Here is the rewritten text in a well-structured format:
**Creating Thumbnails: A Step-by-Step Guide**
Okay, it's selected, okay right here you see this layer is selected. Click on the I to make sure it's the right one then go to edit on the top go to transformation and click on turn horizontally. Okay so now you see it just turned horizontally and now it's looking to the inside maybe you will have to reposition it or something.
**Resizing and Rotating**
I will make it a bit bigger because that looks better most of the time so it kind of gets out of the frame right here click on OK. And now when we zoom out this is the terminal we have right now. Now the next thing and I think is the final thing to do is adding more contrast making the colors pop adding some brightness.
**Adding Contrast and Brightness**
For that we will be using the adjustments tab right here if you don't see this go to window and then right here select adjustments and then it will appear right here or in this bar so you can just expand it. Okay so for me it's right here. The first thing we will be adding is color tone so that's this icon right here let's click on it.
**Applying Adjustment Layers**
Now it appears on top of the layers but we only want to affect the background so we will have to drag it down on top of the background right here. So what did we add right now this is an adjustment layer and it affects all layers below it so right here we can see all layers below is actually this layer which is useless and we can just delete it.
**Targeting Specific Layers**
So the only layer below is the background layer. Now let's say that there are other layers below this one and you don't want to affect them you can make sure that the adjustment layer only affects the layer below it by holding your Alt key and then in between of the two layers when this icon appears on your mouse just click.
**Color Grading**
And now let's click on the adjustment layer and right here we can change the color by dragging this color tone but that's not what we want. Let's click Ctrl C we want to add some saturation right here so you can make it pop more of course not too much because then you get this and that's not good.
**Final Touches**
Let's go back to 0 and up it a bit till we think that it's alright okay so this looks pretty nice. And now I did say that we don't need this but we can change the color a bit to make it more purple or more pink let's see if it works or not.
**Adding Saturation**
Let's drag it to the right a bit and then you can see the color is getting more like this skin right here so that's pretty nice. Let's zoom out a bit and maybe when you see it that small you think oh the color isn't that good or I can't see the difference between the skin and the background.
So you can go to the adjustment layer again and then you can change it till you think ok this pops more because right now I see when I make it more purple this can pops more so actually that's better. So we will leave it like this okay.
And now the next thing to do is adding a bit of saturation to this right here to the skin so click on the skin and of course we already have a saturation layer so we can just click on Alt and drag it on top of this right here and hold Alt again move it between these layers and click.
**Applying Saturation**
So this is how the skin looks and the only thing I will do is adding a bit more saturation not too much but when it's very small you see it's better if there's more saturation when I disable it you kind of see the difference and it's better that it pops more.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhaving a great thumbnail increases your click-through rate and also your reviews and in this video we will be creating this thumbnail you just clicked on what's up everyone yelling here with a very inert and welcome to the fortnight thumbnail tutorial if this is your first time here and you're a gamer that wants to grow your online presence with a gaming online by streaming creating videos etc then make sure to subscribe because this channel is just perfect for you in this tutorial I will show you a lot of things which you can use to create awesome four-night thumbnails and we will just start right now so right here we are in Photoshop and this is the end result of the thumbnail we will be creating right now now before starting I will guide you to the taught process that went into preparing this thumbnail because I never just start throwing things together till I get something that works know before starting to create my thumbnail I always take a look at the competition because that's very important so I knew that my title would be how to make a fortnight thumbnail with Photoshop so what did I do I went to youtube ok and then I just type in the title how to make right here a fortnight thumbnail with Photoshop I click okay let's make it fullscreen and right here you can see that this will be my competition now I assumed that I would be ranking on the first page not because I'm overconfident but because when you are not ranking on the first page there's no real way of predicting your competition so you should assume that your ranking kind of on top for the phrase that you want to rank for so what did I do next I took the snipping tool and I took a screenshot of these thumbnails right here then I saved it to my desktop okay let's save it and then I did drag it to Photoshop so right here it is drag it to Photoshop to a new tab and right here we have our competition and later when we are creating a thumbnail we can add it right here on one of these thumbnails to kind of take a look at how it would look compared to