The First Times: A Collection of Memories and Stories
It's never too late to share your first times with the world. For some, it might be a funny story that still makes them chuckle today, while for others, it could be a more serious experience that they're not quite ready to discuss. Here are some first times shared by a popular YouTuber, where they open up about their early memories and experiences.
My First Kisses
The YouTuber's first kiss was with their mom, who probably remembers the incident better than they do. They also recall the first time they kissed someone else, which was during their first grade year, when they were called "dumbo" by a classmate. The YouTuber was not offended by the nickname and remembers it fondly. As for kissing someone special, they say it wasn't until much later in life.
My First Loves
When it comes to falling in love, the YouTuber says that their first song they ever wrote was terrible. They don't remember the details of the song but recall writing it during a time when they skipped class due to food sickness. The YouTuber's first kiss with someone special wasn't exactly romantic, as they mention that the person didn't seem to like it.
My First Experiences
One of the most memorable experiences shared by the YouTuber is their first trip to the internet. They remember using AOL on a computer given by their grandfather and being amazed by what they could access online. The YouTuber also talks about trying wine spritzers for the first time at age 12, which made them cry within 30 minutes.
My First Drunks
The YouTuber shares a story about witnessing a friend get drunk on a card game night with Amanda. The friend was completely smashed and had to be taken care of by her partner the next day. This experience taught the YouTuber about the dangers of overdrinking.
My First Fights
As for their first fight, the YouTuber remembers getting into an argument with someone while out with friends. They don't recall who it was or what sparked the fight, but they do remember feeling relieved when the situation ended.
My First Break-Ups
The YouTuber's first experience with heartbreak is a bit surprising – they've never been in a serious relationship or had their heart broken. This might be due to their personality or life choices, but it's clear that this is not something they're looking to relive anytime soon.
Sports and Fitness
When it comes to sports, the YouTuber wasn't always interested. Their parents put them into recreational sports, but they quickly realized that it wasn't for them. In fact, their first experience with a sport was when they accidentally kicked sand into their coach's shoe. This incident taught them to choose their battles wisely.
Lazy Days
As for being lazy, the YouTuber admits that they've always been a bit laid-back. However, there was one instance where they realized just how lazy they could be. They recall reading an article with only one letter and feeling like they'd lost all motivation to do anything productive.
Speaking of heartbreak, the YouTuber reveals that they've never actually experienced it before. This might be due to their personality or life choices, but it's clear that this is not something they're looking to relive anytime soon.
These first times and experiences shared by the YouTuber offer a glimpse into their childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood. From their first kisses to their first heartbreaks, each story provides a unique perspective on life's ups and downs. Whether you can relate to some of these experiences or not, it's clear that the YouTuber has led an interesting and varied life so far.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enBOOMBOOMBOOMHi unvd velcum do askmwtanything i asked you guys to completethe question was your first time doing*Deep Intense Glare**Smexy Glare*first time you met mark still not reallyanything to do with methanks guys what was the first time youkissed someone the first time I kissedsomeone would have to be my mom was thefirst time you pooped again ask my momabout that one she probably remembersbetter than mefirst time you drove a car I don'tremember the exact first time I drove acar because i was super super young buti do remember the first time that idrove a stick shiftI remember because arm my dad onlytaught me for like five minutes becauseyou had to go to workhe literally taught me in five minutesand he was like you'll get the hang ofit and then got out of the car and wentto workI was terrified what was the first timeyou recognized in publicI actually went on a cruise with amandaFaye to Mexico and met a viewer on theboat on the boat on the cruise ship wasthe first time you answered mass madthis timewhat inspired you to be a youtuber whatwas the first time you realized you hadbig ears when I looked in a mirrorcan you please tell me the first timeyou lost your vcard that was anembarrassing story seatI put the v card in my pocket and thenwhen I went up to the valetit just disappeared so i couldn't get mycar back what an embarrassing storycan you tell me about the first time youmet a man that first time I met Amanda Iwas eating a green apple armthat's all really remember remember thatgreen apples tasty thoughdon't make this joke before can you tellme the first time you use social mediayeah actually here's a picture of myfirst tweet if you can catch it firsttime you had spicy foodthe first time I had spicy food I waskind of shocked because I just didn'tunderstandand why food wanted to attack my mouthfirst time you talked to Amanda firsttime I talked to amanda i was eating agreen appleI don't remember much else but greenapple was tasty it was the first timeyou ever got bulliedthe first time I was ever bulliedI was