To HOTAS or Not HOTAS - This is Only a Test 569 - 10_1_20

The Console Launch: A New Era of Gaming Excitement

We're here at IGN, and it's that time of year again - the console launch season. This is our second time doing this, having done so when the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One launched back in 2013. It's definitely different this time around, not because we're not excited to review these new consoles, but because we don't have to worry about reviewing every single game that's coming out on them.

That being said, people are still going to want to see what these games look like, and we need to find ways to convey that without actually playing them. We're talking about frame rates, resolution, and HDR support - all the things that make a difference in how a game looks and feels. But with YouTube's limitations on uploading high-quality video content, we can't just show people what these games look like.

For example, when comparing the performance of different consoles, we can't use traditional graphics comparison tools anymore. The difference between what a game looks like on an Xbox Series X versus a PlayStation 5 running at 4K or close to it is not always going to be perceptible, especially when you're looking at compressed YouTube videos. So, we'll have to find other ways to compare these consoles.

We still do the in-depth reviews and detailed analysis that our readers love, but now we can take a more nuanced approach. We'll focus on the technical details of each console, like their processing power, memory capacity, and graphics capabilities. And with the rise of online communities and forums, we can get feedback from gamers just like you to help us understand what matters most when it comes to these consoles.

We're also excited to announce that our website will still have the same level of detail and analysis as before, including uncompressed PNGs for the true graphics enthusiasts. And, of course, our written reviews are always a great way to get a deeper understanding of each console's strengths and weaknesses.

Other than that, we don't have much else to say - just that we're excited to be here again this year and can't wait to dive into all the new games and consoles that are coming out. And who knows, maybe this will be a bit less stressful for us than last time around.

Dan Stapleton Joins Us

We're joined today by Dan Stapleton, one of our long-time contributors and friends. Dan has been with us since the beginning, and we're always excited to have him on board.

Thanks for joining us, Dan! It's great to have you here.

Dan Stapleton: Thanks for having me, guys. I've always loved coming in and doing some console launch coverage. It's always a lot of fun.

We've had a great time talking to Dan about what he's working on and what we can expect from our console coverage this year.


Before we go, we want to give a shoutout to everyone who makes our content possible. From our producers to our writers, designers, and artists - it takes a village to put out the kind of content that you guys love.

We also want to thank our readers for being part of this community. Your feedback, comments, and engagement help us make sure that we're covering the topics and issues that matter most to you.

And finally, we want to give a big shoutout to Dan Stapleton again - thanks for joining us, Dan!


That's all for today, folks! Thanks for tuning in. If you have any outro suggestions or theme song ideas, hit us up on social media using the hashtag #IGNOutro.

And don't forget to check out our review of Crash Bandicoot 4 - it's been getting a lot of love from gamers and critics alike!

