Hello my name is Kendra Winchester;welcome back to my channel! And todaywe're going to be talking about thewomen in translation month readathon.Matthew and I are very excited to behosting the women in translation monthreadathon again this year. If you wouldlike more information on the officialwomen in translation month movement,website, etc., check the description box. Iwill be sure to link all of those downbelow.
Matthew was already posted thereadathon announcement video, and hisTBR videos. I'll also link those downbelow, so you can go check them out. Buta little info on the readathon. So thereadathon focuses on women translation,preferably translated by women. And wehave some prompts for you, and it goesfrom August 25th to 31st. August ends ona Saturday this year, so it's like thelast full week of August from Sunday toSaturday. And it's midnight your timezone.
We're a pretty chill about thisreadathon. You know, if you read onebook by women and translation, you havesucceeded at women in translation month.The whole goal is to read more books bywomen in translation. So we have someprompts for you, and there were likesuggestions to help you find what youwant to read. But also encourage you tolook for other different kinds offormats and options that you might have.So let's get into the prompts. So first up,we have a book that has the translatoron the cover of the book.
Now I made my TBR and then I went through them andrealized I didn't have any that had thetranslator on the cover. So I went to mybacklist TBR shelf. You can see it right . . .there. Right there on the back, just like this. And so I found CELESTIAL BODIES by JokhaAlharthi, and this is translated by MarilynBooth, They won the Man BookerInternational Prize in 2019 for thisbook.
Counterpoint is publishing this inthe US. later this fall, but I orderedmy copy from Book Depository. And I'mvery excited to read this one. I mean,I've heard nothing but fabulous thingsabout this book. Now the next two optionsI have, but they're not translated bywomen. But I wanted to include themanyway because they're high up on mywomen in translation TBR.
So the firstone is LAND OF LOVE AND RUINS by Oddný Eir.And I feel like I'm not pronouncingthat correctly, butit's Icelandic. I've never read a book inIcelandic before, and I'm very thrilledto get this book and like be able toread literature from that country. Ialways think it's just a special timewhen you read a book from a country forthe first time, and so this one won the Ithink European Union Prize forLiterature.
and it's translated by PhilipRoughton. I just I mean look at that. Is itnot so cute? I think it's adorable.I just think it looks adorable. I'm like,doesn't she look so cool? I'm just . . . Ithink, you know, important things,important things about book, like the author'sphoto.
So the next one was recommended byJaclyn over Six Minutes for Me andRussell over in Ink on Paper Vlog. Andthat is THE MEMORY POLICE by Yōko Ogawa,and this is translated by StephenSnyder. And this one I sent to me byit from Pantheon. I'm just thrilled becausethey've been talking about it so much.
So all three of these were published intheir original language, and then morethan five years has passed when theEnglish language translation came out.Obviously, you don't have to read booksand translation in English. I'm justreading in English, so the Englishtranslation came out. We're just talkingin circles.Oh, hi Dylan! How's it going? Okay, so thoseare the three prompts.
There are twobonus prompts, and my bonus prompt isJhumpa Lahiri's IN OTHER WORDS,which istranslated by Ann Goldstein. This is you know,Jhumpa Lahiri won all of the things,and I was like,
I've been wanting to read Jhumpa Lahiri for a long time now, and so this bonus prompt has come at just the right moment.
Finally, let's look at the last prompt. The last prompt is to pick a book that there wasa five-year gap between the book beingpublished in its originallanguage and when it was translated. Andso I have a few options for that here. Sofirst up is CELESTIAL BODIES by JokhaAlharthi, and this is translated by MarilynBooth, They won the Man BookerInternational Prize in 2019 for thisbook.
