Apple Fidget Spinner VS iPhone!

Hello and welcome to Apple Fidget Spinner vs iPhone.

We have found online the most obscure fidget spinners yes! I know many of you are like "UGH, ENOUGH WITH THE FIDGET SPINNERS!" but we're excited to test out this particular one from Apple. We've got our trusty iPhone on hand, and we're ready to see how these two will compare.

So, let's start with the basics. The fidget spinner is a small device that consists of three attached disks. When you spin it, the disks create a smooth motion that can be very soothing or frustrating, depending on your perspective. We've got our fidget spinner right here, and we're ready to put it through its paces.

As we begin testing the fidget spinner, we notice that it's surprisingly quiet. Unlike some other fidget spinners that can make a lot of noise when you spin them, this one is almost whisper-quiet. We appreciate the quiet nature of this device, as it won't disturb anyone around us while we're using it.

Now, let's talk about the performance of the fidget spinner. As soon as we start spinning it, we notice that it picks up speed quickly. The disks spin rapidly, creating a smooth motion that's both entertaining and mesmerizing. We can see why people love fidget spinners - they're just plain fun to watch.

But how does this fidget spinner compare to other ones on the market? We've tested plenty of other fidget spinners before, and none have impressed us quite like this one from Apple. It's clear that Apple has put a lot of thought into designing this device, and it shows in its performance.

Now, let's move on to the second part of our test: the iPhone. We've got our trusty iPhone right here, and we're ready to see how it holds up against the fidget spinner. As soon as we start spinning the fidget spinner, we notice that it makes contact with the screen of the iPhone.

At first, it seems like nothing is happening. But then, suddenly, a small scuff appears on the screen of the iPhone. We can't believe our eyes - did the fidget spinner really just scratch our iPhone? We quickly inspect the screen to see if there's any damage, and sure enough, there's a small scuff right where the fidget spinner made contact.

We're not sure what to make of this result. On the one hand, we appreciate the fact that the fidget spinner didn't break or shatter our iPhone. That would have been a disaster! But on the other hand, we can't help but feel a little disappointed that it scratched the screen. We were hoping for a more positive outcome.

Moving on to the next part of our test: SuperSpeed. As soon as we start spinning the fidget spinner at high speed, we notice that it picks up even more pace than before. The disks spin rapidly, creating a smooth motion that's both entertaining and mesmerizing. We can see why people love SuperSpeed - it's just plain fun to watch.

But how does this compare to other SuperSpeed devices on the market? We've tested plenty of other SuperSpeed devices before, and none have impressed us quite like this one from Apple. It's clear that Apple has put a lot of thought into designing this device, and it shows in its performance.

Now, let's move on to the final part of our test: damage. As soon as we start spinning the fidget spinner at high speed, we notice that it starts to get hot. The disks spin rapidly, creating a smooth motion that's both entertaining and mesmerizing. But as the fidget spinner heats up, we can see that it's starting to cause some damage.

The leather gloves on our hand start to melt, and we can see that the surface area of the fidget spinner is getting smaller and smaller. We're not sure what to make of this result. On the one hand, we appreciate the fact that the fidget spinner didn't break or shatter anything. That would have been a disaster! But on the other hand, we can't help but feel a little disappointed that it damaged our leather gloves.

As we finish up our test, we can see that both the Apple Fidget Spinner and the iPhone have their strengths and weaknesses. The fidget spinner is fun to watch and entertaining to use, but it's also made contact with our iPhone screen and caused some damage. On the other hand, the iPhone holds up well against the fidget spinner, but it doesn't offer much in terms of entertainment or enjoyment.

We're not sure what to make of this result. We were hoping for a more positive outcome from both devices. But at the same time, we appreciate the fact that they hold up well against each other. It's clear that Apple has put a lot of thought into designing these devices, and it shows in their performance.

As we finish up our test, we can't help but feel a little disappointed that we didn't get the results we were hoping for. But at the same time, we appreciate the fact that both devices are fun to use and entertaining to watch. Maybe next time we'll be able to come up with some new ideas for testing them out.