Thanks again to Jerry for hosting today's show. Until next time, stay geeky!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey let's start the showfor thursday october 1st 2020 welcome tothis is only a testthe official podcast of tested.comumladies and gentlemen this is only a testwow okay i can vibe with that that'sdifferent i was waiting for the beat todropyeah that was kind of coolthat was a intro theme music for thisweek's episode created by one of you outtheregiannis thank you for sending that inwe're of course going throughuser-submittedthemes for the past like three months orso this is our lockdownuh special um and well done i think itcould use one more revisionbut definitely like this staggeredarpeggiosyou heard him chime in jeremy williamswith us today jeremy how you doing hellogentlemen i'm well thank youyou're doing well looking good you gotyour camera working so back up camerajust in caseuh and we don't have a casual with usthis week uh he's been busy so we gotan old colleague a former colleague ofoursdan stapleton dan how you doing prettygood i have no backup camera though soi'mflying without a net here i like yoursetupfor people watching the video dan has itlooks like a giantposter a a like a a wall hungwall mounted oh a poster of an x-wingcockpituh but it's actually that's like yourcomputer monitoryeah yeah i use uh just a 65-inchsamsung tv as my monitorbecause why not i can't tell if you'rejoking or noti am not joking that is what i use formy monitor that's what that's what i doall my all my writing onwriting and gaming for the most partlike you scale that 100or what oh yeah i just uh no no it'sjustjust play it playing in 4kjeremy you're saying i was wondering howfar away you sit from ituh it was a you know arm's length soabout about four feetwow i like to i like to fill my it is 4kwho needs pr with the set up like thatexactly i like to fill my whole field ofvision the most immersive you can getgoogle docs or microsoft wordthat's right is this the case where youhad this like this was a tv that wasmountedin your home somewhere and then youupgraded and so had a leftover tv andyou need to find something to do with itoh goodness no i bought thisspecifically for this purposei don't know which is worse um butwelcome to the show dan i think it's thefirst time we've had you on i know youused to listen to the show at least butfor people who don't knowor don't follow you on on twitter uh danyou are the reviews editor is that rightat ignexecutive editor of reviews yesexecutive editorof reviews and we go way back i thinkknown you formaybe almost 20 years now i want to saybutall three of us at one point maybe noteven the exact same timeused to work at pc gamer yeah podcastedtogether then yeah i don't think i'vedone a podcast with dan in 15 yearsbut but he used to co-host the pc gamerpodcastback in the day yeah yeahjeremy helped us get that off the groundi was like you had left pc gamer at thatpoint you were out in chicago but youwerei remember you called up dan morris andsaid you know we got we got to do thisnew podcasting thing and i'll produce itfor youthat was the start of like all offuture's podcasting literally i have atext record of this conversation withdanand dan's response was what is a podcastrss feeds shout casting exactlyit was uh what was it yahoo or someonehad one of those streaming services wayback in theturn of the century uh but so we're allveteran podcasters you still podcastsdo you guys do an ign podcast i mean wehave lots of podcasts i'm occasionallyon them i'm not a regularfixture on any of them uh because youknow i have a face for radio and it'sall video now soit is it is indeed all video and allworking from homeso presumably i know ign offices was insan francisco but you guys were allare all working from home these days allproducing your vid reviews and videosand everythingyep since march it has been a changeand uh you know i don't mind i don'tmiss the commute i'll tell you that butuhyeah but you know it's it does kind ofsuck to not have thecamaraderie in the office not not beable to just like grab somebody and pullthem into a showwhen you have something that's uh thatis uh relevant to their interestsum but although now we can just you knowcall people up and have them do it fromhomeso in some ways it's easier is the wholeoffice basically on slack and so there'sthat kind ofyou know water cooler there is that yeahokayi wondered yeah we have we have you knowhalf a dozen we're stratified over halfa dozen different different uhchat channels to so there's a bunch ofdifferent nonsense conversations goingon at all timesdo you still do morning stand-ups orgroup we do yeahevery day every day at 10 a.m we're weuse we use google meat for thatnice nice well uh one of the reasons wewanted to have you on not just becausesure is not here but iwanted to have you on for a while tohave provide some actually informedknowledge and expertise about theupcomingnew generation of console launches talkabout you know the reviews philosophyand the stuff that you do on aday-to-day basis ign i know that's beena huge passion of yours things that youdid and developed overwhen we were all at pc gamer um when ithink did you cover previews is thatrighti was i was briefly in charge ofpreviews but i eventually moved intoreviewsi was i was doing previews and news iwas stuck with thewith the letters section for the longesttime but yeaheventually eventually became reviewseditor there beforebefore i left yeah and then went over ofcourse you ran uh gamespy one that wasstill going on giving a shout out wowyeah this is when the games fly not theservice thethe editorial site uh in in the was itwas a planet quake family of networksuh it was that it all shut down by thenbut but uhyeah game spy was was uh it was it wasowned by ign at that point along withone upum so i was actually the lasteditor-in-chief of gamespotwhich yeah uh now that like when whenzif davis bought ign they decided heywhy are we running these parallel sitesum it's kind of hard to argue with thatlogic i mean it's just a it's ait was a sales strategy to keep thethree sites going in parallel butbut not necessarily the most efficientthing depending on how you look at thebooks i guessuh so they decided to consolidate all ofus into ign so i imoved from being an editor-in-chief toan executive editor but yeah i got togot to focus more on the stuff that iparticularly enjoy which is reviewsawesome well we're going to pick yourbrain more about that stuff later on theshowbut uh now it's time for first segmentwhich is our top storytop story this week you have theappropriate background for itand and people who read the descriptionfor this podcast know that we're goingto talk about star wars squadrons sofirst of all jeremy i am sorry iapologize but you're the only onehere the three of us who have not playedthe gameso far but that that's hopefully thatwill change real soonyou're you come from a position ofcuriosity uhof uh everything is potential it's it'schristmas evefor you right you know some would arguechristmas eve the anticipationis more valuable and more it brings morejoy and hits those uh your yourreceptors more than your dopamine thanchristmas dayeven christmas eve is very reliable itis always goodalways good christmas day kind of a cointoss you never know what you're going togetthat's right i'm absolutely with you onthat and i get to represent the peoplehereand ask you the questions that you cananswer and i can'ti'm i'm i can't wait to hear more aboutyour experience i've heard a little bitfrom youi haven't heard from dan yet and uhhopefully you guys can cantemper my expectations so that they'renot too highi i'm as you know not a day has gone bysince this game has been announced thati haven't thought about it so you've hadthe dreams about iti have been very excited about it um ihaven't managed to snag a new 3080 cardor anything like that to play it on buti can't wait to play it and um yeahlet's let's get let's get into itso as of right now as this podcast isreally reviews areonline and then i imagine that you andyour team are in the process ofstill right now finalizing the reviewgetting all the assetsand prepping because this is a you knowhaving some insight into thereview process with ea and the releaseof thisi didn't at least on my end i didn't getaccess to this game untilthis week to basically play through itand do some multiplayerso we've we've uh come up with aworkaround for that actually so we weactually also got it this weekum so but what we've been doing for thelast few yearsuh is to put out separate single playerand multiplayer reviewsso our reviewer tom marks uh who's mydeputy ign heuh burned through the single playercampaign the first dayso we were able to turn around a asingle-player review which is on ign asyou're as you're hearing thisuh and he he loved it i personally havegotten to play just a couple of missionsso far butuh but you know i went over his reviewwith him andlike it all sounds very impressive forthe most part we gave it an eightoh nice wow you have the score very verygoodi wasn't even expecting much from thesingle playercampaign given that this is a 40multiplayer focused titlei thought that the single player stuffwould be a tutorialand you're in and out playing you knowthe multiplayer stuffforever more uh you know even just withbots but it sounds to me like the singleplayer