I Did Want to Finish All of the Gold Rush Ranch Series This Summer I Think I Started This One and Then Ended Up Sofy Needing It for Another Book That Recently Came Out I Think It Was the New Ellen Hter Brand Book So Maybe We'll Do This One and We'll Just Kind of Finish Up the Summer Reading the Summer Cowboys
I did want to finish all four of them but I didn't end up getting to them but maybe I'll feel better if I put this one on my TBR let me check if Lily has answered I actually think she's at a NY horn concert I don't know why I decided to text her at this time I think the time difference cuz she's not in the US.
I completely forgot should we ask bestie Rachel let's ask bestie Rachel to pick a book on the TBR I didn't check the time difference again what time is it in Australia right now it's 3:00 a.m. so she's definitely asleep right now let's ask my friend Danny okay she's on her phone right now so we should be getting an answer.
I'll let her go through those books and we'll put these back on the cart we also definitely could have chosen this for the one word title I totally forgot about it and I'm a little upset I feel like we've committed to unstable but this one I definitely would love to get to sometime in the fall okay she just read the message so we should be getting a book soon.
I'm going to try to guess what Danny's going to pick if I know Danny she's going to pick a fantasy but I don't think she's read any of the fantasies that are on my cart so I don't know what she would pick or she choose the Christen Hannah book that's what I think she's going to choose either the chrisen Hannah book or a fantasy and hopefully she'll pick one that we could read together.
She might pick dance of Thieves which would be a reread for me which I'm totally fine with but I definitely want to reread that book I've been saying that for a while so maybe that one.
I feel like if I still had a torch against the night on the TBR she would definitely have me read this one because I was the reason she started the series we started at the same time and then I stopped reading it at the second book and she completed the whole series all four of them she finished I just wasn't in the mood for it and I'm regretting it.
I wish we read it together oh she chose Danny lovely Danny has chosen Red Rising I didn't think she was going to pick this but she said she was like researching all the books on here and she has chosen Red Rising which honestly checks out because if you're researching some of these books this one definitely has a lot of high ratings and High Praise and it makes sense.
She's going to have to Buddy read this one with me I'm going to make her read this one with me because she chose it. There we have the September TBR to go over the final TBR we have this is how to lose a Time War these Hollow vows the great alone a torch against the night unstable a photo finish and Red Rising now this is a huge 180 from last month last month we had romances we had I don't really remember to be honest most of them but I know we had a good amount of romances on there.
And jumping from not reading a fantasy in months to this is a little crazy we have sci-fi fantasy historical fiction and two Cowboy romances which is such a range but you know I committed to my TBR and I'm committing to this one.
I'm committed my September wrap-up you are going to see every single one of these so I hope you guys are excited to see me read these a few of them will probably be in some reading flogs this month if not we'll be talking about them in my September wrap-up which I'm very excited about because a lot of these are highly highly anticipated for me and probably for you guys to see me read them especially I know Red Rising being a high one and also the green alone.
I'm also excited for these even though I am intimidated by a lot of them it's going to be a fun reading month fun but maybe a little bit different. You know I hope you guys enjoyed let me know if you've read any of these please let me know what's on your September TBR or just your fall TBR in general.