CELESTIAL BODIES is published inArabic in 2014, but it wasn't published inEnglish until 2020. I'm very excited to readthis book because of its win at the Man BookerInternational Prize. I've heard nothing but fabulous thingsabout this book.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHello my name is Kendra Winchester;welcome back to my channel! And todaywe're going to be talking about thewomen in translation month readathon.Matthew and I are very excited to behosting the women in translation monthreadathon again this year. If you wouldlike more information on the officialwomen in translation month movement,website, etc., check the description box. Iwill be sure to link all of those downbelow.Matthew was already posted thereadathon announcement video, and hisTBR videos. I'll also link those downbelow, so you can go check them out. Buta little info on the readathon. So thereadathon focuses on women translation,preferably translated by women. And wehave some prompts for you, and it goesfrom August 25th to 31st. August ends ona Saturday this year, so it's like thelast full week of August from Sunday toSaturday. And it's midnight your timezone. We're a pretty chill about thisreadathon. You know, if you read onebook by women and translation, you havesucceeded at women in translation month.The whole goal is to read more books bywomen in translation. So we have someprompts for you, and there were likesuggestions to help you find what youwant to read. But also encourage you tolook for other different kinds offormats and options that you might have.So let's get into the promts. So first up,we have a book that has the translatoron the cover of the book. Now I made myTBR and then I went through them andrealized I didn't have any that had thetranslator on the cover. So I went to mybacklist TBR shelf. You can see it right . . .there. Right? And I found this book whichis a book I've been meaning to read fora long time, and that is THE BIG GREEN TENT by Lyudmila Ulitskaya,Translated by Polly Gannon. And in theonly book that I have as the translatoron the cover. How wild is that? So I'vebeen wanting to read this ever sinceAutumn talked about this book on theReading Women podcast, I think our firstyear second year podcasting. And so I'vehad the book hanging outfrom like 2015, which is really sad butat the same time, I think it's time. Butshe really enjoyed this, so this isdefinitely on my TBR. So the next prompt,prompt number two, is to read a book thatis in a untraditional format. So thatis like an e-book an audiobook etc.,and so I have a few options for you. Soyes, so the first one I have is mytext-to-speech format. So if you didn'tknow, there's a special place for thosebooks that don't have audiobooks, andthat is the buying the Kindle versionand having your Kindle read you the text.Now I can't actually recommend thisformat, however the book is amazing.But still, I am currently listening to myKindle read me Négar Djavadi'sDISORIENTAL, and the translator is Tina Kover.And so this book is by a Iranianwoman who moved to France, and it'ssupposed to be amazing. It won all ofthe things. It was a National Book Awardfinalist. It won a Lambda, I think, Awardwinner. It just . . . it has won all of the things.And so we're gonna be talking intoTina Kover this weekend for women intranslation month on the Reading Womenpodcast. So that's what I'm currentlyreading right now. And I will say, it'svery good, very dense, but yeah I reallywish they would have more audiobooks. Andthat's one of the things that we kind ofwanted to point out, or, you know, raiseawareness for is that a lot of thesebooks don't have audiobooks. And so thatmeans that people like me, who can't readprint—at the moment anyway, I can'treally read them—so I am really behindon reading my books in translation. Butthere are a few that have audiobooks,like this book. So this is A WINTER'SPROMISE by Christellel Dabos, and this istranslated by Hildegard Serle. And thisis out from Europa, just like the DISORIENTAL.And this one's on audio; I foundit on hoopla. And I also have the sequelon my TBR: THE MISSING CLAIRDELUNE.These are translated from French, Ibelieve. And everyone and their mother'sbrother loves these.So I'm excited to finally be able toread them, and yes I wanted to readfantasy. I'm really in a fantasy mood, ashe will discover here shortly when myJuly wrap up posts . . . finally. But yeah, I'mjust so excited for these. So the lastprompt is to pick a book that there wasa five-year gap between the book beingpublished in its originallanguage and when it was translated. Andso I have a few options for that here. Sofirst up is CELESTIAL BODIES by JokhaAlharthi, and this is translated by MarilynBooth, They won the Man BookerInternational Prize in 2019 for thisbook. Counterpoint is publishing this inthe US. later this fall, but I orderedmy copy from Book Depository. And I'mvery excited to read