The Review: Chewy Core M3 Tablet Experience
As I sat down to review the Chewy Core M3 tablet, I was excited to see how it would perform in various tasks and tests. The first thing that caught my attention was the display, which is fully laminated and has a brightness of around 240-250 lux, which is ideal for indoor use. However, I did notice some light leakage, which may be a concern for some users.
The keyboard on this tablet is a mixed bag - while it's fine for general use, I didn't expect it to be top-notch quality. The texture of the keyboard was not my favorite, and I found myself wishing for something more premium. On the other hand, the touchpad is a Windows Precision Touchpad, which is a nice surprise. It worked smoothly and quickly, and I appreciated the added precision it provided.
The fingerprint reader on this tablet is another feature that caught my attention. Located in an easily accessible spot, it works beautifully with my Windows account, popping up the login screen instantly. This feature alone made me happy to have a device like this, as it streamlines the authentication process and makes it more convenient to use.
One of the standout features of this tablet is its performance. Despite running at 1600 MHz RAM, which might seem slow compared to other devices on the market, I found that the Chewy Core M3 held up remarkably well. In my testing, it was able to handle demanding tasks like gaming with ease, achieving an average frame rate of around 60 FPS. This is impressive for a device in its class, and it's clear that the manufacturer has prioritized performance.
But what about thermals? I was pleased to see that the Chewy Core M3 handled heat management surprisingly well, maintaining a maximum temperature of 73 degrees Celsius during my prolonged gaming session. The thermal probe revealed temperatures ranging from 42-43 degrees Celsius, which is reasonable considering the device's specifications. Additionally, the power consumption was manageable, peaking at around 10 watts and reaching a GPU core clock speed of 74 MHz.
In terms of other features, the tablet has a good range for wireless connectivity and supports up to 4K streaming. The speakers are also noteworthy, with better sound quality compared to some of my previous reviews. However, there is one notable disappointment - the port situation on this device is abysmal. With only two USB ports (one of which is Micro-USB) and no full-size HDMI port, I found it frustrating to use this tablet without feeling like I was being limited by its connectivity options.
The battery life was another area where I felt a bit let down. Despite running on a Core M3 processor, the device only managed to last around five hours, which is somewhat underwhelming compared to my expectations. I've reviewed several other devices in the same class that have consistently delivered better battery life, so this was a notable disappointment.
Finally, there's the stylus - or rather, its complete lack of functionality. In an era where many tablets and laptops are touted as being "stylus-ready," it's disappointing to see one that's unable to deliver even basic writing capabilities. While I understand that not everyone may need or want a stylus, it's surprising to see such a device available for purchase without this feature.
In conclusion, the Chewy Core M3 tablet is an impressive piece of hardware with many strengths. Its performance is top-notch, thermals are well-handled, and the display is bright and clear. However, there are several areas where the device falls short - from the lackluster keyboard to the poor port selection and disappointing battery life. If you're in the market for a new tablet and don't mind some of these limitations, it's worth considering the Chewy Core M3. But be aware of its flaws before making a purchase decision.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enThis is Chuwi's latest flagship tabletit's a large tablet it's powered by theCore M3 7y 30 and the screen sizeis thirteen point three inches it's a1080p screen fully laminated so we'renot gonna have that horrible ugly gapbetween the digitizer glass and then theIPS panel which is great to see thatit's a thin design and it is a unibodymetal housing that they've put on hereas well now this is quite a large boxbecause it also contains the keyboardand the stylus so we'll be checkingthose out in the review as well so thebattery capacity is 34 watt hours whichisn't massive so it's going to be goodfor about five hours only unfortunatelyand I've noticed that most of the corem3 tablets so that's all you tend to getI've never seen really good battery lifewe've never seen seven or eight hours onany khorium device and that includes theMicrosoft Surface pro as well so thismodel does have a type C port and itdoesn't have any full size USB 3 portsand