Video Editing on Adobe Premiere 1.0 (from 1991) - Krazy Ken's Tech Misadventures

**The Evolution of Adobe Premiere: A Nostalgic Experiment**

I decided to test Adobe Premiere 1.0 on a system that's from the early 90's, specifically System 7 and my Power Macintosh 6100. I wanted to install Adobe Premiere 1.0, transfer some picture and video assets onto a floppy disk, and load it up on one of my System 7 Macs. However, my external floppy disk drive wasn't working, so I couldn't write any files to the disks.

**Burning the Legacy CD**

I thought I'd burn a CD, right? I have a computer that runs System 7 and it has a CD-Rom drive, my Power Macintosh 6100. So I used my PowerBook G4 with Mac OS 10 Leopard to burn the legacy CD with the Mac OS Standard format, which is a format that should work with System 7. However, Leopard was being dumb and it wasn't letting me write the file to the CD image I made, so I switched to the terminal, hooray! It worked!

**Booting Up the Power Macintosh 6100**

So then I went to boot my Power Macintosh 6100 up. I needed a bunch of conversion technology to hook a VGA monitor up to it, which I just used the dongles that I had. I spent about a half hour tracking everything down, dongle-wise, so now I made a bag of frequently used legacy adapters, so that doesn't happen again. Hopefully.

**The Hard Drive Fiasco**

I booted up my Power Macintosh 6100 and nothing happened! Then I looked inside, and oh crap, the hard drive wasn't even plugged in. And this was probably from a past salvaging experiment that I did years ago. I did a little bit of a hard drive swap, transplant, hack job type of thing a while ago, way before I started this show.

**The Reality Check**

And I probably never plugged the disk back in, so it's been sitting like that for years. But I tried booting it from an external SCSI disk and still nothing, but then I thought, wait, nothing is working on this computer, I can't even get any video to output to the display. So something more than just the hard drive being unplugged is wrong with this computer.

**Display Issues**

And I may need to fix it upon a future Krazy Ken episode, so stick around for that. By the way, I tested the display on a different System 7 PowerBook computer and it works. Even with dual display mode. So we know the display is just peachy. So I may have to fix that Power Macintosh 6100 sometime in the future but in the meantime, I figured I'd transfer the files from the CD to my PowerBook 5300cs.

**The External CD Drive**

Which is, I believe, my fastest notebook computer that is currently running System 7. But of course, there's no CD-ROM drive. So, I bought an external one on Ebay. It's shipping right now, it'll be here soon, and I'll update you guys on a future video and I'll test Adobe Premiere 1.0 on a true System 7 machine.

**A Glimpse of the Past**

Just seeing myself in my modern footage in low resolution, in an old player just really makes me grateful for what we have nowadays! I just wanna give a quick look at how the software evolved from 1991 to 2018. Some basic things like having a timeline and a viewport, ya know that stuff is still there. Like that's the general idea of how an NLD works but man, good job Randy Ubillos.

**The Legacy Continues**

Who was also the Chief Architect of Final Cut Pro and the new Final Cut Pro 10, I believe he was on both of those. Yes, we have him to thank but it was a team effort. There were a lot of people involved with this stuff but the first version of Premiere was written just by him.

**A Message from Krazy Ken**

And I will be diving more into Randy Ubillos and his history and Final Cut Pro and other vintage Macstuff on the upcoming volume two of Vintage Apple Vault. So stick around for that. But good job Adobe for keeping the product around and evolving it. This was a fun experiment, what do ya guys think? It's really important to remember to be grateful for what we have because it used to be like this! Thanks so much for tagging along with me today. The curse didn't seem to pay us a visit, so that's good! You guys take care! Catch the crazy and pass it on!(lively instrumental music)