I'm trying to put together like a huge fall TBR books I'm like on my writer other than the ones on my cart right now and I would love to hear what's on yours so again thank you guys so much for watching.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enit is that time of the month it is the most wonderful time of the month you know the Christmas song the holiday song It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year no it's the most wonderful time of the month is what plays in my head the beginning of each month because these are as you guys know my favorite videos to consume to film I literally sit and just like get all my snacks packed and I'm ready to watch every single person's TBR picking video I just think they're so fun before we get started I have two books to add to the TBR cart for the month's picking and that is from the lovely sponsor of today's video which is book of the month so thank you to book of the month for sponsoring today's video if you've not heard of book of the month if youve not see me talk about them so many times I personally love what they do and their service and seeing this blue box come to my doorstep is one of the best packages to see Ever book of the month's mission is to bring the best new fiction forward they have a team that curates and selects a whole list every month of new books from new and emerging authors great new titles some you probably haven't even heard of yet and it is so exciting every month choosing which books to get delivered right to your door it is a subscription based service so every month there's a new Choice a new list and new books to pick so whatever your taste is you can put your trust into book the month every month when you go to see that list you know there's going to be a book for you and probably a really good one each title is selected with care and you know each month there's more on the way soon there's not only hard covers that you can choose from each month but you can also select titles from audiobooks so if you want to listen to your books rather than read them that's also an option they offer the best prices on new release hard cover fiction as well as free shipping and a royalty Rewards program let's get into the books that I chose for this month in my beautiful blue box we have the first book which is fantastic FMA this is a fantasy read it's actually about a sister who goes into the game of fantasma which is like a deadly game and our main character follows her sister into it and then the second book that I picked up is Blue Sisters by Coco Millers the cover of this is absolutely stunning this is a novel about three sisters who come back to their home in New York after their fourth sister passes away it's a contemporary fiction book those were the two books that I chose for this month so we're going to add these two our book cart so we can choose and maybe get these on our TBR this month if you guys are interested in book of the month and want to pick your first book and join you guys can go to book ofth month.com and use the code cardigan for your first book just $5 all that information the code and everything will be linked in the description and thank you to book of the month again for sponsoring today's video I do want to start off before we pick our first prompt saying that all seven books from last month of August have been read they will be talked about in my obviously August wrapup but some snaps some claps around some cheers maybe over here and that is a very nice accomplishment of mine and that is how I want to continue these tbrs I'm going to read every single book I put on them hopefully but last month I chose seven I feel like that's the sweet spot for me so I'm going to choose seven again this month I did swap out some summer books and put in some fall esque books cuz we are going into the fall season and some of my favorite reading time so I did add some more like literary some Mysteries and some fantasies on the other side of this C there's two sides the top two shelves the bottom one we're not really looking at right now that has my books that I read last month I also added a few more promps into the jar just because I took out the seven from last month and didn't put them back in let's see I'm really excited CU I have nothing on my TBR except for actually that is a lie I have three books on my TBR for the month of September already we have Daydream is our book club book so if you want to join us in Reading Daydream by Hannah Grace this month the link is always in the description for the patreon and then I'm also starting my reread of th of glass so I'm reading assassin's blade and thn of glass this month those three are definitely on my September TBR but let's see what else we're going to get first prompt o uh-oh we have a Sci-Fi book okay I don't have many sci-fi I think I have maybe two this one is the newest one that I just got that is a Sci-Fi this is how you lose the time war and I've heard great things about this book I did try to read the first page but it was like right before I fell asleep and I was like this is not the brain power I need to be using right now like I couldn't really understand what was happening I also didn't even read the summary like I had NOA I was going blind and I shouldn't have done that I think it's about time travel and it also has like undertones of a romance and like writing