this one. I mean,I've heard nothing but fabulous thingsabout this book. Now the next two optionsI have, but they're not translated bywomen. But I wanted to include themanyway because they're high up on mywomen in translation TBR. So the firstone is LAND OF LOVE AND RUINS by Oddný Eir.And I feel like I'm not pronouncingthat correctly, butit's Icelandic. I've never read a book inIcelandic before, and I'm very thrilledto get this book and like be able toread literature from that country. Ialways think it's just a special timewhen you read a book from a country forthe first time, and so this one won the Ithink European Union Prize forLiterature. and it's translated by PhilipRoughton. I just I mean look at that. Is itnot so cute? I think it's adorable.I just think it looks adorable. I'm like,doesn't she look so cool? I'm just . . . Ithink, you know, important things,important things about book, like the author'sphoto. So the next one was recommended byJaclyn over Six Minutes for Me andRussell over in Ink on Paper Vlog. Andthat is THE MEMORY POLICE by Yōko Ogawa,and this is translated by StephenSnyder. And this one I sent to me byit from Pantheon. I'm just thrilled becausethey've been talking about it so much. Soall three of these were published intheir original language, and then morethan five years has passed when theEnglish language translation came out.Obviously, you don't have to read booksand translation in English. I'm justreading in English, so the Englishtranslation came out. We're just talkingin circles.Oh, hi Dylan! How's it going? Okay, so thoseare the three prompts. There are twobonus prompts, and my bonus prompt isJhumpa Lahiri's IN OTHER WORDS,which istranslated by Ann Goldstein. This is you know,Jhumpa Lahiri won all of the things,and I was like, \"Oh, I'm gonna write a bookand Italian.\" And then Elena Ferrante'stranslator is like, \"Oh, I'll translate itfor you.\" That's I'm sure that's exactlyhow it happened. But it's one of myfavorite books by Jhumpa Lahiri, justbecause I just admire her so much. Andshe is just like a literary genius. Ireally want her to the win the Nobel inthe near future because she definitelydeserves it. That's just, I'm just sayingthis now. And Matthew's bonus prompt isto read THE GIRL WHO WROTE LONELINESS byKyung-Shook Shin and that is translated byHa-Yun Jung. And this is a book that he'sbeen telling me, Kendra, you need to readthis book. Kendra, you need to read thisbook. So I am taking the hint, and I have theaudiobook out from Hoopla. So I am gonnabe reading that being the wonderfulco-host that I am, and I am very excitedto read it. So I'm sure it is fabulousbeing that I'm pretty sure it's likeMatthew's favorite book of all time orsomething. So yes, that's what we're doing.So I have a few extra books that I wantto talk about that have been on my womenand translation TBR that I've been saving.And so let's just go through a few ofthose. So the first one is actually abook that Matthew picked out for me lastNovember when I was visiting New York.And this is Banana Yoshimoto N.P., and Ibelieve that the audiobooks areavailable for this author. And it's aboutfrom Grove Atlantic. I also heard peoplerecommend a lot for other titles, so I'vebeen looking forward to reading thisauthor for the first time. So we'll seehow the readathon goes. And this book istranslated by Ann Sharif. One of myfavorite authors in translation is HanKang. She's translated by Deborah Smith,and this is THE WHTE BOOK of the duohas won the Man Booker InternationalPrize before, and her books THE VEGETARIAN and HUMAN ACTS have been some ofmy favorites. And I prefer to read thesebooks in print because I annotate thembecause Han Kang is just that good. So abook from Spiegel & Grau, may it rest inpeace, is this book. This is THE WAYTHROUGH THE WOODS by Long Litt Woon.This subtitle says on mushrooms andmourning, and this is translated byBarbara Haveland.And this is actually translated fromNorwegian, but the author is from Ibelieve China, and she moved to Norwayfell in love with a Norwegian man. Andthen he passed away, so this is hermemoir on grief, but also just be a lotof nature writing, because she's learninga lot about mushrooms at the time. And itsounds like a combination that wouldn'twork, but I feel like it definitely could.I'm all here for memoirs and naturewriting, so I hope it is fabulous as itsounds. And this is the naked hardback,which again I feel like all hardbacksreally should be because this is justgorgeous. All right so that is the promptsand my TBR for the women and translationmonth readathon. I will link ourtwitter account down below which is @WITreadathon,so pretty straightforward.There you can go find us at MatthewSciarappa or me @KDWinchesteracross the interwebs. And yeah, we're veryexcited about the readathon, so that'sit from me. And I hope to see you duringthe women in translation month readathon. All right bye, guys!\n"