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Maximumframe rate 10 fps, oh yeah!Oh!Look at that!Unable to open that file.File is too wide, oh.Yeah, check it out man, I made shapes!(lively instrumental music)Hey guys, how you all doin'?Really?That's just great!Ya know what, I'm doin'pretty great today too becausewe're bustin' out theold iBook G3, Clamshell.Yes, the same iBook thatwas in the pilot episode ofVintage Apple Vault andif you're into vintageApple products I highlyrecommend giving that a watch.Hashtag, shameless plug.We're gonna boot her up todayand experiment with somesoftware that is older then me.Hopefully it works.And we're starting up!Ah, check out those lips.Those were some nice lips.A network time error, youMacintosh's clock is set toa year before 1973.That's probably because theclock battery is long sincedead on here.So yeah, here we are, let'shold down the option keyto go to our secret about screen.With the Apple Campusin it, Mac OS Finder,well that wasn't very useful.Let's do something more useful.About this computer, we'rerunning Mac OS 9.2.1.So I have some software onhere but today we're gonnabe experimenting withsomething that I came acrosswhen I was writing a futureVintage Apple Vault episode andthe next episode's we havecoming up on that showare going to be real kick ass, so.Please subscribe andstick around for those.I was researching somestuff about the history ofFinal Cut Pro and the oldPower Macs that Apple madeand while doing that, Iread some more interviewsfrom people interviewing Randy Ubillos.Who was the ChiefArchitect of Final Cut Pro,he developed AdobePremiere and all the stuff.He did a lot of stuff in thenon-linear editing space.And I came across thislittle buddle of joy,which I just f'ed up excuseme, oh crap on a stick!Well, well I guess Iaccidentally screwed that up.Let me fix that right here.I don't remember exactly what it saidbut it said something like that.Anyway, I came acrossthis little bundle of joy.Adobe Premiere 1.0, (laughs)it was written in 1991 byRandy Ubillos and it wasoriginally called ReelTime.And just think about howAdobe Premiere is right now.I bet, many of the moviesyou watch were cut inAdobe Premiere, it'spretty industry standard.And it started back in 1991with ReelTime which got renamedAdobe Premiere 1.0.This is a copy of it, I'mnot sure if it's gonna work.But we're gonna find out, together.Let's open it up.Oh, check out that splash screen.Oh, ho, ho!Written by Randy Ubillos 1991, holy crap!Oh my!Oh!Dude!(laughs) Hang on let's,let's hide everything else.Oh, my gosh!Okay so, for those of you whomaybe don't know, I do videoediting as my living and Iuse NLE's, non-linear editor'sall the time, they've come along way but this is (laughs)what one of them lookedlike in 1991, oh, my gosh!Okay, this is my favorite part,it's not called a timeline.It's not called a sequence likeeditor or any of that stuff,it's called a construction window.Oh, Randy, Randy, Randy,this is beautiful.Oh, man I've never used this before.This is, this is beautiful,holy cow, Macintosh version.Yeah!Wow!Here's our project, here'sour construction window sothis is where we I guess put the videoand audio tracks in a sequence.So I'm gonna try to arrangethis maybe a little bit like howit normally would be, well let's see here.Special, oh, okay.We can summon different windows.Okay.Let's have a look at what else is in here.File, new project, edit, projectmake movie, preview work area, add matte.Construction display,video tracks, full effects,preview options, output options.Maximum frame rate 10 fps, oh yeah,(laughs), man, dude.You guys are so blessed,where you can just cut4K on your phones nowadays.You have no idea what this was like.Unless you actually do,(laughs), this is crazy.Alright let's try tomaybe arrange this kindlike how it would be nowadays, let's see.Oh we can only stretch ithorizontally, wow, okay.Oh, I guess, that's thehighest resolution we can go.Let's see, 224 by 168.I suppose, this is somethin' else.This is really something else, okay.New project, oh shit, no,no, I just lost all, (coughs)oh, gosh I'm coughing, I'm gonna die.Um, I just um, lost mybeautiful arrangement, no.Alright, let's try that again.Alright well I guess let'sdo some stuff, let's um,let's first save it, we'llsave it to the desktop.And we'll just call this My Great Movie.Not mobie, movieand save that.And here we go, we just saveda Premiere 1.0 file. (laughs)Oh my gosh.Import, dude, I haveno idea what this thingis even compatible with.Maybe a jpeg?Oh, I