WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Are you ready to build a gaming PC?Well, you have clicked on the right video.Hello and welcome to our 2021,gaming PC tutorial,proudly sponsored by ourfriends here at Micro Center.By the end of this video,you should have everythingyou need to knowon not only picking out your components,but also how to put them togetherand build yourself thatsweet new gaming rig.Shall we get started?The first place to start,is with your processor.Now this is really the brain of the systemand it will impact,a lot of your performanceacross the board.And today we're gonna be taking advantage,of the Ryzen 5,5600X.Now of course,this has been an incrediblypopular processorand therefore it is notthe easiest to find.Although of course, we'll have links,to all of the components we're using,in the description of this video,but this is a great place to start.Now when it comes to buildingyourself a gaming PC,the gaming part is kind of importantand that is where, agraphics card comes in.Now in this case,we're going with the GigabyteAORUS MASTER RTX 3070.This is a high-end card.It's not incredibly over the top,like a 3090 or something would be,but this is a solid option.Especially if you wanna build something,in that, high,but not extreme kind of price category,which is what this wholebuild is all about.Now the next part,is a little bit more complicatedand it is your motherboard.So there are a bunch ofthings to keep in mindwhen choosing a motherboard,but the most basic version of it, is this.A motherboard is essentially the,mother-board that you connectall of your components to.First of all, you need to make sure,that it is compatible with your CPU.So you see a little AMD Ryzen logo here.This means that it will work,with our Ryzen 5 processor.But the other thing thatyou need to consider,is the actual chipsetand the features that are on board.So this is a B550 board,which means that it should,fully support everything,on our Ryzen 5 processor.So this is an ATX board.This is the standard size.You've got seven slots.You can load up like graphics card,you can throw in likeon network card, wifi,all kinds of stuff, includinga capture card, right.This is probably what most people,are gonna wanna go for.But for our purposes,the B550 AORUS MASTER is perfect.Next up, we have our memory,otherwise known as RAM.Now this is a little bit more simple.There are only two things,you really need pay attention to.Well, three,if you care about theaesthetic and the RGB.But two as far as the actualfunctional difference.First of all, 16 gigs I think,is a good sweet spot,for a lot of game PC builds.So this one is clocked at 3,600 megahertz.Which is a good sweet spot,for Ryzen both third and fifth generation.Obviously, you need tosave a couple bucks,you can go a little bit, lower than that.But that is the kit, thatwe've opted for here.So today we are gonna be using,probably the best SSD on the marketfor gamers right now,which is the Samsung 980 PRO.Not only is this gonna give youincredibly fast load timesbut also is gonna give you plentyof storage space as well.Now we've got all ofour shiny new componentsbut the only thing we're missing here,besides the case,is something to power them with.Which is where the aptly namedpower supply comes in.So this is the NZXT C750,which is what we're gonna use,for this system.When it comes to pickingyourself a power supply,there are a few things to keep in mind.First of all, is the wattage.Kind of self explanatory.The whole purpose, of the power supply,is to power your components.Now they do actually,come in a couple different sizes.So there are small form factor supplies.Those are usually only used,for very small form factor builds.Most of the time,you're gonna use a standard size ATX.But, if you take a lookon the back of this box,you'll see a little 80 plus gold badge.This is important.Now while, yes,we can certainly get acheaper 750 watt power supply.Those are generally not 80 plus ratedand you really wanna look,for that 80 plus rating.Now comes the fun part, the case.Now, this is really where youget to customize your system, right?So of course you can pick the actual levelof performance of your components.But the case is themost visual part, right?So this is very much gonna come down,to what you want yourgaming PC to look like.So this right here, isa mid tower ATX chassis.This is probably the most, common,sort of case you're gonna findand this will be able tofit all of our components.And then some we can add water cooling.We can do a lot of stuff,inside this chassis.Now before we finish up.There's one more item,that you may or may not need,which is a CPU cooler.Now, to clarify, you need a CPU cooler.The difference is,some processors actually come with,pretty decent stock heat sinks in the box.We're gonna go with the NZXT Kraken X53.Every case has different configurations,for, how big the radiator can be.How many fans it can support,what kind of locations,all that kind of stuff.This is a pretty safe bet.This should fit in most chassis.But before you pick up,any kind