Tesla Model 3 Review - The Good and The Bad

**Tesla's Latest Concerns: Software Issues and Supercharger Woes**

In this article, we will delve into some of the latest concerns surrounding Tesla's vehicles. While Tesla has made significant strides in innovation and technology, there are still some issues that need to be addressed.

One of the primary concerns is the software interface of Tesla's cars. According to our testing, the software is indeed great and one of the best we've ever used. However, it can be a bit scary at times, particularly when it comes to certain features. For instance, when driving on a highway in light rain, the windshield wipers' control system was a bit wonky. It worked okay sometimes, but other times it didn't work at all, causing errors and concerns for our driver.

This issue is not unique to this particular car model, as we've heard similar complaints from other Tesla owners. The problem lies in the regenerative braking system, which becomes less effective when not relying on it due to the vehicle's weight. This can make the car feel heavy and less responsive, especially at high speeds. Our driver felt that the dual motor would struggle to stop well, given its substantial weight.

But the software issues don't end there. During our testing, we encountered a series of errors with Tesla's Autopilot system while driving on the highway. The car displayed five different error messages, including regenerative braking and emergency braking warnings. This caused our driver to pull over at a nearby supercharger station, where they called Tesla to report the issue.

Fortunately, Tesla's customer service team was able to resolve the problem quickly by rebooting the car's computer system. However, this experience left us with a lingering concern about the reliability of Tesla's Autopilot system, especially in critical situations like highway driving. We're told that Tesla stores data from these issues for two weeks and then tries to eliminate them through software updates.

Another concern we have is the availability and speed of Tesla's Supercharger network. While 20-30 minutes is a reasonable amount of time to charge an electric car, hour-long charging sessions can be a significant drawback for some owners. Our driver noted that even with an average stop lasting around 10-20 minutes, it was still a concern due to the presence of little kids.

To address this issue, Tesla has partnered with BMW to develop a faster charging technology that promises to charge cars three times faster than their current Superchargers. However, for now, Tesla's Supercharger network remains scattered across the country, leaving owners without convenient charging options. We hope that as the technology improves and more charging stations become available, this issue will be resolved.

Ultimately, while our experience with Tesla was largely positive, there are still some concerns that need to be addressed. The software issues and supercharger woes highlight areas where improvement is needed to ensure a seamless ownership experience for Tesla's customers. As the electric vehicle market continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Tesla addresses these concerns and pushes forward with their innovative technology.


Tesla has made significant strides in innovation and technology, but as with any complex system, there are still areas that require improvement. While our testing revealed some issues with the software interface and Autopilot system, we also saw the benefits of Tesla's technology firsthand. The company's commitment to continuous improvement and customer service is evident, even if it takes time to resolve these concerns.