got the watch.Oh and then it converts,oh this is interesting.Oh, it's trying to show a previewand that's a massive file.That's why it's taking solong, the preview box is on andthat's like a 24 megabyte png.I'm gonna turn the previews off.I'm just gonna try importing a jpeg.And let's do the MacintoshSE photo, convert.Okay, save converted file as, oh!I see how it's doing it.Alright we'll just putit all on the desktop,not good practice butwe'll do that for now.Unable to open that file.File is too wide, oh,alright we gotta go smaller.Oh, oh,oh, shut up, shut up!Alright, I will haveto make these smaller.Couldn't display ShootingStars, blah blah blah, becauseit's corrupted.Alright, well I don'tthink there's any wayI can do any resizing on here.I don't have like any photoediting software, rightso here's what I did.I went to my other computerand converted the image files.I also tried finding some moviefiles that might work withthis older version of Premiere.I think Premiere can read cinepak.I'm not sure but cinepakwas like that really oldcodec slash format, notreally sure, from 1991.That played all those littlepostage stamp movie fileson your CD-ROM's and all that stuff.So, I'm guessing that'llwork and it should show up,now, okay, let's open 'er up.We'll transfer the picture files.Make a copy to the desktop.And we'll also do those movie files.And there we go.Alright let's eject the flash drive.And I love this message on theold Mac OS, it refers to thedevice as a cartridge, let'ssee, yeah, I guess that's justwhat it was back in the 90's.Alright we took that out.So, let's uh, maybe clean upthis desktop a little bit.Let's try one of thosecinepak files first,I really have low hopes but let's try.And, nothing!Alright, well,that's why ya set the bar low.Let's just try making a slideshow with some pictures.And let's do any Chicago people here?Let's open up this photoI took of Cloud Gate.Convert, and we will convertit in place in the same folder,save and let's watch it fail again.Actually it might have worked.Oh!Wow, hey, we got a thumbnail.All right!So if I double click that I get a preview.Oh that's actually, that'sactually kind of impressive.It actually renders that pretty well.It probably wouldn't havethis much color detail on,if I was running this on areal like 1992 Mac or somethingas opposed to this 1999 model,I would probably have way less color.But the fact that this oldversion of Premiere is ableto interpret that I guess, it works withQuickTime or somethin',I really don't know.Let's put that in our timeline.Let's import some other files.But yeah that's cool how, itsomehow still compatible evenon the newer computer with morecolor, it's able to load allthose colors as opposed todithering it and all that stuff.'Cause if I was actually usingthis on like a 1991 system,there would be most likely some dithering.Save in place.Look at that, that ispretty cool and we can justput our stuff in our construction window.Oh, we got these little iconshere, what do those mean?I don't know, but we got out info here.Resolution, duration,type, name, that is cool.Alright well, so that'sour in and our out points,our play head.Alright well let's seewhere's our play headfor our preview, I'mguessing we gotta go to,oh this is great, preview options,let's see what's in output options.So, 160 by 120, 4 by 3 aspect ratio,we have thousands of colors, oh!Guess it's compatible withthousands of colors, okay!So that's for outputting whenyou actually render the movie,okay, so that would be me,preview work area, oh, okay.And let's see whatpreview options we have.10 fps, well we're notworking really with video,so we might as well justkeep it at that, right?Although we could probably dothe full 30 on this machine.Okay, so yeah preview workarea, which by the way thatshortcut is still how itis, if you wanna render aworkspace in Premiere youdo press return or enter.Dude!Oh, my gosh, do and we got,(laughs) did you see the littlefilm reel loading cursorthat was really cool.Oh, my gosh, man we aremaking movie magic here.This is (laughs) this is really cool!Okay, um so let's goto special effects andsee if we can do anything.Uh, doesn't look like we can.That's fantastic, do wehave to drag them in,maybe we have to dragthem in or somethin'?Let's go to, let's get anew window, and plugins.I guess, I don't know ifwe, I guess we just importthe plugins, I have no idea.We're gonna find out though.This is all really foreign to me.Let's try to get the effects in there,oh let's see add a matte, like a