called dumbo actually and that wasin first grade first grade first time Iever got bullied i was called dumbo youknow the elephant the disney elephantI was not offended because I mean youknow here's a movie star was the firsttime you did something that you werescared to do that would be kindergartenand actually I didn't go the first daybecause I was way too terrifiedit was the first time you've got acamera the first camera i got was an RCAdigital camera and this thing was reallycool it took vga quality photos ok sothat's like 640 by 480 photos terriblequality and I remember the very firstpicture I ever took on a digital camerawas of my brother mooning meno joke can you tell me about the firsttime you received hate on one of yourvideosit was actually my first video and itwas a cover of a song that i did and itwas just you suckthanks can you tell me about the firsttime you lost a toothI'm i lost a tooth you guys rememberstuff like thatI don't even remember half of thesequestions have these questions i'm justmaking things upcan you tell me about the first time youmade videosyeah actually did an entire videoreacting to it so go check that outpleaseI got in so much trouble over that i puta camera on an RC car the first time youcooked a meal for you and Amanda thefirst time I made food for amanda wasarmedthis pasta this like summer pasta dishand I made a lot of it and we went outin the backyard and we ate with the niceview of the mountainsit was a really great time and turns outi made enough to feed a family of 50can you tell me about the first time youmet a celebrityyoutuber otherwise no because I haven'tmet any with what was your first datelightI know some of you guys have heard thisstory before but I'm just going to sayit again because some of you may nothave but my first date was with amandaand i paid the tab with a fifty-dollarbill and the guy came back and asked ifI wanted to change and I was like Idon't want change I don't want to bewalking around change in my pockethow sexy is that you know just jinglejingle jingle so that he just didn'tbring back any money he owed me like 30bucks but he just took it as a tipcan you tell me about the first time youwent to high school no I blocked thatoutcan you tell me about the first time youdiscovered the internet the first time idiscovered the internet was on a pc thatmy grandfather gave me because you got anew one and that pc had AOL on it so ijust plugged in a cable to the computerand I got internet and no one in myfamily knew I'd internet i looked up allsorts of stuffstar wars legos that's pretty much ityou tell me about the first time you hadalcohol yes the first time I had alcoholwas when I was about 12 my dad gave meaboutI think less than an ounce with a bunchof sprite because I requested to seewhat a wine spritzer tasted like andthen I started crying at about 6pm about30 minutes later and cried myself tosleep at seven can you tell me about thefirst time you witnessed a man drunkthis story is verifiably trueBrian from the crazy crew was playing acard game with Amandathey're playing a card drinking game andthe next day I had to go to workok so I wasn't drinking but amanda wasand this is like the first time she everdrink - so she didn't know her limitshe got smashed ok completely smashedoff of like a half a drinkok yes and the entire night I had tojust make sure that she was in bedbecause she just kept getting out of bedand wandering one time in the night Ifound her underneath her bedthe other time in the night I found herhead stuck between a banister on thestairsyes yes you don't remember me tellingyou about the first time you skippedclassyeah the first time I skipped class Istayed home from school and famedsickness and then i wrote my first eversong was terriblecan you tell me the first time youremember using the bathroom by yourselfcan you tell me the first time youremember using the bathroom by yourselfbecause I be impressedalso disgusted can you tell me the firsttime you heard the F wordI had no context of what it meant orwhat it was so I went home and I justkept saying it kept saying it keptsaying it until I got a real big troublecan you tell me about the first time youkissed a girl the first time I kissed agirlI don't think she liked ithe's only the first time you wrote asong i just did refer to the questiontwo questions before this one is thefirst time you cooked for yourselfall I remember was everything was blackjust everythinghow does that happen just it was allblack inedibleI think that burn to the first time youproposed the first time what do you meanlike there's a second and third is theonly time I proposed you tell me yourfirst impressions of your brother andsisterwhile my sisters older than me so Icould really have a first impression ofher and my brother armmy first impression of him was just wowwhy so slimywhat was thatthe situation that you got in that youwere just like no I'm out any situationwhere you're just out and about with socalled friends and they just they justpull out some drugs or something likethatno thanks i would like to keep all mybrain cells tell me about the first timeyou realize sports may not be for youmy parents put me into recreationalsportsI'm just like any good parent and thefirst time I realized that recreationalsports weren't for me was when I kickedsand into my coaches shoethe first time you realized how lazy iwere right when i read this common know? I were filled you with just one lettercome on tell me about the first timeyour heart brokenthis is not going to be a good answerI'm afraid you guys are gonna hate mefor this but I've never been heartbrokenthat's unrelatable answer people but i'msorry i'm not trying to gloat just can'trelate because I'm so awesome\n"