The MSI GE75 is a gaming laptop that boasts the latest Nvidia RTX 2080 Super graphics card with a unique twist - it can run at its maximum power limit of up to 150 watts, unlike other Max-Q versions which are limited to 100-120 watts. This allows for some impressive performance in various games and applications.
One of the standout features of the GE75 is its MSI Dragon Center software, which gives users the ability to select between different performance modes. The user has opted for the highest extreme performance mode for best results, but it's worth noting that this setting does not enable overclocking or undervolting by default. This option is also not available on the Optimus feature, which was a notable difference from other laptops like the GS66.
The GE75 was tested in 20 different games and applications at various settings levels to assess its performance. The results were nothing short of impressive, with some games displaying frame rates that were previously unheard of in laptops. For example, Red Dead Redemption 2 was able to reach a whopping 144 frames per second (FPS) at high graphics settings, a significant improvement over other laptops.
The GE75 also boasts an impressive 1080p 300Hz screen with a response time of 3.2 milliseconds under normal conditions and 6.8 milliseconds when the Overdrive mode is disabled. This makes it one of the best screens in terms of response time that the author has tested. The screen's performance was further emphasized by the author, who noted that disabling the Overdrive feature would increase the response time but remove the overshoot and undershoot in some transitions.
The author also conducted a comparison between the GE75 and other laptops with more powerful graphics cards, such as the GT76 200W RTX 2080. The results showed that while the GE75 performed admirably, it fell behind its larger sibling in certain areas. However, this was not entirely unexpected, given that the GT76's increased power limit likely allows for better performance in GPU-intensive games and applications.
One game where the GE75 did fall short of expectations was Assassin's Creed Odyssey, which saw a slightly lower frame rate than expected due to the processor's limitations. This highlights an area for improvement in terms of CPU performance, which is something that the author plans to investigate further in an upcoming review.
The gaming performance of the GE75 was also assessed in games that are more reliant on GPU power, such as F1 2019 and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. In these cases, the GE75 performed admirably, with some slight gains in frame rate when running at higher graphics settings.
Overall, the gaming performance of the GE75 is nothing short of impressive, especially considering its unique power limit and screen response time. While it may fall behind more powerful laptops in certain areas, it remains a strong contender in the world of high-end gaming laptops.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enThe MSI GE75 is the first gaming laptop I’vehad with Nvidia’s new RTX 2080 Super, andthis is NOT Max-Q as it’s able to run rightup to 150 watts, so let’s check out howwell it performs in 20 different games andalso compare it against some other laptops.I’ve pretty much got the highest specs possiblein the GE75, but it is also available withlower tier hardware for less money, you canfind examples and updated prices linked inthe description.The MSI Dragon Center software lets you selectbetween different performance modes.I’ve used the highest extreme performanceoption for best results, though I didn’tfind this to apply any overclocking or undervoltingby default.Unfortunately it’s not possible to disableOptimus to get a speed boost, which was thecase with the GS66We’ll only be covering gaming performancein this video, so if you’re new then getsubscribed for the full review which willcover thermals and more.We’ll start out by going through all gamesat all setting levels, then afterwards we’llsee how other laptops stack up against the2080 Super graphics.Red Dead Redemption 2 was tested using thegame’s built in benchmark tool, no otherlaptop in recent memory has been able to surpass60 FPS in this test at ultra settings, sostraight away we’re seeing what this GPUpower can do.Battlefield 5 was tested in campaign mode,and the result at ultra settings was againone of the best I’ve ever seen in this game,but we’ll take a look at how other laptopscompare in this game later.Control was tested with and without RTX enabled.I’ve got the results with RTX off in purple,RTX on in the green bars which was actuallystill pretty playable, then RTX on with DLSSenabled as shown by the red bars, which wasrunning much better while also looking good.Shadow of the Tomb Raider was tested withthe built in benchmark, and once more we’reseeing excellent results at the higher levelsfor a laptop, but again we’ll see how otherscompare soon.Apex Legends was tested with either all settingsat maximum, or all settings on the lowestpossible values, as it doesn’t have predefinedsetting presets.Absolutely no issues at all running the gamemaxed out, even the 1% low was above 100 FPS.Call of Duty Modern Warfare was tested incampaign mode with either max or min settingsfor the same reason, and although there wasless of a difference between the levels here,still no problems playing maxed out.Fortnite was tested with the replay feature,and the low setting preset was able to makeuse of the 