campaign has more to itnorm you were saying there's like 12missions that could take several hours14 missions plus two prologue missionsand so i'm i i need to finish singleplayer i'm in like the last threemissionsso i'm uh just hours wise abouteight hours in uh and it's tough becausethey they i don't want to say pat it outand single foot player doesn't feelpadded but there's a lot of ancillarythings you can do between the actualflying missions themselves uh there'snot real conversation but there's likenpc dialogue that you listen tothere's exploring the hangars there'sthings you cando is dan's kind of filling with withhis background uh but it does it feelslike it feels more than justthe way more than just twirl but it doesserve that purpose right the prologueintroduces you to the mechanics and eventhrough the firstyou know half dozen or so missions yourthey force you into the cockpits ofdifferent ships uh to get you intobombing runs and intoyou know your your uh different kind ofgame modes and weapons and developlearning how totune your ship yeah so yeah it'sdefinitely the the single playercampaign design that that teaches youhow to play like ituh runs you through the basics and infact like ea was wasvery insistent like you you should playthrough x amount of this before you jumpinto multiplayeruh we did all of it but umit's it's they they seem to have done alot more with itthan just the basics um and there's alot of a lot of visual variety to iteven though you're always in space oralmost always in space um then there'sthere'sthere's a pretty elaborate story to itso are there assets and elements to thesingle player campaign that you don'tsee in the multiplayercomponents i think in terms of thecharacters yes because they are a ton ofnpcsthere's animations in the hangar likethe multiplayersthe point of it is to get you into youknowthe maps and into customizing your shipsoand while you can customize yourcharacter to some extent picking thefaces and picking the voiceyou know you're going to be in cockpityou're not interacting with your foursquad matesin the same way that you do with the npcsquad matesgotcha umi played it in vr i did the thing whereyou know they said they've been workingthey had made this with vr mine sincethe second week of developmentessentially anduh and the whole game was made to beplayableend to end in vr and for the singleplayer it has been absolutely so farum the the version i'm playing it's onpc of course and it's via origin and soyou know as i'll talk about in my videothe way you set it up is you know it'snotlaunching it from the steam vr store oroculus store but you kind ofit's kind of a very old school way whereyou have to vr running in the backgroundand then launch the game and toggle on avr mode but it'spretty seamless once you have it thereand it's very comparable in terms of themenus toelite dangerous you're using if you'reusing a hotas a joystickyou're using like the hat and thetrigger and all the buttons there tonavigate the menus and everything isis on screen so you don't need to beoutside of headsetuh for any of the setup and any you canbe in headset basically from the momentthe game launches and be and that's whati've been doingyeah as soon as you get in there andtoggle it what what's what's headset areyou usingi'm using the index and i've done theindex and primarilyuh for the field of view and the audiobecause sound is such a big part of thisgame andyou know you have the star wars scoreand you have all the the pew pews andsound effectsuh but then i'm also doing it on thequest 2as well uh just over oculus link is itpossible to use thenative vr controllers to control thegameum that's a really good question i don'tthink soi think vr only acts as a displayso like in the old school way you knowback in the old dk1 oculus dk2 dayswherethere wasn't a store you basicallylaunched a unity app right whenwith with the oculus runtime with the uhthe umall the ways it would split the videofeed umthe compositor the background this iswhat that's what's happening right nowandit takes your input as gamepad keyboardmouse orjoystick and do touch controllers nolonger emulateas a gamepad to windows that is a goodquestioni don't know okay i should test thati'll test thatmy review's not done yet so i will testthat for sureum i've been playing i played a littlebit with the the keyboard mouse and thenalso withmostly just the uh hotas uh scitec x52and uh did do a bunch of remapping umit's an interesting thing because it'sit's extremely it's all cross-platformright not only is it flat screen and vrbut it'scross-platform across pc and all thegame consoles including psvrand so i could tell the way they designa lot of the hud elementsyou know the on-screen things some ofthe iconography isbig you know kind of made for tvs andmade for maybepsvr uh which isn't to say it'sit's bad it's just like it's not theydon't it's likely dangerous everythingis so granular and so finelike it you just this feels a little bitmore arcadeyin the ui in that sense but there's alot of complexity in the controls andi'mreally surprised and impressed by howmuch they packed intoall the shortcuts you could do with agamepadyeah it's most of this kind of stuffthat you expect to either you rememberfrom from the old x-wings and tiefighter gamesum i don't know if they got they've gotshield facings can you can you boostforward and backward shields i didn'tget thatin this game yes yeah okay great yeah idid i was just playing imperial stuff sofar and they don't have shieldsso but they but they have all the allthe granule levels ofboosting to your to your uh weaponshields and enginesuh which you know i've i so missed thatin all the the star wars gameslike in it that have come before likebattlefront 2 had a little bit of it butit was it was veryit was very like on or off whereas thisis this you can and it's it's actually asetting in the systemsuh in the in the preference menu whereyou can change itfrom the kind of the simple likeeverything into one oror a granule mix so you know casualplayers will start off doing that but asyou want to start really fine-tuning youcanyou can say you want your engine just alittle bit boosted and that's thebalance of it all right that's likethe complex the balance not even justthe gameplay the balance of how muchsimulationyou want in this versus how effectivethat granular tuningis for single-player or multiplayershield all power gamepl weapons uh allpower to thrustersuh and get by and complete the singleplayer no problem but if youwant to feel more immersed in that worldandkind of like use your toggles or pressthe keyboard shortcuts um i feel thatadds tothe the play the art the therole-playing of being in the cockpit ofthe shipgiven that this is a primarily acompetitive gamewhat interface do you think is going tobe the preferredyou know controller for for star warssquadronsoh man i think vr is a no-brainer if youwant to if you want to be the mostcompetitive just because you've got abetter field of viewlike you can you can look up through thecanopy of an x-wing and see a tiefighter fly over your head you justcan't do thatwith a with a uh you know conventionalscreen like inin every every flight sim i played in vri just it's just likei can't really go back to to not havingthat ability to look through the canopywell the canopy is is interestingbecause it's pretty shrouded both by thedesign ofyou know when you're in a tie fighterthe window yeah it's very forward-basedit's not expensive right it's it's likeand this is by design it's both becausethat's how tie fighter is designed andalso because of comfortif you're in vr you don't want you wantto have more cockpit because thatgrounds you intothe relative motion uh rather than allthe yaw that youget in in space uh for for nausea andyou can turn on vignetting and turn offvignetting that kind of stuff there's nosnap turningfor example in the spaceship it's justlike real timeturning um but uhi found this might be controversial andi've been kind ofwrestling with myself i think vr isabsolutely the best in terms ofimmersionand like playability and yeah you can ifyou're playing on a flat screen use ashortcut toyou know look up and look down that's ithink very cumbersome because that's anabstraction rightbut in terms of the actual flight andtargetingi think keyboard or mouse is actuallyis going to give you an edge better thannotice yeahbecause you think about the hotis thethe the actual stickthere's there's a little it's it's notone-to-oneright there's a slight delay it'ssimulating spacephysics of like you know hodus flightsticks are made forthe physics of airplanes in the realworld right andif we wanted perfect one-to-one controlofsix degrees of movement you wouldactually use a motion controlleror a mouse gives you much more finegranularand fast control moving from like zpointx y coordinate here to x y coordinatethere and it's the old you know pointand clickis better than using a thumb stick on agamepad well hoda's is basically a bigthumbstick that you'reyou're moving around and so i find withthe hottest i'm more immersed because ifeel like i'm flyingthis thing but in terms of aiming i'moftenover like overcompensating or you knowit's ifit's well i might confuse it a littlebit i might be confused about how youare aiming then because ii think of um aiming as beingyou know directing this the craft in theright direction