I'm gonna figure how to get that ball outta there (noise). I see you ball, I will get you (noise). I don't know if we spend enough time saying this, but don't do this at home (noise). You ready to see a ball? I hope (cheering). We got max flow now, let's see if it blows up (laughs), excuse me that wellies (air swishing). Found a leak. Found several leaks, sweat. Okay, so the problem we're having now is the pressure side, what I mean by the pressure side is everything between the propane tank and the solenoid, the two bung basically that's gonna be under pressure all the time. Leaks at every single joint, and I guess if we're being honest, we probably could have seen that coming (laughs). Got to tighten this stuff up, we're gonna maybe add some J-B weld into here, we need to make it so this can hold whatever the pressure on that tank is, I think like a 150 pounds (air whooshing).
Where is that? Okay, I see you. You guys saw what happened; we hot a leak there, now we're gonna add some J-B weld there, and I guess we're at it. We should do the bottom too. I don't wanna do this again. See, we fix anything (laughs). - That Work? - I think she's sealed, it's not leaking, it's time to try this shit (laughs).
I'm really scared; body. So am I honestly at this point. Tell me worst case now, what might happen here? - Burn down the house, burn down the Miata, burn down us. The house is right here (laughs). All right guys, if it's gonna work, this is gonna be it, if this doesn't make fire, we're gonna back to the drawing board.
(Laughing) Now I'm gonna start the car; so doesn't go backwards into the exhaust (car engine revving). Guys ready? - Yeah (car engine revving). You that's gonna be huge. So much propane (beep), dude yeah, I don't know about that. All right, so you guys saw how much propane came out the exhaust tip, more than I was expecting. I'll tell you that; what we're gonna do is put the car on the ground, move it a little further away from the house, and then try again.
You got this hose's ready. It's the moment of truth. - You got to turn the engine off because I think the exhaust might be deleting the propane to the point that it won't fire, and that's not acceptable (clicking noise). Okay, so we decided to turn the engine off; cause I think the exhaust might be deleting the propane to the point that it won't fire, and that's not acceptable. (Clicking noise).
What the hell? - You gonna squawk little Shaun there, Zack then you (noise drown out speaker), no... So it's not gonna catch you any more, and then you run, and then we ignite it. And then you do it. Yeah; oh shit. Wow! The car's On fire (laughing). Saw your butt bro. (Laughing) All right, our ignition system seems be the issue, we're talking about tapping a torch to the bumper. We got the Go Pro set up to end our go burst setup here, it's gonna hold the torch over herewhere hopefully won't get extinguished by the exhaust.
So let's see if we got it all worked up (upbeat music). Well what did we learn today folks? We made a couple different types of fire; we had a lot of fun and I think really ultimately we learned that if you wanna make fire with your car, you gotta do it the right way. You gotta go the install an ECU or tune on your ECU because what we do to the Miata did not work out too well.
But the flames coming out that two series are some of the coolest things I've ever seen. Please do me a favor and hit the light button, subscribe, hit the notification bell, follow me on Instagram, add Zach Jobe, follow Donut Media, and we'll see you guys next week when we are doing one of my ideas, not Addy's.
This was a day man (laughs).