of liquid cooling,make sure it fits in your case.Before we continue,Micro Center has a very coolpromotion going on right now.Where you can get yourself,a free 32 gigabyte micro SD cardas well as a free 32 gigabyte USB stick.And when I say free, I mean free.Of course you have to pick it up in store.But other than that,check it out at thelink in the descriptionand what could be betterthan something free?Other than I don't know,maybe a, a free gaming PC tutorialon YouTube perhaps.Now comes the fun part.So before we actually get startedall you need to do,is make sure you have anice work area prepped.Get yourself a nice sized table.Just a hard surfaceand try not to build on carpet.For tools, you need exactly one thing,a Phillips screwdriver.Now I have my handy kit here,which is an electric screwdriver.I have a bunch of bits,but honestly this is notcompletely necessary.You have electric screwdriver.It's a little bit faster,but generally speaking,as long as you have aPhillips screwdriver.That is the, only tool,we will need to buildourselves a gaming PC.So the first step,is to start disassembling the case.You don't have to go completely crazyand every case is slightly different.So, for example the H510,has a nice tempered glass window.But all we do, is setthat off to the side.And then,if we wanna flip itaround to the backside,we can also remove,the couple of screws that are holdingthe back panel on.So with that, we have mucheasier access to the system.So this is the back of the system.So this is where we can install somethinglike a hard drive and SSD here.Now the nice thing,about what NZXT have done with this,is they actually havesome nice cable channels,which we will be takingadvantage of later.Fun fact, cable management.It's um, look,there's two schools of thought.You can,run it nice and neat,or you can jam it all inand no one ever,will ever look on the back of your system.It's up to you.The next step, of course,is gonna be installing our power supply.This is actually pretty straightforwardbecause really all we'regonna do for right now,is just put it inside the chassis,and screw it in.All the actual cable management,and stuff, will be done,after we're done puttingeverything else in.So you can see that there are,differently labeled components for things.Such as CPU, PCIe,which would be for graphics card,peripherals, SATA, motherboard, et cetera.Just keep in mind,that when you go for a modular supply,it just means that your cable management,can be a lot cleaner.You don't have to spend all kinds of time,tacking, 85 extra cables you don't need,in the back panel.You can just plug in what you need.One of the main cableswe're gonna always use,is a 20+4Pin.So you can see that it'sbroken up into two parts.So this is the part,that goes into the power supply.You can see it's broken up here.And then the end, is thisvery long cable like this.Motherboard 20+4 is right here.I set it down.All you do, is connect the,little part on the left side.And should just clipped right in.These all go in one way.If you could see the little clip,it'll only go in the one way.And then we'll connectto the other side, here.Push it in until we get a little click.There we go.This part, the PSU part,obviously it goes into our power supply.And then we have two,6+2Pin connectors.This is what powers the graphics card.And then, we'll just plug it in,just like we did before.And that will be anothercable ready to go.Next up, we have the CPU power connector.Now this will also go to the motherboard.I'll show you in just a little bit,but again, we wanna make surethat this is gonna be plugged in.For this, it's just as simple as,find the CPU tag, on our power supplyand plug in the PSU end into it,and that's one more.Now for our specific motherboardwe do actually need to plug in,a second, one of theseCPU power connectors.And once we get theclick, we're good to go.Now SATA is used for a few things.Traditionally it wasused for power supplies,going to your hard drives, right?So, you're using a standardold-school hard driveor a SATA based hard drive, or SSD.You use this, to power it.However these days,mostly what this is used for,is powering some of your RGB accessories,Hubs, all that kind of stuff.Specifically for uswe're gonna be using it to power our AIO.With our cables attached,to our power supply.Now it is time, toinstall it in the system.So for this system,we're gonna take our power supply.We're gonna face the fan upside down,facing toward the bottom of the system.We're gonna slide it into place.The most important thing is,we just wanna get thisroughly in position.If you look on the backside,you'll see, that it should line up.Something like that.And you'll see four screw holes.Take a closer look here.There should be one on pretty muchin each corner, right?So one, two, three,and four.Now it is time to grab,the little baggy of screwsthat came with your power supply.Again, the ones thatyou're not supposed to loseand start screwing it in.Now, when it comes to screwing,kind of any hardwareand this actually goes for not,just the power supplybut for some