and leading youryour target and and firing at the righttimeit sounds to me like you're pointing atthe id at the uhat the target you're putting your craftso it's not split off like umsome vr games where you have head lookas your reticuleand the craft can be independent of thatuh lee dangerous has some of that forfor their auto you know their theircharted weapons hereyour center of your cockpit isyour reticule uh but there are fightphysicsright so you can drift you can turn uhthere's a little some looseness to thethe handlingso your handling is a real thing themouse controls the pitch and the yaw ofthe craftyes okay and the the the mouse the onlything it doesn't give youis sorry the mouse controls i thinkpitch and rolland not pitch in yaw or depending on howyou have you how you have set upyou get the extra degree of movement ifyou have a stick that does yawof course because then you can do rollpitch and yawand that's real nice can y'all's alwaysgonna be a little slowerthan your roll just because these areyou know fake flight physics in spacebut i find the mouse i was able to bemore precisely get the ridiculeonto the enemy uh than moving thethrottlewow he's faster yeah i've been playingyou know briefly with with the with thegamepad just an xbox gamepaduh hooked up to my pc so uh just becauselike that'slike vehicle games like that where iwant to be able to pull upand and point down like that feels morenatural to me that with the mousethan a mouse uh you know pointing kindof thinguh and like trying to trying to do anysustained turnslike you have to pick up the mouse andkeep doing that so that that does alittle bittoo immersion breaking for me for for aflight time i wanted to put up with alittle bit ofa little bit of imprecision for that ohi mean immersion is exactly like you'regoing tohave the best immersion with a gamepadwith a with a hotelwith a throttle that's that's mypreferred way to playthe single player and even multiplayer ithink i don't want to befeeling like i'm moving a mouse controlspaceship butyou are moving a cursor essentially theship is the center reticule as a cursorand you're going to be able to move thatmore preciselywith you know the wrist movements of amouse than you are you know trying toimagine moving a mouse cursor with astickthat's funny it's funny that that mouseif if you're right about that it'd beinteresting to see what the what the youknow the best players usebut uh if if mouse and keyboard is thepreferred device i meanhow appropriate for a game that is suchan homage tosome of the most classic pc only gamesyou know of all time i went back andtried to playi guess it was x-wing on my 46 which istill havehooked up to a monitor and i realized ihadno idea how to play and the game doesn'ttell you like it requires you to havethe manual in order to learn how to flythose craftyeah yeah i can't wait to to see whatthe user-friendly version of that isum one of the things that's soimpressiveespecially in vr is the cockpit designsthe detailof the cockpits the the the lightingthey did it's very star wars-yi mean so much even when you're in thehangar and you're just likecustomizing your cockpit or lookingaround thismade me feel like i was back at galaxy'sedge like i wasin the theme park you know with theirrecreation of an imperial hangar orof a rebel base and then when i was inthat you know in in the x-wing or thea-wingit felt very much like i was on adisneyland ride in terms of authenticityand how much detail they put in front ofmethe flashlight lights and the harddramatic lightingi was so impressed by the by the therays of light streaming in through thethrough the canopy and just likeilluminating the the controls as iturned you knowit's it's the lighting in this game isfantastic yeahlike dice dice knows what to do rightlike in the vastness of space it shouldall bedark right when astronauts go even evenlikeclose you know if you're on the darkside of the moon if you're on a spaceshuttle on the earth is blocking the sunall you have the light is basically likethe instrumentsbut in the very true to star wars wayall the incidents all the combat happensin a star system there's going to be astar and it's going to cast this hardlight on youand then you see like the you know thestruts of the x-wingright the frame of the cockpit kind ofcast as you're doing a rolllike that feels very much like classicstar warsthe sound is also exceptional uh likejust not just like thethe sound straight out of the movies butlike you notice when you turn up thethe power to your weapons there's adifferent sound yeah that'sthat's so cool and it's all it allsounds so authenticdo all the different ships havedifferent sounds for that kind of thingyeah i think so like all ten yeah wowmaybe uh actually i'm not sure betweenthe weapons but definitely all the shipshave differentlike a different ambiance okay liketheir cockpits are different i know umyeah the spatial sound design the ui isdifferent in terms of the locationof the things uh one of the favoritethings isis it the y-wing i think there's oneno i think it's only an imperial shipyou have the tie bomberit was like it's like a wider cockpitit's a two-seaterand it's like a different dashboardcompletely and it just feels like it's anarrowerwindow um and so every everyevery ship has its own flavor of likewhat it feels like to sit in thereand that's something that vr takes justgreat advantage like turning aroundyou can see someone have a little backwindow so you can just kind of look outthe back if you really wanted touh you can see the astromechs of courseif you're on the the rebel sideum yeah it's just i i don't know if it'sbumped up detail for vrspecifically uh but it feels like itit feels made with vr in mind what aboutthe flight mechanics and theuh you know the shield powerand all of the different capabilities ofthe different craft do they feellike really individual and unique or isit all just sort of different graphicswell each egypt has different differenthandling and different uh you knowspeeds butall the all the interface for how you'rehow you're managing that is the samealthough the uh the imperial ships mostof them don't have shieldsum in terms of the the power-ups rightlike one of the big selling pointsit was to add to longevity of this gamemake itfeel like you can customize your ship asyou unlock these upgradeuh points and then you know you need youbasically build out your loadout you canswitch for every ship thethe weapon the primary weapon the hullthe engines the shields if you have themand one of three slots um for a power uppassive power up or active power up youknow which is a missilesome type of um deterrent or some typeof repairum and those definitely feel differentlikei you know i'll to give you an examplelike there's a tie receptor which isthe equivalent the to the a-wing it'svery uh it's avery nimble fighter supposed to be veryfast you knownot very strong uh but very maneuverablebut the way i did one session icustomized itwith custom engines and custom weaponsand basically turned it intoa bomber almost and you know i had theform factor of the interceptorbut my loadout was completely differentand i made it slowand you know and clunky because of theway i haddone the loadout so there's a lot ofdifferent like ways to tune it and ithink people will be sharingtheir favorite loadouts all of thoseunlockablesare they're unlockables they're notavailable as in-app purchasesyeah how long do you think it will takeyou to unlock everythingi well that's a really good question idon't i think it'sstacked that's where because there'sonly basicallyyou know four or five hours ofmultiplayer time where the stuff couldbe unlocked for your account andi think they had double xp on that's notsomething i can give a really good gaugeofat this point do you get the sense thatit's kind of game-changing unlockableslikeare you gonna need those in order tocompete i think you're gonna need thoseto play the bestway you can play and i don't think it'sgonna take a long time for you to getyou know if you if you read through allthe uh the unlocks and youbecause they're not like they're nottiered where you need to like to getunlock five you need one team three andfour you just need that one point tounlock ityou know if you get five unlock pointsyou know half a day of play a day ofplay or somethinguh you can unlock everything you wantfor that one ship you always want to flyand it has five compartments yeahum there are you know cosmetic upgradesyou play you rank games they're gonnamatch you 5e5 and uh you'll be able tochange likeyour helmet your decals on the ship thehologram that pops upthat can be that can be like a bobblehead uh on your ship and you can you canhave like there's like five differentlittle unlockableum holograms you can just pop upbut the other players aren't hologramsor anything on your dashboard oranything rightyeah it's kind of like floating hud youknowthrough calm pictures you said that someof the crafter have usa co-pilot seat could you imagine couldyou imagine if it like the potential foradding uh co-op into this game or do youthink that that's an impossibilityi think that's not within the scope ofwhat they want to do with this gameand like the the i think likethe thing people probably want morebecause this isn't a micro transactionbased game this is they spend 40 dollarsyou get what you pay for is what you getthe hope