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Water.Earth.Fire.(upbeat music)- Today we're gonna makethe Miata shoot fire,one way or another.So to do that, we need tounderstand how cars shoot fire,why they do it,and then will figure outhow to make it happenon the Miata.I'm Zack, this is Snake pit.Let's play with some fire baby.(thunder crashing)you know this week, Iwanted to put some sway barson the car,but Addy had this great ideathat it will make a sweet videoif we made the Miata shoot fire,and everybody agreed with Addy,so today we're gonna the Miata shoot fire.All right before we go gettoo far a hear of ourselves,let's take a look on the internetand get some inspirationfor what kind of fire ballswe're gonna be able to shoot with Miata.(keyboard typing)Car shoot fire.All right so he's heatingup his exhaust right nowby revving it.Basically, this is I think fire on D cell.The ECU is sending a bunchof fuel into the exhaustwhile the car's decelerating,normally there's no fuel there,that super hot exhaustignites the excess fuelthat's in the exhaust,right?And you get this nice long flames.Okay, we got a Evo in Japan.(car revving sound)That's sweet,so that's what you call pops and bangs,you can hear them when you shifts,when you lets all the gas,probably you hear that(backfire sound)like crackles and pops.That's basically what anti lag is.Basically blowing up fuelin the exhaust manifoldwhich forces your turbo to spin.Now when I think abouttail pipe shooing flames,I think about like this Evo spitting fire,so the first thing I think aboutis controlling a stand-aloneand getting a specific map madeor maybe just reprogramming the ECUwith a flash tune,but the problem I can't do eitherof those things on the Miata,they doesn't have a stand-alone,and there's no flash tunesoftware for the Miata out there,we gonna have to figure something else up.That said we still do wanna talkabout this way to shoot fireballsbecause it is awesome.I thought hey my roommate got a new carthat you can do this stuff onso I head up RK-Tunes,they make a bunch of BMW tunes,they send us some files that we loadedon this old computer,and now we're gonna put them on the ECU.I guess the process for thisreally started yesterdayRK-Tunes sent us a cable andwe downloaded some software,and yesterday we came out with that cable,we plugged it in the OBDtool port in the car,and into the computer,and then the software allows usto pull the stock informationbasically off the computer,and we sent it back over to RK-Tunes,now they know what we're working withand what files to send us back.So we sent over our files yesterday,told them we wanted some flames,and this morning gotan email full of files,and now it's time tohack into the main frameand put the flame files on the ECU,let's get into it.(upbeat music)(snoring)(message alert)All right the car is runningso we gonna let it worm upbefore we go driving and try to make fire.Now I'm not exactly positive,exactly what RK-Tuneschange to give us fire,but i have a good idea(door slams)I'm sure that fires gonnahappen on deceleration,and normally when you'redriving your car on decelerationyour fuel injector shut off completely,and there's no fuel enteringyour engine on D cell.Now, when you want fireand you want pops and bangsin any lagging stuff like that,you turn your fuel injectorback on during D cell,they're shooting a littlebit of fuel into your enginewhile you decelerating,even though you don't need any,then they'll change your ignition timingso your spark occurs waylater than it normally would,after you pressed on R thengoes to top dead centerand it's already on its way back downthen the spark fires.There's only enough combustion happeningin the combustion chamber,in the cylinder,just a barely keep the car running.Most that combustion is now happeningin the exhaust manifold,because of how late thatignition timing is happening.The flame map that we just put on herewill almost certainlydump some fuel on D celland retard ignition timing,and I think that's howwe're gonna see fire.There is nothing left to it but to do it.Will let the car worm up right now ,then we're gonna hit thestreets and make some fire.(car engine backfire)we did it.(car engine backfire)we got Saronno's car to shoot flames,I know it was kinda hard tosee cause it's daytime out,but fast foreword tosome night-time footage.(car backfire)(laughing)(car revving)That's the fireI'm talking about.Now I'm fully inspired to getthe Miata to shoot flames,it's time to do what we need to do,I think I've got all the parts I needand we're gonna make some flames,one way or another.Let's do it.- lets do it.(upbeat music)what it boils down to that you needunburned fuel in the exhaust,and you need a way toignite that unburned fuel.Now a lot of car likesuper cars and stuff,the way they ignite the fuelis by running really hard,and having an exhaustthat is just super hot,and that super hot exhaustignites the unburned fuel.I'm not gonna just setin here and rev the Miatauntil the exhaust is hotenough to ignite unburned fuel,so wee need to figure outhow to ignite unburned fuelin the exhaust in different way,I went to Home Depotand got a grill igniter,like you would use a potato cannon,basically in here there'slittle piece of cordsand when you smack it with the clicker(clicking noise)it create voltage,and I don't know if you can see it(clicking noise)but there is a sparkjumping right there.Now we've got our ignition sorted out,now we just need to figureout the unburned fuel,for that I've got a few ideas.