As an industry, we can expect to see more electric vehicles like Tesla in the future. With advancements in technology and infrastructure, the need for fast and convenient charging solutions will become increasingly important. We look forward to seeing how Tesla addresses their concerns and pushes the boundaries of innovation in the years to come.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTechand this is the Tesla Model 3 now whatyou may not realize is I'm just as muchof a car guy as I am into technology andI thought this was the best of bothworlds combined into one so I've beendriving it for a couple days and Iwanted to give you the good and the badafter driving it for those couple ofdays and just give you my firstimpressionsnow the first positive thing is thedesign it kind of grows on you and whileI still think the Model S is a littlebit better looking the model 3 is quitegood especially the front 3/4 of it theback is a little bit what I'm not socrazy aboutnow the next positive thing is thehandling let me go ahead and show youwhat that's like and then we'll talkabout autopilot max so let me move alonghere and this is a particularly curvyroad and it has pretty good elevationwhere I live too so this car handlesincredibly well because all the weightis really down low and it is a heavy carbut let's go ahead and we're doing 30miles per hour it's 45 through here andthe handling is really great as is howquiet it is it's pretty quiet you prettymuch only hear the road noise from thetires and the wind going over themirrors but you'll see here let meaccelerate I'll slow down and show youthe acceleration because that's what'sprobably the most impressive thingthere's torque from zero rpm so if Istop here and then just punch itit will pin you in the seat like amuscle car and it's incredibly quick andvery fun anyone I've given a ride to andthis his thought that's incredible andyou'll see we're doing 25 if I punch itagain that torque is just there all ofthe time and that's what makes this carso more modern feeling in fact it's whatI would say is the equivalent of one aniPhone came out and how different thatwas than the previous versions ofsmartphones or flip phones it's that bigof a jump but it's still in its infancynow the next positive thing is autopilotautopilot is not a hundred percent therethere's been quite a few videos aboutthat but on a curvy road like this it'spretty impressive so let me turn it onyou turn it on by pushing down thisstock twice and I can set the speed withthis little dial here we'll set it for31 miles per hour this is really curvythis is a 25 mile per hour curve andyou'll see how it handles it now you dohave to touch the steering wheel every15 seconds or so it's not quite fullyautonomous yet and it does make mistakesso I have to monitor it but it reallyeases driving especially in trafficthat's where that really shines soyou'll see it's pretty curvy up frontherenow this is a pretty odd sensation ofdriving and you'll see it says applylight force it'll turn blueapply a light force and it works nowgoing up this Hill is where it's mightbe a little bit scary because it may notsee the lines and you'll see it went outof the line slightly and I had to grabthe wheel and that's where it's notperfect because when you come up overthat hill it's not seeing those linesbut watches I Drive through this how itcornersso this is a fun car to drive and a fastcar and you have to be careful becauseit's so quick now the next thing isbuild quality build quality is waybetter than I've heard others say infact I checked it out and the lines onthe car are straight it's quiet and ittakes a lot to actually make a car thisquiet all of the time the electricmotors being as quieted as they are youreally can hear everything going on inthe car so it's more quiet in thatlittle rattling you might hear isactually the camera mount it's not thecar itself so it's really impressivewhen you're driving this along how quietit actually is so that part's nice theinterior is also built pretty well thesparseness of it makes it feel likeyou're not getting as much for yourmoney but it's super clean that thesteering wheel feels really good it's anice thickness and all the materialsincluding the touch screen feel veryhigh-qualitythe seats look like they're built reallywell they seem like the last the test oftime but we'll see over the next fewyears but overall I think it's prettywell builtcompared to other cars I've tried aswell including Mercedes and BMW andthings like thatnow the next positive thing is I candrive this across country regardless ofwhat some people may think you actuallycan drive this anywhere you'd like soyou just go to navigate on thetouchscreen maybe we want to go toAustin Texas we'll wait for it to loadall of those red dots are thesuperchargers so there's a lot ofsuperchargers across the country now itmay take you longer to get there than ifyou were in a gas powered car but we'llwait for it to load it uses LTE so ithas that and then and you'll see here'sall the superchargers now it this casewill have to charge for 50 minutes 1hour 1 hour 50 minutes so each time wehave to stop 50 minutes to one hour nowsome trips I've plotted you only have tostop for an hour once and then you candrive and the next stop will be about 20minutes so it just depends where you'regoing but in this case that's what youhave to stop every time to go to andthat will get you there of course you'llbe able to get out get maybe somethingto eat take a break but it is a littlebit longer than you would have in aGiller car but you definitely can goanywhere you want and that's a majorpositive for Tesla in particular becausethere's no one else you can do that withnow the next positive is thistouchscreen interface it takes a littlebit to get used to but if you're used toan iPhone or an iPad this is phenomenalit's super responsive it's really fastand if you want to search for navigationor whatever it's using Google Maps andthen it connects to your phone withbluetooth and that's not the best way inmy opinion I'd rather have a wiredconnection for better sound quality butI love this touchscreen interfaceespecially the fans if you want toadjust the fans in and out you can shootthe air through the steering wheel atyour face we'll keep that off for nowand it's just really nice and then letme turn this back off you'll see howresponsive it is if I want to turn thewipers on I can turn them on like thator turn them to auto we can swipe heresee our tire pressure the wholeinterface is really good it does take alittle bit of getting used to this isthe rear camera we have electricity thatwe've used the charge and everythingelse and this will do about 310 miles itis the long range and that's withoutclimate control on or on very high andat a normal cruising speed on thehighway but everything as far as thetouch controls