letters like through time to each other which just seems very romantic to me this is the first one and the only other one I have that is sci-fi is Red Rising and you know I don't want to say this cuz I definitely have to do it but I want to commit and say 100% I will be reading this this year like this will right I don't know about the rest of the series I don't really completely know what this is about but it's like a well Lov I don't know how many books there's like seven books in here something like that but a well- Lov series by so many people I did just recently buy this and I did try to start it so I think I'm going to do this one for the Sci-Fi pick which I'm kind of excited about this one just sounds really good and I've heard like incredible things about it so first book we have is this is how to lose a Time War I'm sorry because I have picked this up in many TBR videos and then either never read it or never picked it so it will be read though let's pick our second book I'm a little nervous meant to read last year there's probably a lot on here that I was supposed to read last year including red actually did I buy Red Rising last year or this year it was definitely last year okay there's a lot on here pretty girls which is a mystery thriller that I tried to read it or I think I started it last year I don't really remember but I definitely meant to read that last year they never learn actually softy enough this I got like a good amount in here definitely the Clockwork whatever this is the Mortal Instruments books over here I did want to start the next year but I do want to start them this year too Book Thief we have I did want to read you again last year which I think is a romance book cuz it gave fall Vibes has like fall leaves all on the top I feel like all these fantasies and then Scythe the dystopian I definitely meant to read last year and didn't but I think the one I'm going to go with should we pick a fantasy I am reading thr up glass again but that's a ray read so I feel like it's fine if we do a fantasy and I feel we have to dip our toes back into the genre and I know once I dip my toes I'm going to go all in because I'm so excited to get back into it I've been watching so much of Em's videos if you don't watch Emmy you need to watch her if you want to get into a fantasy mood she's like just queen of reading fantasies and she's put me right back in the mindset that I want to pick up a fantasy so shout out at me we're going to pick a fantasy book I think I'm going to go with why is this such a hard decision I want to read is it on my tpr over here where did I put that book hello wait oh this one it was right in front of my face I think I'm going to go with these Hollow vows I've heard great things about this one it's also a ya so I feel it'll be fast-paced and I think there's only two books in such doy if I'm not mistaken maybe there's a Trilogy I think there's two I don't really know I could be very mistaken on that but I think I'm going to go with this one we're going to head back into the fantasy genre with not only thrown up glass but also these h B so that's the second book on the tpr okay here we go third book last book you bought okay the last book I technically bought was Daydream but that's already on my TBR for the book club so I don't want to pick that one the last book that I bought was when I was in New York so it was actually like a little bit of a haul so there's more than one book cuz like one little shopping section it was talking at night make a scene and want a match this one's part of a trilogy but they're really really cute little romances and then I also bought the great Alone by Kristen Hannah and then this is how you lose the time where it was another one that I bought in that little haul I don't know which one do I pick I'm between I want to read all of them okay hold on I do have another Christen Hanah book I want to get to this month but everyone says this one is one of their favorites ever I think I'm between these two cuz I definitely want to get to these do but I feel like I don't need to put them on my TBR cuz they're short and sweet I just like picked them up throughout the month so I don't need to really commit to these especially this one this one is just giving all the fall Vibes but I think I'm between these two like I said I have another Chris and Hannah book that I definitely want to read this month so like do I want to do and like break my heart twice cuz her books are just like going to break my heart this one is a second chance but I heard it kind of reads almost like Sally Rooney esque more of an emotional one which is right up my alley oh yeah there's no quotes oh my it's kind of giving well how I'm looking at it kind of giving normal people which one do I do I don't know okay I think I'm going to do the great alone I have to I've been recommended this book like non-stop everywhere like everyone says I would love this since I started reading a couple Chris and Hanah books and you know what I'm going to do it let's pick our next book Carl picks a prompt now if you don't know who Carl is in our Discord for part of the book club we have this little Carl bot his symbol is a turtle it's kind of just like a bot where you can like do different things and like ask him different things and my beautiful wonderful mods have made it so that you can ask him for a TBR prompt or a