March Book Haul! _ 2019 _ Kendra Winchester

**Book Haul: Exciting New Releases to Look Out For**

I recently spoke with Autumn, a book lover and my business partner, about her latest book haul. We sat down to discuss the various titles she's been eager to dive into, and I couldn't help but feel excited for her.

One of the first books Autumn mentioned was "Miracle Submarine", a mystery novel set in Miracle Creek, Virginia. She's particularly drawn to this title because it combines elements of family intrigue and court cases, which sounds like right up her alley. Autumn loves mysteries, and I think this book will be a great fit for her. The publishing process is also something she finds joy in, and being able to see the finished product on store shelves must bring her a sense of satisfaction.

Autumn's next recommendation was "The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls" by Anissa Gray. This novel is set in Atlanta, where Autumn's business partner resides, and promises to be a family drama between two sisters. Autumn's enthusiasm for this book is infectious, and I'm sure many readers will be eager to dive into its pages.

Autumn also spoke highly of "The Lost Children Archive" by Valeria Luiselli, which has been longlisted for the Women's Prize for fiction. This novel has been generating a lot of buzz, and Autumn is no exception. She's never read Valeria Luiselli before, but has heard great things about her work, particularly in conjunction with translator Deborah Smith. The unique structure of this book will likely be an interesting aspect to explore, especially when listened to on audio.

Finally, Autumn mentioned "The White Book" by Han Kang, a novel that was shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize last year. This duo's previous works have been highly praised for their lyrical and poetic prose, and I'm eager to see what they bring to this title. The book promises to be loosely tied together around the idea of the color white, with an eye-catching design featuring lots of white space.

Autumn's recommendations are always eagerly anticipated, and it's clear that she has a keen sense of which books will resonate with her. As someone who loves discovering new titles, I'm sure readers will find plenty to interest them in this haul. If you have any book suggestions or want to know more about these titles, be sure to check out the links below for more information.

