iPhone designs of the past decade (2010-2020) - Which iPhone is best

The Evolution of iPhone Design: A 13-Year Retrospective

The iPhone has been a dominant force in the smartphone market for over 13 years, with its design evolving significantly over the years. In this retrospective, we'll delve into the various design changes that have taken place, from the original iPhone to the latest models.

The Original iPhone: A Solid Design


Aaron's personal favorite iPhone design is the original iPhone, which was released in 2007. The phone had a solid aluminum feel, with plastic on the bottom for the antennas. Aaron used this phone extensively and really liked it. However, he felt that the subsequent switch to a plastic design with the 3G and 3GS made the phone feel cheaper.

The iPhone 4: A Game-Changer


Aaron considers the iPhone 4 to be his personal favorite design of all time. Released in 2010, the iPhone 4 was a game-changer in terms of overall feel, design, and construction. The phone had stainless steel around the outside, glass on the front and back, and a 3.5-inch display. Although it was still relatively small compared to today's phones, it held up well and felt very durable.

The iPhone 4S: An Upgrade


The iPhone 4S, released in 2011, was an upgrade over the original iPhone 4. Aaron considers this phone to be one of his favorites, along with the 4 and 5 series. The iPhone 4S had some better specs than the original iPhone 4, making it a better overall phone compared to the 5.

The iPhone 5: A Sleek Design


Aaron considers the iPhone 5 to be another favorite design of his. Released in 2012, the iPhone 5 was sleek and modern, with a larger display and a more streamlined body.

Design Evolution: The iPhone 6 and Beyond


After skipping the iPhone 9, Apple brought out the iPhone X in 2017, which marked a significant departure from previous designs. The iPhone X had a stainless steel construction, two cameras (which were placed vertically instead of horizontally), glass on the front and back, and facial recognition technology called Face ID.

The iPhone XS Max and XR: Minor Upgrades


In 2018, Apple released minor updates to the iPhone X with the XS Max and XS. The XS Max was a larger version of the original iPhone X, while the XS had a slightly smaller display and a faster processor.

New Designs: The iPhone 11 Series


The iPhone 11 series, released in 2019, brought significant changes to the design. The phone had a matte back, a new Apple logo placement, and a triple-camera setup. The iPhone 11 Pro Max was a larger version of the standard iPhone 11, with a faster processor and a more vibrant display.

Design Preferences: What's Next for the iPhone?