color?Oh, dude, yes!Alright, let's just make a blue matte.And we'll just call it color matte.And we'll drag that in here.And it just fits right inbetween it doesn't overlapor anything, that's interesting.And, we'll preview that.Picture, blue, picture.We're making Holly Wood magic right here,ladies and gentlemen.This is unbelievable.Alright let's try to import some effects.I guess because I don't know, how else weactually get the effects in here.So let's go to the desktop,iBook, Applications,da,dar,dar, Premiere 1,plugins, yeah I guess, okaywell I officially don't know howto get the plugins in here.I'll just doc this paneldown, or this window down herefor now so, we can get back to that later.Transparent, oh filters, oh!Okay, um, I just, (sigh) I guess it'snot pickin' um up anywhere.Okay, well we'll uh, we'll, guess maybewe'll get back to that later.Maintain aspect ratio,transparency settings.Oh sweet!Oh, we can make a garbagematte on here, we can put adrop shadow on here,anti-alias, oh my gosh,this is how we used to have todo this stuff on a computer.(laughs) This is, really insane.Yeah!Check it out man, I made shapes!(laughs loudly)This is amazing,I, oh.We take stuff for grantednowadays, don't we?Okay, so I bopped around thegoogle machine for a bit andthe issue might have somethingto do with the software notlinking up to the files becauseI accidentally renamed theroot folder.So once this comes out ofsleep mode here, I will tryto fix that and I alsowent through my, ha, hachildhood collection, we'regoin' old school here.I found some old CD-ROM'sand these might have some oldQuickTime files that we canmaybe import into Premiere andjust experiment with.Maybe it has to be in the root folder.I'm totally guessing, if you can't tell,maybe I need to find like someold documentation. (laughs)To see how this works.Hey, look at that!And we have the littlepreview there, okay.So, yeah the file's haveto be in the root folder,along with the actual software applicationto show it properly in here.And it looks like then we canjust drag this where we want.Cool!We'll just drag those into here.And it saved my layout,and there's our shit.With all the little previews!Oh, that's so cute!I'm guessing this stuffgoes into the effects trackso let's say I wanna do a band slidewe would drag that down here.Alright!We have a, oh that's for direction.Oh, forward or reverse, okay andI don't know what this does.This is forward, reverse andI guess this is up, down.Okay, that makes sense, nowlet's do a cross dissolve.Drag that into there.And let's preview this workspace.Dude,oh yeah, that definitely didnot line up right but it,you can see the effect itselfis working though, cool.So now, we also installedsome filters, not justtransitions, so I'm guessingI can click on one of these.Go to filters,nice!And then, oh let's, yeah let's add a tint.Oh, dude, this is sofreakin' cool (laughs),it's so primitive butman this is what we had.Oh, color balance, yeah let'sjust make it really green.Yeah like, Chicago is likebeing covered with somelike nuclear toxic plague, or something.So business as usual right?Let's do that and it's green!Oh, shit!That is amazing, well doneRandy, well freakin' done.It'd be so cool he saw this.Alright, now let's quitout of this for now.Just to free up our massive amountof memory on this computer.And let's try installing orripping like some old QuickTimemovies from these CD-ROM's.This is Club KidSoft, fortechnical support call thatphone number at, probably don't'cause it probably doesn'texist anymore. (laughs)Let's pop this baby in.I see movies, wow didsomebody just die up there.Huh, someone on floor nine of the asylummust have just fainted, anyway.We have media and movies, nothing.Alright it was named moviesbut there was nothing in there.Now I'm sad, okay, media.Beva-cha-ha-ga-ja what?Did the developer just like notknow what to call that file?Alright well this one might not be of use.Aw, the file band slidecould not be loadedand has been removed from the project.Well it, aw, what, allmy effects are dying!How many survived?I don't know if any did.Aw, cross dissolved died too.Eh, everybody's dying, wellit was fun while it lasted.Alright so, I'm gonna tryto open this sample moviethat comes with QuickTime, becauseI'm not having much luck with my CD-ROM's.I can't seem to find anyQuickTime documents on 'um.Yeah, they were actuallyreferred to as documents.At least in this version of the finder.So, let's see if this will do anything.Oh, my gosh, I think wemight have something.Oh, oh, wow!What,oh (moans)look at that!And look at these controls, look at,oh you can set the in and the out point.Or it's telling methat's the out point butI can set the in andthe out point down here.Duration, change in duration,oh and I can, look at thatscrubbing, oh yeah!This is beautiful, okay well,I'll just use this, I don'teven know what codec this isin but if I can find out I canmaybe convert some modern filesinto whatever this is using.So let's, take our samplemovie put it in here.Now I think the movie has sound butI'm willing to bet the sound did not load.There it is!Oh, look at that performance!Let's watch that again.Yeah!So, yeah it doesn't looklike sound is going to workbut just in case you wantedto hear the cool music.I guess I'll play it for you.(gently instrumental music)QuickTime, a fragrance from Apple.Alright so through my detectivework and the help of VLC,it looks like this filewhich is compatible withPremiere 1 was encodedusing SVQ1 Sorensen Videoand then a QDM2 for the audio.Now what I'm not 100percent sure about is,was Premiere nativelycompatible with this stuff oris it just compatible with itbecause the newer version ofQuickTime on the iBookis compatible with it.So if QuickTime's compatiblewith it does Premiereeven though it's an olderversion of Premiere,inherently gain that compatibility?I don't know, there'sways we can test that.Okay, so the test now is to seeAdobe Premiere compatibilityand to experiment withdifferent formats and see if itinherently gains newer filecompatibility through QuickTimebecause this version ofQuickTime on this computer is waynewer then the version ofQuickTime that was availablewhen the originalPremiere came out in 1991.So I have some samples,I have a snippet fromthe Vintage Apple Vault show trailer.Which I reconverted into Ithink I used some kind ofDVNTSC standard def codec insideof a QuickTime MOV wrapper,I guess it's technically called a wrapper.Oh, I should really, maybelearn some more of thosedistinctions, (laughs) andthen if that doesn't workI just have an imagesequence of lower resolutionjpeg's from the exact same source.Okay, so if I open up the QuickTime movie.Let's see if QuickTime can play it.- But it's presented ina way that is new to you,I want to take you with me and time--- Okay, soQuickTime was able to play backthat file, so let's see if Premiereinherently gains that compatibility.Let's switch to Premiere,what, would ya look at that.It looks like it did, so yeahI'm guessing it just gainscompatibility from whateverversion of QuickTime is on here.And it just inherentlygains the file support.Now again, I, the sound maynot work doesn't look likethe sound is importing anywherebut it looks like the videois actually loading in tothe construction window.Let's preview the workspace.Oh, there's me!Inside of Adobe Premiere 1.0,(laughs) wow, that is insane.Let's expand this uh, play range and let'slook at the b-roll shot of the G4 cube.Coming up, right aroundhere, four seconds.Yeah!Oh, ho, ho right!That is awesome.Titles, add.Number of titles, numberof titles, wait what?Okay, I have no idea what that did, oh!Oh, that said tiles!I thought it said titles!Oh!I'm very bad at reading, youcan tell the educational system10 stories underground isn't very good.I thought it said titles!What the heck, oh I'm an idiot.Can you even generatetitles inside of here?You may not be able to,you may have to make themin a different program andimport them as an image.Oh my gosh, those weretiles, I am such an idiot.Okay, yeah I don't thinkPremiere got a titleruntil version 2.0 nowthat I think about it.And this is only 1.0 sothat's where we're staying.This needs to be on A,and then it will work like B roll.It'll cut away to that, let's have a look.And perfect.Beautiful, beautiful composition.Beautiful film, I will give you an Oscar.Okay I took things to the next level.I now have the original PowerBook pictureI was looking for and I'm gonna have itcross dissolve to that picturewhile this track plays underneath.Op, actually I just realizedI forgot to set my end point.