is that you know there'll be achance for expansion packs you'll paypay 20 bucks for a map pack five maps orsomething give me a bwing give me a b wing yeah give me newships like that but like thewhole game-changing way for you to playmultiplayerthat feels like a big code rewrite forthemand yet i want it yeah me too i meani bet i bet it wouldn't be all that hardfor them to do just you know just tietwotwo you know multiplayer playerstogether and you know justa little bit over in the in the model uhbut like balancing that i think would bewould be tricky because you got suddenlygot you know the bombers suddenly havetwo peoplefiring at you um although they're youknow slow and clunky butthey've already balanced it to be flownby one person so exactlyyeah i think it would take a big reworkand then likecan you fly a bomber with just oneperson or do you need two people to flyityou know a bunch of questions like thatthat that uh that can get messyyeah i mean that would be a perfect wayto play like split screenright with no latency and have someone asecond controllerhelp you with something uh but yeahbalance is the problemright like they're they're not making abig simulator it's not elite dangerouswhere they canhave a big expansion pack and add multimulti umplayers when ships this is all made for5v5i forgot does a y-wing have a gun orseat i think it doesthe why we in the back yeah i see oneright behind youyou can look at the picture of the y wiguh i don't knowyeah i think it does yeah um there's theu-wingyou know from rogue one that's thesupport ship you have the thai reaperum and the yeah thai reaper is the theequivalent of thatuh but yeah it's your classic star warsships and umit's it's one of those things i'm sorrygooduh you you were asking uh before you gotto play multiplayer ifthe um if you'd be able to see trackedheads inother ships in your squadron is ifyou're playing in vris that a thing i don't think so okay idon't think thatthey and they don't identify people whoare playing in vrand in fact you can't even say i don'twant to play with people who are playingwith vr headsetsall you can do is say i don't wantcross-platform or do you wantcross-platform ohum but you can't there's no identifierfor this player is playing withvr with keyboard mouse or with a hotasgot it so i don't think they move thoseheadsyeah the hotels are those are compatiblewith withboth console versions as well so yeahyeah you plug usb andand they have like a list of onesthey've tested with although like i saidconfiguring it to your like yourspecific the way you want to play thegameum is it gonna be a big part of it likefor example you know the stick i havehas two hats for it right which easyaccess to power distribution andi use it for my my power ups but likefor shieldsyou know ford power for power to forwardshield versus power torear shield i actually like using atoggle like a switch for that because inmy headthat's what the x-wing pilot would bedoing to you know switch to shields andthat's not maybe efficient in terms ofeasy shortcut to take my hand off of thestick to move that switch up and downum but that's adding to my fun and myimmersionto the game i think the the one thingi'm struggling with with the with thegamepad controls right now is that thethrottle is controlled on the left stickup and down um and and just you know i'mstill still getting my mythe hang of it so i keep trying to liketurn with because i thinkuh side to side on that is his roleright yeah yeahso so like i'm trying to roll and iaccidentallystop because i pulled down to the sideand it's like oh now i'm a sitting duckso i've just gottai gotta get the hang of that yeahbasically the right stick you have tothink of asa mini a mini flight stick and thenusing shoulder buttons for your for youryaw turns whichthe classic way they they control thoseum drifting i still haven't gotten thehang ofthat was a big thing those in the gamethey teach it to you and i think ilucked intobeing able to drift that's using boostand then braking and doing a hard yawor hard roll or yaw turn and lets youkind of turn around immediatelyit's not essential one of the mostfrightening things from a vr standpointand you said that you didn't experienceany motion sickness playing in vrno motion sickness um i did play it at120 hertz and it's one of those wherei had the graphics maxed out running 150super sampling on the valve indexand you know ran smoothly on a 2070superso you're not gonna need a 3080 card toplay thisyou know 2060 2070 is gonna be fine it'soptimized foryou know across multiple platforms soit's not like you know the engine issolidum but it's one of those where i'm gonnastart experimenting with 144 hertzbecause the thing that i am noticing isas i'm doing these fast turns i wantmore frameslike i want to see less less not judderbut less of like the ghosting of some ofthe framesum as things are moving real fast acrossthethe front of the ship hopefully oculuscan unlock that 90 hertz link on quest 2asap there's some some really cool scalestuff too like you'redefinitely flying up to star destroyersand you're you know you arelike poe dameron does in the beginningof uh ofuh the last jedi like flying right ontop of a star destroyershooting those turrets and then doing adrift and turning around and they soyou're doingreal close and so like you can get upclose you canyou know navigate around asteroids itlike it feels really really goodyeah i think those drifts are going tobe much more important in multiplayerwhen you've got somebody on your tailoh my god yeah yeah yeahbeing competent in single player is noti learned very quicklypeople are multiplying me really reallygood and so they're not doing like aserver browser system it's all automatch madeum and so you know you pick your xnumber of friends up tofive people create a party and thenthey'llpair you with um another squadron if youwill oh so you can't play againstanother group of friendsno no you cannot because they do powermatchingso if they'll the way they explained iti think if you have like a groupfewer than five you know group of two orthree or four then they'll match youwith another group that has that setnumber in their partyand playing with the same number randosum but it's not like 10 people can say iwant to always play with each otherokay yeah another questions jeremy iknowyou want to see some of the surpriseswe're not going to talk about storystuffoh yeah you guys should play it and andget through itum but yeah you can get through thestore if you if you hammer through it inabout a dayyou'll never guess who is whose fatheryou haven't done much to lower myexpectationsum i mean an eight is pretty great fromignand uh literally it means great yesand you have said nothing negative normso um i'm gonna have to do my ownlowering of my expectations and uh justlike keep them in check because uh yeahi i really hope to enjoy this onei mean part of me was the whole timeplaying was like how is this fortydollars like one i'm having a lot of funthere's a lot of likei'm playing the single player i'm likejust like shouting me offthings from star wars giving off likejust you know like i'mrole playing the whole time it's cheaperthan you know a disneyland ticketuh and it feels like a you're gettingyour money's worthnorm how many times did you say now thisis pod racingthe first time i drifted yeah finishthat tripthat's pod racing a lot of stay ontargetsum okay so that's our squadron's talkwe'll move onto our next segment let's talk aboutsome pop culture hey everyone norm herebefore we continue on i want to let youknow that this is only a test this weekis made possiblewith support from yuffie with a uniquefocus onprivacy protection ufe security offersan 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websiteyuffielife.come-u-f-y-l-i-f-e dot com to learn moreabout ufe cam2 pro and now back to the showwe'll get through this relativelyquickly but start off with somemcu news uh sam jackson has beenconfirmedto take part now it's not necessarily anick fury show but it sounds like he'ssigned onto reprise the role of nick furyin a future uh disney plus tv showso they've had a lot of success withtheir at least the trailer for onedivisionuh that was the most watched trailer forany streaming showever i think 54 million views in likethe first weekendso they're putting a lot of money inthat and uh there's thethe hawkeye show there's the cap soldierand the falcon exactly uh and she-hulkthey announced the casting for she-hulkas well it's a way for i think there'sreally there's a loki show coming tooand and what show loki loka that's rightthat's right sothey're getting these you know theseactors that are familiarbut um and bringing them to theselong-form storieswhich are still a big risk for thembecause they're going to spend150 million dollars uh on some of theseshows across10 episodes uh but also it's a way forthem to introduce new charactersand one of the new characters andprepare them for maybe a cinematic debutuh build a relationship with that disneyplus audienceand there they have cass also uhms marvel so this is a teenager who haskind of super strength powers uh it sayskamala khanand she's a uh new york-based superherouh i haven't read too many of the comicsbut it's basically a younger herospunky she's one of the main charactersin the avengersvideo game is is she not stretchy likeshe is in the gameshe is i mean