book wreck different genres and he'll give it to you so we're going to now ask Carl for a TBR prompt I a little bit forgot how to ask I think I have to do exclamation point TBR prompt all right let's see what Carl gives us a fantasy novel let me let me say thank you Carl I have a cisen Hanah book a Sci-Fi and a fantasy already it's like where did we go from here okay I need something that's like maybe a little bit quick is this fantasy does this count as fantasy or is this magical realism the lost story by Meg Schaefer I think this is magical realism does that count as like fantasy like a sub genre of fantasy I don't know most of my fantasy is over here I know that fear the Flames I believe is getting traditionally published this month I have the Indie version from Amazon I did try to read this but I don't know if I wasn't in the mood for it or I just didn't like it like I don't really remember why I stopped reading it I got 47 pages in maybe we should do this one that'd be kind of fun should we do this one or should I continue an ember in the ashes series and read a torch against the night because I did get pretty far into this I think I'm got like a 100ish pages in and I feel like if I don't read this soon I'm going to forget like everything about it cuz I did start it like earlier in the summer and I feel like if I start new fantasy series I'm going to forget and not want to go back to this so I'm going to make the responsible choice maybe another prompt will get me to pick fear the flames and I definitely do want to read it cuz I've heard good things about the romance in that one but I think I just need to continue like I even have my bookmark in here and it's a beach reader bookmark I think I'm going to do this one and be a responsible TBR picker and a responsible reader and I'm going to continue the series why is my TBR kind of scaring me a little bit like we're going from cutesy romances summer to like right into the fall reads okay ask a friend to pick oh my gosh that's so fun okay I think I'm going to ask my friend Lily to pick a book okay I got a prompt to ask a friend to pick a book for my TBR I guess we'll wait for her to answer see if she answers and if not we're going to ask a different friend but we'll wait for Lily to answer that one okay what book is that I'm over here just like picking these out not counting I think we have five yeah the one that Lily picks will be five so let's get our sixth book one word title okay let's see here's one we have unstable which is a cowboy romance I believe we have Scythe which has been on my TBR plenty of times before we have uprooted which I don't really remember what this is about I know it's a fantasy I also have the book honey which I got the Arc of this scent and I don't know what it's about it's a Coming of Age story that follows the rise of a pop Star as she navigates Fame and self-discovery in the late '90s and early 2000s that's interesting I also love the cover of this it's so pretty I think through all of these I'm going to have to pick the romance because my TBR right now has sci-fi and fantasy and historical fiction and I Need A Little Romance in here plus this is short and sweet and Miss Carri King the author of this novel sent this to me and she is so kind and so sweet so let's add this one to the TV okay we have one more to pick oh I picked two let's go with this one buy an author you love oh this is so fun okay who are some authors that I love I have Rec recently loved Frederick Bachman I read anxious people last month I think but I think I want to save this one for the winter time I also love Kristen Hannah but this is the one that I really want to read this month so I mean I could put it on my TBR but I definitely want to get to it or like I'm hoping I can get to it I feel like the only other one I know I love is Elsie silver and a photo finish has been on my TBR for this summer I did want to finish all of the Gold Rush Ranch Series this summer I think I started this one and then ended up sofy neing it for another book that recently came out I think it was the new Ellen hter brand book so maybe we'll do this one and we'll just kind of finish up the summer reading the summer Cowboys I did want to finish all four of them but I didn't end up getting to them but maybe I'll feel better if I put this one on my TBR let me check if Lily has answered I actually think she's at a NY horn concert I don't know why I decided to text her at this time I think the time difference cuz she's not in the US I completely forgot should we ask bestie Rachel let's ask bestie Rachel to pick a book on the TBR I didn't check the time difference again what time is it in Australia right now it's 3:00 a.m. so she's definitely asleep right now let's ask my friend Danny okay she's on her phone right now so we should be getting an answer I'll let her go through those books and we'll put these back on the cart we also definitely could have chosen this for the one word title I totally forgot about it and I'm a little upset I feel like we've committed to unstable but this one I definitely would love to get to sometime in the fall okay she just read the message so we should be getting a book soon I'm going to try to guess what Danny's going to pick if I know Danny she's going to pick a fantasy but I don't think she's read any of the fantasies that are on my cart so I don't know what she