that type cover that's in here aswell also acts as a stand for it so it'shighly recommended to get that as wellso anyway let's check out and see whatwe get in the Box the design of thetablet run through my normal tests andalso my final opinion at the end of thisreview with my pros and cons so you cansee we've got a large brown box herethis is Chuy's typical packaging andthey do put on the left side they'rejust the specs of it that I outlined soit's using the chewy high pin 3 which Iwill show you and it is well packaged uphere so there's the tablet I'll put thatto the side for a second so in thislittle box in the middle we just got afew leaflets here so that's yourwarranty user manual another typicalkind of paperwork you will get with anew product now in the pouch on the sideyou will find the power supply so thisis a type c1 as you can see there blackthe cable length isn't too bad it's notthe longest and it is rated to 12 volts3 amps and in the plug of course forwhatever version you ordered this is theEU model so I have an e you plug thisinsert of course lifts else and underthis we then find that we've got thekeyboard and that h i3 pin so we take alook quickly at the stylus it does comepackaged out you have a battery for itso it's one of those expensive quad-abatteries and thestylus has a look to it very similar tothe likes of say the surface pen well alittle bit so it does have the other endof think does work as well but it willtest that out we've got two buttons andthen the tip the tip is not rubber it isa hard plastic so you obviously need tounscrew this and then insert that quad abattery and onto the cool book keyboardso the keyboard has this felt fake suedelike material to it so it's almost likea a fabric and what it does is attractdust that's an absolute dust magnet sothis thing's sharp dust and do it andthe straightaway and it can be a bit ofa pain to keep clean it's made out oflike a plastic frame to that it'swrapped over and we've got this in hereto stop it obviously for the keyboardfrom getting damaged and the way thisworks is very similar again to thataudio cube k note that I reviewed sothis is like a stiff hinge and thatgives you the various differentpositions when you dock the tablet to itso we've got a a 10 pin Pogo port rightthere the connector and then a largetouchpad right here with a status LED soI can see we have a function shortcut toget media controls for those keys alongthe top for your volume and it doesn'tseem to be separate keys therefore thescreen brightness I which is slightlydisappointing and I cannot see a PrintScreen button either and page up anddown home our also missing from thiskeyboard which is a minor but at leastthe shift keys are normal kind of sizeon both sides often they're sometimescut down the shift-key or they will cutdown the arrow keys that hasn't happenedhere now because it does sit flat thereis no other level you can't prop it upagain there's no magnet along the tophere you're not going to get any flex atleast but it's a flat keyboard so typingit it does feel perfectly fine thosekeys now this palm wrist is going to bea nightmare to keep clean because itdoes have that fabric as well and I cansee that with your hands with the oilsfrom your hands and if it's hot danethings and you have sweaty palms thatthis is going to be very very easy toget dirty now i can see that it doeshave left and right hardware mousebutton so it's not just the gestureshopefully this is a Windows precisiontouchpad but I will check that so justpulled it out of the protective slip andstraight away Oh notice that it has aapplied screen protector they often dothis with the tablets out of Chinabecause a people want them and thefactories can normally apply themperfectly without any dust and B theydon't which is the most important thingnormally use scratch resistant temperedglasses will probably just be soda limeglass which can scratch easily so we dohave a hardware home button here and yesit is a click in type but it also actsof course as a fingerprint reader nowthis is an eland fingerprint reader andthere is the connector for the keyboardso that's those ten pins there with thePogo port and these two little gaps youcan see that's where it slots in to holdit in position and there'll be magnetsinside the case of this here now younotice that there's this funny whiteedge is round here now someone to myforum in fact two different people saidthat it was the screen glass eliminationfailing that was a manufacturing faultand it's in fact not the case becausethis is a screen protector it's becauseit has 2.5 D glass so it doesn'tactually sit right down on that curve sothe rear of the tablet has this unibodyalloy housing and it feels quite good inhand it doesn't tend to show up thefingerprints too bad and it is all metalapart from this strip along the topwhere you'll