Take That to the officethe R10 And Just Take That to the officethe R10 And Just Take That to the officebut if you want Something Like Anbut if you want Something Like Anbut if you want Something Like Anovernight Bag or something to use on theovernight Bag or something to use on theovernight Bag or something to use on theweekend The R15 Might be a better optionweekend The R15 Might be a better optionweekend The R15 Might be a better optionavailable in Black or Gray I think theavailable in Black or Gray I think theavailable in Black or Gray I think theright Bag actually Looks quite stylishright Bag actually Looks quite stylishright Bag actually Looks quite stylishalthough I must admit i do prefer Thealthough I must admit i do prefer Thealthough I must admit i do prefer TheBlack Color It's fairly typical lookingBlack Color It's fairly typical lookingBlack Color It's fairly typical lookingBackpack uh fairly unum It's Got The riBackpack uh fairly unum It's Got The riBackpack uh fairly unum It's Got The rilogo on the front a Leather Bottom andlogo on the front a Leather Bottom andlogo on the front a Leather Bottom andan array of pouches pockets and Penan array of pouches pockets and Penan array of pouches pockets and Penholders on the Inside As You can seeholders on the Inside As You can seeholders on the Inside As You can seeInside and out It looks reassuringInside and out It looks reassuringInside and out It looks reassuringdurable and capable of protecting yourdurable and capable of protecting yourdurable and capable of protecting yourValues ​​ and your laptops even The isValues ​​and your laptops even The isValues ​​and your laptops even The iswaterproof the straps and stitching too are quitewaterproof the straps and stitching too are quitewaterproof the straps and stitching too are quitesturdy I've used this R10sturdy I've used this R10sturdy I've used this R10model for a few weeks Now I've never hadmodel for a few weeks Now I've never hadmodel for a few weeks Now I've never hadAny issues uh With It at all despiteAny issues uh With It at all despiteAny issues uh With It at all despitecarrying quite a few Heavy Thingscarrying quite a few Heavy Thingscarrying quite a few Heavy ThingsSometimes in terms of Comfort It is aSometimes in terms of Comfort It is aSometimes in terms of Comfort It is aBackpack You Can't really go too FarBackpack You Can't really go too FarBackpack You Can't really go too Farwrong but putting It On for the firstwrong but putting It On for the firstwrong but putting It On for the firsttime I did feel It was a bit rigid and a bittime I did feel It was a bit rigid and a bittime I did feel It was a bit rigid and a bituncomfortable but All I did All I had touncomfortable but All I did All I had touncomfortable but All I did All I had todo was adjust the straps uh so It wasdo was adjust the straps uh so It wasdo was adjust the straps uh so It wasSAT on my back a little bit Lower DownSAT on my back a little bit Lower DownSAT on my back a little bit Lower DownAnd also Just Put some things in it soAnd also Just Put some things in it soAnd also Just Put some things in it soit wasn't quite uh so High up basicallyit wasn't quite uh so High up basicallyit wasn't quite uh so High up basicallyAs soon as you use it as you wouldAs soon as you use it as you wouldAs soon as you use it as you wouldnormally it becomes a lot Morenormally it becomes a lot Morenormally it becomes a lot Morecomfortable And got No complaintscomfortable And got No complaintscomfortable And got No complaintswhatever about Comfort and e of use sowhatever about Comfort and e of use sowhatever about Comfort and e of use soThe Riot Name stands For Revolution inThe Riot Name stands For Revolution inThe Riot Name stands For Revolution inuser thinking I really admire Sarah gibluser thinking I really admire Sarah gibluser thinking I really admire Sarah giblFor inventing It and I think The CrowdFor inventing It and I think The CrowdFor inventing It and I think The Crowdfunding Story Behind It is great but atfunding Story Behind It is great but atfunding Story Behind It is great but atIt's Core I think It's Just a BloodyIt's Core I think It's Just a BloodyIt's Core I think It's Just a BloodyGood Idea I think it may be Simple uh itGood Idea I think it may be Simple uh itGood Idea I think it may be Simple uh itMay not necessarily be a tech productMay not necessarily be a tech productMay not necessarily be a tech productBut It's a bit of a Gadget and I think aBut It's a bit of a Gadget and I think aBut It's a bit of a Gadget and I think aworthy Backpack for Anyone Who wants toworthy Backpack for Anyone Who wants toworthy Backpack for Anyone Who wants tofeel a little bit Safer When out andfeel a little bit Safer When out andfeel a little bit Safer When out andabout so Maybe a little bit pricy butabout so Maybe a little bit pricy butabout so Maybe a little bit pricy butHow often do you change or Replace yourHow often do you change or Replace yourHow often do you change or Replace yourBackpack it Maybe worth Just spendingBackpack it Maybe worth Just spendingBackpack it Maybe worth Just spendingthat little bit extra and investing in athat little bit extra and investing in athat little bit extra and investing in abetter One That Will Last you A Longbetter One That Will Last you A Longbetter One That Will Last you A LongTime and Maybe even Save you some MoneyTime and Maybe even Save you some MoneyTime and Maybe even Save you some MoneyIf you were to Otherwise perhaps have aIf you were to Otherwise perhaps have aIf you were to Otherwise perhaps have aLaptop Stolen or Something Stolen from aLaptop Stolen or Something Stolen from aLaptop Stolen or Something Stolen from atraditional Backpack but Let me knowtraditional Backpack but Let me knowtraditional Backpack but Let me knowwhat you think of the right Bag in thewhat you think of the right Bag in thewhat you think of the right Bag in theComments below would you buy One uh doComments below would you buy One uh doComments below would you buy One uh doyou think It's a good Idea Let Me Knowyou think It's a good Idea Let Me Knowyou think It's a good Idea Let Me Knowin the Comments If you want to find outin the Comments If you want to find outin the Comments If you want to find outmore about this And even buy One you canmore about this And even buy One you canmore about this And even buy One you canfind a link in the description belowfind a link in the description belowfind a link in the description belowthank you very much for watching guys ithank you very much for watching guys ithank you very much for watching guys ido hope You've enjoyed this video uhdo hope You've enjoyed this video uhdo hope You've enjoyed this video uhPlease do like uh Share and subscribePlease do like uh Share and subscribePlease do like uh Share and subscribeand hopefully I'll See You Again Rightand hopefully I'll See You Again Rightand hopefully I'll See You Again RightHere on the techchat\n"