i don't know how they'regoing to portray her inthe tv show but in the comics yesbig hands very strong very spunkyuh and they've cast her the actress isa newcomer named iman valaniand people are very happy about thisi think i trust marvel and marvelstudios anddeveloping characters and and givingthem a place to shine onbig and small screen and so there's justmore good news for marvel fansand kudos for not whitewashing itsomehow yeahyeah and you know they'll probablyunveil a way to tiein with the other mcu shows orcharacters uh we're gonna get a lot ofyounger heroes you know the passing ofthe taurus hawkeye show is supposed tobe aboutteaching a younger hawkeye and so maybethesethese kids will form their own littlemini avengers which has happened in thecomics before the young avengersyeah at a certain point like it would bereally weird for nick fury to not showupat the on the whole show it's like he'ssuch an integral part of all of thosemovies that all these things areare based on that it wouldn't make anysense for him to just beyou know they'd have to explain like ohhe's he's off you knowsomewhere else he's off in spacei'm kind of wondering why this even madethe news because like i had totry to remember did he die in the moviesand so people are excited he's comingback or what butyou know dan's absolutely right he'sjust a part of the universe and you'd besurprised if you didn't show upi think people are surprised becausehe has not had his own show he's alwaysbeen a supporting member and alsofor the layperson there's been confusionaboutthe shield organization because you hadseven seasons seasons of the show agentsof shield which had very tenuousconnectionsto the marvel films ended up having noconnection whatsoever to the events ofthe marvel filmsuh but you had shared casp you know youhad some of the supporting cast from themovies jim jackson did show up in thereat one point at one point right exactlyand so you knowthe the logical assumption that somepeople may make is thismore shield but it sounds like it's justnick fury unless we did see of him hewas in spacewith some squalls doing something theprevailing rumor for comic book fans isthat he'screating the space version of shieldwhich is called swordso you have a sword and a shield it's anacronym againand i don't think this will be a spaceshow though because that's kind of adifferent price pointuh different type of special effectsneeded for thatum moving on some movie news uh there'slong rumors that sasha baron cohen hadmade a borat filmuh film one and it turns out yes he didfilm one and amazonpicked up the rights to distribute it uhand souh they will be uh coming out with theborat movie right before the electionand the end of this month i believe orvery beginning of novemberhe filmed it this year yeah like rightafter thethe you know the sanctions are notsanctions but the restrictions onfilming uhwere started to be lifted they jumped onthat and shot as quickly as possible andas discreetly as possiblebecause he's obviously you know hedoesn't want people to know who he isand it's very hard for him to do that tobegin with if word got out that he wasshooting another filmum it would be very difficult yeah therewere a couple ofinstances where where he was like therewas there was someuh rally where he was he was like he gotmanaged to get up on stage and wassinging some really racist stuffand they eventually like kind of caughtlike the event runners caught on andkicked him offbut he got the crowd singing along tohim and kind of a throw the jew down thewell kind ofreprise um so i thought he was going todo just another anotherlike season of the of the show he didfor like usauh where i forget what's called thisthis is america or somethingabout america um which was just a bunchof new charactersbut he's gone back to borat which youknow everyone loves guys maybe there'sbeen enough timesince that movie came out that peopledon't remember ituh and i was surprised that they couldget away with filming this withoutpeoplerealizing what was going on yeah it'slike they have to they have to getpeople so oblivious that they'd havenever heard of borah hatwhich you know a lot of his targets yeahi could i could believe they hadn'theard ofhadn't heard of borat it's been 14 yearswowpeople are people are still doing thispeople are still doing the voice popculture iconi guess um last bits la comiconkind of disappointing they announcedthat they would be holding an in-personconventionin los angeles come december nowpart of me thinks that this is just thepress release they had tosay so that they didn't have to giveback whatever you know contractualobligateddeposit they made or guarantee they madewith the venue or the hotelsuh and that they're then waiting on youknow the cat and mouse game of the statetelling them they can't hold theconventionand so their insurance would cover thatbut you knowi don't think it's a good idea i thinkby december that's not going to be agreat time for folks toto gather in large groups uh in a citylike losangeles nope indoorsi think that's i think that's that'skind of a given yeah likethere's got to be there's got to besomething else going on there becausethatlike the there's got to be massiveinsurance concerns onon like what if everybody getsgronovirus like thatthey would absolutely be liable for thatunless they make people sign it away andboy i don't know i don't know if thatwould even workyeah waivers i mean people should knowand so this is kind of a psa for peoplein the area are considering going likeit's not worth the risklet's you know things aren't going tosell out there it's not worthyou know the exclusives or whatever likewe yes we want to see people yes we wantto celebratepop culture we want to haveopportunities tomeet with our friends but the remoteevents have been working so far andwait a couple more months you know seehow things look like next yearuh this definitely feels like not aserious announcementto me uh and then finally uh there was avirtual event forhasbro fans last week and they announcedtheir nexttheir newest crowdfunding campaign it'sgot a pre-order campaign but this onecomes straight out of the mandalorianit's the razer crest as a scaled modelplayset much like they did the java'sbarge whichif you haven't tracked it they sell thatjavascript i think for 500 bucksit goes on ebay for like thousands ofdollarsbecause it's so limited people are theylove the mini thethe action figures that came with it uhanyone who got in on it like it has highresale value i don't know that that willbe the case ifthe market place will be flooded butover 8 000 people have backed this sofarit's a 350 bucks and it is scaled forthree uh three inch three and a halfinch figures from the the hasbro starwars universeand it's from the mandalorian and you'regonna get one as an investmenti'm gonna get one as a chance to maybepaint itbecause the mandalorian before thethe show they made a miniature razorcrest for filmuh motion control sequences it was oneof those things that john favreau reallywanted to doand so they got the old island modelmaker john goodsonout of not retirement but they theyhired him toto put one together with 3d printedparts and they mold and casted itand the the ship itself is very metallicit has this like reflective aluminumlook but dirty and so it would not bedifficult to doa highly reflective metallic airbrushfinishor some type of coating to make it looklike that filming miniature becausethey're roughly the same sizeabout two feet this is your bestinvestment since bitcoin normoh godyou had that's an old wound dan yepthat's an old wound andthat's that's just a wound because theinvestment did turn out to be fantastici just sold too early not as fantasticas it could not as fantastic as it couldhave beenthe gambler's remorse didn't sell ashigh as i could havei walked away too soon all right uh thatdoes it forpop culture uh let's move on of courselet me pull up themusic cue but let's move on totechnology news here we gowe know there are a bunch of googlephones announced today we're going tohold that conversation for that for nextweek when kashore is backbut we did want to talk about the bigamazon alexaevent uh and a devices event the annualone where they announced a bunch ofweird stuff is where in past yearsthe microwave was announced the wallclockwas announced uh they of course had newform factors for all their smart speakerdevices i'm not going to say the name ofthembut maybe most notably are two productsonea cloud game console cloud-based gameconsolecalled luna uh dan what do you knowabout thisnot a ton i mean just just what theyshowed at the event um but they haven'tgiven press access to it yet so wehaven't dabbled in it butuh i think the most i mean it looks itlooks very much like stadia like likexcloud like playstation now in terms offunctionalityi think the most exciting part of it isthe the pricing which i don't have infront of me butuh i understand it's it's uhconsiderably cheaper thansix dollars a month right um so and it'sit's i think you can like subscribe toubisoft or subscribe toea or whatever whatever um kind of likechannelsuh i believe that's how it's set up umso you get the six dollars a month andthen you upgradefrom there to to whichever service youwant from whichever publisherso it's a that's a baseline subscriptionthat gives you a base level uhmix of games that they've partnered