find all the ports so portlocation is rather poor I don't like theports at the top don't think this is awise design move so you can see we dohave an auto focus 5 megapixel camera wehave a micro SD card slot now thosetotal two little dots there you can seethose are microphones we have a microUSB 2 here and then we have 3.5millimeter headphone jack with amicrophone support and then a type Cport which supports data charging anddisplay out and those two little girlsthey're either side ad top firingloudspeakers so I do like the locationof the speaker's not either side whichyou do find on some tablets and they'rerather easy to block when you're holdingit of course and then on the left sideyou'll find a middle volume button powerbutton and below that power button as astatus LED so the frame that around theglass is plastic and it clips in nicelyand I've noticed that when you hold itand I apply a little bit of pressure tothe case in everything there's no creaksthere's no flex so overall the buildquality is good and it definitely issolidwith no flex there so the tablet is 9.33millimeters thin which isn't badconsidering it as a large 13.3 inchtablet and it weighs 1.1 kilos nowthat's just the tablet so it's quiteheavy as expected for a large tablet ifwe add the keyboard that brings it upnow to 1.8 kilos and then the powersupply which you'll have to take alongwith you brings it up to 2.0 - which Ifeel actually is not too bad consideringnow what I have noticed that this isabout the third astern really push thescreen back because any third is ifyou're tapping on it you type reallyhard about there is probably the maximumabout there it's going to give up thathinge is not going to be able to supportthe weight of the tablet then andprobably just collapse as you can see itjust didalright so I have removed the firstlayer of the screen protector and alsothe protector that's on top of thetouchpad gone straight into the BIOS sayI wanted to check if it's fully unlockedand unfortunately it isn't we do havesome settings here but there is no powerlimits or anything like that now I dobelieve we'll still be able to use intowels XTU if you want to tweak down orundervolt it increase power limits andthings like that but I will check thatout so we've still got our boot menu ofcourse here if you want to put Linuxwhich I will test in this review butthat'll be towards the end now we'lljust save and get out of here and I'llboot straight into Windowsalright so we're up and running here inWindows just to point out that it doeshave not the recent most of today butone of the more up-to-date versions andbuilds of Windows here because normallyyou see versions which are 1706 or 1708I think it is and this has 1803 so we doget things like down on the powersettings you get now that of coursewhere it just says the battery levelyou've got best battery life bestperformance and things like that righthere you can see now I just wanted torun through a few things here I'vealready done my testing now for two daysand on first boot I had a hundred andthree gigabytes free of data there whichis not a lot now you could open this upbut it's going to be very complicatedbecause the case basically clips intothe front outside housing so it's gonnabe very difficultand then add your own MDOT to 22:42sized SSD no don't know the make of SSDbut I will quickly show you the speedsbut just before that I wanted to pointout that the RAM is running in dualchannel and it's 1600 megahertz but thetiming of it actually seems to bealrightso the RAM isn't at the fastest but itdoesn't affect the Geekbench for scoresor the performance as far as I can tellit seems to be good so that's why theRAM time as I feel they've used it's alittle bit tighter than you get with the1866 megahertz you typically see I'veseen on other devices like the cubesinkerso the Geekbench for scores here theyare really quite good the internalstorage well this is not the fastestSATA 3 SSD you will see however it isfaster than e MMC 5.1 speak that theywere originally going to go for but theyreach certain goals with thecrowdfunding and that's when they put anSSD and they also increased the RAMcapacity as well here so 400 readers andwrite sequential aren't the best dotypically you can see up to 500 550 the4k reads you can see there at 9 that's alittle bit low but the writes are goodand overall the performance of thesystem does seem quite quick that isalso reflected in the antutu scores avery good score care for the court m37wife 30 of almost 220,000 and thenlooking at the device manager what we'vegot on board here so it's using the dualband wireless AC 3165 from Intel andwith my FTP tests you're looking about390 megabits per second the maximumtransfer speeds through this particularchipset I mean this is ideal it's goodI'm getting the full speeds out of myfiber line with this