the other ones but before starting to create it of course you need a general color that you will be using for your thumbnail and you should choose the color that you are not seeing in the first search results so what do I see a lot right here blue white blue blue right here green blue a bit of purple so pink and purple would be very good to rank against this right here so that's what I wanted to use for my thumbnail so let's just start creating our thumbnail you go to file click on you and then create a new file that's 1920 by 1080 okay 72 pixels per inch should be good and then just click on create and right here is our empty thumbnail now instead of browsing the internet for good backgrounds and characters or objects to put on the foreground I have a really great graphic spec for you that's made by my friends or tech on YouTube I will link to his video on the graphics pack in the description this is the graphics pack and right here there are a lot of assets for example 3d models these are a bunch of 3d models but you kind of have to look through the whole package because some things are spread out etc I will just show you right now which ones I picked for this thumbnail okay so for the background I went to cinematic backgrounds then again cinematic backgrounds and then right here this looked very nice for me because of the purple background this is the one I used so let's just drag it to Photoshop release okay and right here press enter for now we can rescale it afterwards etc but for now let's place it here go back to the graphics back to the first level okay then season 1 to 4 then character season 1 to four characters type B and this is a map full of close-ups of the characters which is great and this is the one I used so let's drag it to Photoshop release it drag this to the bottom till it connects drag this to the top for now okay so for now let's just do it like this so this is the basic structure of the thumbnail now before adding effects to this etc let's add our text and you first need to download the font of fortnight so when I click on text right here I can just add some text let's just type for night in caps and you see this is the font of for night and it's called Burbank baked condensed I will put a link to that font in the description so you can just download it and continue with the tutorial okay so right now we did type something when you just click on the side right here you will see that the border disappears when we then click on V on the keyboard all right here click on this tool you can move it around and you can also transform it by making sure it's selected right here and then click ctrl or command T but right here you see that there is a really big empty space right here and I will show you white click on enter double click on fortnight and you see this is the text area so we will need to make it smaller like this and like this okay till it fits perfectly and then just click on this side right here now when we press ctrl T you can see that this is the border so this is perfect so let's just make it a bit bigger okay but this is a lot bigger but it's perfect for it thumbnail because you always need to keep in mind that the thumbnail will be very small so while editing always zoom out a bit to see how everything looks and if you are not making things too small etc so let's zoom in again let's make this a bit smaller because it's pretty big ok for now let's do this now there are two other words on my thumbnail which is thumbnail and tutorial now when you hold your alt key and you make sure that this tool is selected you can just drag on something and it will create a copy my Photoshop is in Dutch I will try to translate everything I had problems setting it to English so I will have to work with this right now but I'm sure it will not be a problem okay let's continue alt again copy it again for the third text okay and now let's double click on for night and then right thumb nail okay and then right here on for night and tutorial so this is the text that I will be using now to change the color you can just click on the text and then right here on the right you can change this style you can change the font right here you can change it from both to regular if that's an option for the font you downloaded which is not the case right now and right here you can change the color just click on it and then just make it white click on the second one okay again white so this is the basic structure of the thumbnail we will make thumbnail a bit smaller like this okay maybe a bit bigger okay and then for tonight a bit bigger than the rest like this now a very useful tip when positioning everything is that you can bring the rulers into your screen so you can position everything perfectly when you want to get rid of the ruler you just drag it to the side again if you don't see these rulers right here you can press ctrl or and they will appear or disappear or you can change it in window also then to get a ruler you just click on this side you hold your key and you drag it also from the top you can do that too okay let's press control Z and then add one ruler like this okay so then you can zoom in and you can really make sure it's perfect so it starts at the same point or around the same point you can zoom in and do it pixel by pixel if you'd think that's needed okay let's do it again right now because of OCD and then just scroll out and this is the basic structure of the thumbnail and now let's start adding some nice effects the first thing we will do is adding drop shadow to our text so you click on the text and then right here you can see which text you just selected so