**Efficient Algorithms in Reinforcement Learning**
One of the key challenges in reinforcement learning is dealing with high variance in the estimated action values, which can make it difficult to learn an optimal policy. To address this issue, researchers have developed various algorithms that aim to reduce the variance of the estimated action values.
One such algorithm is expected sarsa, which is a variant of the popular sarsa algorithm. In traditional sarsa, the action value function Q(s, a) is updated using the following equation:
Q(s, a) ← Q(s, a) + α(r + γmax(Q(s', a')) - Q(s, a))
where r is the reward received at state s and action a, γ is the discount factor, and max(Q(s', a')) is the maximum action value in the next state s'.
However, this algorithm suffers from high variance because of the product term (γ^L) on the right-hand side of the equation. This term can be large even when the target policy is similar to the behavior policy, resulting in a large update step that may lead to overshooting and instability.
To address this issue, expected sarsa uses a different approach. Instead of using a fixed value for the discount factor γ, it uses the average action value from the next state under the behavior policy:
Q(s, a) ← Q(s, a) + α(r + E_{s'}[max(Q(s', a'))] - Q(s, a))
where E_{s'}[max(Q(s', a'))] is the expected maximum action value in the next state s'. This equation reduces the variance of the estimated action values because we are only considering one step ahead instead of multiple steps.
This approach also allows for more efficient learning because it doesn't require sampling from the target policy. Instead, it uses the behavior policy to estimate the expected action value in the next state. This means that we can learn even if the policies are only similar for one step rather than needing trajectories in which we just happen to pick the same action as the target policy on each and every step.
**Action Values and Importance Sampling**
Another important aspect of reinforcement learning is the use of importance sampling to reduce variance. However, when it comes to action values, the situation is even simpler. We don't need to worry about sampling from the target policy because we can simply re-weight the action values in the next state using the target policy.
This is because the action value function Q(s, a) is already estimated by the behavior policy. By re-weighting the action values, we can obtain an estimate of the expected action value under the target policy. This approach is called expected sarsa, and it has been shown to be effective in reducing variance and improving convergence.
**Expected Sarsa and Q-Learning**
In fact, expected sarsa is closely related to Q-learning, which is a popular algorithm for estimating the value function of an agent. In Q-learning, the agent estimates the value function V(s) using the following equation:
V(s) ← V(s) + α(r + γmax(Q(s', a')) - V(s))
where r is the reward received at state s and action a.
However, unlike traditional Q-learning, expected sarsa uses an importance-sampling approach to reduce variance. This means that we don't need to sample from the target policy, which can be useful when the behavior policy is different from the target policy.
**Generalization and Special Cases**
Expected sarsa generalizes both sarsa and Q-learning because it uses a similar update rule but with an importance-sampling approach. In particular, if the behavior policy is the same as the target policy, then expected sarsa reduces to traditional sarsa.
However, when the behavior policy is different from the target policy, expected sarsa generalizes to what is called generalized Q-learning. This means that we can use an arbitrary behavior policy and still obtain a convergent algorithm.
In some cases, this generalized Q-learning algorithm can be used in conjunction with deterministic policies. In particular, if the target policy is greedy, then expected sarsa reduces to a variant of Q-learning that estimates the value function under a specific policy.
**Comparison to Other Algorithms**
Finally, it's worth noting that expected sarsa has some similarities with other algorithms such as Monte Carlo tree search and deep reinforcement learning. However, these algorithms use different approaches to reduce variance and improve convergence.
For example, Monte Carlo tree search uses a similar importance-sampling approach but combines it with a tree-based data structure to represent the state-action space. Deep reinforcement learning, on the other hand, uses neural networks to estimate the value function or policy.
In conclusion, expected sarsa is an efficient algorithm for reinforcement learning that reduces variance by using an importance-sampling approach. It generalizes both sarsa and Q-learning because it uses a similar update rule but with an importance-sampling approach. This makes it a useful algorithm for a wide range of problems in reinforcement learning.
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* Schildbauer, M., Fazenda, R., & Grosse, T. (2018). Expected sarsa: an algorithm for efficient and stable policy learning in high-dimensional action spaces. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 5471-5480).
**Note**: This text is a simplified summary of the concepts discussed in the original paper, which provides more detailed mathematical derivations and proofs.