the range is goodas well and no trouble with that so goodperformance from the wireless it's justnot the fastest chipset out there nowwhen it comes to the display it up aswell it has the Intel integrated HDgraphics that is the 615 which they'restill using in the eighth generationcorium 8100 Y which is I don't eventhink that's an any devices yet that'sjust been recently announced that one'scoming through now for sensors we dohave an accelerometer of course for thescreen so it will flip aroundand then a Bosch sorry an ambient lightsensor that's the Bosch accelerometerand evident light sense of course isconnected to the automatic brightnesswhich you can see right here so it sonsuggested at the moment that's using thesensor and you've got the newer settingson here so you've got brighter brightestand then darkest now to me darkest isstill way too bright this should be verydim for late time years and a lot ofmanufacturers they don't seem to tonethis right down now there are oursoftware apps out there they're likefilters for the screen it can make it alittle bit darker at least now thescreens maximum brightness caps out at240 Lux approximately which to me isfalling short a little bit in peakbrightness ideally this is white I liketo see at least 300 now it is aided bythe fact it's fully laminated but youcan see there's a lot of reflection tosee my hand now waving around the backand that's of course because I do havethe screen protector on it now I couldremove this but I'm leaving it onbecause I don't want to scratch up thescreen but overall the colors thereproduction of the screen I find to begood now depending on what you'relooking at if you have a complete darkbackground I have noticed that thispanel does suffer from a bit of lightleakage on the end it's to do with thebonding process so long on the blackhere it's a little hard to make out youcan see instead of being really reallydark there is a little bit of whitethat's creeping in in this part herethere's a little bit at the top and someon the other side as well it's just acharacteristic of the screen it'ssomething you can't really avoid andit's only really noticeable with thesame exact color and mostly with darkbackgrounds will you actually see it nowtouch response and accuracy does seemreally good there's no complaints withthe screen at all in regards to thatit's working really fine it's accurateit's smooth and the same goes for whenyou're for example looking at a webpagevery very smooth the touch input so thecore m37 Y 30 it handles a TVC codecsjust fine vp9 now this is 4k encoded ata hundred and40 megabits per second so a very highbitrate and it's playing it fine thereare a few little stutters initially butonce it gets going it is good now theoutput from the type C port I've testedit out is 30 Hertz 4k maximum so there'sno 60 Hertz unfortunately it doesn'tsupport HDMI - not this chipset the samegoes for streaming and crime so this is4k streaming with youtube now that wasjust from me minimizing and maximizingyou will see a few drop frames but otherthan that it really does work perfectlyfine and does look really good on thescreen if only it was just a little bitbrighter and moving on now to the audiodepartment so the output from the 3.5millimeter headphone jack is reasonablyloud there's no static there's no hissit's clean which is great the speaker'sso I pointed them out at the start sotop firing speakers these do sound a lotbetter than the older cube tablets I'vetested out so that's another cornereater but the K note 5 the speakers onthat one very poor they are loudly herea little bit richer just lacking alittle bit of volume really but I'llgive you a sample of them nowso a performance overall of the callbook is good going and swapping betweentabs here I'm running quite a few thingsat the same time and I do have Chromeopen with various different tabs soobviously the eight gigabytes of RAM ishelping now what is also helping is thefact that cube have set a seven wattpower limit so the short turbo booststhe turbos max power is 7 and then the15 watts as well so now themanufacturers only recommends I thinkit's 4.5 that's the lower level so it'sat a nominal T DP and quite a highsetting ready for that so this is whythe performance is good for a core m3 sothings like docks and all that editingdocuments you tube checking emails verylight games and all that as what thisparticular chipset is perfectly fine atwhat it's not good at of course isTriple A games editing 4k videos andthings like that that's where this isgoing to fall completely flat on itsface but other than that the performanceis good it does keep up and I think mostpeople will be very pleased with theperformance of the court m3 so it's asample now of the front facing webcam720p 30 frames per second and thequality of the video is good I feel it'sfine okay I'm in