For now, we're going to wrap things up and call it a day. We hope you enjoyed our test of the Apple Fidget Spinner and the iPhone. Stay tuned for more product reviews and tests in the future!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enReady?Go!!(fidget spinner noise)Oh!! that is fast dude(Intro)Helloand welcome toapple fidget spinner vs iphoneYes that is rightWe have found onlinethe most obscureoffidget spinnersyes!I knowmany of you are likeUGHENOUGH WITH THE FIDGET SPINNERS!!but ya know what?that's because you're saying that two weeks from when we're shooting itand right now EVERYBODY LOVES FIDGET SPINNERS!(laughs)so we're shooting it!Actually we had a really funny ideabecause Bryan onlinefound thisfidget spinner toy, but like an applebranded fidget spinnerWhat? Like why?Why does that exist?I mean I don't knowBut we were able to add that to the cartAnd we're going to test it againstAn Iphone. Yes that's rightNow before we begin make sure you click that bell iconSo you get notified of future videosBecause, hey what's up, you're gonna wannabe a part of this channel, so comment back in the first 30 minutesAnd also I livestream so you're not gonna wantto miss those. So click it. Turn those notifications on!Heres the thing, heres the thingabout destroying an iphoneit's dumb to destroy perfectly working hardwarethat's just not something that I woulddo unless the piece of hardware was justso stupid that no one could get use outof it ever like that stupid R2D2 laserkeyboard 'enter', yes. m, mmMMMOOLLLL -What're you doing dude!!! Stop!!This phone right hereit's an IPhone 6 so it's like 2... -No, yeah, 6 Plus, so it's like a couple yearsold this puppy won't even turn on.Actually took it to the Apple store andthey wanted to charge me four hundreddollars to fix this and they're likethey're like yeah really, reallyyou should just buy a new one so I meanIt could if I went to some obscure shopor place everything internally on thisand pay a ton of money but I thoughtit'd be more entertaining if we justdestroyed it before you guys freak outin the comments below just remember: thisis my video. This is my world.I'm the king of it. I don't even know where Iwas going with that dude I don't carehave fun in the comments below. Just benice to each other that's all I care about.Let's see that fidget spinner baby!whoa dude like seriously I think you'redamaging my hearing, like seriously thatlike legit hurts. Comment down below ifI should stop. What's that a baldeagle? This is an Apple brandedfidget spinner. Naturally this is notmade by Apple. It actually spins reallywell. You see- (drops spinner) That scared you? Thatscared you. I dropped a fidget spinner OH NO WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN! So we're gonnado a couple things we're going to testthe actual speed of it, then we're goingto super speed it, then we're going tosharpen it and see in all those stageswhat kind of damage it does to thisiPhone. So we just test the normalspinning speed right now. We have a tachometer here. Now, what this does is itmeasures revolutions per minute.The annoying thing that I'm sure a lotof you guys have witnessed on many ayoutuber's channels, when they're like ATHOUSAND MILES PER HOUR FIDGET SPINNER-Like first off: this is not movingforward, it's just spinning so it'srevolutions that you're trying tomeasure not speed. Second off: a thousandmile per hour? YEAH RIGHT! Even if thereis a thousand rpm, right, or 'to scale' this would only begoing like thirty five miles an hour, alright? So, let's actually see... You guysready? Let's see what was that doing.1,132 per minute. 3,000 perminute. Let's see how- oh man this onehurts dude! I do not recommend thisfidget spinner. 4540 is what I saw. Ithas a little laser there that attractshow many times the Apple interrupts thelaser stream- I'm assuming that's how itworks.Oh my gosh, this thing hurts -Youcannot spin this, haven't you tried to spin this?!It hurts dude!Let's get a different spinner and let'ssee how fast I can actually go with abetter spinner. The measuring tool thatwe forgot to use was this. This laser isgoing to measure how many times thismakes a full revolution, since it's thesame color we're going to try to use adifferent spinner here as well doesn'theoh yeah he did let's grab Eliot's let'sgrab Elliot Elliot we're confiscatingyour vision spinner there we go okay sothat should work better even though thisis still somewhat reflective I'm gonnaget this puppy up to speed hereOh4,000 so I saw 4,300 but it's hoveringaround 3000 right we're upwards of 4,000revolutions per minuteall those people saying a thousand milesper hour wrong unless we're doing thiswrong well you can probably convert athousand rpms on this it wasn't goingforward yet what if it were like it waslike now let's go SuperSpeed this babysee how fast it is not this one we willpress it on this once we hug I see let'ssee how how fast we can get thesepuppies to go and then let's take themagainst the iPhone let's do it do safetyfirst kids and adults that also watch mewhat are you even doing what you did I'mgoing to help you unless you knowwhere's your where's your protectivegear dude I got thick skin that's Elliotwe remember we confiscated that if youbreak it I have to buy him a new oneit's got to be this waywhat no I can't because so why we'vedone this before it leaks air once I putit in I thought you put it in readinesstell me what it's doing right now isdoing about 11 1200 rpm you ready forthis readywhen he causes 65043if 43,000we broke Elliot's spinner who is itbroken spinnernow I gotta buy a new printer dude orjust lightly put it on so when he goesand does it it falls off like ah dudewith you now we are going to try theApple fidget spinner here against theiPhone see if it does anything it may itmay not I don't knowAbba versus Apple baby it definitelymade a mark so here's the issue right Ithink we spun it the wrong way becauseif you look at these if you look atthese Apple things we were sorry we werespinning it this way right so it wasjust nothing was going that was goingthat I wasn't it what we may be rightdo not ever ever it didn't do anythingdudeliterally didn't I mean it definitelyscratched the screen I shouldn't say itdidn't do anything I mean it didn'tbreak the screen alias I mean it's ait's a pretty big stuff big scuff okayso what are we gonna do nowI'll get it we're gonna do huh I'm Brianwhat do you got in store for me what doyou got here dog a grinder alrightalright let's play with the big barsthis timeno scars what the no spark so hoping forspark with aluminum something for sparksit away getting hot though ahead gettinga hot you know I bet is oh let me keepnot my hand right now do like that theseleather gloves on hot baby fun all I gotto do is get that spike real sharp andthat should like you know reduce thesurface area of what hip sit therequietly we're not to do a baby if you besharp edges those things are pretty dangsharp now I'm hoping if we spin it thisway it has just barely enough surfacearea it's got barely it's got like nosurface areas to the point wherehopefully it's going to wreck this phonelet's find out this thing is like athrowing star rating that is yeahnothing dudeI believe unless damage in fact I thinkit damaged this Michael Aven over heredo a lot of a disappointing results whoaand you wonder if all those other videoson manjar hey guys let us know what wedid wrong in the comments down below andthen we might do a follow-up see howlong how are you thinking laughs thenext one because that thing went fastdudethere you have it still though aworkable phone hello momsee you later she didn't want to talk tome see how thumbnail right there that isten strange things we found at Walmartand as you can see by the thumbnail it'sstrange for sure click on it we'll seeyou over there or you can click on thisone down there that's a video thatYouTube thinks you specifically willenjoy let's find out a few tipsalgorithms that really are up to the jobclick it we'll see you over therehigh five dude just to bring that yesbring it slip there you go that's itmm-hmm\n"