Headphones for Bed

The Concept of Bedphones: A Game-Changer for Insomniacs?

When it comes to finding ways to improve sleep quality, many people turn to traditional headphones or earbuds. However, these options often come with drawbacks such as falling off during sleep or being too uncomfortable to wear for extended periods. This is where the innovative idea of "Bedphones" comes in – essentially, headphones designed specifically for use in bed.

These Bedphones are marketed as a solution for individuals who struggle to fall asleep due to noise or other distractions. The product features a sleek design that feels similar to those used on airplanes, with extra earpads and a sleep mask included in the box. However, upon closer inspection, some users have noted that the headphones feel slightly cheap compared to traditional options.

One of the standout features of Bedphones is their adjustable strap, which allows for a secure fit around the ear. This makes it possible to wear them during sleep without worrying about them falling off. The product also includes a semi-long cable that can be charged overnight on a bedside table or nightstand.

But how do these Bedphones sound? According to the user, they fall short in this department. During a test run of a popular song, the headphones failed to produce clear audio and instead sounded like trash. However, it's worth noting that the product is designed primarily for comfort rather than audio quality, making it an ideal solution for insomniacs who prioritize a good night's sleep over high-quality sound.

In terms of durability, the Bedphones have passed the user's tests – even when subjected to vigorous head movements or worn during sleep. The product has also impressed with its ease of use and convenience, featuring a compact design that fits neatly into a bedside table.

Ultimately, whether or not the Bedphones are worth the investment depends on individual preferences and priorities. While they may not offer the same level of audio quality as traditional headphones, their innovative design and focus on comfort make them an attractive option for those struggling with insomnia or sleep deprivation.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHeadphones for Bed? Hey, what's up guys, Keaton here, so I havetrouble sleeping sometimes, so I like to playa little bit of music. Now, with traditionalheadphones, they always seem to fall off andI've actually broken a pair. So I got thesethings called Bedphones, essentially headphonesfor your bed. So let's go and check it out.So this right here is called Bedphones, it'sa little pricey for what you're gettin', ifyou guys want to check it out, links belowand you get pretty much a black box. It'sactually just a black box, that's pretty muchit, see you guys soon. Later. But let's goahead and open this, we got a hard shell casehere, just to keep it protected. And I'llkind of talk about that in a second, we getthe actual Bedphones, which, straight up,right off the bat, feel like headphones you'dget on an airplane. They're like, that kindof quality, so that's why it's a little expensivefor what you're gettin'. Get some extra earpads, like, is this the nineties? What? Youknow those headphones that come with like,a Walkman? If you know what a Walkman is,drop a like on this video, because that meansyou are not too old. I know what a Walkmanis. This is exactly what it feels like. Andwe get a bonus, and I love my bonuses. Weget a sleep mask. So, yeah, I mean. Like,do I look good? Do I pull it off? I feel likesleep masks don't look the best on me. Doesit look weird? It looks weird doesn't it?We get an extra sleep mask cause that's alwaysawesome. And I'm wearin' a visor just causeI came back from the beach, and I'm enjoyingthat Cali sun, suh dude. So, that's what youget inside the box, pretty simple stuff. Ilike this case, just because, they seem tofeel really flimsy. So by having a case, that'sreally nice, so you won't damage em'. Andyou get a free sleep mask, which I apparentlydon't look good in? All right, got the Bedphonesout of the case, and yeah, first impressionis they feel a little cheap, which, I don'treally know if that matters or not, and I'llshow you guys an actual demo, of me in mybed later, oooo. We're gonna put these tothe test, see if they work, but I don't know,they just feel really cheap compared to like....I just, hope I didn't hurt you there, comparedto like, actual headphones. And I have somereally nice ear buds too so I guess for theprice, you aren't getting what you pay for.And you get a free sleep mask, which is cool.So how this works, is you put them over yourears, like any ear bud and then there is this,kind of bendy cord, which you can morph andjust secure around your ear. That's kind ofthe best way to put it, so to fasten it onmy left ear, I will put it on. I'm like aspaz right now. I'll put it on, have the bendycord go around my ear and, there we go. Itlooks secure for the most part, I can shakemy head, it's not going anywhere. And whenyou sleep, that's all you really need to careabout. With headphones, they will fall offyour head. I've tried to sleep with musicon before. Doesn't work out so well. MaybeI need to invest in some nice speakers. Fromclothes to the bed setting, it's interesting,it's getting real interesting here on thechannel. So subscribe for more. All right,so they're on my ears right now, they feelas secure as they possibly can be. They feelreally light, which I like, that's nice. That'slike, the biggest downside to headphones,is just how uncomfortable they can get. SoI'm guessing if I put my head down on my pillow,seriously this sounds really weird. If I putmy head down on my pillow, I'll be all setto go and there won't really be any discomfort.We kind of have a semi-long cable here. Comesin blue, which I like. Got a long cable soyou can charge your phone, put it on yournightstand, or whatever. And yeah, I mean,that's really all there is to it. Now, I'mpretty curious, because, like, when you goto bed, sound quality doesn't matter and Ihave a lot of headphones, I have Beats, Ihave Bose, I have a nice pair of Audio Technica's.I'm not gonna say that I know what I'm talkingabout, in terms of audio quality, but I knowa good pair of headphones and ear buds froma bad pair. And I'm interested to see if theseBedphones, I just love the name. I'm interestedto see how good these sound, compared to like,my Apple ear buds. Just for sound quality.These will also fall out of your ear so fast,so you can't really sleep with these. I knowwe've all tried. Seriously I know we have.If you guys like to sleep with music or havetried to, comment down below so I don't feelalone. Cause at this point right now, I'mfeelin' like I'm the only one. So let's goand do a quick song demo, just see if thesereally do sound like trash or if they soundgood. We'll pull open the Spotify, I'll playsome Today's Top Hits. I'm a trendy kid andmy iPhone seems to be broken. Oooo, I reallylike this song. Ahhh, mmmm, nope, nope, no,no, no, no. It sounds like, these headphonesaren't really good. So I guess the real testis if these are gonna stay on my head whileI'm sleepin', so never thought I could saythis but let's go to the bedroom. Huh, okayso, went to my bedroom, apparently it's beingoccupied, had a house party last night, sowe're on the couch, usually where I'm at.And we're gonna test these out, see if theywork, gonna rub my head around and put thesleep mask back on. Okay, that's as tightas they go. Yeah, hi. We're gonna play Future'sPurple Reign because when I go to bed, I liketo be a thug too. I roll around a lot whenI sleep, so just rollin' around. My hat felloff. It stays on, I was rubbin' my head therepretty furiously, and it stays on so thesethings are pretty legit. See and that's prettymuch it for this video. If you guys enjoyedit, and made it to the end, be sure to dropa like on it, and if you're new, go and getsubscribed. Just click the icon right here.It works on mobile, so if you're on an iPhone,just tap it, you'll get subscribed. Checkout my last video on that cool hoodie, it'sright here, and also follow me on Snapchat.That's right up here. And yeah, see you guyssoon.\n"