The Google I/O conference is always a highlight of the tech world's calendar, and this year was no exception. The latest Android updates were unveiled, along with some exciting new features and hardware announcements.
One of the most significant announcements was the Pixel 3A, which is the budget-friendly version of the flagship Pixel 3 smartphone. But how does it compare to its more expensive cousin? Let's take a closer look at what makes the Pixel 3A tick.
So, when we first saw the specs of the Pixel 3A, we were excited. It has a Snapdragon processor, which is basically the same as the one found in the flagship Pixel 3. However, this means that even though it has a powerful processor, it probably won't have exactly the same performance as the more expensive model.
But how does this affect the real-world usage of the phone? We did some tests and played around with it, and the results were pretty impressive. The camera on the Pixel 3A is very sharp, with features like Night Sight that make it a great option for low-light photography.
First impressions of the Pixel 3A are good, right? It seems to be really close to the standard Pixel 3 in terms of performance, but we don't want to jump to conclusions just yet. We need to spend some more time with it to see if it truly lives up to its promise.
If they nail the camera on this phone, that would be a killer feature for the Pixel 3A. The Pixel is always known for its amazing camera capabilities, and at $400, this is an incredibly compelling value proposition. I mean, who wouldn't want to buy a phone with some of the best image quality available?
The Google I/O conference also announced some significant security and privacy updates, which is music to our ears. We recently did a video pointing out some of the questionable policies that Google has been using related to privacy, and it's great to see them taking steps to address these concerns.
It wasn't entirely unexpected, but it was still nice to see Google take action on this issue. And speaking of taking action, we did get lucky by posting our video just before the company announced their new approach to privacy. It seems like they watched our video and took notice!
The main selling point for the Pixel 3A is that you're getting a very similar experience to the standard Pixel 3, but at half the price. And honestly, that's hard to argue with. The phone is definitely not without its flaws, though. In terms of overall build quality and specs, it doesn't quite compare to other flagships like the iPhone XR or Galaxy S10e.
However, when you factor in the software experience, which includes the camera and the Android operating system, that's where the Pixel 3A really shines. And speaking of camera capabilities, the Redmi Note 7 Pro is a $200 phone that offers better specs and a solid 48-megapixel camera. But can the Pixel 3A outperform it in terms of camera quality? That remains to be seen.
The price point for the Pixel 3A is incredibly competitive, which makes it an interesting option in the market. It's going to be exciting to see how well this phone stacks up once we spend some more time with it and put its camera and software capabilities to the test.
If you enjoyed this video, make sure to smash that notification bell, because Ken and I got up at 3 o'clock this morning to make this video for you. And if you wanna make Ken happy, you know what to do – click that bell!
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin!And today we're here in Mountain Viewfor Google's annual I/O conferencewhere they've announcedthe brand new, cheaperGoogle Pixel 3A.Now this phone has leaked,and leaked, and leaked.I mean, the first time we saw thiswas back in December,and this even last weekwas on sale at Best Buybefore it was even actually announced.So, we got the Pixel3A a little bit early,so right as we got to GoogleI/O they handed it to us.And uh, that's me.- Yours is more flattering than mine.Check mine out, guys.(Austin laughs)Biggest eyes I've ever seen.