just click on the text and now right here you can see it's selected in the layers and let's double click on it make sure you don't double click on the name because that's for renaming it double click right next to it on the empty space and then you get this settings window which is 44 night text right here on the bottom you can click on drop shadow and then right here make sure that black is selected then right here move all these sliders to the beginning so you don't have drop shadow and then increase the size right here to how big you want it to be then you can use this slider right here to make it less obvious but I really like it because it's a dark scene it's kind of a night scene so the drop shadow can be very dark without being too noticeable let's click on OK and now we want to do the same thing for the other text and a quick way to do it is right here in the layers again you hold your Alt key to copy things and then you just drag the drop shadow to another layer and it will just copy it again drag it to this layer and now you have drop shadow on all the layers and it may look a bit harsh but when you zoom out you see that when is this small it really is not a problem so let's zoom in again and now we will create the effect of the background right here so it looks like the text is popping out so let's go back to our thumbnail then right here in the layers select this cinematic background if you're not sure if you selected the right thing you can click on the I in front of it to see what disappears when you click on it so then you see that we have selected the right layer now instead of double-clicking on it for adding effects we will go to the top to filter than to blur and then to radial blur okay so then we get these settings right here and by default it will be like this so you have to click on the zoom then click on best quality and then increase this slider till you can see on the preview right here that it will really be very kind of zoomed and warped and I don't know how you have to call it let's click on OK to see how it turned out ok and this is the effect we have right now which already looks great but I think that it looks better when you position it behind your text right here in the middle now to do that we can't just drag it because you see right here then we have an empty space so instead we will have transform it so make sure it is selected right here then press ctrl T and I will get a message that Photoshop will disable the effect while transforming because otherwise it's very hard for your PC to render everything so now we will have to make it bigger so just grab one of the corners or one of these sides and just make it bigger like this now right here you see there is a cross on the image and the middle of the cross will be the middle of our blur so we will have to position that cross right here in the middle and you see that we still have some blanket space so make it even bigger and then position the cross behind the text like this now click on enter and you will see when it's finished rendering that right here this is the effect we have right now and it already looks like our and results now the next thing I did maybe you didn't notice it immediately but this character right now is kind of looking this way ok so to the right and right here it is looking to the left to the inside of our thumbnail 2d text that's better so let's go back to our terminal click on this character to make sure it's selected okay right here you see this layer is selected click on the I to make sure it's the right one then go to edit on the top go to transformation and click on turn horizontally okay so now you see it just turned horizontally and now it's looking to the inside maybe you will have to reposition it or something I will make it a bit bigger because that looks better most of the time so it kind of gets out of the frame right here click on OK and now when we zoom out this is the terminal we have right now and now the next thing and I think is the final thing to do is adding more contrast making the colors pop adding some brightness and for that we will be using the adjustments tab right here if you don't see this go to window and then right here select adjustments and then it will appear right here or in this bar so you can just expand it okay so for me it's right here and the first thing we will be adding is color tone so that's this icon right here let's click on it and now it appears on top of the layers but we only want to affect the background so we will have to drag it down on top of the background right here so what did we add right now this is an adjustment layer and it affects all layers below it so right here we can see all layers below is actually this layer which is useless and we can just delete it so the only layer below is the background layer now let's say that there are other layers below this one and you don't want to affect them you can make sure that the adjustment layer only affects the layer below it by holding your Alt key and then in between of the two layers when this icon appears on your mouse just click and then you see right here you did add a little arrow in the front so that means that this adjustment layer will only affect the layer below it now let's click on the adjustment layer and right here we can change the color by dragging this color tone but that's not what we want let's click ctrl C we want to add some saturation right here so you can make it pop more of course not too much because then you get this and that's not good so let's go back to 0 and up it a bit till we think that it's alright okay so this looks pretty nice and now