of the otherthings we're gonna do later.It pays to do it in a cross pattern.So don't just go to sort of,put everything in a circle instead.So we just started that top left.Now we're gonna go to the bottom right.So that we're evenly applying pressure.Now for this, you don't have to have it,super, super tight.As long as the power supply is not movingit shouldn't be a problem.So we can always come back throughand tighten things later.But with that,we have our power supply installed,and you have your first stepto building a gaming PC complete.Look at that.All right,now let's get into building,some of the more fun components.So for this, we're gonnawanna grab a few items.So first of all,we'll grab our memory, have that handy.Also grab yourself the M.2 SSD.Of course, if you're using a standard SSDyou can install that later.But for M.2,we'll go ahead and grab that right now.You'll also wanna grab your processor.So in this case, our Ryzen 5.And last but not least,we want our motherboard.Next step, is to unwrap the motherboard.Now with this, like I said,it is a piece of electronics,which is a little bit sensitiveto static electricity.Try not to grab it from the actual PCB.So you'll see that there'sa lot of like metal components here.It's not a big deal,but generally speaking,try to grab it by components,that are a little bit more durableultimately up to you.But once you actually have it outset it down on the box that it came in.So the first thing to start with,is the CPU socket.Now that's pretty much always,in the top middle of the board.Beside that,you're always gonna have your RAM.Now right to the, right of that.You'll see our 20+4Pin power.Now that is that big connector,that we connected, to the motherboard.So we'll be using that a little bit laterbut essentially that supplies power to,the vast majority, of yourvarious components on the board.Now, if you look on the top here,you'll have our CPU power connectors.Now again, every board is different.Sometimes you'll have four.Sometimes you'll have eight,this has eight plus four.So just keep that in mind.Not all power supplies,have capacity to do, say,12 pins of CPU power.You usually don't need that much,but it's on there.And if you have it,you should plug it in.Moving down the board,we also have ourselves a PCI slotor in this case, we have several.Now this is usually,where you'll plug in things like,well, first of all, your graphics card.So for the graphics card,you wanna plug that into the top slot,which in this case, isour shiny metal slot.Moving over to the right,you have USB 3.0.USB 3.0 is an annoying connector.I have broken this, many times.Now to the right of that.We have our front panel connected.Now, besides that,the only other thing wereally need to take a look at,is where we install our SSD.The only thing to keep in mind,is exactly which screw,you're going to use,to mount the SSD.So if you take a closer look here,you actually have three options here.So you see 42, 80 and 110.80 is by far the most common size of SSD.But if you ever have any kind of doubtyou can just sort of roughly measure it.And you see that,that lines up pretty much perfectly.So you'll see that it'sactually keyed on one side.So again, it will not go on the wrong way.And then you just have to line it up,with the slot,slide it in til it goes all the way.And that's pretty much it.The last step here,is there's a tiny, tiny little screw.Which again is usually included,with the motherboard.So this one was actually,already screwed into place.All we need to do,is use this to hold down the SSD.I'll just line up like this, screw it in.And that, is it.Before we put the little cover,that was covering up the SSD back in.If you flip it around,you'll actually see that it already has,a thermal pad already applied.Now we'll go ahead andremove the plastic here.Now this is not 100%necessary for all SSDsbut essentially thiswill just help to serve,as a heat sink, so theSSD won't get too warm.So we'll just slide it in like this.And then we're gonna gently,drop it right on top of that SSD.And then the screw in the back,should line up,and we can screw it right down into place.Before we install the CPU,there's just one thing we need to do.So if you come over to the socketyou'll see there's a little retention arm,on the side.Pull that out and up.It's literally all you need to doand it will get it all prepped.Pretty much the same processfor an Intel motherboard.Now we'll grab our CPU.Now with the CPU,be careful especially with an AMD CPU.Grab it from the side,that you can see the plastics,kind of already cut out there for you.So grab it from the side.And again, just donot touch those pins.Now, when it actuallycomes time to install it,there's a little gold arrow,on both the front as well as on the back.It's a little smaller on the frontand that is gonna,line up with the correspondingarrow on the socket, right?So in this case,it looks like we're putting it in,sort of sideways.But this is the correct orientation.When it comes time to install it,it's not that bad.Just be nice, smooth and careful.So just, we'll