- Now what makes thisspecial is the price.So the Pixel 3A starts at just $400and the Pixel 3A XL is $480.Now sure, that's notdirt cheap or anything,but around half the priceof the standard Pixel 3,that is a big, big difference.And really the main idea here is thatyou're really not losing a lotwhen you go down in thatmuch lower price bracket.It was not long ago thata flagship phone costfive, maybe 600 dollars.However in the last couple yearswe've seen some majorchanges on that front.I mean, you're talking aboutthe iPhone that's $1,000,the Galaxy S10 which cango well above $1,000.I mean, even the standardPixel 3 starts at 800 bucks,and can stretch all the way up to, what,like 950 bucks or something?Now it's cool to see high-end phonesthat are really pushing the boundariesof what we can do with tech,but not everyone wants to spend $1,000or even $2,000 in thecase of some of thesehigh-end folding phones.Something like the Pixel 3A which deliversa very similar experience for somethingthat's much more reasonable,I do think does make a lotof sense for most people.I mean really, for thevast majority of peoplewho are watching this video right now,if you're buying a two tofour hundred dollar phone,you're getting 90% the experienceof a much more expensive flagship.And that is definitely a good thing.I have a question.- Yes sir?- What do you think about a $400 Pixel 3A?And should someone actually buy it?- Um, it depends, it depends on--- Does the fact thatI'm putting a microphonestraight in your face withoutyou having any warningchange your opinion here?- No, it doesn't but it'svery close to my mouth.- That's how you're supposedto use a microphone.- Is that true?- Ken, is that true?- Yes.- Yes.- But I don't know if somebodyshould buy this or not,I think it's, I think it's legit.- You heard it here first.- Legit.- Hi, friend.- Hey, how's it going?Hey, what's up?- I'm putting the microphoneuncomfortably close to people.- I know, it's very, it's like,I don't know what I'm supposed to,am I supposed to lick it?Um, I'm liking the cameras,been playing around with the camerasfor the past couple of days.Uh, for that price point,I think that's the biggest selling point.- I gotta say, after lookingat all of the other colors,the black does look kind of boring.But there's a lot more thePixel 3A than just the color.Especially there's a lot moreto it than just the looks.So to get to this lower price point,one of the main cuts hereis the build quality.As opposed to it being madeout of metal and glass,it is all plastic.Now, they've actually done apretty good job of hiding this.So the back finish feels almost identicalwith the sort of mattefinish on the bottomand the sort of theglossier finish on top.When you look at it on the sideit is very clear thatthis is a plastic phone,and that's a little bitof a concern at $400.If it survives theJerryRigEverything test maybe,I don't know, it givesme a little bit of pause.It certainly doesn't feel quite as premiumwhen you hold it on theside, I mean it's just,it's just glossy blackplastic, it's not...- No!What are you, I'm notgonna JerryRigEverything itright here in front of the stage,this phone got announced like twenty-five,like, twenty minutes ago?Aw man, it bends really easy.Mmm.No, I'm not gonna do that.Now, there's no wireless chargingor any kind of official water-resistance,but both the 3A as well asthe 3A XL don't have a notch.Now this does look alittle dated to be honest,especially when you considerthat a lot of other phonesin this price pointhave tiny notches, but,on the other hand you don'thave the Pixel 3 XL's notch,so yeah.You know one thing the 3Adoes have, a headphone jack!Yes my friends, Google's decidedto bring back the headphonejack on the lower end models.Which is a really interesting decision.I guess because there's really no reasonnot to include it, butthen if that's the casewhy didn't they include iton the higher end models?Anyway, also what you do get, thankfully,are also stereo speakers.Now, it's really loud here,so I actually really haven'tbeen able to test themall that much, but the factthat we do have stereo speakersas well as the headphonejack is awesome on a phone,well pretty much any phone, but especiallysomething with a $400 price point.There are actually veryfew differences betweenthe Pixel 3A as well as the XL.The main difference is thatthe XL has a larger 6-inchdisplay compared to 5.6 inchesas well as this has a bigger battery.3,700 million amp-hours as well as 3,000,but besides that they are prettymuch the exact same phone,same cameras, same specs,all that kind of stuff.Now, you are missing outon the spec side of things.So inside, you'll find aSnapdragon 670 processor,as opposed to the 845 on the Pixel 3,as well as the 855 on alot of high-end flagshipssuch as the Galaxy S10e, aswell as the S10 and well,most everything else.So the interesting thing about thisis that they're really banking on the ideaof software beingincredibly well optimized.Now the Pixel line is kindof interesting for thatbecause a lot of timesthey're incredibly fastwhen you first get them, and yetthe Pixel 3 has certainlyhad some issues with sort ofthat long-term liability ofit actually staying fast.So we'll have to see how well things gobut at least at first glance it does seemto be pretty reasonably snappyand it