Aaron concludes by asking his viewers to share their favorite iPhone design and why they love it. He expresses interest in seeing either the iPhone 4 or 5 revived in the next iPhone model.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enah hi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTechan iPhone has been out for almost 13years at this point or at least 12 yearsand there have been a lot of designchanges over the years sometimesdramatically sometimes not so muchdepending on the year but I thought we'dtalk about what the design changes werehow they've changed over the years andthen also which one is your favorite andwhich one's my favorite so we'll startwith the original iPhone since thesearen't in the past decade but theoriginal iPhone had a nice aluminum feelto it with plastic on the bottom for theantennas this was a phone that I usedfor quite some time I really liked itbut then we switched to the plasticdesign with the 3G and the 3GS now somepeople I know really liked this designbut I thought it felt much cheaper thanthe original iPhonedespite its better features it did getbetter reception due to the plastic butthese were previous generation phones orprevious decade phones when we'retalking about 2010 to 2020 and so with2010 came the iPhone 4 it was leakedquite a bit before it was released butthe iPhone 4 is my personal favoritedesign of all time now this varies ofcourse based on when you started usingiPhone or some other people like thenext version of phone more but the 4 and4s were introduced in 2010 and 2011 andreally up to the game as far as overallfeel design and construction of a phoneat this point we have stainless steelaround the outside band we have glassfront and back and we have a 3.5 inchdisplay it's still pretty small comparedto today's phones but it held up welland it felt very very durablewe had the 30 pin adapter here in thebottom and overall this was one of myfavorite phones to use it just feelsvery solid despite the many antennaissues it had when it first came outnow many people's favorite design is theiPhone 5 and 5s and this continues to bethe favorite of most people to this daywhen I run a poll on Twitter or placeslike that where people say which phonedesign is their favorite it brought analuminum design with glass in the backon the top and bottom for the antennasand then aluminum all the way aroundit's just one solid piece and then a 4inch display that got a little bitbigger and this brought lightning aswellso this was the switch from the 30-pinadapter of the iPods over to lightningwhich allowed for thinner phones butalso allowed for different designs andother things inside the phone and sothis was the favorite of many it wasintroduced in 2012 and for 2013 theydidn't do a whole lot other than up theprocessor speed and introduced touch IDso that's why I included this one andalong with 2012-2013 rather 5s and 5cwere introduced and a lot of people havefond memories of 5c this is sort of abudget phone at the time it's not reallycheap or it wasn't cheap but it was theless expensive iPhone sort of like theiPhone XRtoday it came in a bunch of colors andjust has an all plastic outside frameand then inside there's a little bit ofaluminum for reinforcement but againthey had the same thing as the iPhone 5s- touch ID so it's a really nice phone alot of people really liked it then wemoved on to something a little bit moreradical in 2014 a larger phone they alsointroduced a larger size similar to thisone I'll talk about that in a moment butthis was an aluminum design curved edgesmuch like we see today and this also hadtouch ID but a much larger display so wehave all the same things that wereintroduced before but of a largerdisplay and this is when we had issueswith the phone bending so a lot ofpeople were making videos about bendingthese I never had an issue this is theoriginal one I had never been oranything like thatnow they also introduced a larger phoneat the same time the six plus and thisis a 6s plus which just brought us abigger display so we started with the5.5 inch displays all the way to 6.5 itwas really nice to have much largerdisplays on phones so it gave us abigger display and a bigger battery aswell no I did not have a 7 handy it wasactually in use but the 7 all the 7 didwas take away the headphone jack so Ididn't really want to include thatthat's not a fond memory for me I stillmissed the headphone bent jack and thenthey also made it so the home buttondoesn't press anymore so in between thetime of the 7 they introduced the iPhonese brought back this design with somebetter specs as the 6s specs in it andit's just a better phone overallcompared to the 5s but then they perfectthe original design from the six withthe eight and the eight gave us aluminumagain but glass front and back and theback glass allows us to wirelesslycharge it so again we don't have thathome we don't have the headphone jackand we also have a home button thatdoesn't move so we have some waterprotection and everything else so manypeople consider the iPhone 8 and 8 plusto be the best overall design since thesix that kind of perfected everythingand really made it just a perfection ofthe home button designed phone also inthe same year as the iPhone 8 and 8 pluswhich was 2017 we saw the new design theiPhone X so we skipped the iPhone 9some people think that will come thisyear but they skipped the iPhone 9 andbrought out the X with its new overalldesign and brought back the stainlesssteel construction so I know a lot ofpeople really love this phone andconsider it the best one they brought intwo cameras but place them verticallyinstead of horizontally and glass frontand back with that design around theedge and this just feels like a verypremium device it also introduced thenotch and face ID so we've got a muchbigger edge to edge display and a lot ofpeople really liked that then thefollowing year or last year while twoyears ago now 2018 we received a minorupdate to the iPhone X with the XS Maxa little bit larger size but also a Xasked that's basically the same with alittle bit faster processor and also theXR this was the best seller andstill is to this day and a lot of peoplelike this but it brought back a LuminaMon the outside edge and instead ofhaving an OLED display it has an LCDdisplay so it's basically the same it'sin between the size of the X and XSmax or the XS and it's really theperfect phone for most people apparentlybased on its price and what it's sellinglike and then this year or last year nowApple introduced the iPhone 11 11 Proand 11 Pro max and really all that didwas bring in much larger batteries bringin a matte back change where the Applelogo is placed and bring a triple camerasetup so we have all of those thingswith a speedier processsir and a little bit nicer displaythat's a little bit brighter and morevibrant so that's all for these there'sa lot of small changes over the yearslittle incremental changes some peoplelike a lot of the designs some peopledon't like them at all some people don'tlike the notch the notches really neverbothered me but some people really don'tlike it but either way there is aniPhone for you over the years and Iwould love to hear which one was yourfavorite and why like I said I liked the4 4s and the 5 these are probably myfavorite of all time and I would love tosee either one of these revived in theiPhone 12 but let me know which one isyour favorite in the comments below I'llalso link a wallpaper for you in thedescription as I always do and if youhaven't subscribed or any pleasesubscribe and if you enjoyed the videoplease give it a like as always thanksfor watching this is Aaron I'll see younext time\n"