rest it in very gently,should just drop right into place.There we go.Don't push it.Don't force it, nothing like that.Once it's resting nicely in place,you take that arm you push it down,sometimes it's a littlebit firmer than others.But besides that, congratulations!You just installed yourself a CPU.Pat yourself on the back.Next up,let's install our memory.So in this case,we have two DIMMs of G.Skill Ripjaws.Now this board actually supports four,and that actually does matter.Less so again on Intel,usually it's a littlebit easier on that side.But for AMD,you actually wanna put these,into various specific slots.You'll see that about twothirds of the way down,there's a little notch.This notch again,surprise, surprise meansit goes in only one way.So then come over to the board,you'll see that there's a little notch,in each of the DIMM slots, right?Now, before we install it,you actually wanna make surethat you're installing it,into the correct slots.So again, for Intel,it doesn't make a massive difference.You just wanna have it paired up,in banks A or B.But for AMD, you wanna specifically put itin the far right slot.So if you take a look,it actually says it, on the board here.So you'll see that it hasa little diagram here.So it's A1, A2,B1, B2, going from left to right.You actually wanna,populate A2 and B2 first, right?So instead of puttingit in that first slot,I'm gonna put it in the second,and the fourth slot.All you do, is just take your memory.You line it up, in thecorrect orientation.So again, making surethat notch is gonna clear,and then once it looks all fine,take your thumbs on each sideand just firmly press until you hear,clicks.There you go.Got a second module,line it up, with our third slot.Again, keeping in mind,what the motherboardmanufacture recommends.And then again,we'll just line it up, make sure it works.And then, boom.Good, so with our system on its side,now it's time to drop the board in.Now, if you're using a motherboard,that does not have the pre-installed,IO shield, this is the timewhere you want to aheadand snap that in the back.But because our system already has ityou can pretty simply drop it in.So if you take a look insideyou'll see that for this systemwe already have all ofour standoffs, installed.So you see these littlestandoffs on the bottom,in the middle,as well as on the top.Now, because we have,a chassis thatalready has these installedand we're using an ATX board.It drops right in,we don't have to do anything.Traditionally, a lot of systems at least,will need you to install these yourself.It will come inside the little box,or bag of hardware thatcame with your system.So just keep an eye out for that.So now, we're just gonna gently,drop it into place.So it should pretty much be lined upwith the top of the chassis.So,drop it in here.Gonna be kinda hard to get in a camera,but essentially we're gonnamove the board forwarduntil we see that middle slotand there we go.It is installed.So once it's sitting on that peg,you should be able tosee all of your screws,through the standoff holes on the board.Some of the nice things,about the way the NZXT label their screws,is that they're well, labeled.So there are a few differentkinds of screws, that areincluded with the system.This is what we're gonna look for,specifically for the motherboard.You can tell really quickly,if you have the wrong screwbecause it won't tap in right?So, you know.From here, it's pretty straightforward.You just wanna take your screw.And in the same that we did before,we were going to do a cross pattern.We're gonna start with the bottom left,just 'cause that's the easiest to get at.And then we'll screw it into place.And then we'll grab our next screwand work all the way around.So for this board, there are,I believe a total of eight screws,one, two,three, four, five,six, seven eight screwsthat we need to attach.So, I'll see you in a minute,after I finish screwing all these in.Next up we have our CPU cooling.Now this is the part of the tutorial,that's actually gonna vary the most,based on your specific build.So if you're using an air cooler,you're gonna use an entirely differentkind of instructions for it.Honestly, even if you're usingthe stock cooler that comes with it,it's gonna be pretty simple.Don't feel like you have to go outand do liquid cooling.But, that's the the main reason why,I'm using this AIO,because they're incredibly popular.I wanna give you a little bit of an idea,of how I to install it.Thankfully, this is actuallyfairly easy to do on an AMD motherboard.So if you come over here,I've already removed.There's a little plastic piece on the topand on the bottom of the CPU.So go ahead and remove that.But I would only do the first one, right?Leave that other one there,because there's a back plate on the backand that way it won't fall.Right, so with two of these removed,all I need to do, is pull out,there's a little baggy that says AM4.You'll pull out the standoffsand you'll start screwing them, into placeNow with this,you just wanna do a finger tightnot to get it super, supercranked down or anything.And