A Year in My Bag: A Look Inside My Everyday Carry
It's been a year since I last did a "what's in my bag" video, and I've had a lot of questions about what I carry with me every day. I'm glad to say that I still use the same bag that I've had for almost a year now - the Incase Icon backpack. This bag is actually a recommendation from UrAverageConsumer, and I absolutely love it. One of the things that I love most about this bag is the chest strap when I'm traveling. It's been a game-changer for me, as it takes a lot of weight off my shoulders. The storage in this bag is also top-notch - I can fit everything I need for a day trip or a longer travel excursion. And, as with any good bag, durability is key, and the Incase Icon backpack delivers.
The Incase Icon backpack has held up beautifully over the past year, despite being one of the more expensive things that I've purchased (it costs $200). The durable poles and overall build quality have made it a workhorse in my daily life. And, with so many different colors to choose from, you can easily find an Incase Icon backpack that fits your personal style.
Now, let's talk about what else is in my bag. When I'm not carrying the Incase Icon backpack, I often use smaller bags or pouches to carry specific items. However, there are some essentials that I always keep with me - and these include a camera, a USB drive, a portable charger, and a pair of headphones.
My go-to camera is an old Sony RX100 Mark 1. This camera has been with me for years, and I still love the way it takes photos. The manual controls are amazing, and the autofocus is incredibly fast. I've used this camera to take some incredible shots over the years, and it's always a pleasure to whip it out whenever I need to capture something special.
I also carry a USB drive with me wherever I go - the Kingston DT Micro Duo 64GB. This little guy is amazing, as it has two different male ports (USB-C and USB-A), so no matter what computer I'm using at the time, I can plug that in and get to work on transferring files or giving them to Andrew or Mark for editing. And, with its compact size, it's easy to toss into my bag without taking up too much space.
Speaking of cables, I always carry a USBC Thunderbolt 3 dongle with me as well. This thing is a lifesaver when it comes to connecting multiple devices at once - and the additional ports are super useful for data-intensive tasks or when I'm working on a project that requires a lot of external storage.
Of course, no bag would be complete without some cables - and I've got a few different options in my collection. My trusty old MacBook has come with its own USB-C cable over the years, which I use whenever I need to charge my iPhone or transfer files between devices. And, if I'm doing a lot of data-intensive work, I break out my micro-USB cable.
Now, let's talk about headphones - something that I don't always carry with me, but when I do, I want them to be incredible. That's why I've recently started rocking the Crusher Wireless from Skullcandy. These headphones bring the bass in a way that I've never experienced before - they're like nothing I've ever heard before! The sound is immersive and engaging, and the battery life is over 40 hours long (which is impressive for wireless headphones). Plus, the memory foam ear cups are super comfortable, even after extended wear.
Skullcandy's Crusher Wireless have become one of my favorite accessories in my bag - they're incredibly enjoyable to listen to music with, and their subtle branding has made them feel more like a premium product rather than something flashy or over-the-top. And, as I mentioned earlier, the bass is out of this world - it's almost like having a personal bassist in your ears!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enit's been a year since I did a what's inmy bag video I carry a backpack with meevery day it's the same bag that comeswith me to the office the same bag Itake with me when I travel I've had a lot ofquestions about what I carry with me soI'm going to tell you everything that Igot going on in my dude purseso first the bag this is the incase iconwhich is actually a recommendation fromUrAverageConsumer so thanks Judner Iabsolutely love this bag first I lovedit had a chest strap when I'm travelingusually the bag is pretty weighed down takes alot of weight off my shoulders I lovethe storage in it I love the durabilityof the bag I've had it for about a yearit still looks brand-new it doesn't hurtmy back when I don't have the cheststrap it's got durable poles everythingabout this just works for me it's not cheapit's one of the more expensive thingsthat I've got cost out two hundreddollars available in about sevendifferent colors and if you want to takea look any of the stuff I'm going tomention will link to it all down belowwe've been gradually switching forediting over to PCs to edit on PremierePro so the latest addition is a RazerBlade Pro and this thing is an absolutebeast 17 inch screamer and it's awesometo edit on it's got a full 1080 inside32 gigabytes of RAM 4k screen it givesus desktop level performance in a kindof portable mostly portable laptop sizewe've played a lot of battlegrounds herein the office and things been awesomefor it it's got all the stuff you'dexpect from Razer it's got the chromakeyboard it's a full mechanical keyboard tooit feels awesomethe trackpad takes a little bit ofgetting used to is kind of off to theright but performance wise this thinghas been