would pick or she choose the Christen Hannah book that's what I think she's going to choose either the chrisen Hannah book or a fantasy and hopefully she'll pick one that we could read read together she might pick dance of Thieves which would be a reread for me which I'm totally fine with but I definitely want to reread that book I've been saying that for a while so maybe that one I feel like if I still had a torch against the night on the TBR she would definitely have me read this one because I was the reason she started the series we started at the same time and then I stopped reading it at the second book and she completed the whole series all four of them she finished I just wasn't in the mood for it and I'm regretting it I wish we read it together oh she chose Danny lovely Danny has chosen Red Rising I didn't think she was going to pick this but she said she was like researching all the books on here and she has chosen Red Rising which honestly checks out because if you're researching some of these books this one definitely has a lot of high ratings and High Praise and it makes sense she's going to have to Buddy read this one with me I'm going to make her read this one with me because she chose it there we have the September TBR to go over the final TBR we have this is how to lose a Time War these Hollow vows the great alone a torch against the night unstable a photo finish and Red Rising now this is a huge 180 from last month last month we had romances we had I don't really remember to be honest most of them but I know we had a good amount of romances on there and jumping from not reading a fantasy in months to this is a little crazy we have sci-fi fantasy historical fiction and two Cowboy romances which is such a range but you know I committed to my TBR and I'm committing to this one I'm committed my September wrap-up you are going to see every single one of these so I hope you guys are excited to see me read these a few of them will probably be in some reading flogs this month if not we'll be talking about them in my September wrap-up which I'm very excited about because a lot of these are highly highly anticipated for me and probably for you guys to see me read them especially I know Red Rising being a high one and also the green alone I'm also excited for these even though I am intimidated by a lot of them it's going to be a fun reading month fun but maybe a little bit different you know I hope you guys enjoyed let me know if you've read any of these please let me know what's on your September TBR or just your fall TBR in general I'm trying to put together like a huge fall TBR books I'm like on my writer other than the ones on my cart right now and I would love to hear what's on yours so again thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you hopefully in the next one byeit is that time of the month it is the most wonderful time of the month you know the Christmas song the holiday song It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year no it's the most wonderful time of the month is what plays in my head the beginning of each month because these are as you guys know my favorite videos to consume to film I literally sit and just like get all my snacks packed and I'm ready to watch every single person's TBR picking video I just think they're so fun before we get started I have two books to add to the TBR cart for the month's picking and that is from the lovely sponsor of today's video which is book of the month so thank you to book of the month for sponsoring today's video if you've not heard of book of the month if youve not see me talk about them so many times I personally love what they do and their service and seeing this blue box come to my doorstep is one of the best packages to see Ever book of the month's mission is to bring the best new fiction forward they have a team that curates and selects a whole list every month of new books from new and emerging authors great new titles some you probably haven't even heard of yet and it is so exciting every month choosing which books to get delivered right to your door it is a subscription based service so every month there's a new Choice a new list and new books to pick so whatever your taste is you can put your trust into book the month every month when you go to see that list you know there's going to be a book for you and probably a really good one each title is selected with care and you know each month there's more on the way soon there's not only hard covers that you can choose from each month but you can also select titles from audiobooks so if you want to listen to your books rather than read them that's also an option they offer the best prices on new release hard cover fiction as well as free shipping and a royalty Rewards program let's get into the books that I chose for this month in my beautiful blue box we have the first book which is fantastic FMA this is a fantasy read it's actually about a sister who goes into the game of fantasma which is like a deadly game and our main character follows her sister into it and then the second book that I picked up is Blue Sisters by Coco Millers the cover of this is absolutely stunning this is a novel about three sisters who come back to their home in New York after their fourth sister passes away it's a contemporary fiction book those were the two books that I chose for this month so we're going