(laughs) Oh, all this manuallabor, still for 1991,digital video like, this was unheard of.Yeah!I mean I can tell it was trying to do it.It was really tryin' to do it,it was choking a little bitbut it was trying.Alright and let's makeout movie, command K.Alright, make entire movie 160by 120 resolution at 10 fps.Let's see if we can maybe,crank that up a bit, we'll do5 for the quality, thousands of colors.We don't have any sound sothat doesn't really matter.Let's try doing 30 fps, entire movie.Okay, we'll save it tothe desktop, we'll justcall it untitled becausewe're lazy and hit okay.One moment please, compiling movie.This is amazing, oh my gosh,ya know I kinda like this,I might just cut all futurevideos in Adobe Premiere 1.0,I mean why not, right?Well that's interesting,it exported this andit actually shows up as anAdobe Premiere document.Hm, not a, yeah not afile that I can open up inQuickTime or anything I guess.It just opens up as, asthis, I don't know maybeit's because I don't have anyother compatible media playeror what but yeah I guessit just put it into this.Well, it has a little bit better ReelTimeplayback now (laughs) that is insane.(Screeching noise)Alright, alright,alright, alright, hang on.Hold on a second.This is fun and all but whatI really think would be funis to test Adobe Premiere 1.0on a system that's from thetime period, I'm talkingabout the early 90's.And System 7, so I wanted toinstall Adobe Premiere 1.0 plustransfer some picture andvideo assets onto a floppy diskto load it up on one ofmy System 7 Mac's butI couldn't get my externalfloppy disk drive to work.So I couldn't write anyfiles to any of the disks.Oh well, so I thoughtI'd burn a CD, right?I have a computer that runs System 7 andit has a CD-Rom drive,my Power Macintosh 6100.So I used my PowerBookG4 with Mac OS 10 Leopardso I could burn the legacy CD withthe Mac OS Standardformat which is a formatthat should work with System 7.However, Leopard was beingdumb and it wasn't letting mewrite the file to the CDimage I made so I switchedto the terminal, hooray it worked!So then I went to boot myPower Macintosh 6100 up.I needed a bunch of conversiontechnology to hook aVGA monitor up to it, I justused the dongles that I had.I spent about a half hourtracking everything down,dongle-wise, so now Imade a bag of frequentlyused legacy adapters, sothat doesn't happen again.Hopefully.I booted up, nothing happened!Then I looked inside.Oh, crap the hard driveisn't even plugged in.And this was probably from a pastsalvaging experiment that I did.I did a little bit of ahard drive swap, transplant,hack job type of thing a while ago,way before I started this show.And I probably neverplugged the disk back in,so it's been sittin' like that for years.But I tried booting it from anexternal SCSI disk and stillnothing, but then I thoughtwait, nothing is workingon this computer, Ican't even get any videoto output to the display.So something more thenjust the hard drive beingunplugged is wrong with this computer.And I may need to fix it upon a future Krazy Ken episode,so stick around for that.By the way I tested thedisplay on a different System 7PowerBook computer and it works.Even with dual display mode.So we know the display is just peachy.So I may have to fix that PowerMacintosh 6100 sometime inthe future but in the meantime,I figured I'd transferthe files from the CDto my PowerBook 5300cs.Which is, I believe, myfastest notebook computerthat is currently runningSystem 7 but of coursethere's no CD-ROM drive.So, I bough an external one on Ebay.It's shipping rightnow, it'll be here soon.And I'll update you guyson a future video andI'll test Adobe Premiere 1.0on a true System 7 machine.So please subscribe and stickaround so you don't miss it!It's gonna be fun.Alright, back to the episode.Just seeing myself in my modernfootage in low resolution,in an old player just really makes megrateful for what we have nowadays!I just wanna give a quick look,as to how the software evolved.From 1991 to 2018.Some basic things like havin' atimeline and a view port,ya know that stuff is,that stuff is still there.Like that's the general ideaof how an NLD works but man,good job Randy Ubillos.Who was also the ChiefArchitect of Final Cut Pro andthe new Final Cut Pro 10, Ibelieve he was on both of those.Yes, we have him to thankbut it was a team effort.There were a lot of peopleinvolved with this stuff but thefirst version of Premierewas written just by him.And I will be divingmore into Randy Ubillosand his history and FinalCut Pro and other vintage Macstuff on the upcoming volumetwo of Vintage Apple Vault.So stick around for thatbut good job Adobe forkeeping the productaround and evolving it.This was a fun experiment,what do ya guys think?It's really important toremember to be gratefulfor what we have becauseit used to be like this!Thanks so much for taggin'along with me today.The curse didn't seem to payus a visit, so that's good!You guys take care!Catch the crazy and pass it on!(lively instrumental music)\n"