withand probably paid forand that's a growing list but thenyou then purchase from individualpublisher channelsyou know access to the license to playnew gamesplayed remotely and you need thecontrollerwhich is a 50 investment and it's awireless controller that connectsdirectly to the cloudmuch like the stadia controller yeahright they're hoping to have 100 gamesavailable during beta it's going tolaunch in october umand it is a partnership initially withubisoft soyou know games like far cry 6 assassinscreed new and valhallaand immortals phoenix rising and thenit will work on ios but only through theweb browserso they're getting around the app storearound paying apple and you have a feethe current spiffs between uh you knowmicrosoftand apple as well as epic and apple interms of the cutrequired and cloud services beingsupported natively in the app storewithoutyou know individual app approval and sothis will beuh i i don't like taking a step back i'mnot exactly sure why amazon wants to bein the space i know they havethe competitive advantage of uh twitchyou know being one of their services andmaybe integration with thatwas something stadia never really wasable to tap into with youtube as anintegrationso but i don't know that's what peoplewant like everybody's trying itamazon is a public company they need tokeep trying new thingsthey've got aws and their back pocketwhy not i mean it makes perfect senseto me i just haven't seen a service yetthat i want to subscribe toi was kind of surprised that they didn'tmake it part of twitchi mean twitch is already kind of in thebusiness of selling gamesum and you know based on what people areplaying but the ability to tojust like have people jump into games asthey see them playing itwhich stadia has to some degree to somedegreethat was the promise right like i ithink you're right twitch is such astrong brand and so wellassociated and well liked by by gamersand also with the failuresyou know the shutdown of its competitorsof mixer rightthat you have this huge opportunity forbuild to not only watch but a subset ofthose if they're paying for asubscription to thenplay the games themselves and startparticipating in broadcastingit just makes everyone more of a twitchstreamer yeah i'm kind of surprised theydidn't like at least very closely alignthose brands likelike say like hey here's the like theluna controllerand the the luna services like twitchluna that you subscribe to butbut it's uh it's it seems like it beingmarketed as a totally separate thingwhichi wonder is is that like them likeplaying it safe because theythey know that maybe it's it's gonna behard to get this off the ground and theycan always relaunch it later as part oftwitch ifif this doesn't take off i think that'sjust i would i would chalk that up toorganizational structure and how thesedepartments workand twitch operates even as a subsidiaryof amazon with its ownengineers its own p l its own productpipelinesand this probably is more spin-off ofaws which while they share back endsthis comes off of that team rightthe new echo devices uh they're thestandard echo and the echo dotare now spherical uh i don't know ifthey i'm i'm very curious to hear whatthey sound like because i've beenum an owner of almost every echo deviceand uh the only one that sounds any goodto meis the the big guy i forget what theycall it the the proor not not the plot studio studio thestage right yeahum and i thought i don't expect this newhundred dollar echo to sound that goodi'm curious why they went with thesphere if it'saesthetics only okay the the one forkids looks adorableyou can get like either a panda or atiger buti don't know why they went with likethey converted the standard echo to thesphere but theythey went ahead and did it um i'm surei'm sure they get like somespeaker performance boost out of thatshape but like if it's if it's nolike if it's exactly the same like whydo it or if it's not any better then whydo it yeah exactlybig data is not only terrifying butadorablethe thing that that the only thing thati've ordered from this whole eventis the new ero device so the euroannounced um a new line of wi-fi sixdevicesthat range anywhere from like 150 to 600dollarsdepending on how what if you want to getlike the pro version or the standardversion andand how many units you want to get oneor three umand wi-fi six the pro version i i i gotbecause it's going to replace my currentfirst gen ero pro system and this issupposed to delivertheoretically a gigabyte per sec or agigabit per secondover wi-fi which is the same connectioni have to the internetso bring it on i can't wait to test thatout i don't expect it to be that fastbut even if it's half that fast it'll bemiraculous that's a big gamblejeremy to assume that the phone thatyou're gonna buy this year will helpsupport thatand all the bandwidth and all the radioshonestly likei i expect the phone to support it butif you knowat the very least i'll be set for whenit does and thethe quest 2 is supposed to have wi-fi 6capability althoughwe obviously haven't been able to testthat yet not but not necessarily all ofthe full bandwidth of wi-fi 6. it's anumbrelladepending on how your uh your radioarrangement is yeah and even the lowerversionof the eero 6 only supports half thatit's half a gigabitexactly exactly it does start 90 bucks ibelieve if you just want an extenderit's one of these thingslike they keep on making money from thembecause it's obviously a problem that isnot solved within households and thetechnology keeps on improving i look atthey're not cheap and people buying themyou know who bought an euro two yearsago they were talking about like a 300potential upgrade depending on how bigyour space is uhto get yes faster internet but then alsoi guess the target customer is someonewho's going to have a new phonea new laptop who has the support ofradios to to make the most of thatum but they all kind of stack on eachother so that's the good thinghonestly with kids and you have i havetwodoing class at home you're trying tostream zoomall day long and a signal drops out theyhave to relocate to a different roomthe mo the more i can do to avoid thatkind of problem these days the betterand i know i'm not aloneyeah yeah and then the last thing theyannounced this is the thing i thoughtyou said you pre-ordered but it'sa ring device and a security camera witha dronei'd say it's a drone with a securitycamera it's a drone with a dockingstation 250 bucksuh you plan your you plot your path forthe drone a route around your houseand then you can set it to go on thatroute and it has a camera so you canspot things like windows or youroven or your pet bowl you know whateverit is you want to spotand i guess it makes some sense becauseinside most people's houses you don'thave variable windand that drone technology is stableenough with the trackingto align itself it's basically your airroomba but it doesn't do any cleaningit does dusting very very light dustingair circulation i love the promotionalvideo for this because there's anintruderwho sees this tiny drone flying towardshimand he turns around and flees hecouldn't possibly do anything about thatwell he probably thinks it's got thelaser or somethinglike every time we've seen a drone likethat coming toward us in the movies it'sit's going to kill youi think it's it's fantastic and it saysit's designed to be loudlike they had any alternativeyeah they called it security you canhear rightprivacy it's privacy you can hear rightright privacyyour cats are going to want to swat itdown oh yeah they're going to take thatthing downyeah it's not going to be difficult iwonder if you can flyin a propeller guard mode off formaximumthreatening propeller damage theecho show 10 now is like jibowhere it has a screen that will turn andface you no matter where you arein the room 360 degrees i think that'sinteresting technologyi wish that it wasn't strictly a nerodevice like i wish that it was a screeni could airplay from my phonein order to facetime people um you knowif it was and it just used the opticaltracking to keep me in frame no matterwhatthe content was um that would be that'dbe very cool um i'd sobecause we don't use an echo show foranything else we tried one in thekitchendidn't want it i don't plan on buyingthis but it's neat that that kind oftechnology is entering the marketplaceum iit's i like seeing robots in the kitchenlet's do more of that that one has athat one has a security function as wellbecause it can just like pan across theroom and look forlook for goings on if uh likeperiodically if you're away from homeit's a trade-off between themechanical complexity of having an extramotor and turning screenand or just using a wide-angle lens andthencropping in to where text faces which iswhat i believethe facebook device does for video chatand uh that i think does it for texasyou know we're gonnawe were gonna ask you a bunch ofquestions dan about you know reviews buti think we're running out of timeuh and we covered some of that in thebeginning so you're saying i have tocome back at some point you have to comebackat some point uh but right now let'smove on to our last segment whichis uh for this week vrthe vr minute virtual realitythis weekthere's only one real thing to talkabout uh hpgave an update on the reverb g2uh it's gonna ship for those whopre-order earlynovember so a couple weeks after thelaunch of the