absolutely incredible so nextup I don't go anywhere out keeping oneTile with me and this is a Tile Slimpickup a 4-pack for a hundred bucks theiressentially bluetooth trackers I've gotone in my wallet my wife has one in herpurse I got one attached to my keysI lose stuff this helps me not to losestuff it's not like a GPS I wish that itwas it's more of a Bluetooth tracker soyou have to be in vicinity of it orsomeone who has another Tile has to be invicinity of it kind of a slight knock onthe Tile but if you lose stuff that'susually nearby you it's a great optionfor that what's out of my pocket myGalaxy S8 Plusis my go to phone Verizon'scurrently the carrier that I'm usingI've got a Bare case on it if you guyshave been following my cracked myGalaxy S8 story our formereditor-in-chiefRoy Choi sent me a link to Bare Caseon Instagram so I tried it it's a reallythin case but I've got it on there seeif it protects it or not it's not cheapabout 30 bucks for a case set I don'tthink is going to really do that muchthat's not the only phone I carryespecially when I'm traveling I addedthis to the bag to show you what Itake with me when I am going somewhereand this is an unlocked phone in thiscase it's an unlocked iPhone 7 plus I'mgoing along with that I also have a SIMcard holder Motorola sent this to us anda press kit a few years back and it'sbeen awesome to have so I usually haveSIM card smally other carriers because Ineed to tether I can find a carrierthat's going to be faster and when I'mediting or one of the team is editingusually we're editing off a Samsung T3drive these are some of the bestexternal drives out there they'reincredibly fast and it's got the USB-Cinterface not cheap though they startabout 150 bucks for 250GBthey go up to 2 terabytes for just under800 bucks but if you want to edit not onyour internal drive this is anincredibly fast options to have Igenerally don't go anywhere without somesort of battery pack and the one thatI've been carrying with me now foralmost a year is the Anker PowerCore+it's got a USB-C port it's got twoUSB-A ports and this thing is a beastover 20,000 milliamps of power this hasgone with me everywhere it's been thrownaround it's durable it's been droppedwithout any issues whatsoever it chargesreally fastI like LED indicators on it if I have topick one battery pack to carry with methis is it mostly if I'm traveling for aweek I don't even bother bringing powerbricks the thing will just keep me goingwhen I'm not relying on the camera in myphone I do like to bring my old camerathe Sony RX100 the mark one the veryfirst RX100 I still just like the waythe photos look like the manual controlsthe auto modes are really good it takesstill pretty good looking video puttingthat in the pinchI haven't found the reason to upgradeyet RX100 is an awesome camera I carrythis mostly because I think it's cooland takes up almost zero space this isthe Kingston DT Micro Duo 64 gigabytes of size essentiallyit's got two different male ports gotUSB-C and USB-A so no matter whatcomputer I happen to be using at thetime I can plug that in I could dropfiles on I can give them to Andrew or Markfor editing right take them back to theoffice it's a really awesome versatilelittle USB Drive to have I also dependingwhat computer I'm using or editing onI'll usually carry a USBC Thunderbolt 3dongle this case I've got theunnecessarily expensive Apple dongle itgives me an HDMI port USB-A port andthen an extra USB-C Thunderbolt 3 Portand I've got some other randomcables my USB-C cable is the one that comeswith the MacBook I've got a lightningcable if I have to charge the iPhone and if I'mdoing a lot of data intensive stuff withit I've got a micro USB cable I sort ofcover all of my cable bases wherever Ithink I might need so for headphones I'mcurrently rocking the crusher wirelessfrom Skullcandy these 200 all ourheadphones bring the bass unlike anybass I have ever heard if you like yourmusic with a ton of bass these thingssound absolutely incredible it's gone toadjust everything slide to adjust howmuch you're actually going to be gettinginto your ears but if you want to watcha movie if you want to play a gamelisten to your music it is incredibleand super immersive and if you turn thebass all the way up put them on yourneck kind of get a little bit of neckmassage going I also really like thebattery life it lasts way over 40 hoursI have a hard time finding headphonesthat are comfortable these actually havememory foam in the ear cup which hasmade them really enjoyable and notpainful like I've had with some otherheadphones to wear for hours on end andalso the kind of subtle branding itwasn't like giant Skull Candy or giantlogo on the side to kind of appreciatedthat so again I so want to pick these upa link to them down below what could adiscount code they're it's crusher 20-3for 20% off what's free shipping sothat's all the stuff it's in my bag it'sa lot of stuff it's not the lightest bagin the world but it works for me it's apractical mans bag am I missing somethingthough that's awesome that you guyscarry everyday let me know maybe we'lldo an updated video if you guys want tosee more what's in my bag videos for meor other guys in the staff get video athumbs up to let us know this is a funone I sort of go back and take out allthe stuff that I carry with me day today seewas actually in there I forgot I evenhad some of those cables going on inthereanyway hope you guys enjoyed until nexttime Jon Rettinger from TechnoBuffalo\n"