Is a $53 ALIEXPRESS Motherboard Worth... $53... (Jingsha x58 Review)
**Temperature Testing and Results**
In 26 degree ambience, I managed to do some temperature tests for you guys. All these temperatures are done in 26 ambient here today. We got 58 degrees on the heatsink and then 85 degrees on the northbridge heatsink. So, it would be as long as your case is half decent, you can get away with no fan over that. Motherboard with a four core eight-threaded Z on the X5677 and then if you put the fan on there, you'll get as low as 47 degrees on the VRM heatsink. But if you're lazy and you don't want to put a fan on there, then you might want to opt just for the 4K or 8-thread version.
**Zeons Review**
The results will be in tomorrow's video, where we've tested out the X5677 as well, and we're going to talk about whether these Zeons are still relevant in 2021 and who they're relevant for. I think there's a lot of like "you should be done with the used stuff," but I also think there's always a place when the price is right. And right now, when I look at those Xeons on AliExpress, the price is definitely looking right - $15 for a CPU and $15 bucks for a motherboard that are brand new. I think there's going to be a place for that even if the new CPUs are 100 because people are always after a good deal.
**FPS Numbers and Playability**
We've seen the FPS numbers at 1080p, 152 FPS in F1 or 118 they're all above 100 so the FPS numbers are absolutely fine here. Whichever way you look at it, so if you want to go with those fine FPS numbers and you want to save money then these are still offering a really good playing experience in 2020. But anyway, we're getting too off-topic here. I'll leave that for tomorrow's video for you guys.
**Random Freezes Issue**
I've had my board for about a month and every now and then I experience random freezes because this is an issue people are commonly having. They're talking about the X99 AliExpress motherboards that we took a look at where you can unlock the turbo multipliers. Now these boards will occasionally freeze if your voltage is too low so when I did test this thing out, there's different profiles that you can lock in and typically a lot of people lock in the minus 20 millivolt profile.
**Solution to Random Freezes**
The thing about that is it's still minus 20 millivolts so say for instance you've got a pretty or really cheap power supply that's not that's got pretty high ripple and you're supplying that board and the voltage is dipping sometimes that could be the reason why it's crashing out. And with that, you might want to use say just a zero millivolt file where there's no difference to the voltage hasn't changed or you might want to use one where it bumps it up 20 millivololt of course with that power consumption does go up but that is one thing you can try or of course you can try getting a new power supply but I'm guessing if you're on a budget, you might not want to do that.
**In Conclusion**
So, in terms of getting that profile with the higher millivolts for the CPU programmed in there, you can try some of those different millivolt profiles they are out there on the web. That answers that question. With that aside, I'll catch you guys in another tech video very soon peace out for now bye and also if you stayed this far and you're enjoying that tech yes content and you want to see the moment it drops be sure to hit that sub button ring that bell and I'll see you next time.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enfor a long time here at tech yescity you guys have been asking me about thesebudget aliexpress x58 motherboards nowthis one here isa pretty much bottom of the barrel it'scheap as chips53 shipped this is how much you can getthis thing fornow traditionally this takes away someof the features that you would geton a higher end older x58 board say froma zeus i usea rampage here at the studio it's gotsix ram slots and of course with thatyou get to unlock triple channel memorybutsince this is only 53 dollars i am goingto go pretty easy on this board and infacti'm going to be recommending it to a lotof people out thereon a budget because there was a lot ofthings that actually did impress meabout this boardhowever we'll go over all the negativesand all the positivesin today's video so let's get on with itif you've got this annoying windowsneeds activationmessage and you want to get rid of itfor cheap then today's video sponsor scdkeys has you coveredfor as little as 14 bucks after you usethe coupon code bftycyou can get yourself a legit single enduser windows 10 license todaylinks in