to add these two our book cart so we can choose and maybe get these on our TBR this month if you guys are interested in book of the month and want to pick your first book and join you guys can go to book ofth month.com and use the code cardigan for your first book just $5 all that information the code and everything will be linked in the description and thank you to book of the month again for sponsoring today's video I do want to start off before we pick our first prompt saying that all seven books from last month of August have been read they will be talked about in my obviously August wrapup but some snaps some claps around some cheers maybe over here and that is a very nice accomplishment of mine and that is how I want to continue these tbrs I'm going to read every single book I put on them hopefully but last month I chose seven I feel like that's the sweet spot for me so I'm going to choose seven again this month I did swap out some summer books and put in some fall esque books cuz we are going into the fall season and some of my favorite reading time so I did add some more like literary some Mysteries and some fantasies on the other side of this C there's two sides the top two shelves the bottom one we're not really looking at right now that has my books that I read last month I also added a few more promps into the jar just because I took out the seven from last month and didn't put them back in let's see I'm really excited CU I have nothing on my TBR except for actually that is a lie I have three books on my TBR for the month of September already we have Daydream is our book club book so if you want to join us in Reading Daydream by Hannah Grace this month the link is always in the description for the patreon and then I'm also starting my reread of th of glass so I'm reading assassin's blade and thn of glass this month those three are definitely on my September TBR but let's see what else we're going to get first prompt o uh-oh we have a Sci-Fi book okay I don't have many sci-fi I think I have maybe two this one is the newest one that I just got that is a Sci-Fi this is how you lose the time war and I've heard great things about this book I did try to read the first page but it was like right before I fell asleep and I was like this is not the brain power I need to be using right now like I couldn't really understand what was happening I also didn't even read the summary like I had NOA I was going blind and I shouldn't have done that I think it's about time travel and it also has like undertones of a romance and like writing letters like through time to each other which just seems very romantic to me this is the first one and the only other one I have that is sci-fi is Red Rising and you know I don't want to say this cuz I definitely have to do it but I want to commit and say 100% I will be reading this this year like this will right I don't know about the rest of the series I don't really completely know what this is about but it's like a well Lov I don't know how many books there's like seven books in here something like that but a well- Lov series by so many people I did just recently buy this and I did try to start it so I think I'm going to do this one for the Sci-Fi pick which I'm kind of excited about this one just sounds really good and I've heard like incredible things about it so first book we have is this is how to lose a Time War I'm sorry because I have picked this up in many TBR videos and then either never read it or never picked it so it will be read though let's pick our second book I'm a little nervous meant to read last year there's probably a lot on here that I was supposed to read last year including red actually did I buy Red Rising last year or this year it was definitely last year okay there's a lot on here pretty girls which is a mystery thriller that I tried to read it or I think I started it last year I don't really remember but I definitely meant to read that last year they never learn actually softy enough this I got like a good amount in here definitely the Clockwork whatever this is the Mortal Instruments books over here I did want to start the next year but I do want to start them this year too Book Thief we have I did want to read you again last year which I think is a romance book cuz it gave fall Vibes has like fall leaves all on the top I feel like all these fantasies and then Scythe the dystopian I definitely meant to read last year and didn't but I think the one I'm going to go with should we pick a fantasy I am reading thr up glass again but that's a ray read so I feel like it's fine if we do a fantasy and I feel we have to dip our toes back into the genre and I know once I dip my toes I'm going to go all in because I'm so excited to get back into it I've been watching so much of Em's videos if you don't watch Emmy you need to watch her if you want to get into a fantasy mood she's like just queen of reading fantasies and she's put me right back in the mindset that I want to pick up a fantasy so shout out at me we're going to pick a fantasy book I think I'm going to go with why is this such a hard decision I want to read is it on my tpr over here where did I put that book hello wait oh this one it was right in front of my face I think I'm going to go with these Hollow vows I've heard great things about this one it's also a ya so I feel it'll be fast-paced and I think there's