does have that samefour gigs of RAM, althoughyou are limited to only 64gigs of storage on this guy.Really the star of theshow here is the camera.So Google has claimed that thisis a very, very similar experienceto what you will findon the standard Pixel 3.As far as I can tell the hardware itself,so the lens, the sensor, theoptical image stabilization,is all pretty much identical here.The main difference is goingto be on the software sideas well as on the processing sidebecause it does not havethat same Snapdragon CPU,which means that even thoughit has a Snapdragon processor,it probably won't have theexact same performance.So when we've done a few testsand kinda played around with it,we have gotten pretty similar results.It's a very sharp camera,you do have thingssuch as Night Sight, but thisis really the main questionof whether or not will it actually havethat super high-end camera performance.First impressions seems to be good, right?It seems to be really close, butI don't really feel comfortable sayingoh, it's the exact same as the $800 Pixeluntil I have a little bitmore time to play with it.But if they nail thecamera, this is absolutelythe killer feature of the Pixel 3A.I mean, it really is kind ofthe main feature of the Pixel in general.So if you're talking aboutsomething that's 400 bucksthat has some of the best image qualityof any smartphone you can buy,that is an incrediblycompelling value proposition.I'm cold, can you tell that?When you come to a Google event,you have to come prepared, right?I walked in they're likehey Austin how's it going,here's a badge, here's a hat, I'm like,thank you very much, I'm gonna wearthat hat for my entire video.Is it difficult to listen to a guywho's wearing a propellerhat as he tells youto buy very expensive technology?I don't think so, seemsreasonable enough to me.Also, speaking of some of the stuffthey announced here at I/O,is a lot of security and privacy updates.So we literally justdid a video pointing outsome of the slightly questionable policiesthat Google has related to privacy.So it's actually really nice to seethat just a couple days after that video,obviously they watched itand changed their entire business modelto kinda support privacy better.Or we just got lucky and posted our videoright before it was completely obsolete.(laughs)- What, what do you mean?Really, the main sellingpoint with the Pixel 3Ais that for half the priceof the standard Pixel 3,you're getting a very similar experience.And I mean, that's kindof hard to argue with.Now, it has been nosurprise that the Pixel 3has not been the strongest seller.It was a Pixel that very muchkind of bumped up the priceand for a lot of people itwasn't super well received.I mean I think a lot of peopledo consider the Pixel 3 to be a good phonebut the sales reallyhaven't backed that up.So it does make a lot ofsense that Google would goon a lower-end option with the Pixel 3Aand bring as many of thesehigh-end features as possible,and it seems like they'vedone a pretty good job.It's easy to comparethis to something likethe iPhone XR, or the Galaxy S10e,both of which are kind of likethe budget versions of the flagships,but this really doesn't quite compete.I mean, first of allit's like half the priceof both of those phones, sothat kinda makes it difficult.And on top of that it is avery much lower-end phoneas far as the specs andthe build quality goes.Really, the main thingthat this has in commonwith other Pixels is of coursethe software experience,as well as the camera.Besides that, it's a plastic Android phonewith mid-range specs, I meanit's decent, it's solid,but it really does comedown to that softwareas well as that camera experience.I mean the Redmi Note 7 Prothat we did a video on recentlyis $200, so half the price of this,and it has better specs as well asa pretty solid 48 megapixel camera.Now is this going to out-performit on that camera side,and maybe on the software side?Pretty positively, I mean,it's stock Android and it's super smooth,but it's still a huge,huge amount of competitionwhen you can get a phonewhich is, on paper,even better than this in alot of ways for a lot cheaper.And also, it's not made of plastic, so.This price point really is anincredibly competitive market,and it is going to be interesting to seejust how well the Pixel 3A stacks uponce I spend a little bit more timewith stuff like the camera and whatnot.So if you enjoyed this video,make sure to smash that notification bell,because Ken and I got up atthree o'clock this morningto make this video for you,and if you wanna make Kenhappy, you know what to do.The bell.I'm guilting you intoclicking the bell right now.