questtwo uh jeremy how do you feel about thati feel fine with it i i still have mymy g1 and the g2 well you know a niceimprovement overall that's the same resolution um soi'll be happy using this and then i'llenjoy theincremental updates to the g2 umno problem no problem with that i i hopethat umyou know that they the improvements thatthey've made since the version that youhaveare noticeable even to youyeah yeah um and that's what i'm curiousabout uh because i don't have the finalum you know the the molds and thethe final injection molded plastic theform factor or the comfortuh the minor tweaking of audio driversthese are all things that canenhance experience and the optics are mybiggest question becausehaving used that quest to you know thewide sweet spot on on the quest opticsum even though the g2 is that muchsharper it's justit's not as the one that i have thepre-production model just does not haveagiant sweet spot they said that theymanaged to lower thepersistence of the display too so thatshould help a little bit with any kindof you know motion discomfort for afraction of people who use the devicebut it does require more power now soyou will have to plug it into the wallit won't run on any one system straightout of usbc yeah which was really onlyformobile users i think uh it was going tobe convenient and but you knowusbc power output was going to varybetween motherboards andvary between your front panel connectorsanyway soplugged in was still going to be thebest way to goand then they also announced a new g2concept called the omni concept this isstraight upb2b basically not for consumers it'sprobably very expensive but eye trackingas anotheruh input metric that developers can tapintoas well as uh was it heart rate detectorum and facial expressionso a camera system for your mouthessentially detecting your smilesum it's expensive hardware these are formostly for trainingpurposes for people who are doingsimulations that need that type of datacollecteduh for eye tracking um and not anythingthat's gonna impact you or meuh or when playing video games in thefuture in vrthe surveillance state that's what it'sfor i mean you're gonna put on theheadset yourselfyou know you've opted in right and ofcourse the quest comes out inuh a week and a half now is it even thattwo weeks almost two weeks october13th that's a tuesday and they'realready showing up in storeslike you can see people with friends attarget they got the boxes open they seetheso they're shipping them all over theyhave them already on shelvesum in japan uh in the displaycases yeah exactly exactly soand i i guess some best buys are alreadysetting up thekiosks so yeah they're stocking up thestores before launch day well enoughthat's such an interesting thing becausethosein-store kiosks like in-store traffic isnot going to be the same this yearas it was in any year past you know inthe pastin the world of consumer electronics andyet they're investing in it i'm surebest buy isn't charging a lower rate forwhat i definitely want to do right nowis going to go into a store and put on aheadset that other people have beenwearing for meexactly so you know the the money'sthere in terms of the investmentuh but it's going to largely be onlineorders umand right now maybe it's a testament totheir supply chain or the way they'veplanned out pre-ordersbut you can order and either the modelson on a place like amazon or best buyand still get it on launch dayso they do not have the shortages thatthe next-gen consoles do which issomething like thatuh last thing i'm gonna end this showwith is danwhat's the deal with the new consolesthat that is a big question uh wherewhere to beginuh i did i did manage to get pre-ordersuhi guess we do have uh the daigen doeshave anot quite final like pre-productionversion of a series x that that we'reworking with in a preview capacity youcan check out some ofryan mccaffrey's coverage of that on thesite right nowbut uh i think that's about all i cansay about it at the moment i don't wanttodon't want to cross any lines therebecause i haven't read that embargo toto the uh down to the letter umyeah i think uh we we don't we stilldon't know when we're getting reviewunits we don't know how many we'regettingfrom either console uh so it is kind ofyou know coming down to the linedown to the wire as far as the planningonon the microsoft and sony side for whenthose are going outum but you know they they don't seempanicked yetso we aren't panicked uh i'm i'm prettyconfident we'll be able to getour hands on some consoles to be able tobe able to do reviews on themthere actually aren't that many gameswhere you actually absolutelyneed a next-gen console to review themcoming upthere's demon souls there's uma couple other sony ones i can'tremember off top of my head there that'sthere's the all-staruh like destruction derby one anddo you not need it for sex no you don'tit's coming out on on theps4 um and the oh i had it for a secondoh it's like the sac boy adventure oneso it's it's just i think it's justthose three games where you actuallyneed a ps5 to play iteverything on uh xbox will run onboth the the previous xbox one consolesanda pc so they don't really have a launchlineupanyway so uh i'm not i'm not panickedi'll put it that waythey're exciting so much uncertaintyyeah yeah i'll be curious yeah this isthis is this will be my secondyou know time doing the console launchthing at ign uh istarted uh the year that the theplaystation 4 and xbox one came out it's it's definitely differentdifferent this timeum because because we're not freakingout about how we're going to review allthese games that are coming out only onthese consolesum which is kind of a relief but alsoyou know that i think there's less of aless of a attempt to make a big splashwith it with a big launch lineupyeah yeah but again people are stillgoing to want to seethe video capture they're still going tosee the differences they can absolutelythe appetite is still there um for forthe game consoles oh yeah it's a hugeappetiteum i think the the challenging thing isgoing to behow are we going to show anybody whatthese games look like at 120 frames asecondhow we can't even put hdr video onyoutube soit's it's like a lot of it is going tohave to be you know we're going tohave to be creative about how to conveyuh what these look like withoutbeing able to really show people whatthey look like because they won't seethem in personwhat's the highest frame rate youtubesupports for which one for your youtubei'm not sure actually but i think it's60yeah i know it's not 120yeah files get quite big at that sizewelcome to the problem thatpeople covering vr have had for yearsyeah plusplus when you're when you're uploading4k video to the internet like you'reby nature it's compressing it and you'regoing to lose some of the detail likewe used to do graphics comparisonsbetween consoles but now we kind oflike and pc but we kind of like lost thethebenefit of doing that because thedifference between what a game lookslike onxbox series x versus playstation 5 uhrunning at 4kor close to it or you know upscaled fromclose to it likeit's not going to be really perceptibleespecially whenuh when you're looking at a compressedyoutube videoum so it's we'll find ways to comparethem butit's not going to be the same old wayyeah well that's why there's still thewebsite anduncompressed pngs opt-infor the nitty-gritty details and writtenreviews words to readwe still do those and you can find uhthat anddan your other work at or followyou onlineuh are you still on twitter or what isit still nowhere danno i'm still a dance tape dan stapletonyou're a dan stapletoni've always always been there on twitteryeahwell thank you dan for joining us thisweek umany other shout outs you want to give ithink we've talked about most of thestuff we're working on i think i guessby by now you'll also have our crashbandicoot 4 review upwhich is also reviewing very well verycoolum go ahead and read uh their squads inthe review you can watch our reviewlater ontoday when that gets uploaded and uhwhere i think we're done with the show alittle over an hour thank you again danfor joining us uh this week we have anoutrocreated by great job great job's done areally great jobusername great job has done a great jobwith this uh we're still taking outrosubmissions and theme song submissionsif you want to create a theme song youcan upload it soundcloud email to or send it over dm on twitterand we'll play it in a future episodebut until then jerry and iand maybe sure we'll see you next timein diane thank you again we'll have tohave you onin a future episode yeah thanks forhaving me it's been great to hang outwith you guysit's been a while it has been a whileyears and years all right here goes theoutro i have listened to it so hopeit's safe for work hi there i didn't seeherecan i just tell you the other day um wefinally got a wii and my son discoveredmario kart just a few months ago andthe other day he was like dad i'vegotten good at this game you gotta playwith me yeah and then i kind of put himin his placewell are you already good at that game imean i was fine i was certainly betterthan my seven year old wasespecially when he started talking crapto me yeah see those games they givethose kids a false sense of achievementyeah and then i was like you're notyou're not even driftingall right we'll see you next week bye\n"