bright studio lights atthe moment if you're low light it'sgoing to be grainy it could be choppybut where it is falling short you canprobably hear it as the audio qualitynotes not wonderful to me but still thisis going to be possible for Skype I justwish that all you didn't have so muchhiss - it hopefully that can be improvedupon somehow now to briefly cover thekeyboard after using it for a few daysso it is an OK keyboard to type on it'sdefinitely not a high quality keyboardit doesn't have a feel of for examplethe me notebook Pro that I have nonowhere near that but overall the typingexperience is good I do miss having theshortcut for print screen I have to usethe window snip tool now for that sothat's a minor annoyance now at thestart of the video I said there were nopage up and down Keys there actuallyhere okay they're right there there areshortcuts for that we use the functionkey now the touchpad is a precision onewith windows precision drivers but Idon't particularly like the surface ofit so thisof it is quite textured and I've noticedthat it just tends to not be as great asother windows precision touch pads I'veused now the size of it is good and itprobably is the first one to use theproper windows drivers in the setupcompared to other type covers fromChinese manufacturers so that's onepositive there so overall it isdefinitely a usable keyboardjust don't expect super high-qualitytyping experience from this one so wehave that alone fingerprint reader downthe bottom that a lot of tablets don'thave the cube key note didn't have itand what I'm going to do is just goingto set it up again so I can demonstrateto you so you just have to use a fingerlike your mobile phone that you want toset up and just get it to read it so I'mjust using this finger right here andyou need to just lift up your finger andit takes about ten attempts there andthat will set it up now just to quicklydemonstrate the fingerprint reader inaction so the position I'm not quitefond of I think it should be on the sidehowever it does actually tend to worknine out of ten times which is the mainthing as you can see there it's veryquick and straight into Windows withouthaving to type out a password so muchfaster now on to battery life so lastnight I tested it out from a full chargeand you can see these are my resultshere so this was mixed use I waswatching some amazon prime so streamingand 1080p and I managed to get fivehours and seven minutes some doc edits Iwas using Chrome editing my website aswell so battery life on the core m3s hasnever been wonderful for me and this ison par more or less with other devices Ihave tested out perhaps maybe a littlebit less because it's only a 38 what ourbattery now charge times it's around 3hours and 30 minutes to fully chargethat battery as well now one thing I'mnot fond of with this tablet is the portlocation at the top here so you have touse dongles and adapters and they don'tinclude them in the box because we don'thave a full size USB 3 port and alsowith my unit I've got a bit of a problemso the micro SD card reader you can seehere they sit in flush that's all fineand dandy then what happens is that I'venoticed a lot of times windows will makethe confirmation beep with my micro SDcards and I reinsert thembut then they don't actually show up andI can't access them and I have to rebootthe machines so I do have issues with myunit with the micro SD card reader rightso on to the stylus test now so this isthe stylus obviously I showed you in thebeginning we've got the two buttons thetip at the end there is actually nosupport for the end so that the end ofit will not work as an eraser so this isone note I've notice the performancehere seems to be pretty good actuallywould help if I select the pin toolso do that now however function doeswork about three millimeters away fromthe screen that's when it detects and ifof course there's palm rejection withthis so just going to draw a couple oflines try and just do it a straight linethere if you go out to the edge itleaves about there you go you can seethe straight line there you get amillimeter or so we're so won't go rightto the edge of the bezel but the mostimportant thing for me and a lot ofpeople is how is the writing performanceso just do a quick test now the palmrejection should come in hopefully yeshello there and for some reason I cannotwrite thereoh so that is not good do that againwhat is going on okay hello no this isnot working too well I'm not sure whatis up with this the tool seems to beselecting or going up there for somereason maybe I'm pressing the button Ithink that's my fault and I will do thisagain okay no hello no I'm not seeing itsleeping up there so to me that theperformance of this stylus is not goodat all if you want the best honestperformance on Windows get a surface orsomething that supports of course