description below so straightaway getting into this motherboard righthere you're probably thinkingwhy is there only two slots of memoryavailableand i think that they've done this ofcourse to reduce the cost of the boardnow it is a micro atx boardso will fit in pretty much all cases outthere except of course if you're goingwith mini itx butone thing that i do like about these twoslots of memory is that although you'relosing thetriple channel which is the negativeyou're still getting dual channelbut it supports ecc registered memory soi'm using two eight gigabyte sticks andthe numbers that i'm going to put outfor you guystoday were tested on these cheaper andi'm saying very cheapecc registered sticks now one thingabout the ecc registeredit goes hand in hand with the low costof the board as well as the cheap costof these xeonsmaking a total combo that you can pickup heregoing for as little as 80 dollars if youcan get the ram cheap enough whichi've picked up around i think i pickedup around 380 something gigabytes ofthis stufffor a hundred aussie dollars that's howcheap ecc registered memory can goespecially on the ddr3 sidebut we've still now got 16 gigabytes init with a 6 core 12 thread nowthe xeon i'm going to use in today'scomparison is the x5670this can be had for around i think it's15 ship worldwidenow on this board it will go to around3.06 gigahertz on all six course 12threadsand you can go into the bios and now thebios is a little bit outdated so that isa negativein relation to this board but you stillget ironically the option tooverclock now i'm going to go againstoverclocking on this boardsimply because when i did thetemperature test here in cinebench r20i found that the six core 12 thread wasreally heating up this board to thepoint where it got to 95 degreeson the heatsink temp on the north bridgeside and then the vrm reached 100degreesand also the heatsink on the vrm reached59 degrees howeverthere is some good news to that and thatis if you put a fanover this northbridge heatsink and yourvrm heatsinkyou can drop temperatures drasticallydown 74 degrees it then becameand then it also uh 57 degrees and 49degrees respectively over vrm and thenvrm heatsinkso this board if you do get it with thesix core don't overclock itand put a fan over that vrm area this isgoing to give you longevity and it'sgoing to make sure that the board worksabsolutely finenow another thing that did surprise meis that they've included a usb3 front header on a board that never hadthe usb 3front header on it so it's good thatthey've added in sort of these newertouchesand they've got native usb 3 on boardthe input output at the back herehowever when i tested the usb 3 speedsthey were kind of likeusb 2.2 2.3 in that they went to around135 megabytes per secondsolid transfers where usb 3 i thoughtwent a lot higher than thattraditionally even the first generationof usb 3. soyou will get faster speeds than the 50megabytes per second cap on usb 2but it still will be around 130megabytes per second transfer sodo keep that in mind another negative ofthe board itself is the sata ports hereand thatif you've got a bigger than a two slotgraphics cardthen you will need low profile sataconnectors in order to use these side ofportsotherwise your graphics card will justhang and block out those starter portsfrom being used as you may be able totell with the broll in question another thing is toothe 8 pin power connector for the cputhat's a little bit out of place so youwill have an pinuh power connector going sort of down tothe board in a weird fashionwhere it's most people are used tohaving it at the top but i'm guessingit's going in a cheaper case anywherewhere cable managementisn't too much of a priority and ofcourse if you're on a budget you mightnot even use a case atall now the seller i bought this offalso didn't include a cmos battery soyou will have to buy one of thoseyourselfi generally source them for around 20cents a pop and then i get five of themfor a dollarso that shouldn't be a problem the frontpanel audioout is also angled at 90 degrees whichwas an odd thing tooand then you've got one usb front out2.0 header as well as the usb 3and then two fans one of those being apwm four pinone of those being a three pin howeverall up i cannot complainabout the board a whole lot especiallyat 50 the uh one gigabits per secondnick speedsthey tested out absolutely fine so theywere full speed you get asix layer pcb too so it's not thatflimsy and the final thing is this onesurprised me the most was the onboardaudioactually tested out to be a minus 8.5decibel roll off soof course it's