I did say that we don't need this but we can change the color a bit to make it more purple or more pink let's see if it works or not so let's drag it to the right a bit and then you can see the color is getting more like this skin right here so that's pretty nice let's zoom out a bit and maybe when you see it that small you think oh the color isn't that good or I can't see the difference between the skin and the background so you can go to the adjustment layer again and then you can change it till you think ok this pops more because right now I see when I make it more purple this can pops more so actually that's better so we will leave it like this ok so now the next thing to do is adding a bit of saturation to this right here to the skin so click on the skin and of course we already have a saturation layer so we can just click on alt and drag it on top of this right here and hold alt again move it between these layers and click so it only affects the layer below of course we will have to reset this so we can start from zero so this is how the skin looks and the only thing I will do is adding a bit more saturation not too much but when it's very small you see it's better if there's more saturation when I disable it you kind of see the difference and it's better that it pops more if you want me to show you other techniques to create thumbnails and other IDs etc comment it below and maybe I will make a playlist dedicated to creating thumbnails if you enjoyed this video please hit the like button and if you want to learn more about video editing Street getting better at streaming graphic design for your online brand etc make sure you click the subscribe button because then this channel is just perfect for you thanks for watching and I hope that I will see you in my next video have a good dayhaving a great thumbnail increases your click-through rate and also your reviews and in this video we will be creating this thumbnail you just clicked on what's up everyone yelling here with a very inert and welcome to the fortnight thumbnail tutorial if this is your first time here and you're a gamer that wants to grow your online presence with a gaming online by streaming creating videos etc then make sure to subscribe because this channel is just perfect for you in this tutorial I will show you a lot of things which you can use to create awesome four-night thumbnails and we will just start right now so right here we are in Photoshop and this is the end result of the thumbnail we will be creating right now now before starting I will guide you to the taught process that went into preparing this thumbnail because I never just start throwing things together till I get something that works know before starting to create my thumbnail I always take a look at the competition because that's very important so I knew that my title would be how to make a fortnight thumbnail with Photoshop so what did I do I went to youtube ok and then I just type in the title how to make right here a fortnight thumbnail with Photoshop I click okay let's make it fullscreen and right here you can see that this will be my competition now I assumed that I would be ranking on the first page not because I'm overconfident but because when you are not ranking on the first page there's no real way of predicting your competition so you should assume that your ranking kind of on top for the phrase that you want to rank for so what did I do next I took the snipping tool and I took a screenshot of these thumbnails right here then I saved it to my desktop okay let's save it and then I did drag it to Photoshop so right here it is drag it to Photoshop to a new tab and right here we have our competition and later when we are creating a thumbnail we can add it right here on one of these thumbnails to kind of take a look at how it would look compared to the other ones but before starting to create it of course you need a general color that you will be using for your thumbnail and you should choose the color that you are not seeing in the first search results so what do I see a lot right here blue white blue blue right here green blue a bit of purple so pink and purple would be very good to rank against this right here so that's what I wanted to use for my thumbnail so let's just start creating our thumbnail you go to file click on you and then create a new file that's 1920 by 1080 okay 72 pixels per inch should be good and then just click on create and right here is our empty thumbnail now instead of browsing the internet for good backgrounds and characters or objects to put on the foreground I have a really great graphic spec for you that's made by my friends or tech on YouTube I will link to his video on the graphics pack in the description this is the graphics pack and right here there are a lot of assets for example 3d models these are a bunch of 3d models but you kind of have to look through the whole package because some things are spread out etc I will just show you right now which ones I picked for this thumbnail okay so for the background I went to cinematic backgrounds then again cinematic backgrounds and then right here this looked very nice for me because of the purple background this is the one I used so let's just drag it to Photoshop release okay and right here press enter for now we can rescale it afterwards etc but for now let's place it here go back to the graphics back to the first level okay then season 1 to 4 then character season 1 to four characters type B and this is a map full of close-ups of the characters which is great and this is the one I used so let's drag it to Photoshop release it drag this to the bottom