then once I have these two into place,I will then remove this topplastic component, dude.Oh, we're deep in the tutorialand am calling things dudes.I've ran out of words.Once we have these standoffs in place,we're ready to actually begin,putting the AIO into place.And if you take a look at it,what we actually have here,are a few different components.So we have obviously the fans,these are kind of important.You also have a baggy of the hardwareso we'll have some short screws,some long screwsand some washers we'lluse that in a minute.But the most important component here,really is gonna be the AIOand the pump as well.So this is the radiator.So what you can do,is think about this as,where we're gonna removeall of that heat, right?Now for this, the first thing to learn,is just how the airflow works, right?So if you look at the fan,this is the front, right?So air is coming into this side.If you flip it around,you'll see the actual like frame of it,as well as the cable.This is where air's coming out of.So we have two of our fans.Now, before we mount these,there are different ways to do itbut this actually makes it easy.So if you come take a look at this.I actually have a little platethat I can remove, right?So not all cases are gonna have this,but this is essentially a bracket.So the way we're gonna do it, is simple.So we're gonna start withour fan facing inward.Then we're gonna have our plate.And then we're going to put our actual,radiator,on top.Now the only thing we need to do here,before we get started,is just pull out our hardware.So that is where we're gonna usethese long screws.As well as you're gonna use washers.So once you just sortof slot that through,if I flipped the entire thing overand make sure it's all alignedit should just go straight in.It doesn't have to be super tight.Honestly, you may needto wiggle things around,to make sure that the second fan fits,but that's on there.Now we'll take another screw.We'll take another washer.And again, we'll use the cross pattern,to attach it on the bottom.Having a plate that removeslike this makes this a lot simpler,because some cases,you'll kinda have to belike, crouched in here,and you're like, trying to screw itfrom the top and from the side.Obviously you've got this whole thingdangling from the bottom.So you wanna be a little careful.So that is pretty much,what it's gonna look like.So we have our fan on that sideand then, this is gonna live,something like that.So once you've confirmed,this actually all fits,we can go ahead and take it back outand finish screwing the rest of it in,and get these fans nice and tight.Now comes the fun part.Let's install the pump,and then the, CPU isessentially gonna be done.Couple of things to learn here.First of all,there are different retention bracketsthat will hold it in, right?So we've removed all the plastic.So again, just don't touch that part.This is the one, for AM4, it's labeledand the instructions.It's taller and narrower,so it's a little more oflike a rectangular shape.And to put it on you just line it up,and rotate it, right?I think, that should be fine.We can obviously try to get these bendsto be a little bit cleaner.Keep in mind that everysystem's gonna be different.Sometimes this looks a little ugly,so, don't be in a huge rush.Think about, if there'sa way to get it in there,slightly smoother.Last thing to consider,there are a couple of different things,that need to be plugged in.So you have the cables they're included,but again when youdecide which orientationyou'll put it in.Just consider that you have two cablescoming out one side.So, you know, try actuallyrunning it across,half the system if you can.If there's a way to like,rotate to the right andtuck it around whatever.Once you're ready,grab yourself your screw, line it up,and we're gonna be good to go.One, two, three, fourand then I will do them finger tight.Don't worry about getting itsuper tight at the moment.Again, very important.Do it cross pattern.So I'm gonna keep pressureon the middle hereand I'm gonna line it out, right here.But basically just sort of,evenly apply pressure.And you actually wanna go all the wayaround a couple of times.To make sure,that that thermal pasteis spreading out nice and neatly.Now don't worry about our cables,we're gonna move that alittle bit out of the waybut let me find my screwdriver.And what we'll do is,we'll just tighten that up.Again just go around a couple times,nice and slow.So you're evenly applying that pressureand we're pretty much done.We're gonna have the AIO installed.Got that liquid action, my friends.So when it comes to cable management,one of the nice thingsabout this NZXT case,is they've actually donea lot of the work for you.So you see, yes, youhave cable channels here,as well as the little like Velcro ties,to hold them down.And so once you start running thingsit's actually pretty straightforward.So I always like to startwith that 20+4Pinmotherboard power connector.And you'll see here,that what we've got is,we actually have a channel,which is pretty much perfectly labeled,although I will get