the heated seatseverything else is really simple andstraightforward and it works really wellyou even have a web browser here you cansee there's what my web page and it'spretty good so I'm pretty happy withthis and it's a great clean interfacealso you control everything with thesetwo knobs you want to turn up the radioyou turn it up for the left knob youwant to adjust speed and distance andcruise control you use the right now andeverything feels pretty high-quality nowthe next positive is there's almost nomaintenance when it comes to an electriccar there's really not a whole lot to doyou change brakes and tires so wheneveryour tires wear out you change thosewhenever the brakes wear out which isusually a hundred thousand miles or morejust like a hybrid my hybrid that I'vehad before lasted a hundred thousandmiles on one pair of brake pads beyondthatup to a hundred and eighty thousandmiles in some fleet vehicles that areusing Tesla's so that's really reallyimpressive and very minimal cost ofcourse the car costs a lot more upfrontand then you also have environmentalbenefits however you view that I didn'ttry to look at one of these because ofenvironmental reasons I just see that asa side benefit now of course there areother things as far as creating the carthat may not be as good for theenvironment but you don't have the smogor anything like that so it's just niceand quiet and that's something I like alot about this vehicle now let's move onto the negatives the first one I canthink of is price this is a veryexpensive car it's supposed to be theinexpensive model and it's just notthere yetconfigured like this one is a dual motorlong range this is the cheapest when itcomes to paint and tires so with autopilot you're about fifty five thousanddollars to fifty seven thousand dollarsor so depending on how you configure itup to 70 thousand dollars for theperformance model and that's not aninexpensive vehicle now if this wasforty to forty five thousand dollars Iwould say this is really what it shouldbe and what it feels like when I'mdriving it it feels more like a forty tofifty thousand dollar car as opposed toa fifty to seventy thousand dollar carand that may or may not be important toyou depending on how much money youactually have so that's something toconsider of course the next negative orbad thing about this car is quality nowfor some this isn't a concern becausethe newer cars seem to be pretty highquality but some of the older ones therewere panel gap issues and misalignmentsand things and tesla has gone out oftheir way pretty much to fix that forthe majority of people however for a lotof people for a car this expensivethat's a big concern so the next thingthat's negative for me is the softwarenow I love the software interface ofthis I think it's great and it's thebest in any car I've ever used howeverit was a little bit scary for me when Iwas driving it yesterdayI was driving on the highway in a littlebit of rain it wasn't too bad and thesoftware that controls the windshieldwipers is terribleit works okay sometimes when it's inAuto and then other times it doesn'twork at all it's really strange how itworks but I was driving an autopilot at70 miles per hour on the highway whichis the speed limit and all of the suddenit gave me five different errorsregenerative braking shutoff which onething that was pretty interesting isthis is a heavy car and now that you'renot relying on regenerative braking itbecomes very heavy and you can feel thatwith the brake pedal so I don't knowwhat the performance model is like butthe dual motor this thing felt like itwouldn't stop very well because it's soheavy so that's something to note butalso there were four more errors on topof that with auto pilot and emergencybraking and all these different systemscruise control wouldn't work and so Igot to a supercharger which is where Iwas headedafter the supercharger and rebooted thecomputer and you do that by holding thetwo buttons on the steering wheel downthe computer reboots and then most ofthe systems were working fine but sincethat happened I decided to call Teslasince I was waiting for the superchargerjust to see what was going on and theydidn't see a problem but they did seethe errors and the reboot they had mepower down the car rebooted again and itfixed the problem so it's kind of like alaptop or an iPhone or one of thosethings and it gets a little bit scary ifthat happens now it didn't affectdrivability on the highway I could driveit like any other car but all of thosesystems went away all of the sudden soit's just something to keep in mind andthey look at that data and they actuallytold me they look at that data and theyget all of that data they store it fortwo weeks and take any bug reports andthen get rid of it and try and improvethe cars so they're trying to make themautonomous but we're a little ways fromthat especially if your car has any ofthose errors happen they didn't find anyproblems with the sensors or anythingand said if it happened again call themand maybe bring it in so this car isreally new it's less than a month oldand has a little over a thousand mileson it so it's just something to know nowthe final negative I have has to do withthe superchargers now I said this was apositive before and my reasoning has todo with the amount of time it takes tocharge20 to 30 minutes to me is fine but anhour to an hour and 10 minutes is notespecially if you have little kids withyou along the way so it may be okay forsome peopleyour average stop is anywhere from 10 to20 minutes sometimes 30 minutes a lot ofpeople think they're stopping for tenminutes and it ends up taking 20 minutesor longer so 20 to 30 minutes would beokay and now BMW says they have atechnology that will charge three timesfaster than Tesla the problem is theydon't have a supercharger network acrossthe United States so I really wishthey'd all partner figure that out andjust put them all over the place andyou'd solve that problem and if itreally is three times faster well thatsolves the problem right there sohopefully we see all of these advancescoming up in the future you will see alot more electric cars and overall Ithink this is a great piece oftechnology now the real question iswould I buy one I'm not sure yet in factI like the model asks better as far asits looks but the technology is betterin this car so it's kind of up in theair and they're still really expensiveso it's still up in the air for mepersonally but I'd love to hear what youhave to say about them in the commentsbelow would you like to see more carvideos since that's something I'mactually really passionate about and Ihave been into cars since as long as Ihave been into technology but let meknow what you think in the commentsbelow if you haven't subscribed alreadythough please subscribe and like, asalways thanks for watching I'll see younext time\n"