Building a Third Web App with Rapplet: A Step-by-Step Guide
As we explored in our previous video, building a web application on top of blockchain technology is not only possible but also exciting. In this article, we'll walk through the process of creating a basic third web app using the Rapplet framework.
Getting Started with Delegation and Voting
The first step in building our third web app was to delegate our tokens towards the power of voting and proposals. This means allowing our vote to have weight with the ape coins, enabling us to participate in the decision-making process on the blockchain. We did this by navigating to our dashboard, hitting refresh, and seeing that delegation was complete. With our delegation set up, we could now proceed to vote on a proposal.
Speeding Up the Voting Process
After delegating our tokens, we found that voting was not possible at first. However, when we went back and refreshed the page, we discovered that our vote was still processing. We decided to speed it up by hitting confirm on our previous submission. To our surprise, this allowed us to vote successfully. This demonstrated that delegation is crucial for giving our votes power and allowing them to have a significant impact on the blockchain.
Using Rapplet to Create a Proposal
With our tokens delegated, we were able to create a proposal from scratch. We navigated to our second account, which had already been set up with delegated tokens, and created a new proposal. This showed that even without delegating our tokens initially, we could still create a proposal and start participating in the decision-making process.
The Benefits of Using Rapplet
Throughout this process, we used the Rapplet framework to simplify the development experience. By using their pre-built components and styling, we were able to focus on writing web3 logic without having to worry about every single detail from scratch. This makes it an ideal choice for developers who want to build third web apps quickly and efficiently.
The Blockchain Industry: A Lucrative Opportunity
As we concluded our video, we emphasized the potential of the blockchain industry. With the right skills and knowledge, developers can earn significant amounts of money, often in excess of $100,000 per year. This is because there is a growing demand for skilled web3 developers who can help build and maintain blockchain applications.
In conclusion, building a third web app with Rapplet is a fun and rewarding experience that simplifies the development process. By using their framework, we were able to delegate our tokens, create proposals, and vote on decisions in a matter of minutes. With this knowledge and skills, you can join the growing number of developers who are making a name for themselves in the blockchain industry.
Forking Rapplet for Yourself
As a special treat for our readers, we've included the Rapplet framework below. By forking it, you'll be able to replicate our build and start building your own third web app quickly and easily. This will save you countless hours of development time and allow you to focus on writing web3 logic.
We hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new about building third web apps with Rapplet. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out. We'll see you in the next video!