As Autumn so aptly put it, "If I haven't read it yet, but it's obviously high up on my TBR because if Autumn gives it that much of a recommendation, I mean, I feel like she's way pickier than I am, in the best way possible." With her discerning eye and passion for reading, I have no doubt that these titles will be well-loved.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHello friends my name is KendraWinchester welcome back to my channel.And I've had this stack of books sittingin front of my bookshelves for about twoweeks, so we're finally gonna do thisbook haul. And so I'm gonna start withbooks that I bought myself and thenwe'll move to books that were sent to mefrom the publishers. Dylan is outside. Hewants you to know that. All right, booksthat I bought myself: so I'll start witha mini Book Outlet haul. I threw somebooks into a purchase I did forsomething else, but I picked up a copy ofWhichwood by Tahereh Mafi and this isfrom Dutton. And this is the sequel toher book but Furthermore. I keep gettingit confused with Nevermoor, I think.What's this middle grade novels withsimilar names? Gorgeous book. You cansee it's very glossy on the cover andthere's beautiful snowy end papers. I'mvery excited for this sequel justbecause it's fun. I don't thinkit will change your life, but it's justfun. And I think that's totally fine fora middle-grade novel, and so yeah I'mlooking forward to it. I just keep staring at it.It's like one of those, you know, Where'sWaldo? type illustrations in kids bookswhere you just stare at all the detailfor forever. That's best the cover ofthis book, so we'll just move on so I don'tget too distracted by it. I also bought asequel to This Savage Song and this isOne Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab,or V.E. Schwab. You know, I find V.E. Schwabvery interesting because she's hadimagination for days since, you know,early on her career. But her writingchops needed work, right? They didn't catchup with her vision, but now they are. ButI haven't read any of her YA. Yeah,in fact, I haven't read This Savage Song.But she signed it, and I find her careeras an author of fantasy very interesting.So I'm more fascinated in her as anauthor, but her stories are full ofimagination. It just depends on execution,I guess. But yeah, I won't go into details,but I'm looking forward to reading thisduopoly. And also I just love the cover. Idon't know what is about it, and maybeit's just because it's my favorite color,or wellI don't know. I mean look, my favorite colors.I basically wear a black, grey, and blue,right? Like, you could see that, right? Okay,speaking of women in fantasy, I alsopicked up this book from Saga Press froma Book Outlet. So definitely check it out if you haven't already.This is Trail of Lightning by RebeccaRoanhorse. This is an Native American authorwriting the story about a lady monsterhunter. I mean, look at that.Like, can I steal that jacket? And I'vebeen looking forward to reading it forawhile, and so when I saw it on Book Outlet,I snapped it up immediately.I hope it's still there. I will linkBook Outlet down below with my affiliatelink, if you would like, and it gives youlittle the jump start there. But look howit has some great things, and I have arunning list of things I'm looking for onBook Outlet. And when they pop up, I justlike fill my cart, and I just move forthmy life. Great place to get books. I alsobought a few books other places. So thisis The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo. Ialready reviewed this, so as soon as Ifinished the book, I ordered myself acopy. That's how much I loved it. If youwant to see my review, I will link itabove my head somewhere. I forget whatside the links are. Ah! It's been thatlong as I filmed. Also because Februarywas pretty horrible, I finally went toCostco just to get out of the house, andI saw this sitting there. And I was like,yeah, that's what I'm getting myselftoday for just surviving today. So this isOn the Come Up. This is about a femalerapper. It's the author of The Hate U Give. I don't think I need to describethis to you. You've probably seen iteverywhere. So yeah, I like everyone elsepicked up a copy of this book. My husbandbought me the Barnes and Noble editionof The Cruel Prince by Holly Black so Iwent ahead and also picked up The WickedKing by Holly Black, and I am excited toread this. I'm in line for the audiobook.I loved Holly Black as a teenager, sowhen she returned to the world, I waslike yes, I need I need to read this. Andit's just fun, so I bought a lot ofescapist,you know, fantasy books. But also a couple,you know, stellar contemporary YA books,which I don't do a lot. So it was aunique month. So okay, so you know thestory about how I went to McKay's overin Knoxville, Tennessee, and I likebought three books by Virginia Woolf. Andthen I said well there's this editionof A Room of One's Own that was also there. Ididn't pick it up, and I don't know why Ididn't pick it up. So I asked Autumn topick it up, and so she did because shewent there a couple weeks later and itwas still there. This is a usedcopy of A Room of One's Own. If you don't know, ifyou're just joining me, Hi I'm Kendraand I love Virginia Woolf so much. But Icollect editions of her work,particularly A Room of One's Own, because well, it'smy favorite. It's my favorite book of hers.I heard novel of hers is Mrs. Dalloway,but I'm collecting the different likecover series of her books, just becauseshe's my favorite. I'm also doing this alittle bit with Jesmyn Ward, but not tothe same extreme. But those are the twoauthors that I do this for.That just meansthey're special.Yeah, I do love her, and I'm excited tohave this because it matches my otherseries that I have. I love matching. All right,so the second part of this video arebooks sent to me by publishers. So thanksto all of the publishers. The FTC here inAmerica says that I need to say thatthese books were sent to me for free foran honest review, so you're welcome. theUnited States. I did my job. So I willtell you who sent them to me so that youknow, and that fulfills the rest of theFTC requirements. So there you go. All right,first up we have from Norton, Greek to mEby Mary Norris. This is Adventures of thecomma Queen. Now it's gorgeous.And Mary Norris is the former copyeditor of The New Yorker, and I, as aneditor, love her. Now I'm a developmentafter, which means I don't do copyediting—praises be. But I do haveopinions, strong opinions . . . such as teamChicago. All right AP, just walk out thedoor. Leave me alone.Anyway, I love her, and I think she'sgreat. Yeah, if you love grammar