till it connects drag this to the top for now okay so for now let's just do it like this so this is the basic structure of the thumbnail now before adding effects to this etc let's add our text and you first need to download the font of fortnight so when I click on text right here I can just add some text let's just type for night in caps and you see this is the font of for night and it's called Burbank baked condensed I will put a link to that font in the description so you can just download it and continue with the tutorial okay so right now we did type something when you just click on the side right here you will see that the border disappears when we then click on V on the keyboard all right here click on this tool you can move it around and you can also transform it by making sure it's selected right here and then click ctrl or command T but right here you see that there is a really big empty space right here and I will show you white click on enter double click on fortnight and you see this is the text area so we will need to make it smaller like this and like this okay till it fits perfectly and then just click on this side right here now when we press ctrl T you can see that this is the border so this is perfect so let's just make it a bit bigger okay but this is a lot bigger but it's perfect for it thumbnail because you always need to keep in mind that the thumbnail will be very small so while editing always zoom out a bit to see how everything looks and if you are not making things too small etc so let's zoom in again let's make this a bit smaller because it's pretty big ok for now let's do this now there are two other words on my thumbnail which is thumbnail and tutorial now when you hold your alt key and you make sure that this tool is selected you can just drag on something and it will create a copy my Photoshop is in Dutch I will try to translate everything I had problems setting it to English so I will have to work with this right now but I'm sure it will not be a problem okay let's continue alt again copy it again for the third text okay and now let's double click on for night and then right thumb nail okay and then right here on for night and tutorial so this is the text that I will be using now to change the color you can just click on the text and then right here on the right you can change this style you can change the font right here you can change it from both to regular if that's an option for the font you downloaded which is not the case right now and right here you can change the color just click on it and then just make it white click on the second one okay again white so this is the basic structure of the thumbnail we will make thumbnail a bit smaller like this okay maybe a bit bigger okay and then for tonight a bit bigger than the rest like this now a very useful tip when positioning everything is that you can bring the rulers into your screen so you can position everything perfectly when you want to get rid of the ruler you just drag it to the side again if you don't see these rulers right here you can press ctrl or and they will appear or disappear or you can change it in window also then to get a ruler you just click on this side you hold your key and you drag it also from the top you can do that too okay let's press control Z and then add one ruler like this okay so then you can zoom in and you can really make sure it's perfect so it starts at the same point or around the same point you can zoom in and do it pixel by pixel if you'd think that's needed okay let's do it again right now because of OCD and then just scroll out and this is the basic structure of the thumbnail and now let's start adding some nice effects the first thing we will do is adding drop shadow to our text so you click on the text and then right here you can see which text you just selected so just click on the text and now right here you can see it's selected in the layers and let's double click on it make sure you don't double click on the name because that's for renaming it double click right next to it on the empty space and then you get this settings window which is 44 night text right here on the bottom you can click on drop shadow and then right here make sure that black is selected then right here move all these sliders to the beginning so you don't have drop shadow and then increase the size right here to how big you want it to be then you can use this slider right here to make it less obvious but I really like it because it's a dark scene it's kind of a night scene so the drop shadow can be very dark without being too noticeable let's click on OK and now we want to do the same thing for the other text and a quick way to do it is right here in the layers again you hold your Alt key to copy things and then you just drag the drop shadow to another layer and it will just copy it again drag it to this layer and now you have drop shadow on all the layers and it may look a bit harsh but when you zoom out you see that when is this small it really is not a problem so let's zoom in again and now we will create the effect of the background right here so it looks like the text is popping out so let's go back to our thumbnail then right here in the layers select this cinematic background if you're not sure if you selected the right thing you can click on the I in front of it to see what disappears when you click on it so then you see that we have selected the right layer now instead of double-clicking on it for adding effects we will go to the top to filter than to blur and then to radial blur okay so then we get these settings right here and by default it will be like this so you