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**Web Standard for Closed Captions: Kind and Language**
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Note: Please keep in mind that the original content was not a typical WEBVTT file, but rather a placeholder or metadata. This reorganization is based on my interpretation of its purpose and structure.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- "Paid so much for this PC,and it crashed one week afterthe return window closed.My son is heartbroken.We are unable to fixit. Not sure what to do.Removed by Amazon."Twice now this company hassold me a damaged computer.First one, the graphics wouldn'tregister in the computer,and now my computer won'tregister to the monitor."Crossed out."I'm super irritatedthat my wife can't usethe gaming PC for gamingbecause they sent her a defective PC."Removed.What?It is 2023.And you've seen me get scammedpurposely on many occasions.But this, this, my friends,goes beyond a mere scam.This is fraud.(echoes) This is fraud.(stamp thunders)I, last year, did a videobuilding the cheapestAmazon gaming PC I couldthat was remotely okay.It's like 300 bucks.Fun video, performed well, yada yada yada.So it's 2023, I figure, "Hey,let's do an updated version.See what parts are out there."And so I went on Amazon,typed in gaming PC and started scrollingand kept scrollinguntil I started finding some resultsthat seemed a little odd.Behold, my friends.This holy...- Where's the rest of ya?- Where's the rest? (laughs)This is a system that I paid $500 for.It is advertised gamingPC, gaming PC, gaming PC.And look what you get with your gaming PC.Okay?So you get yourself an RGB strip.You get yourself a tinylittle graphics card,which is a GTX 7, wait 750?Wait, that's not evenwhat they told me it was.Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on.- The listing does say thatit comes with a GTX 650.- You defrauded them!(Austin laughs)- "Please don't move this label.These video ports are disabled.Use video ports of your video card below."It's just like the crappiest sticker.Like Cool.Matt, no, we B roll this.Oh, okay.- This thing was $500!- Desktop computer,Intel i5, 3.1 gigahertz.Okay, now I'm gonna stop you right there.Intel i5, sounds reasonable,"But what kind of i5?" you might ask.Well, if you scroll down,and you scroll down,it's an i5 2400, 10 generations behind.I'm telling you, thesecomponents are basically e-waste.Oh!Aha, they didn't give us the parts at all.It literally immediately pops up.It's an i7 2600, whichis a reasonable step upfrom the i5 that they were promising.Did we get lucky and geta better system this time?Yeah, I'll take an i7and a slightly newer GPU, theoretically,but you could probably justas easily get a worse one.This stuff is all worth literally nothing.So they don't care whichone they even send you.Let me actually show youwhat I'm talking about."Cause it's one thingto like talk about it.I'ma open up PC search on Amazon, okay?Ignore the top two sponsor listings.We've got this.Number two is the system that I purchased.This is the Alarco. This is exactly it.This has 2,700 ratings!I didn't see.- Okay, I just wanna makesure you rebooted there.- Hold on, I'm gonna conservatively saythat one out of what?Maybe 10 people willreview something on Amazon.So they're selling tensof thousands of these.And here's another onein another different casefor the same price.Here's the one that Isupposedly purchased.Another one that I supposedly purchased.You know what I thinkis going on right now,is that there are a coupleof companies like Alarco,who clearly are the most successfulfrom, you know, first glance,who've gamed the SEO on Amazon,have owned the gaming PC search.- You think forsomeone who doesn't know PCs,they're gonna look at this$1,500 one, and they go,"Oh my god, that's too expensive."And they go, "Oh, a $500one, it's a little slow.But is it a thousand dollarsslower? I don't know."- It is clear to me thereare shenanigans afoot.Skullduggery abounds.Let me take a minute.Let me build a system for you.Let me show you what $450should actually get youif you have a little bit of timeto actually build a system yourself,and what a modern system should contain.So it's one thing to talkabout the performanceor the lack of performance of the system,but it's another thingto actually show youwhat you're really getting with this.So the first thing I wanna dois get a closer look at the CPU.The advantage of having a large casewith nothing inside is itis very easy to work on.The downside is thatthere's basically no reasonto ever do this because,while this is old,there's actually no realupgrades you could do to this.Not really.This, my friends, isour Intel Core i7 2600.This processor was released12 years ago, 2011.- I think I used thatfor the first gaming PC Iever built in high school.- That, that's made me feel old.Mine was a Pentium III.