(clicking noise)(laughing)we got spark in the exhaust,we might as well see if there'senough unburned fuel alreadyin there to make fire,probably not but it's worth a shot.(car engine roaring)I do smell some unburned fuel.I think this is gonna work.- Man I think you justbecame the most popular guyin the neighborhood.- I'm already the most popularguy in the neighborhood.So the just revving it thing didn't work ,which means we need toget more unburned fuelinto the exhaust.My next move is pull a spark plug wire.The ECU still thinks we'rerunning on four cylinder here,each of these cylinders is getting fuel,right?But now number four doesn't have a spark,so, 25% of the fuelthat goes in this engineis now be coming out the exhaust unburned,hopefully that's enoughfor that grill igniterto catch on fire.Car engine revving)okay, so That didn't work either.I wanna check and make surethat the ignition sourceisn't our issue,we're gonna forget the grilligniter for just a secondand we're just gonna holdit torched to the tale pipewhile we're rev it,just to see if there'senough unburned fuel thereto catch on fire,if there's already fire present.(car engine revving)okay, so pulling a sparkplug wire didn't work either,apparently we still don't have enoughunburned fuel in the exhaust.One of the ways that you make flamesis by retarding ignition timing on D cell,I can't control ignitiontiming just on D cellbut I can control it entirelyand that might allow us toget more of that unburned fuelinto the exhaust andmaybe see some flames,I kinda doubt it,but we're trying everything.Will turn the sensor,will retard the timingand we'll see if that makes fire.(engine noise)All right, you can tell byhow bad the engine is runningthat our timing is now retarded.Time to grab the spark,give it a rev ,see if we make any fire,if she'll even rev.(car engine roaring)sorry.All right, so retardingthe timing by itselfdidn't seem to be enough,we're gonna put two of mybrilliant ideas togetherand we're gonna pull aspark plug with the timing,Imply is not even gonna run now,but may we'll make fire.(car engine roaring)okay, so that didn't work either.Addy.(car engine roaring)you look like you got hurt.- Startling.(laughing)- Will non of that stuff worked,so what we're gonna do?I have one more idea.(upbeat music)I went online earlier this weekand I bought a bunch of odds and endsand amongst of them Ithink we'll be able to makethis thing shoot flames.We're gonna hook the propanetank to a 12 volt solenoidthat it'll be able to control the switchwhich will let the propaneflow into the exhaustand then we'll head our sparker, right?And its simple as that,and then we should havesome big ass flames.Right here we've got a littlebung for one of those barmspre portly welded in by yours trulynot too good to welding it,okay.now see.(gentle music)All right, now be our propane.Okay, now from thereI guess it's solenoid.It runs on 12 volt,see that, its closed,but you run a 12 voltto it, flip the switchshe opens up, lets some propane through,you make some flames.I don't think we're gonnaneed hose clamps on these endsbut it could be wrong.Now we got to get from this to this,I'll run this thing into here,to the reducer, perfect.(gentle music)I'm starting to thinkabout this whole weekwhen I've been like oh yesit's gonna be no big deal,we'll just hook up somepropane and some switchesand some stuff and we'll make fire.Okay, so that's our propane line finishedbasically we're ready to screwthis onto the propane tankbut when I gonna do that untilwe have the switch wired upand ready to go,lets do that really quick.For that, last night Iprinted a little switch panelthe head unit it go here,then this will be our propane switchand then our grill igniterbutton it'll go right there,so, you know finish.All right, we just gonnado this quick and dirty,so for ground I'm just gonnawrap this copper wire aroundthis a little bow and put it in there,now this is not like correct wayto officially round something,but you know it works.So now, if that grounded,our batteries right here,when I click this to the positivesince that grounded,our switch should click,let's find out.(clicking sound)you hear that,that's a solenoid opening.She has a way on let propane through.Okay, so that works,now I just need to runthe switch up front.You can see light right through there,all the way back to trunk,we use that whole to runour wire through there,run up and under into the Sorona console,and up to the switch panel,like we planned it.We got the wire going back to solenoid,now we need to find powerup here to send back to it,now we could've roundedwire up from the batterybut that just seem silly,when we've got all this here,I probably just strip some of this back,and just kinda tie into it for now.Okay, that's the groundfor the switch light,okay, this is power,once this is plugged in, theswitch should work, ready?