a uh a bit worse than thehigh-endmotherboards but it wasn't terrible byany means you could use this on-boardaudio with a cheap pair of speakers or acheap pair of decent headphones like theks uh cos ksc75s they're a really good pair ofheadphones i recommend on a budgetbut you could use that and still notbeingdoing damage to your ears i have seenmotherboards in the past that have comethrough here on budgetsand the onboard audio has beenabsolutely horriblethis one here actually is not too badwhich was surprisingfor that price point having a minus 78decibels crosstalk so this board so farwas doing okay but what about the gamingnumbersand this is where i decided to test outthe x58with the x5670 overclocked to 4.4gigahertzand of course at these levels we wereseeing numbers both with an rx 570 incertain titlesand a gtx 3060 ti so i will pull up thenumbers here for you guys wherecsgo was getting 335 fps versus 238 onthe jingxia motherboardwith one less uh channel of memoryavailable fortnite was doing 192 fpsversus 142and then uh doom eternal was doing 166versuson the x58 rampage 223and then f1 was 133 versus 197and that was on a 360 ti which i justwanted to show you guyssort of like maybe this is the best casescenario you're going to want to pairon say an x 58 rampage when it comes tobudget i'm sure a lot of you guys aregoing to be iron off this motherboardand saying rx470rx570 so i did sometestswith the rx 570 as well and here's wherewe got on cs go 313versus 223 and then moving on tofortnite this is where one of thoseweird things happened that is on the rx570 on boththe jinsha motherboard and the rampagewe got more fpswe got 199 versus 167 butboth those numbers were higher than the192 and the 142that we got on the 30 60 ti so it'sdoing something funny here with the cputhat is giving us more fps from the cpudirectlyon the rx 570. let me go to do maternalwe got 118versus 116. so we're getting verysimilar fps here on an overclockedmemory and cpu on the x58 rampageversus the jinxer and then the finalgame f1 2020we got 139 versus 152on the rampage so there wasn't a wholelot of differences to be had when we'reusing an rx fact cs go showed us the biggestdifference and then fortnite actuallyworked betteron the rx 570 which does give way to thefact that this hereand this is where we're going to moveinto conclusion time it's time to tellyou guysif this board is worth the 50 or not ithink that's the most important questionthat it all comes down to if you're on abudgetare you going to be getting your money'sworth and what we saw there with thegaming numbers they pretty muchreally go hand in hand with a budgetgraphics card and that's what i likeabout this comboin 2021 anywhere in the world you canget yourself one of these boardsfor close to 50 bucks a 15 xeoncheap memory if you can find the eccregistered stuffand pull it out of old servers evenbetterand then you can get a snowman coolerand you're going to be seeingsome very good performance for thedollar all this combo with 16 gigabytesof ramis going to cost you less than a new i3and will you get any more performanceout of that i3 with a budget graphicscard i think that's the most importantquestionand i think the answer is pretty much nowe're not going to see a whole lot ofperformanceon an rx470 rx 570 as we saw uh thedifferences when we started overclockingon the ram pageit wasn't a whole lot to be gained therewith the rx-570 the 360 ti of coursethere were some big differencesand that's when we're going with thehigher end graphics card but thenthere's the board itself the buildquality is decent the bios of course isdated but all biases on x58 are going tobe datedbut they do include a low profile sataconnector for one driveif you want to hook up more than twodrives you will definitely need to getespecially if you're using a dual slotor bigger graphics cardyou'll definitely need to get anotherlow profile starter connector you getthe input output shieldand then out of the box it comes allpre-configured so you'll support thosexeons and you support the ecc memorywithout you having to do anything butinstall your cpuhowever one thing i will say the biggestuh thing toget under control with this board isthose uh vrm and also the northbridgeheatsink temperatures from what i sawheredefinitely want a 12 centimeter fan oreven an eight centimeter fanyou'll definitely want that activelycooling this motherboardin order just to for me it's peace ofmind i don't want my temperatures goinganywhere over 90 degreesfor longevity and the fact that the heatheatsink was going to 95and then also the vrm we saw 100 degreestherein