3D Touch is not fixed in iOS 13...Yet

iOS 13 Beta 2 and the Disappearance of 3D Touch

I'm Aaron here for ZolloTech, and today I want to show you exactly what's going on with 3D touch on iOS 13 beta 2. Many people were expecting some sort of fix or improvement to this feature, but instead, it seems to have spread haptic touch across all devices that had 3D touch in the first place. This means that even devices that didn't originally have 3D touch now seem to be using this feature.

Some people are saying that this is a bug and that it's due to an email supposedly sent by Craig Federighi, the head of Apple software. However, there's no confirmation on whether or not this email is true, so we can't say for sure what's going on here. All we know is that as of right now, 3D touch hasn't been fixed and it seems to be acting differently across all devices.

To illustrate the difference between real 3D touch and haptic touch, I've brought along an iPhone XS Max and an iPhone XR, both running iOS 13 beta 2. I've also got an iPhone X that's running iOS 12 beta 4 or 12.4 beta 4, which is one of the last versions to still have 3D touch. Let's take a closer look at what's happening on each device.

First, let's start with the iPhone XS Max. On this device, you can see that all my normal icons are present and accounted for, just like on every other device. However, when I go to something like the control center and press on brightness, it's tap-you-tap-and-it-pops-open. This is pressuresensitive on iOS 12, but not on iOS 13 beta 2. If you push a little bit or push a little bit less, it pops open every time.

Now, if I switch to iOS 12 on the iPhone X and do the same thing, things change slightly. You can push a little and let go, and it will pop back up. But if you push a little bit more, it's based on pressure, not just how long you hold your finger there or thumb down. However, if I go back to the iPhone XS Max and do the same thing, no matter what, it won't react to actual pressure on the display, regardless of whether 3D touch is turned on or off.

I've gone into settings here, under accessibility, and toggled on and off 3D touch. I've also adjusted the sensitivity of this feature to show you that it's not just a matter of turning something on or off - there are actual pressure-sensitive differences between devices running iOS 13 beta 2 versus those running iOS 12.

Let's take a look at how this works on the iPhone XR, which is one of the devices affected by this change. If we go to the control center and press on brightness, it pops open the same way as before - just like on every other device that uses haptic touch. However, if you pressure-press lightly on an app, you'll get the same sort of response in iOS 12, but on iOS 13 beta 2, it's all the same thing: haptic touch basically. It may change a bit with future updates or changes to how Apple implements this feature.

Finally, let's take a look at the iPhone X running iOS 12 beta 4. On this device, if we go to something like the control center and press on brightness, it behaves just as I showed you earlier - it pops up based on pressure, rather than just how long you hold your thumb down. You can push a little bit closer, let go, and then push a little bit more again, and that's when you'll see the little jiggle thing happen.

So what does this mean for 3D touch in general? It seems that Apple is moving towards making all features - including 3D touch - more universal across devices. The fact that I can perform the same actions on an iPhone XS Max as I can on an iPhone XR, with the same result, suggests that there's going to be a lot of convergence between these different devices when it comes to this feature.

However, if Apple were to bring 3D touch back based on pressure, rather than just haptic touch, that would be a whole different story. I think that would be an amazing improvement, and one that would make all the difference for users who want more control over their device.

So what do you think - are you happy with the way things are going with 3D touch right now? Or do you think it's time for Apple to bring back this feature in a more traditional sense? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, be sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell if you'd like to see more content like this.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech &iOS 13 beta 2 did not seemingly fix 3dtouch like many people thought it wouldin fact it seems to have spread haptictouch across all of the devices thateven had 3d touch now some people saidno that's 3d touch and it's pressuresensitive and I wanted to show youexactly the difference between real 3dtouch and haptic touch so here I have aniPhone XS Max and an iPhone XR thatare running iOS 13 beta 2 and then Ihave an iPhone X that's running iOS 12beta 4 or 12.4 beta 4 and I'll show you3d touch on this verse the other devicesnow many people were saying that this isa bug and this is due to an article thathas an email that was supposedly sentfrom Craig federighi who's the head ofApple software and that email has notbeen confirmed as 100% true so it may betrue it may not be true we don't knowbut even in that article it says itcould be fake so as of right now theyhaven't fixed it and I wanted to showyou so on the iPhone XS Max you cansee we have all my normal icons that wehave everywhere else and if I go tosomething like the control center andpress on brightness it's tap you tap andit pops open now this is pressuresensitive on iOS 12 but not on iOS theirteen so far so if you push a little bitpush a little bit less it pops openevery time and now if I switch to iOS 12on the iPhone X and do the same thingyou can push a little and let go and itwill pop back so if I push a little bitlook there it's based on pressure notbased on you'll see I can push it alittle bit more it's based on pressurenot based on how long I hold my fit myfinger there or my thumb so if I pushhere like this again you'll see it doesthe same thing and pops open if I goback to the iPhone XS Max and do thesame thing no matter what it will notreact to actual pressure on the displayregardless of it being a pressuresensitive display now I've gone intosettings here and under accessibilityturned on and off 3d touch I've adjustedthis and you can see you can test thepressure-sensitive sensitivity here youcan see it just likeif I push a little bit more reacts alittle bit differently and you can domedium or firm or whatever you'd likelet me show you on the iPhone XR howit's exactly the same so if we go to thesame thing in control center we'll presson the brightness it pops open the sameif I just hold my thumb there push downit pops open the same maybe slightlyslower but it pops open now if I do thesame thing on an ab now if you pressurepress lightly on an app you'll get thesame sort of response in iOS 12 but oniOS 13 it's the same thing it pops openyou've got haptic touch basically onboth it just says 3d touch so I don'tknow if they're going to change this inthe future or not but if I do the samething on iOS 12 here with an iPhone X Ican push a little bit and let go let meshow you this a little bit closer so ifwe go in a little bit closer here I canpush and let go push a little bit moreand then it kind of does the littlejiggly thing there press harder and itpops out so it's a different type ofpressure it's actually pressuresensitive you can see that little ringthere you can play around with it andagain this works on all 3d touchelements push a little bit more andthat's all based on pressure not basedon how long you hold your thumb thereyou can do the exact same thing on a XSMax with iOS 13 beta 2 and no matterwhat you do you can do this same thingbut it does not respond to pressure onthe iPhone XR I'll do the same thingand it's all based on how long you holdyour thumb they're not based on pressureso I don't know if Apple is going tobring true 3d touch back or not but thisdoes make all the features basically thesame across all devices this works thesame on an iPad now as well so you'vegot the haptic touch on all devices evenif you don't feel the little jiggle fromthe taptic engine when you press it soit's there but of course some people aregoing to be upset with 3d touch beinggone now let me know what you think inthe comments below do you think this isa bug or do you think they're justtrying to make everything Universalacrossall the different devices I tend tothink it's supposed to be universalacross the devices but if they bring 3dtouch back based on pressure I'd be veryhappy to see that let me know in thecomments below what you've found withthis of course I'll link this wallpaperin the description as I always do and ifyou haven't subscribed already pleasesubscribe and hit the notification bellif you'd like to see more and as soon asI upload the videos you'll get a littlenotification and if you enjoyed thevideo please give it a like as alwaysthanks for watching this is Aaron I'llsee you next time\n"