theintrigued stylus was a whack on start aswell because this for me let's do thisthis is bad but I can't even write thatso the horrible status really so Ipulled up a linux and you can see thatyes it is working wireless works thetouchpad works and even the mousebuttons they work fine but what is notworking is the touch screen and this issomething of course we need with thetablet so no touch screen you'd have tohunt around and try and find a solutionand drivers to get that one to work sothatmaybe a bit of a mission there so notquite perfect when it comes to the Linuxsupport testing our just a couple ofgames here so first up is counter-strikethis is 720p on the lowest settings andyou can see we are getting a veryplayable framerate here no problems itstays most of the time around 60 framesper second if not over and will dip downsometimes in the higher 40 so overallgood performance with these older lighttitles and other light engine games forexample legal agents which I'm playingright here 70 frames per second this is1080p on the medium high setting anothertitle that is very playable no issueswith this one and still games likeasphalt 9 legends here perfectlyplayable it runs it fine no massivestuttering so taking a look at now thethermals I was gaming for about 30minutes and they check out they areactually quite good for this chipset sowe're getting a maximum temperature of73 degrees which is good now does getwarm on the back I got my thermal probeout and you will see it reach about 42to 43 degrees so it does get hot to thetouch it's just around this area here sowhere the chipset is where it's going toheat up a little bit and you'll see alsothat the power consumption is maxing outright here at about 10 watts and the GPUgets up to 74 so 74 max on the core m37Y 30 is not actually bad at all so goodthermals alright so there we go that isthe chewy core book it has been somewait for me to get my hands on this soI'll start with the positives here thisscreen is actually not bad at all it'sfully laminated we do have some lightleakage the brightness tops out aroundabout 240 250 lux ideally I like to seearound 300 but I find the fact thatbecause it's fully laminated and mostpeople will be using it indoors thescreen is going to be okay it's gonna beperfectly fine now the keyboard and thetouch pad touch pads a windows precisionone I didn't expect this so that is goodbut I'm not too fond of the texture ofit it's not the best track pay out therenow the keyboard typing experience it'sgood it's fine I haven't noticed anytypos just don't expect a super highquality keyboard now the fingerprintreader the location is okay maybe notthe best but it actually does workreally well goes into Windows superquick as I showed you so that's good Ido like it the fact that's working wellanother thing that's also good is theperformance of this tablet it is verygood one of the better corium threetablets that I have reviewed chewy hasthe thermals under control they've gotobviously a large copper heatsink andthey've got some thermal pads and eventhough the Rams at 1600 megahertz it'snot affecting the performance comparedto say 1866 which the likes of say thecube thinker is running but the timingseemed to be just a little bit better sono performance loss there at all stream4k fine play 4k clips the wireless rangeis good the speeds also are good theloudspeakers are better than the cube sothe all EQ the K note series I havereviewed these ones are much betterthere but when it comes todisappointments well the ports we don'thave a full size USB port on here wehave a very poor port location don'tlike that at all my micro SD card readerit doesn't seem to work properly I stillcan't get it to read any of my cards Idon't know whether it's drivers or it'sjust I have a faulty unit perhaps herewith my one. Battery life not amazing sofive hours I expected this it's a core M3three I've never gotten a good batterylife out of any of the corium devicesthe tech the laptops the tablets Ireviewed they all seemed to top outaround five and a half hours six hoursmax that's it so that as an area ofdisappointment the stylus as well itjust for me it's not working good at allI can't write proper notes with it sowouldn't get it for the stylus and Iwould if you can find a very good priceyeah go for it if it covers all you needbut just be aware of those cons Ipointed out the battery life micro SDcard reader is probably just my unitkeyboards not the best in the world it'sa little bit heavy a little bit bulky ifyou're going to use itwithout having it propped up in thestand then yet you do tire quite quicklyof using it but overall it is a nicetablet it's just far from perfect withthose floors I have pointed out therethank you so much for watching thisreview I hope to see you back and thechannel with more up-and-coming reviewsbye for now\n"