cinebench r20 was and once we put thefan on those temperatures went down alotthat was for me uh the point that i wantto stressif you're going to get this boardbecause everything else kind of checkedoutthe usb 3 speeds were fine the nextspeeds were fine the onboard audiosurprisingly was even fine too so jinxathey've done a pretty good job on thisboard i can recommend it just knowthat i can recommend it with the botthere and another thing is too i didquickly test out the x567if you don't want to put a 12 centimeterfan on this then you can get the x 5677which is four cores eight threadsso i did manage to do some temperaturetests for you guys in 26 degree ambienceby the way all these temperatures aredone in 26 ambient here todayand we got 58 on the heatsink and then85 on the northbridgeheatsink so it would be as long as yourcase is half decentyou can get away with no fan over thatum motherboard with a four core eightthreaded z on the x567and then if you put the fan on thereyou'll get as low as 47 degreeson the vrm heatsink but if you're lazyand you don't want to put a fan on therethen you might want to opt just for the4k or 8 thread where i'll show you guysthe results in tomorrow's videowhere we've tested out the x5677 as welland we're going to talk about whetherthese zeons are still relevantin 2021 and who they're relevant forso i think there's a lot of sort of likeyou should be done with the used stuffbuti think of course there's always a placewhen the price is right and i thinkright now when i look at those xeons onaliexpressthe price is definitely looking right 15for a cpu 15 bucksand you got cheap motherboards like thisthat are brand new i think there's goingto be a place for thateven if the new cpus are 100 becausepeople are alwaysafter a good deal and it depends whereyou live in the worldsome people don't make as much money aspeople like us like in australia forinstance we've got a pretty high minimumwage here it's pretty easy to get that100cpu but in other countries say theminimum wage is only three bucksthat might be the difference that mightand especially if they just want to playsomegames here where we saw the fps numbersat 1080p152 fps in f1 or118 they're all above 100 so the fbsnumbers are absolutely fine herewhichever way you look at itso if you want to go with those fine fpsnumbers and you want to save moneythen these are still offering a reallygood playin 2020 but anyway we're getting too offtopic here i'll leave that fortomorrow's video for you guysin the meantime this board right hereit's good to go i hope you guys enjoyedtoday's videoif you did then be sure to hit that likebutton for usand also let us know in the commentsection below would you buy aboard like this in 2021 and if you didwould you buy it with the iconic snowmanlove reading those thoughts and opinionsas always just like this question of theday here which comes from my faceand they ask i've had my board for abouta month and every now and then iexperience random freezes because thisis an issue people are commonly havingand they're talking about the x99aliexpress motherboards that we took alook at where you can unlock the turbomultipliersnow these boards will occasionallyfreeze if your voltage is too low sowhen i did test this thing out i diddo these are the x99 xeons by the waywhich are also pretty good valuewhen i tested them out there's differentprofiles that you can lock inand typically a lot of people lock inthe minus 20 millivolt profilethe thing about that is it's still minus20 millivolts so say for instance you'vegot apretty or really cheap power supplythat's notthat's got pretty high ripple and you'resupplying that boardand the voltage is dipping sometimesthat could be the reason why it'scrashing out and so with that you mightwant touse say just a zero millivolt file wherethere's no difference to thevoltage hasn't changed or you might wantto use one where it bumps it up 20millivolt of coursewith that power consumption does go upbut that is one thing you can try or ofcourse you can try getting a new powersupply but i'm guessing if you're on abudgetyou might not want to do that so interms of getting that profile with thehigher millivolts for the cpu programmedin there you can try some of thosedifferent millivolt profilesthey are out there on the web hope thatanswers that questionand with that aside i'll catch you guysin another tech video very soonpeace out for now bye and also if youstayed this farand you're enjoying that tech yescontent and you want to see the momentit dropsbe sure to hit that sub button ring thatbelland i'll see you next timeyou\n"