thatpart out of the way.So all we do,is just drop this right in here.We'll rotate it up hereand, we can even go aheadand Velcro it down just for the moment.And then once it comes out herewe just need to pull it through,to the front of the case.So don't worry aboutgetting things too neat.But if I turn it around,you'll see that now it is caught up,pretty much in the perfect spot.So again, there's a little notch hereso it's only gonna go in one way.I'll rotate it around.And,there we go,press it in, boom.Connected and importantly,it's nice and clean.You can hardly see it at allfrom the front.Next let's install our CPU power.So again, there's anothercable channel back here.So we'll deal with theexcess there in a little bit.So we have ourselves,our CPU number oneand we have our, CPU number two.So if you look all the way up here,on the top left of the board,like I was showing you earlier.There's our 8Pin as wellas our 4Pin for the power.So these have already been right out here,so I'll just drop my light down here,and just plug it in.Again, it's 4Pin,so it's only gonna go in one way.Yeah, the only problem is,that fan is in the way, isn't it?Hey, hey, hey,well this is gonna be tight.Apologies, it's kind ofhard to show on camera,but essentially, you can see thatwe've got everything plugged in here.So now we'll come around backand start grabbing some ofour cables from the case.So I've gone over someof these on the board.So this one is our HD audio.Self-explanatory it goesinto the audio jack.We have this little guy, which is USB-C.Now, not all cases have thisand not all motherboards have this.So in fact, our motherboard,does not support USB-Cbut you plug that in here.This is that USB 3.0,I was telling you about.This connector is terriblebut it will do the job aslong as you're careful.And then one of thenice things about NZXT,is they have your front panelsall on one little block.First up, I have my audio.So just like a whole of these thingsI feel like I'm a broken record here.You'll see that it is nine pins,with one knocked out.Which means it's only gonna go in one way.And I'm gonna rotate aroundand plug it into my audio port,right here on the bottom left,of the motherboard.So now I'm gonna route my USB 3.0and that one does have the notch.So it goes in the one way.So we'll just rotate it aroundand slide it right into place.Just be firm with it, push it in,make sure it's all the way seatedand try never to touch it again.Now we have the fun part,which is our front panel, little header.This, is gonna be far simpler than usualbecause I literally have to,just line it upand plug it directly in.Now they did give you that little cheater,in case your board is different.But I think this all should line out.And, if I plug it then like this,hopefully, that'll be everything.Coming back to the cablesthat came with ourall-in-one liquid cooler.You'll see that this is the part that goesinto the actual cooler.So it'll be mountedright here on the side.And then it has all kindsof fun goodies to plug into.So we have a pump header.This will go to the motherboard.You'll see it's three pins,with a notch on either side.You'll also see we have this little guy,as well as we have our SATA power.Grabbing my splitterthat came with the AIO.I'm gonna take my 4Pin fan header.You can see right here,it's got the two notches.I'm gonna plug it into my CPU fan.Now that is gonna go right on the top.And then I'm gonna route the restof that cable through the back.And we'll deal with that in just a second.And I'm also going to at the same timerun the cable for the pump.So, with the little,10Pin connector that came with our AIO.We're gonna now, plug that into the side.It should just clip right in.And then with that,we have a bunch of these cables,which we can route around.But this little 3Pin,that is gonna go into ourCPU optional connector,which is right up here.So, now we have both of them connected.You just need to routethese two extra cablesthrough to the back of the system.And I'm gonna use that same little holein the top of the chassis,to make it as neat as possible.Now we're gonna plug that micro USB cable,that we also got with the AIOand, should plug-in one way.And then I'm gonna pull theslack through on the back.Now, we have a couple ofthings to connect back herebefore we move on.So, first of all, we have the fans.So we have our two, fan, headers.Or fan cables,that came from the two fans in the front.We wanna connect these,to that little extensionthat we ran earlier, right?So it should be pretty straightforward.So we'll just plug it in,they're a notch so, yet again,there's only one way to plug them in.So that's one,and this is,two boom, easy enough.Now beyond that,we also have one morecable we need to look for,which is that SATA power.So this is what's gonna power the pumpand that can plug in to,the SATA power from our power supply.So again, very simple.Well, we'll dealwith cable management in a minute,we just wanna make sureit actually POSTs first.So plug that in,again because it is notched,it goes in exactly one wayand we are getting a lot