only two books in such doy if I'm not mistaken maybe there's a Trilogy I think there's two I don't really know I could be very mistaken on that but I think I'm going to go with this one we're going to head back into the fantasy genre with not only thrown up glass but also these h B so that's the second book on the tpr okay here we go third book last book you bought okay the last book I technically bought was Daydream but that's already on my TBR for the book club so I don't want to pick that one the last book that I bought was when I was in New York so it was actually like a little bit of a haul so there's more than one book cuz like one little shopping section it was talking at night make a scene and want a match this one's part of a trilogy but they're really really cute little romances and then I also bought the great Alone by Kristen Hannah and then this is how you lose the time where it was another one that I bought in that little haul I don't know which one do I pick I'm between I want to read all of them okay hold on I do have another Christen Hanah book I want to get to this month but everyone says this one is one of their favorites ever I think I'm between these two cuz I definitely want to get to these do but I feel like I don't need to put them on my TBR cuz they're short and sweet I just like picked them up throughout the month so I don't need to really commit to these especially this one this one is just giving all the fall Vibes but I think I'm between these two like I said I have another Chris and Hannah book that I definitely want to read this month so like do I want to do and like break my heart twice cuz her books are just like going to break my heart this one is a second chance but I heard it kind of reads almost like Sally Rooney esque more of an emotional one which is right up my alley oh yeah there's no quotes oh my it's kind of giving well how I'm looking at it kind of giving normal people which one do I do I don't know okay I think I'm going to do the great alone I have to I've been recommended this book like non-stop everywhere like everyone says I would love this since I started reading a couple Chris and Hanah books and you know what I'm going to do it let's pick our next book Carl picks a prompt now if you don't know who Carl is in our Discord for part of the book club we have this little Carl bot his symbol is a turtle it's kind of just like a bot where you can like do different things and like ask him different things and my beautiful wonderful mods have made it so that you can ask him for a TBR prompt or a book wreck different genres and he'll give it to you so we're going to now ask Carl for a TBR prompt I a little bit forgot how to ask I think I have to do exclamation point TBR prompt all right let's see what Carl gives us a fantasy novel let me let me say thank you Carl I have a cisen Hanah book a Sci-Fi and a fantasy already it's like where did we go from here okay I need something that's like maybe a little bit quick is this fantasy does this count as fantasy or is this magical realism the lost story by Meg Schaefer I think this is magical realism does that count as like fantasy like a sub genre of fantasy I don't know most of my fantasy is over here I know that fear the Flames I believe is getting traditionally published this month I have the Indie version from Amazon I did try to read this but I don't know if I wasn't in the mood for it or I just didn't like it like I don't really remember why I stopped reading it I got 47 pages in maybe we should do this one that'd be kind of fun should we do this one or should I continue an ember in the ashes series and read a torch against the night because I did get pretty far into this I think I'm got like a 100ish pages in and I feel like if I don't read this soon I'm going to forget like everything about it cuz I did start it like earlier in the summer and I feel like if I start new fantasy series I'm going to forget and not want to go back to this so I'm going to make the responsible choice maybe another prompt will get me to pick fear the flames and I definitely do want to read it cuz I've heard good things about the romance in that one but I think I just need to continue like I even have my bookmark in here and it's a beach reader bookmark I think I'm going to do this one and be a responsible TBR picker and a responsible reader and I'm going to continue the series why is my TBR kind of scaring me a little bit like we're going from cutesy romances summer to like right into the fall reads okay ask a friend to pick oh my gosh that's so fun okay I think I'm going to ask my friend Lily to pick a book okay I got a prompt to ask a friend to pick a book for my TBR I guess we'll wait for her to answer see if she answers and if not we're going to ask a different friend but we'll wait for Lily to answer that one okay what book is that I'm over here just like picking these out not counting I think we have five yeah the one that Lily picks will be five so let's get our sixth book one word title okay let's see here's one we have unstable which is a cowboy romance I believe we have Scythe which has been on my TBR plenty of times before we have uprooted which I don't really remember what this is about I know it's a fantasy I also have the book honey which I got the Arc of this scent and I don't know what it's about it's a Coming of Age story that follows the