have to click on the zoom then click on best quality and then increase this slider till you can see on the preview right here that it will really be very kind of zoomed and warped and I don't know how you have to call it let's click on OK to see how it turned out ok and this is the effect we have right now which already looks great but I think that it looks better when you position it behind your text right here in the middle now to do that we can't just drag it because you see right here then we have an empty space so instead we will have transform it so make sure it is selected right here then press ctrl T and I will get a message that Photoshop will disable the effect while transforming because otherwise it's very hard for your PC to render everything so now we will have to make it bigger so just grab one of the corners or one of these sides and just make it bigger like this now right here you see there is a cross on the image and the middle of the cross will be the middle of our blur so we will have to position that cross right here in the middle and you see that we still have some blanket space so make it even bigger and then position the cross behind the text like this now click on enter and you will see when it's finished rendering that right here this is the effect we have right now and it already looks like our and results now the next thing I did maybe you didn't notice it immediately but this character right now is kind of looking this way ok so to the right and right here it is looking to the left to the inside of our thumbnail 2d text that's better so let's go back to our terminal click on this character to make sure it's selected okay right here you see this layer is selected click on the I to make sure it's the right one then go to edit on the top go to transformation and click on turn horizontally okay so now you see it just turned horizontally and now it's looking to the inside maybe you will have to reposition it or something I will make it a bit bigger because that looks better most of the time so it kind of gets out of the frame right here click on OK and now when we zoom out this is the terminal we have right now and now the next thing and I think is the final thing to do is adding more contrast making the colors pop adding some brightness and for that we will be using the adjustments tab right here if you don't see this go to window and then right here select adjustments and then it will appear right here or in this bar so you can just expand it okay so for me it's right here and the first thing we will be adding is color tone so that's this icon right here let's click on it and now it appears on top of the layers but we only want to affect the background so we will have to drag it down on top of the background right here so what did we add right now this is an adjustment layer and it affects all layers below it so right here we can see all layers below is actually this layer which is useless and we can just delete it so the only layer below is the background layer now let's say that there are other layers below this one and you don't want to affect them you can make sure that the adjustment layer only affects the layer below it by holding your Alt key and then in between of the two layers when this icon appears on your mouse just click and then you see right here you did add a little arrow in the front so that means that this adjustment layer will only affect the layer below it now let's click on the adjustment layer and right here we can change the color by dragging this color tone but that's not what we want let's click ctrl C we want to add some saturation right here so you can make it pop more of course not too much because then you get this and that's not good so let's go back to 0 and up it a bit till we think that it's alright okay so this looks pretty nice and now I did say that we don't need this but we can change the color a bit to make it more purple or more pink let's see if it works or not so let's drag it to the right a bit and then you can see the color is getting more like this skin right here so that's pretty nice let's zoom out a bit and maybe when you see it that small you think oh the color isn't that good or I can't see the difference between the skin and the background so you can go to the adjustment layer again and then you can change it till you think ok this pops more because right now I see when I make it more purple this can pops more so actually that's better so we will leave it like this ok so now the next thing to do is adding a bit of saturation to this right here to the skin so click on the skin and of course we already have a saturation layer so we can just click on alt and drag it on top of this right here and hold alt again move it between these layers and click so it only affects the layer below of course we will have to reset this so we can start from zero so this is how the skin looks and the only thing I will do is adding a bit more saturation not too much but when it's very small you see it's better if there's more saturation when I disable it you kind of see the difference and it's better that it pops more if you want me to show you other techniques to create thumbnails and other IDs etc comment it below and maybe I will make a playlist dedicated to creating thumbnails if you enjoyed this video please hit the like button and if you want to learn more about video editing Street getting better at streaming graphic design for your online brand etc make sure you click the subscribe button because then this channel is just perfect for you thanks for watching and I hope that I will see you in my next video have a good day