300Hz screen.Just for brief comparison, a recent 2070 Superlaptop I tested could pass 300 FPS at medium,but wasn’t doing as well at epic settings,which I think is a result of the GE75 notallowing us to disable the integrated graphics.Overwatch is another less demanding game andwas tested in the practice range, no issueshitting the 300 FPS frame cap at low and medium,for the most part even ultra settings wouldstill be using the 300Hz screen well.CS:GO was tested using the Ulletical FPS benchmark,although the results are good, as is basicallyalways the case here, better performance istypical from cheaper laptops with lower specsthat give us the option of disabling optimus.Dota 2 was tested playing in the middle lane,and the results weren’t really much differentcompared to far lower specced and cheapermachines.Rainbow Six Siege was tested with the builtin benchmark using Vulkan, there was minimaldifference between ultra and high settings,while the average FPS from low was near thescreens refresh rate.Metro Exodus was tested using the built inbenchmark, most parts of the game performa fair bit better than this, so don’t takethese results as a good indication of whatto expect throughout the entire game, it’smore of a worst case.The Division 2 was also tested with the builtin benchmark, like some others the resultsat lower settings aren’t impressive, butat higher levels where the GPU can get towork we’re seeing great results.Monster Hunter World was tested running throughthe main town, and similar deal here too,I’ve had lower specced laptops do betterat lower levels, but passing 100 FPS at maxsettings is next level for a laptop.Borderlands 3 was tested using the game’sbuilt in benchmark, again fairly good resultsat the higher setting levels, as you’d expectfrom 2080 Super graphics paired with i9 CPU.Ghost Recon Breakpoint was also tested withthe benchmark tool, again excellent resultscompared to other laptops tested, I don’tthink I’ve ever seen above 80 FPS at maxsettings in this test on a laptop.Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is another thatwas tested with the games benchmark, and interestinglythe results were lower than expected giventhe hardware we’re dealing with.Far Cry New Dawn was also tested with thegames benchmark, again not quite as good resultsas I was expecting.This game and the last do rely a bit moreon CPU power than others at higher settings,so perhaps there’s something holding itback there.The Witcher 3 was running fine at max settings,I don’t think you need a mega high framerate, but there were some fair gains fromrunning with high settings instead.F1 2019 usually sees similar behaviour, howeveron the GE75 there’s not really too muchof a difference between ultra high and highsettings.Now let’s take a look at how the 150 watt2080 Super compares with other laptops, usethese results as a rough guide only, as theywere tested at different times with differentdrivers.In Battlefield 5 I’ve got the GE75 highlightedin red.It’s giving one of the best results I’veseen in this game, only behind the more powerful200 watt 2080 in the thicker GT76 just aboveit, though the 1% low was a bit lower comparedto some of the others just below it.These are the results from Far Cry 5 withultra settings in the built in benchmark.The GE75 is down a little this time, I havefound processor power to matter more in thistest compared to GPU so that may be why, I’lltake a look into CPU performance in the upcomingreview, but either way still an excellentresult.In Shadow of the Tomb Raider the GE75 is backnear the top, though only a few frames aheadof other options that are a fair bit thinnersuch as MSI’s GS66, and the GT76’s leadis a bit further in this GPU heavy test.Overall the gaming performance is excellent,as you’d expect from the 2080 Super with150 watt power limit, however there was anoverall trend of performance being a bit lowercompared to alternatives at lower settinglevels.In many cases I believe this is due to theGE75’s inability to disable the iGPU, asthis typically offers a nice boost in gamingperformance.If MSI had offered this option here, the GE75would probably see some nice gains.The 300Hz screen was useful in esports titles,but given we still needed lower settings toget optimal frame rates, I think this furtherillustrates how important being able to rungames only on the discrete graphics becomesto get the most out of high end hardware likethis.Higher settings were needed to actually takeadvantage of the GPU power, but if you’reconsidering something this high end I’dhope that you’re planning on playing athigher settings anyway.Here are the screen response time resultsfor the 1080p 300Hz screen in my unit.By default MSI have overdrive mode enabledthrough the dragon center software, and thisgives us a 3.2 ms grey-to-grey response time.If we look at how this compares against otherlaptops, well, it’s the best result I’vetested since I bought my testing hardware,a very impressive result.MSI gives us the option to disable overdrive,which will increase the response time a bitto 6.8ms, however it does remove the overshootand undershoot in some transitions.I’ve got a link in the description if youneed an explanation on what all these numbersmean.Let me know what you thought of the gamingperformance from the 150 watt RTX 2080 Superin MSI’s GE75 gaming laptop down in thecomments, and if you’re new here then definitelyget subscribed for the full review to seeabsolutely everything about this machine.\n"