andcommas and things, I think you'll enjoyMary Norris. All right this next one was asurprise. Okay, and I'm so happy they sentit to me, and this is The Lady from theBlack Lagoon by Mallory O'Meara.This is Hollywood monstrous and The LostLegacy of Millicent Patrick. And theblurb says The Lady from the BlackLagoon and covers the life and work ofMillicent—there we go—Patrick one of Disney's first femaleanimators, and the only woman in historyto create one of Hollywood's classicmovie monsters. So I was like a womandoing amazing things in history, ofcourse I want to read this book. And thecover is gorgeous. There's everythingabout it. This is from Hanover SquarePress, before I forget, and I've seen thisbook floating around. But I believe itcomes out this month in March, so you cango find yourself copy. I'm so excited.It's perfect its Women's History Month.This is... this is what we should be doing.So a book that's coming out in June thisis one of the ARCs I'm very excited for,and this is The Tenth Muse by CatherineChung. And it says on the back here thatthis is an exhilarating novel about atrailblazingmathematician who unearthed her ownextraordinary family story and its rootsin world war two. So this is part history,part female math genius, and I think it'sso important to see more women over inthe numbers and Sciences realm of, youknow, academic studies. So I saw this andI think, yes! So this is coming out from Ecco. Definitely keep your eyeout, and what's the exact date? It is June19th.So it'll be awhile, but I will update you whenI get a chance to read this. But this isdefinitely high up on my TBR to readfor books for June. Now I've alreadytold you about this next book that is fromGraywolf, and that is The CollectedSchizophrenias by Esme Weijun Wang,and this is her essays on her life withschizoaffective disorder. I'm very muchlooking forward to reading this book. Ilove the Graywolfl prize for nonfiction.It's given to a manuscript and then likea year and a half later at the bookcomes out,but this book has been delayed becauseEsme also has Lyme disease. So this isjust something I follow on on socialmedia. I really enjoyed her debut novel.So yeah, it's also about fromGraywolf, which is an indie press herein the US. I love supporting them. Theyare just so talented, and their poetryand nonfiction especially. They just do agreat job. But a great story isthis book it's called miracle Creek byAngie Kim. This is out from FSG, I think.Right, yes, Sarah Crichton bookswith FSG, and you might notice there's asticker on the cover. And that's becauseit used to be called Miracle Submarine,but they changed the title, prettyfar along in the process. They had theseall printed out with that on there, andon the inside the letter says MiracleSubmarine. And so I find that veryinteresting seeing that process. Ilove the publishing process. It justbrings me joy. So this is about amystery in Miracle Creek, Virginia, andthere's family intrigue, I think. There'slike some sort of court case. Autumn isall over this because she lovesmysteries, and I believe that's what thisis supposed to be like a familycommunity-oriented mystery. So another bookthat I am very excited for . . . you know mybusiness partner is in Atlanta, and soshe is all over books set in Atlanta. Andone of those books that she recentlyread and loved is The Care and Feedingof Ravenously Hungry Girls by Anissa Gray.And she said lives in Atlanta, and thisbook is about a family drama between twosisters and is also set inAtlanta. And so Autumn was like, I don'twant to give you any spoilers, so I'm notgonna tell you anything about it. Butjust know you have to go read this book.So I'm gonna trust her and tell you thesame thing: I'm not gonna tell youanything about this book, but just knowthat you need to go read it. And that isfrom Autumn. I haven't read it yetbut it's obviously high up on my TBR,because if Autumn gives it that much of arecommendation. I mean, I feel like she'sway pickier than I am, in the best waypossible. So she says that I need to readit, I know I need to read it. Before Iforget, this is out from Berkeley.So another book that Autumn is veryexcited for this book out from Knopf, andthat is The Lost Children Archive byValeria Luiselli. I got an ARC of thisearlier. I immediately just gave it toAutumn because I was like, it's ValeriaLuiselli. It's your love.She loves The Story of My Teeth, so I waslike, Well, Autumn. You want this.And so she hasn't read it yet, butJaclyn has over at Six Minutes for Me.And she really enjoyed it, and this alsohas been long listed for the Women'sPrize for fiction. So it's just gettingso much great recognition. So I'm veryexcited to read this. I've never actuallyread Valeria Luiselli before, but I have heardgreat things. I also read that there'ssome play with the structure on the page,so I am going to listen to this on audio.But I'm happy to have a print copy to beable to make notes and look at that whatthat looks like in the pages in the book,you know what I'm saying. It's also, I think,one of Autumn's most anticipated of theyear, so I'm kind of surprised she hasn'tread it yet. I'll have to ask herabout that. I will get back with you.The last book on this haul is a book Iwas looking forward to for very longtime, and that is Han Kang's The whiteBook. This was shortlisted for the ManBooker International Prize last year, andI just love this author and DeborahSmith her translator together. I thinkthey make a great team, and we had theopportunity to interview Deborah Smithabout her translation process over onReading Women's website, so I will linkthat down below if you want moreinformation. So the the books that thisduo puts out are just so lyrical andbeautiful. I just really enjoyed them sothis has been high above my TBR, and it'ssupposed to be like this loosely tiedtogether novel about ideas on the colorwhite. I'm not exactly sure, but I lookedinside and it seems very poetic there'slike lots of white space, which is usedheavily in the book, which I think isclever. But we'll see how it turns outthe translation ends, so I don't know ithas to be amazing, right? I mean,everything Han Kang writes is sobrilliant. So yeah, I will get back to youon those. If I haven't already read them,and we'll see how I like them. Butyeah there's a lot of great books comingout now. If you think that there is aparticular book that I should pick up orthat I would particularly enjoy, let meknow down in the comments. But of course,all of these are linkedbelow in the description box if you want tolearn more about them. But yeah, I guessuntil next time. Talk to you later!\n"