- You're old.This, my friends, is an AMD Ryzen 7 5700G,and for the low price of $178purchased directly from,this has a massive amount of performancecompared to what you'regetting with the Core i7.So we're gonna go from four cores on thisto eight cores on the Ryzen chip.They're also far newer.They support hyperthreading, and importantly,this also has totallyreasonable integrated graphics.You'll be able to game way betterthan this dedicated graphics card,which is almost 10 years old.Well, how much would Iactually be spending on this?- So on eBay, what's actuallyreally funny is that like,it's actually kind of hardto find those specific parts.Like all the i7 2600s Igot were the K version,which will overclock, 30 bucks on eBay,and then the GTX 750Ti,which is also better,56 on eBay.- Something else I don't understandis they're using a oneterabyte hard drive,which is just stupid.Like I get that you're getting capacity,but like so for my system,I'm using a 500 gigabyte Crucial P3.Not only is this goingto be like legitimately30 times faster than the hard drive,but this also wasn't even that expensive.50 bucks?- So for the SSD, that was actually 35.- Wha, no!- Which fun fact, that is exactly how muchwe found the same HDD for on eBay.- Now I understand thatbecause the system is so old,I actually couldn't install this.I'd have to get a SATA SSD,but even then, it's still the same price.It's gonna be so much faster.Like the fact that they put that in there,I'm gonna just guessthat they just had apile of old hard drives,and they also just stuffed it in here.But I really do wanna tell you,what do you think they're actually doing?They're probably taking theseold systems which are e-waste.They're meant to be recycled.They're salvaging the componentsthat they can out of them,which to be fair is not,there's nothing wrong with that.I mean, beats it going in a landfill,but they're not spending$150 on components for this.No, no, no, no, no.Companies are probably payingthem to take these components.I mean, this stuff is a decade old.Looking at the rest ofthis, I mean, it looks likethey just straightripped it out of a Dell.So we've got a very generic cheap board,which especially for a system this old,you can get for pennies on the dollar.GHT 2022.Wait, they.Wait, I'm just realizing,they watermarked this RAM.Says, "GHT 2022."So I'm assuming whenthey get these things in,and they're recycling from the Dells,they probably do a quick little testto see if the RAM still works.They put a little stamp on it,and they put it in theirpile of components.- $18 on Amazon,that's almost $1 per gigabyte.- Now I'm actually going to be usingpretty much the exact same amount of RAM.So I'm gonna also begoing with 16 gigs of RAMfor my system.The big difference is this is going to berunning far, far faster,which is important,because this is going to be feeding,not only my CPU, but also my GPU.We've got a good idea ofhow bad this system is,but let me actually build my system,which, again, cost thesame amount of money,is gonna be a lot more powerful.Let me build this, we'regonna put them side by side,and let's just see what kindof performance you're gettingout of the Scamazon PCcompared to what you coulddo if you did it yourself.'Cause feeling pretty confidentmy system's gonna be a little bit better.By a little bit, I mean like a lot.Alright, so my $450 build is ready to go.Now at first glance, it looks very similarto the Scamazon special over here.Now while in hindsight, Iprobably should have picked a casethat didn't have a white interiorto make my cable managementlook a little bit better.But other than that, thisis actually really similar.We've got ourselves four RGB fans,as opposed to three on this system.I would say my RGB is maybenot quite as bright as that,but honestly, the cases are very similar.To illustrate the differencebetween my system and the Alarco,I've got Cinebench.Now this is a CPU benchmark.It's generally a good sort ofidea for the responsivenessand the processing power of each system.So the Alarco scored 681 onsingle core, 3342 on multi core,and I will say it took a verylong time to run. (coughs)When you come over to my system,I've got almost triplethe single core, 1504,and like four or fivetimes the multi core,13686 compared to 3342.All this to say that for the same money,my system has a massivelyhigher level of performance,but it's one thing to seeCPU and responsiveness,and I've got an SSD which meansit doesn't take me fiveminutes to load "Fortnite,"but let's actually do some gaming.They promised that thisis great for "Fortnite."So let's take 'em up on it.Let's actually load up agame of "Fortnite" on eachand see how they compare.If I lose, I'm gonna be really sad.So I will say, as we were setting up this,we couldn't exactly match thesettings from the leaflet.Mostly because "Fortnite" has been updatedand some things have changed,but we've got it pretty close.So we actually have a pair ofmatching 1600-by-900 monitors.They're tiny and not very good looking,but, again, we're trying to keep it fair.So my settings here are essentially,I've got custom, which is mostly just low.I've got view distance set to epic.I do actually have temporalsuper resolution anti-aliasing,which means that it'srunning at 66% of 900P,which is 720-ish or whatever.But we've got it as close as possible.But importantly, I'm goingto match that on this system,which I'm sure is gonna tell me like,"Hey, you can run way faster," but.Matt, would you care to join meand see what the actualperformance of these systems are?