- Yup.(cheering)- We're in businessfolks, we're in business,and then we're just gonna stuffthese wires in there for now,cause look what we're doing.(laughs)And that's as good as it's gonna get.Okay, now what we gonna dois hook up the propane tank.And we are ready to shoot flames,I think.Are you ready for this?- I am.- Do you think it's gonna work?- A 100%.- Yeah me too, are you concerned at all?- Not at all, no I might have some.(laughs)yeah, I've got a touch of concern,flaring up but best thingto do in those kinda situations is..screw the tank in.Okay, guys you ready?Propane on,(clicking sound)- Are you sure the propane is on?- I don't smell it.- Ya its clicking.- Well, this is clicking,this was pressurized,that's all straight through,flow goes that way.(car engine roaring)- is that propane coming off?- Is my solenoid busted?All right, so doesn't seem why we getenough propane out of the exhaust,I think we need to haggle this out,one way or another we need to improveflow through our adaptor,lets take it a part, see what we can do.Deep in there's a little ball,you can hear it,I think its job is just torestrict flow to make thingsa little more safe,in our case that's the exactopposite of what we want,what do you know?I gonna figure how to getthat ball outta there.(noise)I see you ball, I will get you.(noise)I don't know if we spendenough time saying this,but don't do this at home.(noise)you ready to see a ball, I hope.(cheering)We got max flow now,lets see if it blows up,(laughs)excuse me that wellies.(air swishing)found a leak.Found several leaks, sweat.Okay, so the problem we'rehaving now is the pressure side,what I mean by thepressure side is everythingbetween the propane tank and the solenoid,the two bung basically that'sgonna be under pressureall the time leaks at every single joint,and I guess if we're being honestwe probably could seen that coming.I got to tighten this stuff up we're gonnamaybe add some J-B weld into here,we need to make it so this can holdwhatever the pressure on that tank is,I think like a 150 pounds.(air whooshing)Where is that?Okay, I see you.You guys saw what happened,we hot a leak there,now we're gonna add some J-B weld there,and I guess we're at it, weshould do the bottom too.I don't wanna do this again.See we fix anything.- That Work?- I think she's sealed,its not leaking,its time to try this shit.(laughs)- I'm really scared body.- So am I honestly at this point.- Tell me worst casenow, what might happen here?- Burn down the house,burn down the Miata,burn down us.The house is right here.(laughs)All right guys if it's gonna work,this is gonna be it,if this doesn't make fire,we're gonna back to the drawing board.(upbeat music)now I'm gonna start the carso doesn't go backwards into the exhaust.(car engin revving)guys ready?- Yeah(car engine revving)You that's gonna be huge.- That's like a lot.- So much (beep) propane.- Dude yeah I don't know about that.- All right, so you guys saw how muchpropane came out the exhaust tip,more than I was expectingI'll tell you that,what we're gonna do isput the car on the ground,move it a little furthera way from the house,and then try again.- You got that hose's ready.- It's the moment of truth.- It works or we die.(clicking noise)- okay so we decidedto turn the engine offcause I think the exhaustmight be deleting the propaneto the point that it won't fire,and that's not acceptable(clicking noise)(upbeat music)what the hell?(upbeat music)(faintly speaking)- I can still here it.(faintly speaking)- You gonna squarklittle Shaun there,Zack then you(noise drown out speaker)so it's not gonna catch you any moreand then you run, and then we ignite it- And then you do it.- Yeahoh shit.- Wow!- The car's On fire.(laughing)- Saw your butt bro.(laughing)All right our ignitionsystem seems be the issue,we're talking about tapin a torch to the bumper,we got the go pro set up toend our go burst setup here,it's gonna hold the torch over herewhere hopefully won't getextinguished by the exhaust.So lets see if we got it all worked up.(upbeat music)(car engine revving(upbeat music)(car revving sound)(laughing)(car engine revving)(laughing)that's how you make firewith the Mazda Miata.That's basically any land, I think.(car revving)(upbeat music)well, what did we learn toady folks,we made a couple different types of fire,we had a lot of fun and I think reallyultimately we learned thatif you wanna make firewith your car you gottado it the right way,you gotta go the installan ECU or tune on your ECUbecause what we do to the Miatadid not work out too well,but the flames coming out that two seriesare some of the coolestthings I've ever seen.Please do me a favor andhit the light button,subscribe, hit the notification bell,follow me on Instagram,add Zach jobe, follow Donut mediaand we'll see you guysnext week when we are doingone of my ideas, not Addy's.This was a day man.(laughs)