rise of a pop Star as she navigates Fame and self-discovery in the late '90s and early 2000s that's interesting I also love the cover of this it's so pretty I think through all of these I'm going to have to pick the romance because my TBR right now has sci-fi and fantasy and historical fiction and I Need A Little Romance in here plus this is short and sweet and Miss Carri King the author of this novel sent this to me and she is so kind and so sweet so let's add this one to the TV okay we have one more to pick oh I picked two let's go with this one buy an author you love oh this is so fun okay who are some authors that I love I have Rec recently loved Frederick Bachman I read anxious people last month I think but I think I want to save this one for the winter time I also love Kristen Hannah but this is the one that I really want to read this month so I mean I could put it on my TBR but I definitely want to get to it or like I'm hoping I can get to it I feel like the only other one I know I love is Elsie silver and a photo finish has been on my TBR for this summer I did want to finish all of the Gold Rush Ranch Series this summer I think I started this one and then ended up sofy neing it for another book that recently came out I think it was the new Ellen hter brand book so maybe we'll do this one and we'll just kind of finish up the summer reading the summer Cowboys I did want to finish all four of them but I didn't end up getting to them but maybe I'll feel better if I put this one on my TBR let me check if Lily has answered I actually think she's at a NY horn concert I don't know why I decided to text her at this time I think the time difference cuz she's not in the US I completely forgot should we ask bestie Rachel let's ask bestie Rachel to pick a book on the TBR I didn't check the time difference again what time is it in Australia right now it's 3:00 a.m. so she's definitely asleep right now let's ask my friend Danny okay she's on her phone right now so we should be getting an answer I'll let her go through those books and we'll put these back on the cart we also definitely could have chosen this for the one word title I totally forgot about it and I'm a little upset I feel like we've committed to unstable but this one I definitely would love to get to sometime in the fall okay she just read the message so we should be getting a book soon I'm going to try to guess what Danny's going to pick if I know Danny she's going to pick a fantasy but I don't think she's read any of the fantasies that are on my cart so I don't know what she would pick or she choose the Christen Hannah book that's what I think she's going to choose either the chrisen Hannah book or a fantasy and hopefully she'll pick one that we could read read together she might pick dance of Thieves which would be a reread for me which I'm totally fine with but I definitely want to reread that book I've been saying that for a while so maybe that one I feel like if I still had a torch against the night on the TBR she would definitely have me read this one because I was the reason she started the series we started at the same time and then I stopped reading it at the second book and she completed the whole series all four of them she finished I just wasn't in the mood for it and I'm regretting it I wish we read it together oh she chose Danny lovely Danny has chosen Red Rising I didn't think she was going to pick this but she said she was like researching all the books on here and she has chosen Red Rising which honestly checks out because if you're researching some of these books this one definitely has a lot of high ratings and High Praise and it makes sense she's going to have to Buddy read this one with me I'm going to make her read this one with me because she chose it there we have the September TBR to go over the final TBR we have this is how to lose a Time War these Hollow vows the great alone a torch against the night unstable a photo finish and Red Rising now this is a huge 180 from last month last month we had romances we had I don't really remember to be honest most of them but I know we had a good amount of romances on there and jumping from not reading a fantasy in months to this is a little crazy we have sci-fi fantasy historical fiction and two Cowboy romances which is such a range but you know I committed to my TBR and I'm committing to this one I'm committed my September wrap-up you are going to see every single one of these so I hope you guys are excited to see me read these a few of them will probably be in some reading flogs this month if not we'll be talking about them in my September wrap-up which I'm very excited about because a lot of these are highly highly anticipated for me and probably for you guys to see me read them especially I know Red Rising being a high one and also the green alone I'm also excited for these even though I am intimidated by a lot of them it's going to be a fun reading month fun but maybe a little bit different you know I hope you guys enjoyed let me know if you've read any of these please let me know what's on your September TBR or just your fall TBR in general I'm trying to put together like a huge fall TBR books I'm like on my writer other than the ones on my cart right now and I would love to hear what's on yours so again thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you hopefully in the next one bye\n"