- Oh, we gonna fight each other?- Yep.I'm going to be playing on the Alarco.Matt is going to beplaying on the $450 system,and let's see what we'reactually going to be able to get.Look, okay, you're in the game already.How long does it take for me?(fast forward whining)- I'll get them with my sword!(fast forward whining)- Bro!- I just took out Tomato Town, so.- There we go. I'm in, okay.I will say my systemis playable right now.I'm getting like mid-40s. It's not good.Yours is consistentlyover 60 FPS though, right?- My average right now is 71.- You're clearly getting a lotmore performance than I am.- I could definitelypush this up higherfor graphic settings, yeah.- But using, I kind of understandthis computer right now.It's just barely good enoughthat if I'm some 12-year-oldkid, and I get this,I'm like, "I'm playing 'Fortnite,'"'cause it's technically playable.But you look at it compared to this,which mind you is not exactlya massively powerful PC,but is better in every possible way,and you're getting like what?50% more frame rate than I am?- Let's play some "Forza" on it.- It's one thing to justfollow their guidelineand, you know, play thegame that they recommend.But I just wanna try a more modern title,and see if it's remotely feasible?Wow, you're not good at donuts, Matt.- Cool, thanks.Really appreciate the.- There you go, you got it now.Just get a nice wide, wide slide.I mean, oh boy, wow, did you see that lag?Part of my problem,especially with an openworld game like this,is that it's running on a hard drive,which means that as you loadassets in, it gets choppy.I think this Alarco ispretty much the bare minimumto be able to play most games.Now I'll actually say that the factthat they sent us the750 instead of the 650actually makes a pretty big difference.This has four gigs of RAM,which is pretty much the bare minimumfor a lot of newer titles.That 650 that we had orderedonly had one gig of RAM,which means that most games like "Forza"probably wouldn't have even run.So one thing I don't understandwith this are the reviews.Now there are a lot of negativereviews for Alarco on Amazonof people having verylegitimate complaints,and instead of thosecomplaints being heard,they're removing the comments."They did not give us thelicense for the Windows.Now have no way to contact them,no website or customer service number."Perfectly reasonableone-star review crossed out!"This item was fulfilled by Amazon,and we take responsibility forthis fulfillment experience.""Ordered a gaming PCwith an i7 Core processoras advertised on the listing.When I received theitem and started it up,it says only it's an i5."Again, crossed out."This item was fulfilled by Amazon."Like how we ordered the i5 and got the i7.Someone ordered the i7 and got the i5.Like they're justshipping these things out.They don't care."I'm a 12-year-old boy whospent lots of money on this PC.It never functioned as advertised.And local computer repairguys will not even look at it.It seems like this is a companythat scams 12-year-oldsout their birthday money."Removed by Amazon!This is a 12-year-old kid!He bought this, he even recognizes!How is it that a 12-year-old can recognizethat this company exists toscam 12-year-olds out of money?And Amazon, not only is notdoing anything about it,they removed his review!This is not okay. This is not okay.I hope, and sincerely,I hope that someone fromAmazon sees this videoand does something about this.There's nothing against the ideaof selling a computer on Amazonthat has some older components in it.That's fine.But you should disclaim that.Don't just say Core i5 and call it a dayand then bury the actual model number15 pages deep on the listing.Tell me what I am buying.Disclaim that it doeshave some used componentsand charge me a reasonable amount.200 bucks for this thing, I could buy it.But $500 and being on the topof the Amazon gaming PCsearch, what are you doing?We look at a lot of silly scamsand goofy things and everything,but like this is at a different level.This is a completely different level,and I really think that someone at Amazonneeds to do something about this.Because these kids are gettingstraight up ripped off.