closer.Next let's take the USB 2.0 header,from that micro USBcable we just plugged in,to the side of the pump.We're gonna run that down.I'm just gonna run itthrough this cable channel here.Again, we'll kind ofclean things up later,once we know that it all works.And no we'll route it back outin the front.Pull it out here,and plug it right into themotherboard USB 2.0 header.That way, you can easily change stufflike the RGB lighting andwhatnot on the system.So we have the two fansthat came in the case,that we now need to pluginto the motherboard.So I've reached around to the back.Now this is gonna vary basedon where the fan headersare in your motherboard.So I've routed mine, over to the side hereand I'm gonna plug that rightinto the system fanheader on the right side.So that will be one.And then I will grab the second one,which has also already been run.And that, can run, right beside it.That my friends,is almost a fully completed gaming PC.There may be one thing missing though,the graphics card.Which we've saved the best for last,because trust me, thisis not the hard part.So this is our RTX 3070.Now it's fairly straightforwardkind of installationjust a couple of things to keep in mind.Obviously we have our fans,pretty straightforward.Down here in the bottom is our PCI slots.So this is the actual connector,that goes inside the PCI slot,on the motherboard, right?So it slides right in.On the back,these are all of our variousdisplay outs.They usually have theselittle plastic protectorsand I just get rid of all these.This is where you find your HDMIs,your DisplayPorts.Older graphics cards willhave like DVI and whatnot.But this is what is going to go outthe back of the case.Now this is something that is gonna vary,based on what case you're using.But you can see that we needto install it right here.Now, sometimes you canjust remove the littlescrews holding the PCI cover.For this though, we actually have two,little like screws holding a plate in.Take off this little plateand then we get easy access to the screws.The only thing to do here,is just make sure you're actuallytaking out the right screws.Which is not as easy as it might seem,because before,you always just put it in the top slot.If you actually look inside this case,our PC has slots actuallyon the second, right?So if I line it up just to make sure,we should see something like this.Which would yes, mean thatwe need to take the secondand the third PCI cover out.Now, it is as simple asgrabbing your graphics card,lining it up, with where itneeds to go on the motherboard.Just keep in your mind that,you do need to go directlyinto that top slot.Or the top most 16 X slot.So we'll line it up thereand then just press it until it clicks.There we go.Now, because this isa heavy graphics card.I would recommend keeping a hand on itwhile you screw it into place.Because otherwise it'snot gonna wanna stay.So now I'm gonna run ourtwo 6+2 PCIE power cables,from the power supplyand simply plug them into the card.Usually they're gonna be onthis sort of leading edge.Sometimes there'll be on the backbut just depends on the card.And with that, we just kindof pinch them together.So if you're using 8Pins like this,just make sure it kind of snaps.Otherwise it will not wanna,well, it'll fight you,it'll fight you on the way in.And now, we have built ourselves,a gaming PC.Though sure,there might be some cables that need tobe cleaned and whatnot.Well, at this point,we're actually readyto make sure the powersupply is flipped on.Plug everything in andsee if it actually works.And if it doesn't start troubleshooting.The moment of truth is here.So we've plugged in HDMIto our graphics card.We've plugged in our power supply,made sure it's on.And plugged in our mouse and keyboard.Now, let's press the power buttonand hope it works.Hey, all right.So we have one, two fan spinning.We have the fans on the AIO spinning,the graphics card is, graphics cardingwith our little display.We have our AIO on,we're running through codes.And then if we give it a few seconds,we should see somethingpop up on the display.So we have, our Ryzen 5 5600X.I will say one of our memorymodules is not showing up.So I'll just tryand reseat that in a second.We have our 980 pro SSDand we have our four fanseven though it shows upas three because we have it all connected.All right.So with that, I'm gonna make surethat RAM module isproperly seated and we havesuccessfully built ourselves a gaming PC.From here,go ahead and turn it off.Do a little bit of cable management,tie some things up in the back,get Windows installing.And you've successfullybuilt yourself a gaming PC.So thank you very muchfor watching, please.If you found thistutorial, helpful subscribeto the channel because we doa lot of PC builds like this.And again, if you wanna check outany of the components thatwe used for this build,the links will be in the descriptionfrom our wonderful sponsor Micro Centerwho graciously allowed meto crash their spot all day long,as I showed you how to build a computer.Anyway, thank you very much for watching.We'll see you next time.